Colliding with Malfoy

By dracoxspirit

84.2K 1.9K 238

Harry the boy who lived also has a twin sister who you-know-who never touched that night. When the Potter twi... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8: Draco's POV
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12: Dracos POV
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24 (Draco POV)
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33 (Draco POV)
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41 Draco POV
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
part 47
thank you guys 🥺

Part 28

983 26 0
By dracoxspirit

                 It was our last week of classes before the holidays. We were going to meet Saturday for the last night with Harry until after the holidays. Everyone had been getting so much better, Harry had been a better teacher than most of the teacher we had for defense against the dark arts. I had came and sat in Divination. I usually sat with Neville however he was sitting with Luna I didn't want to interrupt he seems to fancy her I'm happy for him. Even tho Draco was in there he always sat with Crabbe and Goyle. I should have known he'd sit with me, Marcus. "Is it okay if I sit here?" I nodded. I really didn't want him too but he had been being cool about this whole just friends things. He'd talk to me a lot more than especially during our meetings with Harry. I could still tell he had a crush on me just by the way he looked at me. "What are you plans for the holidays?" He asked me. "We'll spend them with Ron's family, you?" I asked. "I'll spend them with my family, we usually see our entire family during Christmas." I smiled thats nice. "Do you have siblings?" I asked. "Yes I have a little brother he's only 4 though he's always excited when I come home though." I smiled "that's sweet, I'm happy you get to see everyone over break." We stopped talking for a minute to hear what Professor Trelawney was saying. "I honestly don't listen in here half of the time." I said. He laughed "Me either, I'm not sure if I'll take this class again." I nodded "me either, more of a blow off class too me." Before anything else was said Umbridge came in. I rolled my eyes. "Everyone this class will be dismissed early today if you could all report to the great hall for lunch," I was confused why would Umbridge really be letting us out early. I got my stuff and started to head for the great hall. Marcus caught up with me. "That's strange I wonder what's going on," he said. I shrugged "Me too," I made it to the great hall and sat in our normal spot it was empty in there since the only students in the great hall right now. Draco was sitting in his normal spot he was smiling at me. His smile quickly went away when Marcus started to sit by me. "I figured I could keep you company until your friends got here," I nodded. "Okay," I would have much rather snuck off with Draco somewhere then be talking to him. I feel bad for feeling that way he's always so nice. "I'm not too mad about getting out of that class early." He laughed. "Yeah me either." I felt like this conversation was getting awkward because he seemed nervous for some reason. "What class do you have after lunch?" He was just trying to make small talk now. "Potions," I said "I like that class the professor not so much he doesn't like anyone who's not Slytherin," I nodded. "Yeah he's definitely something," I laughed. "So I wanted to tell you what I overheard in the Ravenclaw commons room," I was all ears now I guess cause I'm nosey. "Yes?" He looked around as if someone shouldn't hear us. "Cho was talking about Harry to some of her friends, talking about how she fancy's him." This made me smile. "Really? Harry's been fancying her for a while." This actually made me really happy. "Harry deserves some happiness after everything that's been going on." I said. "You do too Kaylee," he added. I really didn't know what to say. It stayed quite for a moment. "I'm sorry I didn't mean..." I cut him off. "It's fine Marcus there's nothing to be sorry for, just my life is complicated right now." Before we could say anything else we saw all the students rushing outside. "What is that about?" We got up and went too, I caught up with Harry "what's going on?" He shook is head "I'm not sure," we noticed professor Trelawney was standing with all her stuff around her and Umbridge was talking to her. "You can't do this Hogwart's is my home," Trelawney said. Professor Mcgonagall came running out and gave Trelawney a hug. "Something to say professor?" Umbridge asked her. "Oh there is a lot I'd like to say," Mcgonagall added. Than Dumbledore came out. "You may have control over who can teach here however, you cannot kick her out of Hogwart's that still lies with the Headmaster. Professor Mcgonagall can you escort her back in." Umbridge was not happy however I was glad she didn't get her way.

              After class I had gotten an owl from Draco he wanted to see me, I headed toward the room of requirement.  "Hello," I said once I walked in Draco was sitting down he didn't look very happy. "What's wrong?" He was quite. I sat beside him. "My father." He all he said. I could only imagine having a father like his, I wouldn't be very happy either. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked. He shook his head. "I wrote my father.... telling him there's been a lot of talk here about you know... him being back, and he got mad. Told me we'd talk about it over break but that I needed to stop being so foolish. He didn't say it that nice though, he never wants to listen to me however at home he never shuts up about Harry Potter." He had never told me about his dad talking about Harry a lot however I've assumed this for a while ever since Dobby tried to keep me from coming to Hogwarts our second year. "I hate that your father can be like that I'm sorry..." he sighed. "Honestly ever since last school year he hasn't been himself, I'm not sure why." I can take a guess maybe since his father is a death eater but I'm not going to tell him that. "I'm sorry, I understand..." I gave him a hug. "He just takes out everything on me, I'm just never the perfect son I guess." I hated that he felt this way. "Well I don't see what your father sees because when I see you, I see a very handsome and intelligent boy, if your farther can't see that, that's his own fault not yours." I felt bad, I felt as if Draco acted the way he did sometimes because of his father. He gave me a smile "you really think that?" I laughed "well of course." He kissed my cheek. "Well, your opinion of me is the only one I really care about anyways." This made me smile. "Well of course mines the most important anyways," I laughed. He rolled eyes. "I would like to know why that Ravenclaw kid wants to always sit by you, makes me so mad." He crossed his arms. "I just try and be nice... I don't ask him to sit there but I feel bad for being rude, if he ever tried anything funny I'd tell you." He huffed. "You better, I still don't like him." I laughed. "Jealous much?" He sighed. "Yeah it's hard seeing all these people be able to talk to you whenever they want too but we always have to hide." He seemed pretty upset when he said that. "Yeah I know I hate it too..." He interrupted me. "You don't understand I have to stop myself daily from giving a hug each morning when I see you, I have to stop myself from sitting by you in each class, or even wanting to hold your hand between each class, and walk to the next class. I literally hate having to keep us a secret I know it's what we have to do but it kills me." I knew it bothered him but I didn't know it bothered him this bad. "So when I see someone like that Ravenclaw boy talk to you and get to sit with you in class and no one questions it, I get jealous but I know if I did that everyone would think you're completely mad." He wasn't wrong. "Well it doesn't matter, because I'm completely yours. Even if we do have to hide. You shouldn't be jealous because you should" always remember I'm yours." I have him a small kiss. "Just remember that next time you feel yourself getting jealous or upset." He nodded. "Okay." He said kissing my forehead. "What are you doing for Christmas?" He asked. "I'm going to spend it with the Weasley's." He nodded. "I hope you have a good time," I smiled. "I usually do with them I've never really had a Christmas with a family before them, they always make us feel like family." He nodded. "That's good you deserve it." He said.

     We sat there until 10:00 pm just talking until we realized how late it was. "Wow, we better get going to bed soon." I said. "Yeah we really should time passes by so fast when we are hanging out," he laughed. "It really does though." We got up and started to leave as we got into the hallway we heard someone coming so we quickly hid. As they closer I realized it was Harry, Ron, and Professor Mcgonagall. "What the bloody hell," I whispered to Draco before I ran up to them. "What's going on?" I asked Ron. "Bloody hell, where did you come from," I shrugged. "Harry had a bad dream... about my dad." I could hear the sadness in Ron's voice as he was telling me. I didn't say anything else until we got to Dumbledore's office. Dumbledore kept asking Harry about his dream, but he wouldn't answer any of Harry's questions he was telling people to go warn of Mr.Weasley's attack. Harry got so aggravated he yelled at Dumbledore. "LOOK AT ME," I've never heard Harry talk to him like this ever. "What is happening to me," he asked. Snape walked in after this. "You wished to see me?" He asked. They started talking about how they couldn't wait until morning. I wasn't sure what was going on, the Weasley's left to go be with their mom. Harry was taken with Snape. I was going to leave when Dumbledore stopped me. "Your brother is going to be fine, Snape is going to help him." I nodded. "Now go to bed, straight to your bed don't make any stops to," he whispered "Malfoy," I nodded. "Yes Professor," I said as I walked out of his office. Once I made it to the Gryffindor commons room I knew I wasn't going to be able to sleep. I stay in there and waited for Harry. I wanted to make sure he was okay. I waited what seemed like forever, nearly the next morning. Finally Harry came in he looked exhausted. I jumped up and gave him a hug. "Are you alright?" He was quite for a moment. "I think so," he said which wasn't very reassuring. "What did he do?" He continued to stay quite. "He was trying to get me to control my thoughts.... before... before Voldemort realizes he can get into my head." I gave him another hug. "I'm sorry this is happening to you." I said he gave me a hug back. "I just want to try and sleep..." he said I nodded he went up to his bed and I went to mine, I already told myself I wouldn't be going to class today until lunch.

         I finally woke up 30 minutes before lunch, I got myself dressed really quick and went to see if Harry had woken up yet. He was still sleeping so I thought I'd let him sleep he hardly gets any sleep anyways. By the time I got gotten out of the dorms everyone was being let out of class to go to lunch. I was walking down some stairs when I seen Draco looking at me, he was smiling so much. He pointed towards the room, and went to walk that way so I followed. I made sure no one seen me walk in. Before I could even get the door fully shut he was giving me a hug. "When I see you, Potter, and all the Weasley's gone I thought you left without getting to say bye." He was squeezing me so tight. I started to laugh, "I'd make sure to tell you bye somehow unless it was a huge emergency." I hugged him back. "Is everything okay?" I sighed. "It's a long story... but I think everyone is going to be okay," he nodded. "If you want to talk about it we can." He added. I really didn't want to talk about it with him because it involved... talking about Voldemort again. "Okay," he gave me a kiss on the cheek. "I'm sure you're hungry we can try to meet after classes?" I nodded. We both left for the great hall.

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