Colliding with Malfoy

By dracoxspirit

84.2K 1.9K 238

Harry the boy who lived also has a twin sister who you-know-who never touched that night. When the Potter twi... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8: Draco's POV
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12: Dracos POV
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24 (Draco POV)
Part 25
Part 26
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33 (Draco POV)
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41 Draco POV
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
part 47
thank you guys 🥺

Part 27

1K 29 7
By dracoxspirit

It was the next week, we were eating lunch and Neville ran in the great hall. "Guys!" He whispered but it was loud at the same time. "Yes?" Hermione asked. "I know where we can go, and practice without getting caught." This surprised me. "Let's go." We all got up and went to follow Neville. It didn't take me long to realize where we were going.... Neville had found the room of requirement. This couldn't be good.... the door came up, but it look different than when I got to see Draco the door was bigger, way bigger. We walked in "wow," Harry said. "This is perfect," Ron said. The room wasn't the same room as when I come here, it had mirrors everywhere. "It's as if Hogwart's wants us to fight back," Hermione says. "The room of requirement only shows itself to students who truly have a need for it, and it gives you a space you really need." Ron laughed. "So if you really needed to go to the bathroom, it would have a bathroom in here?" Hermione nodded. "Basically the same concept yes." This made me begin to think, why did the room show itself to Me and Draco? "We can meet here tonight if we got everyone here, it's Friday so we don't have class in the morning." Harry said "I can let everyone know." Hermione added. We all agreed we'd make sure to let people know when we see them. Lunch was almost over so we decided to go to class.

It was finally time for the last class of the day History of Magic. The only thing I hated about this class was Marcus was in here and the last few classes he's tried to sit next to me. I just don't want Draco to catch on about him having a thing for me. I would just go sit by Draco but everyone would think I'm completely mad. I was actually running late for class today and when I got there you wouldn't believe the only seat open. It was by Draco which was fine however he wasn't the only Slytherin in this class, it would be fine if it was Crabbe and Goyle but it was a few others they always sat together and one of them was Pansy Nott. I can't stand her, and it makes it worse that she fancy's Draco so much. I took a deep breath and made my way over there when I was stopped by Marcus. "I tried to save you a seat, but it got taken I'm sorry." I nodded "it's okay." He smiled. "I guess I'll see you after class." He whispered I nodded and walked to my seat. Draco was talking to the other Slytherin's so he hadn't noticed I had to sit beside him yet. On the other side of me was a Hufflepuff I wasn't sure her name though. It didn't take long for some Slytherin's to say something. "I wonder if she's just as mad as her brother," they started laughing. That's when Draco realized I was by him. "Hey Potter, I'm surprised they haven't taking your crazy brother to Azkaban for his accusations." They laughed again. "Shut up." Draco finally said. "What's got you all mad Malfoy?" One spat. "I'm tired of hearing all this. So shut up." It got quite after that. They didn't say anything else the rest of the class period. If only he needs far worse has been said too myself about it in our own Gryffindor dorm. When class was over I headed towards the dorms to go put my bag up. Draco caught up to me "follow me," he whispered than started walking a little head of me so no one would see me following me. He went down a hall no one was down and went into a room that was never used. "yes?" I asked when I came in he locked the door. "I'm sorry they were all being rude Kaylee..." he said. I nodded. "It's okay, they aren't the first people to say anything." He gave me a hug. "What do you wanna do today? It's Friday. We could go sneak into Hogsmaede through that secret picture he laughed." Although that sounded so fun I had to mean Harry and everyone. "Can we go tomorrow? I was going to hang out with my friends today?" He sighed. "Well I really wanted spend some time together today but I can't wait." He kissed my forehead. "Have fun okay?" He nodded. "I will," We left the room and went out separate ways, I really wanted to go to Hogsmeade with him but I promised Harry I'd be there.

           I made it to the room of requirement, not everyone was there yet so we were waiting. Hermione. It wasn't long and everyone was coming in, including Marcus. "Now that everyone is here we can get started." We began doing spells one at a time against the statues that were in the room. We got in a line and Harry lead us through it. "Hey," I didn't even realized Marcus was behind me. "Hi," I said I didn't want to be rude but I don't want him thinking me talking to him means I'm interested. "What are you doling later?" Here was go I just know he's going to ask me to hang out. "Why?" I asked. "Well, I was going to see if you wanted to come with me to the library later?" I laughed. "Is this your way of asking me on a date?" He started laughing. "No, I was just going to see if you could help me with my homework in History of Magic. Hermione said you're really good in that class." Of course she did. "However, unless you want it to be a date." He laughed. "I guess I could help you for a little bit however, it's not a date." He nodded, "I guess I'll see you after this than." I can't believe I just agreed to that.

I met Marcus in the library after I was going to try and get this over with as quick as possible. "I'm honestly not that great at this I'm not sure why Hermione told you that." He laughed. "I'm sure you're a lot better at it than you think." I crossed my arms. "I'm also wondering why a Ravenclaw needs help in any subject?" Now that I had thought about it Ravenclaws were very smart all of them. "Well that's true however," he looked around than started whispering. "I'm actually not very smart." We both started laughing. "Yeah right," I added. "Hermione said you like these," he pulled out some chocolate from his pocket my favorite chocolate. Wow this made me think of the first time Draco gave me this same candy.... "Thank you," I said. He smiled. "I just really wanted to spend time with you just talk." He said. I sighed... "I'm not sure what Hermione has told you however, I don't really want anything more than friendship... there is a lot going on right now especially with my brother." He nodded. "I understand but if you'd let me I'd like to be your friend." He smiled. "Okay, friends." I stuck out my hand for him to shake. "Friends" he added and shook my hand. We both laughed after that. "I guess we could really get some homework done? Maybe you could help me." I added he nodded. "Of course," we got out our homework for History of Magic. "You know we have more classes together than History of Magic," he added. "Really? What classes?" I honestly felt bad because I hadn't noticed. "Divination, and Charms." I nodded. "Oh, don't hate me but I hadn't noticed my mind has been everywhere this year." He laughed. "I just feel bad you're stuck next to that awful Malfoy in charms." Oh here we go. "He's really not that bad towards me anyways." He raised an eyebrow. "Malfoy not that bad?" He asked. "Yeah I've had him in charms 2 years in a row now, he's always a good partner I guess since all his friends aren't around he's actually not rude." These seemed to surprise him.  "Well that's good." I was hoping he'd drop the topic of Draco after that. It was honestly as if Draco knew we were talking about him cause he walked in after that. I knew this wasn't going to look good cause I told him I'd be with my friends. He didn't notice me at first so I just looked away. "Kaylee you aren't even doing your homework" Marcus laughed. Of course he'd mention my name after I clearly didn't want Draco seeing me in here. Marcus looked back at his work and I looked behind him to see Draco looking at me, he didn't look happy just confused. I got up and started gathering my stuff. "I have to go see my brother I'm sorry I almost forgot." He nodded.... "okay I guess I'll see you tomorrow," I nodded and walked out of the library I could here Draco behind me. I walked all the way to the room of requirement and the door came up, but it was the normal door me and Draco always go through. I walked in and he walked in behind me. "I thought you were with your friends Kaylee?" He crossed his arms. "That is not what it looked like Draco, Hermione told him I could help him with homework so that's all I was doing he's a friend of theirs." He shook his head. "And Granger couldn't help him herself?" I sighed. "I honestly think she's trying to play matchmaker but I've made it very clear that I would only be his friends. Several times." He rolled his eyes. "You better have, I guess I just got mad because I've wanted to see you all day than I have to see you with another guy in the library." I hugged him. "I know I'm sorry I should have told you." He laughed and hugged me back. "Yeah you should have, it's starting to get harder when I see other boys looking at you, you know I always wanna say something." He looked up at him and raised my eyebrow.  "Boys don't look at me." He laughed. "Yeah they do, I see it all the time. You're very beautiful Kaylee... not only that you uh.... you have more curves than most girls here." His face turned red like he didn't want to say something like that about my body. "You think I'm curvy?" He was still pretty red. "I don't stare at your body all the time but yes, you most definitely are." This made me laugh. "Well you're the one who's always on my mind. So don't worry about them, they can look but you can touch." I winked making myself laugh because he was so red now. I thought it was so funny when him nervous like this. "You think it's funny?" I was still laughing. "Yeah you get so red." He grabbed me by my waist and had pressed me against the wall. This caught me off guard I wasn't laughing anymore. He was so close I could feel his whole body move with each breath he look, and his face was so close to mine. I knew I was red now. "Who's nervous now?" He started laughing I playful shoved him. "Don't be a tease," I was obviously kidding. He raised his eyebrows. "Oh next time I won't." I shook my head. "We'll see" he sat down and patted the floor beside him for me to sit next to him. He put his arm around me. "I feel like we've hardly seen each other this week besides detention." I laughed. "Yeah I think Snape did that on purpose, so we could spend time together." He laughed. "Yeah right," I almost forgot I needed to tell him about the room of requirement but I didn't know how he'd wonder why they were using it. So I chose not too. I just hoped he didn't want to meet here at the same time as Harry. Being here with Draco made me realize that we had hardly seen each other this week. I missed him a lot. I just had this huge urge to kiss him. I turned to face him and grabbed his face. I began to kiss him. I didn't realize how intense it was getting until I moved on top of him with my legs torso. I felt like I couldn't get enough of him. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer too me as if we weren't already close enough. He had his hands waist and he pulled my closer as well. This caused me to let out a small moan but I still didn't stop. I could feel both of our hearts beating so fast. Than Draco stopped. We were both breathing very heavy. "It's getting pretty late," he said I kissed his cheeks. "Yeah it is," we said our goodbyes and left towards our dorms. When I got into my bed I couldn't sleep I kept thinking about our kiss over and over again in my head. Wow, I'd never felt that way before when we kiss. I didn't want us to separate.

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