You are the one|Stefanielle

נכתב על ידי MoreStefanielle

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A Stefania and Danielle story, they meet and instantly fall in love, fighting the challenges of sexuality, ke... עוד

The Story of Us.
You Are The One.
Thank You.


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נכתב על ידי MoreStefanielle

Monday, January 11th, 2021

"Stefania, do something!" She yelled, her hand finding hers as they tried to make their way to the door.

"I'm thinking," Stefania spoke loudly, knowing that there was no quick way to get off of this island. "Get on the bed,"

"I'm not having my baby in this-" The younger woman screams as she looks for her phone that she dropped on the floor. "Hotel room,"

"Well, it's either going to be here or halfway down the hall because you aren't going to make it to the hospital," The Italian yelled back in her native language as she led her girlfriend to the bed, slipping her shoes that she had on-off.

"I'm going to get others," Stefania responded as she gave her girlfriend a quick kiss and went straight towards the door. 

The brunette looked out the door to her left, finding nothing, but when she turned her head to the right she found Jason staying alone at the elevator. 

"Jason!" Stefania yelled, catching his attention from the end of the hall. "Jason, come here now!"

The older man started to was but once he heard the screaming coming from Danielle he began to run as if a bear was chasing him.

"Oh my god," He pulled his hand to his mouth when he saw what was going on in the hotel room in front of him.

"I need you to go get as many people as you can, don't say what is happening to them, just get them. Have them grab all the towels from their rooms," Stefania spoke confidently as the man nodded and started banging on people's doors, screaming for them to come out.

"Okay, Danielle, I need you to calm down," The older woman spoke as she paced the hotel room with the door wide open.

"I am calm compared to you!" She yelled.

Stefania turned around to grab towels from the bathroom and the other supplies that she would need to help deliver this baby.

"Stefania!" Gio shouted from the doorway, afraid to come into the room while Danielle was lying exposed on the bed.

"Gio!" She turned her head as she put towels off to the side. "Get your ass in here and help her," 

Danielle watched as others began to enter the room, respecting her privacy but being close if Stefania needed help.

"Barrett, where's Barrett," The blonde shouted as she looked around the hotel room.

"I'm here," She spoke with a glass of ice in her hand.

"Gio, get your ass in here,"

"Everyone, get your ass in here. I need help,"

The room full of people caused a commotion making workers of the hotel show up to the room where they only heard screaming.

"What is going on in here?" The woman asked Jaina who stood in the back, trying to find more towels.

"My friend is in labor, can you call someone?" 

The woman nodded in shock before running off, hoping that a speed boat could pick them up without having them cross the water on a ferry.

"Okay, Danielle, baby," Stefania moved a chair to the end of the bed for her to sit on.

"Don't baby me right now!" She yelled as she squeezed Gio's hand.

"Okay, ow," The older man spoke as he looked at the brunette across from him.

Stefania looked between her girlfriend's legs to check if anything was happening and something was definitely happening.

The Italian looked up at her brother and then at her beautiful girlfriend before looking back down at the bed. Barrett fed her ice chips as she wanted them with a warm smile on her face to help keep her calm.

"Okay, I have no idea what to do," She spoke to herself but the laboring mother could hear her over all the commotion.

"What do you mean you have no idea what to do, you are a doctor?" The blonde yelled, tightening her grip around the two hands she had a hold of as another contraction came.

"I play a doctor on television, there's a difference," She responded calmly before looking around the room. "We have a hotel full of fake doctors and not a single real one,"

"What can I do?" Grey asked from the corner of the room, trying to be helpful.

"Yes! Grab those towels and hand them to me," The man quickly took the towels from the counter, fixing them before handing them while Danielle screamed in front of her.

"Go away Grey, I can see you looking at my girlfriend's vagina," The brunette spoke loudly, watching him walk away. "Can someone go see where they are with the medics?"

"I will!" Jaina yelled from the doorway before running off down the hall.

"Danielle," Stefania spoke softly, looking up from between her legs that showed that she could be having this baby at any moment. "When I say push, you push,"

"No," Danielle responded dryly before opening her eyes. "What if she gets hurt or she can't breathe or if-"

"Danielle, listen to me, our baby is going to be fine. I need you to stay calm and work with me here, okay?" The Italian tilted her head to the side, remaining in eye contact throughout the sentence.

"Come kiss me," She spoke, giving Gio enough time to get out of the way so she could kiss her. "Okay, I'm ready," Stefania got back into position, scared to even touch her girlfriend.

"Jason, get Jason for me," She spoke, turning to find the tall man in the corner.


"I need you to help me," The older man looked at her with a shocked expression as he looked at her. "You have kids, you've been through childbirth, just stand here and help me,"

"Okay," He spoke as he stood behind her.

"The woman said they would be here in ten," Jaina yelled out of breath.

"Fuck, she's going to be out before then," She spoke as she saw the dark hair of her baby. "Danielle, push," The brunette yelled while listening to her girlfriend scream and rip apart her own body for this child.

The head of the baby was a little bit more seen compared to when before she pushed. "Danielle, I can see our little girl," She smiled as she looked up at her. 

Danielle laid there with her eyes shut as she breathed heavily. "Are you okay, love?" Stefania asked, resting her gloved hand on her leg.

"No, Stefania, I'm having a child at the moment," The blonde snapped before screaming again. 

"Push, push, push," The brunette yelled again this time she didn't push her any farther. "One more, Danielle,"

"Stefania, I can't,"

"You can!" She yelled back at her girlfriend, knowing that only in a few more pushes this baby would be out and the medics would be here. "Danielle, I promise in only a few more pushes that baby will be here,"

"Holy shit!" A familiar voice came from the doorway. Stefania had turned to see that her family was now waiting at the door, shocked by the sight they had seen.

"Someone please update them on what's happening, baby, I need you to push for me," The brunette went back to putting her full attention on her girlfriend.

"More ice chips!" She demanded, the curly-haired woman listened, lifting the cup to her mouth before she started screaming again.

"Push, Danielle!" Stefania watched as the baby's shoulders bad it outside to where Jason told her to lift the baby and finish pulling her out with her hands. "Danielle," The brunette spoke while looking down at her baby in her arms. 

"She isn't crying, someone make her cry. What is going on?" Danielle screamed as Gio left her side to get some answers. Jason helped her cut the cord as they lifted her into the air.

Stefania walked over to the table, laying her down to help her breathe as she moved the outer layer around.

There it was, the scream Danielle had been waiting to hear for the past nine months. The newborn screamed loud enough for everyone to hear including the people down the hall.

"Oh, thank god," The younger woman let a tear slip down her cheek. The Italian woman walked over to her girlfriend, resting the child on her bare chest as she cried. Gio took this moment to take pictures, knowing that they would never forget this moment and want to relive this terrifying day.

"You did it," Stefania smiled as she laid next to her girlfriend on the bed while looking at the child that had blood on its body along with other liquids.

"We did it,"


"We are just going to take her up to get check out, but everything looks fine. Whoever delivered this baby did really well," the doctor spoke, looking around the room at the two women who both smiled proudly.

The two of them watched the woman take their little girl away to be check with the attending that was working.

"That wasn't how I was expecting it to go," Stefania spoke playfully to her exhausted girlfriend.

"Mhm," She groaned now that she was on painkillers it was making her tired.

"How do you feel?" The older woman rested her hand on her girlfriend's cheek as she leaned into the coldness of her hand.

"Tired," She mumbled before scooting over to the edge of the bed where the rail was. "Lay down,"

The brunette smiled as she laid next to her girlfriend in the hospital bed. "It will definitely be a story to tell her when she's older,"

Danielle rested her head on her girlfriend's shoulder luckily the pain had subsided. "I'm so tired," She whispered into her girlfriend's neck.

"You did have a child today, I understand," the older woman laughed to herself when she heard the soft snores coming from her mouth. "Sleep well, my love,"


"Ms. Spampinato?" The doctor walked through the doorway with their little girl in the basket on wheels. "Everything checks out, we would like to keep the two of them for a few more days just in case because it was an odd location so we are going to keep a lookout for infection."

Stefania simply nodded before getting out from her girlfriend's grasp. She made her way towards her baby with a smile as she picked her up, heading towards the chair in the corner of the room.

"Hi, my little girl," She whispered to the little one in her arms that was now much cleaner than when they first saw her. "Gosh, you have your mother's eyes," She felt her heart flutter when the small child cooed in her arms.


Tuesday, January 12th, 2021

Danielle felt as her eyes fluttered open and the bright light from the hospital window opened. She turned her head to find her girlfriend walking around quietly with their daughter in her arms.

As the older woman turned around to find her girlfriend silently watching the two of them she spoke, "Did I wake you?" 

"No," She smiled weakly. The Italian woman walked over to the side of the bed where the exhausted woman laid. "Did you sleep?"

"No, I wanted to stay with her," She smiled down at the small child in her arms as she sat next to her girlfriend. "Do you want to hold her?"

"Yes, please," She spoke with a raspy voice, her throat being sore from yesterday. She handed her the small baby, resting her on her bare chest as she cuddled the small child.

"Let me take a photo," She smiled softly as she stood at the end of the bed, quickly snapping the picture and sending it to her brother.

"Did she sleep well?" She asked her girlfriend that was looking down at her phone.

"Very, peaceful sleeper. I think I like her," The Italian put her phone into her back pocket before making her way by her side.

"She's so cute," Danielle smiled at the infant that she had given birth to less than 24 hours ago.

"She has your beautiful eyes," She smiled as she sat on the edge of her bed, looking down at the two of them.

The older woman felt her phone buzz as she pulled it out from her back pocket. 

S: *attached image*

Gio: How is Danielle?"

S: She's fine, mostly exhausted and sore but the meds are working.

Gio: And my niece?

S: The doctor said everything was perfect with her. She even said the person that delivered her did amazing. So I'm going to take that as being a fake OB paid off.

Gio: Oh gosh, don't let this get to your head.

S: Too late:)

Gio: Vittoria wants to know if Danielle is up for visitors. They all want to know if they can come to see their cousin before they head back to Italy.

S: Let me ask Danielle, but I'm sure she will be fine with it.

Gio: Okay:)


"They don't have to come if you would like to sleep, my love," Stefania laid next to her girlfriend as she cuddled against her side.

"No, it's fine," The younger woman nuzzled her head into her neck as she closed her eyes. "Just wake me when they get here,"

Stefania chuckled to herself as she looked at the baby in the portable crib next to her. Her hand not leaving the young baby's body as well as her not leaving her girlfriend's side.

The Italian leaned back against the pillow with her girlfriend's breath against her neck with the sounds of the hospital filling the silence.

The older woman finally allowed herself to fall asleep after being awake for over 24 hours.


"Mrs. Savre?" The doctor gently shook Stefania, catching her off guard when the nurse touched her instead of her girlfriend. "Mrs. Savre?"

"Are you wanting to wake her?" The Italian asked with a confused expression on why she was calling her by her girlfriend's last name.

"No, ma'am," She spoke softly as she straightened her body. "You have some family members in the waiting room, I saw that the two of you were asleep. Would you like me to tell them to come at another time?"

"Uh, no. Give me one moment,"

"Take your time, Mrs. Savre," The nurse spoke causing the brunette to confirm that she did say her girlfriend's last name instead of hers.

The woman walked out of the room back towards the nurse's station where she later sat down to fill out more paperwork.

Stefania slipped out from the blonde's hold without waking her up. She planted a soft kiss on her forehead before wiping her cheek with her thumb.

The brunette looked over at the young child in her small plastic crib where she slept peacefully. "I'll be right back, princess,"

"Baby?" Stefania whispered, removing the hair in her face behind her ear. 


"They are here, do you feel okay?" The brunette put her hand up to her forehead to feel her temperature. 

"Yeah, bring them in," She smiled as she sat up, fixing the height of the bed so she could lean against it.

"I'll be back, be careful," She leaned down to kiss her girlfriend who wanted more than a peck when she pulled her closer to her. Their passionate kiss came to an end when Danielle mumbled something inaudible to Stefania's ears. "What?"

"Nothing, bring my baby closer to me," The brunette listened to her girlfriend, ignoring the words that she had spoken before that she was unable to hear.

"I'll be back,"

Stefania made her way down the hall and through the big door where the family from Italy sat. When they watched her come out from the large double doors they all stood up. 

Gio immediately made his way towards his sister, bringing her in for a large hug.

"What is wrong with you?" The Italian woman laughed as she felt her brother hug her.

"The man nearly cried on the way over here," Nichole laughed as she watched the rest of them all agree with her.

"I don't like any of you right now," The Italian man spoke as he backed away from his sister.

"Danielle just woke up, but she said you guys could come in and hold her and whatever," She smiled as she took her dad's hand.

"I call her first!" Gio shouted like a child as he followed his sister to the double doors.

Stefania playfully rolled her eyes as they went down the hall to the blonde's room. 

The Spampinato family arrived at the door, being hushed by the Italian woman as she pushed the door open.

"Baby?" Stefania looked around the room to the bed where her girlfriend laid on the bed with the young child in her arms.

"Wow," Vittoria spoke, leaning against her aunt's side. 

"Yeah," She smiled softly as she watched her girlfriend hand Gio the baby and then take his seat in the chair in the corner.

Stefania left her niece's side, making her way over towards the blonde as she sat in her bed with a smile. "You feeling okay?" 

"Yeah, the nurse replaces my fluids and I feel much better," She smiled as she heard her baby coo beside her.

"That's good," She smiled, watching Gio pass the baby to her father.

"Sit," Danielle smiled as she patted the empty space beside her.

The Italian smiled, leaning back against the lifted mattress. The blonde's head resting on her girlfriend's shoulder while wrapping her arms around her left arm as they watched their family interact with the little one.

"What's her name?" Vittoria asked as she moved with the baby to take Gio's spot in the chair.

The two of them looked at each other with a smile plastered across her face before opening their mouths and speaking in sync. 

"Gioia Forenza Spampinato-Savre,"

המשך קריאה

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