The Girl Who Cried Wolf

By LightBunny11

527K 7.6K 704

As Jessica Boyde's 16th birthday creeps closer, she wants nothing more than a successful shift and an eternit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Answers :)
Yay :)

Chapter 2

10.9K 213 8
By LightBunny11

"A headache?" the doctor asked

I nodded.

"you called me here for a headache?" he asked as if he couldn't believe it.

I nodded again, fidgeting with a small rip in my shirt.


I loved this shirt...

"it was pretty bad...." I trailed off.

"what happen when you had this.... Headache?" the doctor asked "what sort of symptoms?".

"well.... It started off small, just a pounding in my head. Then it got bigger and my vision started to cloud up... It got really hard to concentrate" I explained, not making eye contact.

"it sounds like a migraine, my mother suffers from those..." the doctor muttered "has it returned yet?".

I shook my head.

"hm" he said and turned away.

"uh... Sir?" I said, tapping him on the shoulder "what exactly happen?".

The doctor turned back, staring into my eyes with his magnificent green ones.

"well, it sounds like a migraine to me. Heard of one of those?" he asked.

I shook my head.

He sifted through a folder he had with him and finally brought out a sheet of paper reading MIGRAINES.

He handed it to me.

Skimming through it, it had facts about migraines etc.

I sighed.

Why did I get the feeling this wasn't it?

Why did I get the feeing the doctor was wrong?

I let it slide.

"what if it was part of the shifting cycle thing?" I asked.

"the first shift is more of the bones moving around, things like that" he explained "Unless your wolf has just entered your mind. But I suggest you spend the next few days at home, resting up for your big day, ok?"

I nodded.

He turned, nodding towards my mum as he left.

"alright sweety, let's go home" mum said "I'll just have a quick word to Alpha, then we can get outta here. Or your friends can drive you home".

"I'll take her" Iz said, before Will could get a word out "Will and I can take it in turns".


I collapsed onto my bed, relaxing into the softness of my pillow. The blankets and pillows were all sky blue, my favorite color.

Maddy had come over to hang out after school had finished. She and the rest of the group had been worrying and apparently it was her job to make sure I was ok.

Maddy turned on her phone and started texting.

"who are you texting?" I asked, my voice muffled by the pillow.

"Michael" she said smiling "I'm just letting him know I can't go to the football championship with him tomorrow".

"since when are you and Michael..." I began.

She looked up, looking surprised and confused.

"me and Michael what?" she asked, her eyes widening when she realized what I was implying "what?! Uh N-no not like that".

"calm down Maddy, it may just be what he was implying" I laughed.

Her eyes got impossibly wide as shock crossed her face.

"oh no......" she whispered "he didn't ask me..... He didn't ask me out did he?".

I laughed, nodding.

"oh.... My... GOSH!!" she started doing that weird thing where you squeal and jump up and down.

"oh wait... I can't go.... Too bad" she smiled and pressed send.

"Maddy your such a player" I teased sarcastically, throwing a pillow at her.

"let's watch a movie, Jess" she giggled.


Sun poured through the window, the curtains drawn back.

It lit up the room with its golden glow.

The drawings I had pinned to the cork board above my desk seemed to come to life.

I groaned and rolled over.

Footsteps padded across my carpet

"it's too early" I mumbled.

"get up sleepyhead" Isabelle giggled "it's 11:00am, I wanna go shopping. I haven't had any retail therapy for a week!".

Maddy had gone home, her mother wouldn't let her stay overnight. Plus, it apparently was Iz's turn to take care of me.

I heard a spoon clang against the bottom of a cereal bowl.

The smell of breakfast hit my nose.

"mm.... Gimme...." I murmured, reaching my hand out to open air, towards the beautiful smell of food.

"no way, get your own" Isabelle giggled, slapping my hand away.


Iz and I had a pretty relaxing day.

Shopping, Lunch and the movies.

Trust me, Iz didn't want to stop shopping.

She bought several different dresses, shoes and jewelry.

She made me try on a white, lacy dress which I hated.

She ought it, claiming it to be my Shifting Party dress.

You heard me, shifting party.

Isabelle Herald is a Wild Child.

She organized an entire party, 'renting' the pack hall.

Yes, we have a pack hall.

I don't know how she planned on pulling off a part when half the people she was inviting were over 18 and planning to bring alchahol.

I seriously think the only thing I will eat at this party is the cake she picked up.

"it's sorta a birthday party plus shift party" she explained "I'm gonna be sneaky and drink a little at the party. Hey do you know Danielle and Natasha?"

I racked my brain.

"uh... Yeah I think so" I said slowly.

"good, cuz' they wanna come. I had to make sure they knew you first" Iz explained, texting

"they're ok girls, they're in my art class" I muttered.

"great artists I reckon" Iz said, still texting.

We got in the car and Isabelle was about to start the car when she gave a small scream.

"what?!" I asked.

"those... SHOES!!" she squealed.


She bounced out of the car and ran into the shoe shop, taking with her the bag which held my annoying lacy dress.

I sighed and followed her in.

"put this on" she practically threw the dress at me and grabbed a pair of white high heels from the window.

I came out of the change room wearing the dress and the shoes.

Isabelle clasped her hands together.

"aww Jess you look like a princess" she squealed.

The dress barely reached my knees and had no straps whatsoever.

And the shoes already hurt.

"my gosh girl, your gonna look perfect tonight" she squealed and ran out of the shop, throwing money on the counter as she past.



These heels hurt.

I can't believe Isabelle made me do this.

I wish I could run home and change into a pair of jeans and a sweater, but I'm under strict supervision by Isabelle and Natasha.

Danielle bailed.

"So Jess, tomorrow is the day" Natasha giggled, her arm linked in mine.

I nodded, the butterflies in my stomach seemed to eat me from the inside.

"geez, stop stressing girl" Isabelle whispered, her arm also linked in mine "it hurts the first time but every time after that it's as easy as breathing".

I took a deep breath and walked into The Hall. People cheered and clapped. Some people patted me on the back.

Take me home now....

I hate parties.

I felt claustrophobic in here...

Music blared from the speakers set all around the room.

Some people were already smashed, although I just arrived.

It's gonna be a long night...


"ok, truth or dare?" Natasha asked Isabelle.

"uh... Dare!" Isabelle said, a devious expression crossing her face.

"ok, change into your wolf and drink the rest of your beer" Natasha giggled and hiccuped.

"what kind of a dare is that?" Isabelle laughed like Natasha just told the best joke in the world.

She stood up and there was a massive ripping sound as the dress Isabelle had been wearing was torn to shreds.

Natasha laughed loudly as Isabelle drank the rest of her beer and sat down on the ground.

"Isabelle says truth or dare" Natasha giggled, looking at me.

"uh.. Dare" I said.

I was totally sober and most of the party had died down now.

"I dare you to run into the forest" Natasha sniggered, taking another gulp of some drink she had in her hand.

I stared into the dark forest.

"there's rogues in the forest, Natasha" I hissed "you'd be mad to go in there".

Natasha smirked "A dare is a dare, Jess. You gotta do it".

I crossed my arms.

"and if I don't?" I asked.

Natasha sniggered again.

"you gotta... Kiss that guy over there. The one who's passed out on the lawn" Natasha smirked at me.

The guy had no shirt and had a fairly hair chest, he was laying in his own puke.

Just then Will came up and threw a blanket over Isabelle.

"hey Jess I'm heading home, I'll see you at the ceremony tomorrow" Will said, wrapping me in a hug.

With that, he left.

"that was my boyfriend, Natasha. I'm not kissing no man that isn't him" I hissed.

I heard a strange noise and looked over to see Isabelle in normal form, wrapped in a blanket.

"off to the forest you go" Natasha sang.

All the other girls I barely knew started chanting "forest" with her, except Isabelle.

Isabelle just looked at me.

I stood up, swaying slightly.

I'll admit, I had a little bit. One bottle. Nothing more. I'm only 15 I shouldn't have had anything, I know.

Walking towards the forest, I let the darkness cover me.

"keep going" Natasha's voice was distant but loud.

I kept walking until I could barely hear them anymore.

It was so dark...

Turning around, I began to walk back.

So very dark.....

I listened for the chanting, the voices.

There was nothing...

It was silent.....

I was alone....

"h-hello?" I called out into the darkness, walking over twigs and leaves.

An owl hooted in the distance....

Then I heard it, a wolf howl.

"ISABELLE?" I called, panic rising in my voice.

What have I gotten myself into?

I'm such an idiot!

How far had I gone?

I started to run, hearing the wolf howl again.

"ISABELLE?! ISABELLE!!" I screamed, running towards where i thought the party might have been.

There was nothing.....

I was alone...

I was lost...



Oh noes!!

Jess got herself lost in the woods!

What happens next?

This chapter was ok, I dont know... I'm not very pleased with it o-o

I'll probably edit some ... I dunno.



FAN ;)



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