Colliding with Malfoy

Oleh dracoxspirit

84.2K 1.9K 238

Harry the boy who lived also has a twin sister who you-know-who never touched that night. When the Potter twi... Lebih Banyak

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8: Draco's POV
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12: Dracos POV
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33 (Draco POV)
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41 Draco POV
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
part 47
thank you guys 🥺

Part 24 (Draco POV)

1.3K 37 8
Oleh dracoxspirit

              I wanted to yell for her to come back but she was already too far away once I had gotten out of the cart. I knew this was gonna happen once it got brought up. I walked back to my spot on the Slytherin part of the train. I sat down with Crabbe and Goyle. "We'll we almost thought you were never coming back." I rolled my eyes. "I didn't plan on it." I spat. "What's your deal?" Crabbe asked. "I'm assuming girl troubles." Goyle said laughing. "You really still can't be drooling over her, since her and Potter have gone completely mad." Crabbe added. This made me so angry she wasn't mad. "Shut up, you know nothing about her or what she's dealing with right now." I was getting pissed and I was already frustrated that it was our first day back and Kaylee and I are already off to a bad start. "You can't possibly believe her." Goyle said. "I never said that. However, he's her brother I can't change what she believes. It doesn't mean she's mad or that I'm going to hate her for it. Now just leave it alone." I turned towards the window I didn't feel like talking to them or anyone right now for that matter.

         We finally made it to Hogwarts and I was more than ready to get off this train. When we got off I seen Kaylee, Potter, Weasley, Longbottom, and Granger ahead. I wanted to talk to her so badly but I couldn't. They walked in-front of us for a bit they didn't notice we were behind them. "I like your plant." She said to Longbottom I'm not even sure how she can stand to talk to him. She is so different from me in that way. "It's a Mimbulus mimbletonia" he said what a nerd, he's so weirdly obsessed with plants. "You'll have to get me one of those for sure." I know I'm mad but hearing her say that made me jealous but she's talking to Longbottom. "I also have it because it was my moms favorite and it's the anniversary of you know..." I honestly didn't know what he was even talking about I was only eavesdropping to hear what Kaylee had to say to him. "I'm sorry Neville, if you ever need to talk I'm always here you should have told me sooner... I always brought up my parents around you without even knowing I feel awful." Now I kinda of knew what they were talking about. "It's okay." he didn't seem to want to talk much about it anymore. When we finally got to the carriages, I accidentally ran into Weasley which honestly just made me angry. "Watch where your going Weasley." I spat. "Leave him alone Malfoy." A familiar voice said too me I couldn't say anything back to her of course even if i wanted too how could she just call me Malfoy? I walked off she knew I wasn't gonna say anything else after she said something.

           It was time to go in the great hall to eat for the first time back. I had cooled down since our little argument on the train. Kaylee was talking about Potter changing she must not have realized she changed too. I've never seen her with such an attitude or so much anger before. She may be stressed herself. I hoped I would get a chance to talk to her afterwards. I made my way too the great hall and sat in my regular spot. She hadn't made it in yet but I already seen who our new teacher was. Some weird looking lady dressed in all pink, I can't imagine she'd be teaching us anything. I looked over at the entrance of the great hall just in time Kaylee was walking in. Wow, she looked so much more older now, she was so beautiful I hate when she's mad at me. "Malfoy?" Parkinson was looking at me wondering what I was staring at probably. "You haven't said anything since you've gotten here." I rolled my eyes. "Maybe I just don't feel like talking." She crossed her arms. I really don't have all time for all this attitude. "You really need to stop being so rude to me." He spat. I may put up with Kaylee's attitude but most definitely not hers. "I don't know why you think your the boss of me Parkinson but the last time I recalled we aren't anything." I know she has had a thing for me but I most definitely do not have a thing for her. "Wow Malfoy it's not my fault you won't give me a chance or even the time of day when I do try." When will she ever catch the hint? "I don't know what it's gonna take for you to realize I do not want you Parkinson." I said that a lot louder than I thought, almost the whole Slytherin table was looking at me and part of the Gryffindor table, but really the only person I noticed was Kaylee. Parkinson didn't say anything else I assumed I embarrassed her. Which honestly I didn't care, I looked back up to see if Kaylee was still looking which she was. I gave her a sad face and all she did was shrug so I'm guess that means she is still mad. We finally started eating and they started introducing the teachers as always. What was weird though was that, the really weird looking lady in pink would be teaching defense against the dark arts. She doesn't look like she would know any of those spells. We finally got dismissed to go to our dorms. I was really wanting to get Kaylee's attention somehow to let her know to meet me so we could talk. I finally got her to look at me as we were all leaving and I pointed down the hall that takes you to the room of requirement she just shook her head no and kept walking. Bloody hell? Maybe she isn't being rude she may really have something to do. I just decided I'd try to talk to her tomorrow surly we have one class together this year.

I hurried and got ready for breakfast quick I really wanted to try and get Kaylee to talk to me today. I hurried down for breakfast and when I got there Kaylee nor her friends were even there yet. So I waited what felt like forever, everyone had shown up besides her, when she finally came in she looked so beautiful she'd done her hair and make up. She came in with one of the twins with her which annoyed me but at least it was George. "Harry looks like you got more problems than you think some boy was just flirting with your sister." He laughed. "Oh shush I didn't even say anything back to him," well this didn't make my day start off too well hearing this. "She's got boys sending her jewelry in the mail, and now flirting with her you really do got some trouble on your hands Harry." Ron added laughing and she slapped her and Hermione both. So how'd they know about her bracelet she got in the mail? She probably told them or Harry knew and told them. I didn't hear the rest of their conversation because they stopped talking so loud. I really hoped we had our first class together I haven't even got to ask her, her schedule. I actually have charms first this year. I started talking to Crabbe and Goyle asking them about their classes and before I could try and get Kaylee's attention they had all left. Now I would have to wait and try again at lunch unless we possibly had a class together. I started heading towards Charms, and I was so happy to see Kaylee walk in there too. I walked in and honestly got instantly upset to see she was sitting with all her friends and brother. She wasn't going to even try and give me the time of day in here now. There wasn't very many Slytherin's in here and I didn't even talk to the ones that were in here so I just sat beside them. Kaylee was too busy talking to even notice I was in here yet. "Okay class as you know don't get to comfortable in your seats I will be switching you up," I really, really, hoped I got put by Kaylee again like last year. I can't believe I'm trying this hard to get her attention at this point. "Everyone go to the back of the room and I will sit you." As we walked to the back Kaylee finally decided to look my way. I was hoping she wanted to sit next me as bad as I want to sit next to her right now. He started seating everyone. "Cho here, Harry here," this went on until the first side was almost full. "Kaylee here," he was looking at his list for a moment. All I could think was please please put me there. I was literally begging him in my head. Wow this was really embarrassing of me. "Draco here, you two seemed to work well together last year" wow I literally did not expect him to say that. I didn't think he'd actually hear me begging. "Yikes I'm sorry Kaylee" Ron snickered. I didn't even say anything back I didn't want Kaylee anymore mad at me than she already was. It felt like such a relief to finally be next her. He continued sitting the rest of the class down. "Hey.." I basically whispered. She didn't say anything or even look at me. "Please talk to me." I sounded so pathetic I was literally begging her. I didn't even sound like myself. I looked around no one was paying attention to me Potter was way to distracted by Cho to even worry about what Kaylee was doing and He sat Weasley and Granger together so I knew they wouldn't be watching us either. "What classes do you have?" She finally said something to me. She looked at me finally and I couldn't help but stare at her beautiful she looked right now. I so wish we weren't in class. Gosh, who even am I right now? Why am I so crazy about this girl. "Here," I handed her my schedule. She looked at it over and over finally compared it to hers. "Wow" she said. "What?" She handed me mine back. "We have every class together this year," I'm not sure if she was happy about that or not, but I can honestly say that I very much was. "Can we talk sometime today?" She nodded. "During lunch?" I nodded "that's fine." Before she could say anything else class started. "Okay now if everyone could open their books to page 264 we will begin there." Kaylee started to scoot over cause the guy next to her sat stuff on pat of her desk. I felt her leg touch mine and instead got so many butterflies. No one could see under our desk so to mess with her I started poking her leg and she slapped me not hard but enough to make me stop. I tried not to laugh. I don't think she was really mad anymore which made me feel better but I knew she'd tell me for sure during lunch.

Lunch finally got here and I went straight to the room of requirement when we got dismissed for lunch. The halls cleared pretty fast so I finally waited for the door to appear and went in. It wasn't long after and Kaylee showed up. "Here," she started pulling a sandwich out of her robe. I started laughing. "What you didn't really expect not to go get food first did you?" This made me laugh harder. "What is with you and your huge appetite now." She shrugged "I really don't know." We sat and ate our sandwich's and I was watching the time, we only had 45 minutes until our next class. "So... I wanted to apologize for yesterday I didn't mean to upset you." I didn't know how to bring it up, I didn't want to cause another fight. "It's okay, I just think it's best if we don't talk about it." I nodded. "I feel like this next class it's gonna be weird." She turned towards me quick. "Your telling me, that's the lady who was at Harry's hearing deciding if he got expelled or not, and she was one of the few who voted for him to get expelled. I don't think I'm gonna like her very much." I had forgot she told me about Harry's hearing yesterday. "Oh wow I didn't know she was apart of the ministry." She nodded. "She gives me bad vibes, and I don't know what's with me but I don't think I'm gonna be able to contain myself if she's rude to Harry." I knew she wasn't kidding. "Well just be careful don't go and get yourself expelled than I'll have to get expelled too." We started laughing. "Yeah right your dad would get you right back in." Which was true. "You look really beautiful today." She instantly turned red, that's why I like giving her complements so much. "I guess you don't look to bad either." She laughed. Than she really mad nervous, she got really, really close to me practically on top of me at this point as if she was gonna kiss me. I could feel my heart beating faster. "Why are you so nervous." I couldn't even get the words out I didn't even know why I was so nervous it wasn't like we hadn't kissed before or she hadn't sat on my lap before. She kissed me. Which felt like the as if time was stopping, like it did each time. She started running her fingers through the back of hair. Wow kissing her was so different now we never kissed like we had been. I most definitely wasn't complaining tho, I could skip class for the rest of the day and stay here with her all day. I didn't want to make her feel like I was moving to fast again but I just wanted to pull her closer to me so bad. Not in that kind of way just because this kiss felt so good. Before I could even get the chance she pulled away and checked my watch. "We have 15 minutes, we should probably go because the hallways are full." I frowned "fine" she laughed. "You act like we don't spend more of our time after class in here." We got up and got our bags, I went out first and made she it was clear for her to come out. "I'll see you in class cutie." I was clearly being goofy but she still turned red. "See you," and we went our separate ways.

When I made into Umbridge's class I noticed Goyle was in there so I sat by him since it was two, to a desk. Weasley and Potter sat beside each other and behind them right in the desk on the left side of me Longbottom sat, he said in the chair farther from me. Kaylee came in and sat there. Which I was glad she was basically next to me. As soon as class started I could tell this lady was pretty weird. She informed us we'd be learning about spells but not practicing and of course Potter had to make a remark. "How are supposed to learn to defend ourselves if we are to get attacked." I was only annoyed because I really didn't want Kaylee getting herself into trouble. "Don't speak without raising your hand, besides what is out there to even attack you?" I wish Potter would have just let it go right than but no. "Oh I don't know maybe Voldemort, I seen him myself." Umbridge got really rude with him. "Your not going to talk to him that way just because you don't want to believe him." Great now Kaylee's mad. "Excuse me, you aren't the professor here I am." Kaylee stood up. "I don't care who you are you aren't going to speak to him that way." I could see Kaylee face and she was pissed. "I'm assuming your the twin, I guess you won't mind both coming to detention than." Great now she's got detention. She finally sat back down. I can tell this is going to be a very long school year.

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