TLOK Kyalin Oneshots NEW

By PinkRathian

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Primarily Kyalin Oneshots of different ratings 😏, you can find some Suvira in here too. Cute fluff to angst... More

Beach Volleyball
Adventures of Zaofu
When We Were Kids
Car ride
Suvira Chapter
Double Date
From Chaos to Order (Kuvira Backstory)
Wine and Surprise
Dangerously Jealous
Kyalin Week
Suyin Part 1
Suyin Part 2
Suyin Part 3
Suyin Part 4
Love is Blind
The Games Part 1
The Games Part 2
The Games Part 3
The Games Part 4
Suvira AU (epilogue)
The City Part 1
The City Part 2
The City Part 3
The City Part 4
The Chief's Secret
Train Wreck
A different kind of Mother
Kyalin Week Prompt 1
Kyalin Week Prompt 2
Kyalin Week 3
Kyalin Week 4
Kyalin Week Day 5
Kyalin Week Six
Kyalin Week Day 7
Two worlds apart
Circumstances (sequel to TWA)
The Guard (Suvira) Part 1
Speculation (sequal to Circumstances)
The Guard (Suvira) Part 2
All over you
Lin and Ikki
Suvira Solstice
Lin Walks Into a Bar
Christmas Party
Suvira Book 1
Suvira Book 2
Suvira Book 3
Suvira Book 4
Lin Goes to the Dentist
The Box
The Office
The Radio
The Dinner
Kyalin Shorts
I Just Know that I Like You
That's Rough
Good Times
Suvira Nanny AU
A Test of Love
Suvira Shorts
I'm Sorry
Signs Pt 2
Like You
Kya Goes to the Dentist
My Wives and I
A Cause For Celebration
A Cause for Celebration Part 2
20 Years Ago
Lin Takes Care of Kya
Origins: Part 1
Origins: Part 2
Origins: Part 3
An update
Pirate AU Part 1
Pirate AU Part 2
Pirate AU Part 3
Pirate AU Part 4
Pirate AU Part 5
Pirate Au Part 6
Pirate AU Part 7
Pirate AU Part 8
Pirate AU Part 9
Pirate Au Part 10
Pirate AU Part 11
Pirate AU Part 12
Pirate AU Part 13
Pirate AU Part 14
Pirate AU Part 15 (Finale)

Suvira Nanny Au (part 2??? I guess?)

863 27 13
By PinkRathian

Now, I know what you're thinking, I'm beating this AU into the ground. I CANT STOP THINKING ABOUT IT. And inspiration struck, I've been watching a lot of modern family lately and I really like the dynamic between Jay and Gloria, it only instilled in me faith that age gap relationships can, and do work. Besides, I think I like writing smut for these two the best... anyway, I hope your as excited by it as I am. Keep in mind this happens before the time jump in the first part, so after they find Jr, we're picking up a little closer in than the one shots. As always, enjoy 😉

"Mmm you're cute," Kuvira replied in a sultry whisper. She took Suyin's cheek in her hand before pulling herself on top of the older woman. Su grinned, the type of grin that wasn't from humor or even glee. The type of grin someone did when they were excited. Kuvira could work with that.  She sat on Su's hips, staring down at her girlfriend.

"Just gonna sit there?" Su asked. Kuvira could feel her brace from under her.

"Just taking a moment for the view." Kuvira replied before pulling off her oversized T-shirt. Suyin inhaled which Kuvira understood as her go ahead. Su's shirt was already off, but if she planned on doing anything the shorts would have to go. Kuvira placed her hands on Su's waist, squeezing slightly before dragging them down. When she reached the hem of the shorts she paused before tugging at them. After the fabric slid from Suyin's ankles, Kuvira began her grind, taking her time to put on a show and perform.

"Oh you are dirty." Su said, watching.

"What? You mean in that I'm taking my time or that I'm showing off?"

"Both." Kuvira smiled placing her hands on either side of Suyin's face and leaning down, placing a kiss on her neck. Suyin moaned, just the tiniest soul before she suppressed it, but It was all Kuvira needed for now. Usually Suyin liked to top, and Kuvira loved it, but right now it was her time, and she was going to use it.

Kuvira slid her hands upwards this time, rounding her palms between a pair of breasts. She bit her lip, feeling herself slipping already.

"Kuvira..." her voice rang out like a warning, a warning that she better speed things along or she was going to lose her chance.

"Always so quick. Like you're running from me." Kuvjra whispered, placing another kiss at the base of her lovers jaw.

"Mmm, more like toward you." Su replied. Kuvira ran a tongue over her teeth, sitting up once more.

"You're the boss." Kuvira said, "I think my shift has started."

"Better punch in then." Kuvira began to sway her own hips, and Suyin's followed suit. When she had ridden herself downwards enough she looked openly at Suyin's core. Her breath hitched, like it always did. But her blood pulsed, and she could feel Suyin sweating already.

"I wouldn't want to be late, now would I?"


Kuvira laid in bed next to Su, who had pretty much dosed off after being cleaned out. She trailed her fingers through the older woman's hair, resting her dominant arm on her stomach. She would never get tired of this, not with Su. Just as she rolled over she heard a sound from upstairs.

Who is that? It could be Huan, he was usually up pretty late, but Opal had mill before bed, and milk always tired the little girl out. The twins were at a sleepover, so it wasn't either of them. She sighed, pushing herself out of the bed, pulling some elements of clothes back on.

This doesn't say I just had sex, does it? She looked down at herself and shrugged. It was going to have to do.  She made her way upstairs, careful to not wake Su.

"Huan?" She whispered into the seemingly empty house.

"Who are you?" She looked to her left with a frown and a furrowed brow. The stranger, seemed somehow familiar, held a mug in his hand. His hair was tied back in a short pony, graying at the end. Thick rimmed glasses boxed in his eyes she felt like it was the only thing she could focus on.

"I should ask you the same thing." Kuvira replied, crossing her arms.

"I live here."

"Nice try asshole, get out before I call the Police." The man laughed, setting down his mug and cracking his knuckle.

Who does this guy think he is? Is he trying to intimate me?

"I'm Bataar Beifong," he clarified, "get out of my house.


Su stirred to the sound of coffee being brewed. She blink her eyes open, looking at the clock.

What the hell? It was nearly three jn the morning, and Kuvira was brewing coffee.

What's gotten into her?

She pried herself from the scrambled sheets where she put in her robe. She tied it as she made her way up the stairs to find the kitchen light on.

"Kuvira what's going on up- oh." Kuvira smiled sheepishly from the counter where she sat across from Su's technical husband.

"Bataar?" She asked, dumbfounded.

"I'm sorry I just dropped in like this. I tried to get a hotel but they wouldn't take me at this hour without a reservation."

"So you just... came into my house?"

"Our house, Suyin." She blinked at him, glancing to Kuvira who tapped the counter.

"Sorry, just, Kuvira can I talk to you for a moment."

"Yes of course. Ma'am?" Su raised an eyebrow and Kuvira tried to brush it off as she followed Su to the end of the hall.

"Why didn't you wake me?" Su asked, glancing to him."

"I haven't had time. He showed up, squared off with me and then demanded coffee. You didn't miss much, I tried to refrain from mentioning... us." Su sighed, placing her fingers to her forehead.

"He's here about the papers, I had the attorney send them to him last week. Did he bring Jr with him?"

"Not that I can tell. Su, you didn't tell me you were filing so soon." Kuvira said, reaching for her arm.

"I know... I didn't even know I was doing it. Well he's here now..."

"What do we do with him?" Kuvira asked.

"I don't know, I guess we'll put him in the guest room."

"What about my things?"

"I'll buy you some time to move them." Kuvira nodded, making her way downstairs while Su returned to the kitchen.

"I'm sure Kuvira treated you well." Su said, standing across from him.

"She did, seems like a nice young nanny. She's the one that called me the night Jr ran off right?"

"Yes, that's her."

"I ought to thank her then."

Mmmmm, maybe hold off on that for now.

"Look, it's late," Su said, "I'm exhausted, you look terrible-"


"Take the guest room tonight, Kuvira will take the sofa."

"The guest room?"

"Yes. The guest room. We'll talk in the morning." Bataar seemed unsure, but he didn't say anything, instead pouring out the rest of his coffee and taking his single bag downstairs. Su face palmed onto the counter.

What is happening?


    Morning had come, tragically, and     Kuvira spent most of it cleaning up. She had slept in the master bedroom with Suyin, so to be sure she didn't have a repeat of the Lin incident she had gotten up extra early to make sure she was awake before Bataar put the pieces together. She couldn't help but feel nervous, Bataar being here could mean the next step, or the last one. Su might remember, get nostalgic and go back to him.

She wouldn't.

Would she?

"Morning everyone!" Bataar announced at his arrival from the basement. Huan's eyes widened in suprise, and nearly choked on his cereal.

"Dad?" He coughed. Bataar sauntered over to Su who was putting dishes in the sink and wrapped an arm around her. Kuvira bit her lip, making eye contact with Huan who shared her uncomfortable feeling. Su shrugged him off, showing a scolding look and he back away, not without another glance at her ass, though.

That's my ass. Kuvira thought. Or... well not mine... but not yours either!

It hadn't taken Kuvira long to figure out why he was here, as soon as Su had told her about the papers it had made sense. He was trying to win her back, but Kuvira wasn't about to let that happen.

"So, how are my kids this morning?" He talked as though he had never left. Opal blinked at him, and Kuvira didn't doubt that she had forgotten, or perhaps erased most of her memories with her dad. She had a grown a lot since his absence, six months was a long time, especially when you're seven. Kuvira picked up Opal, taking her to a chair at the counter to sit.

"Fine..." Huan replied, keeping his in his estranged father.

"And my dear Opal?" He turned his head. Opal looked up at Kuvira, to which she replied,

"Opal's fine."

"I think Opal can speak for herself."

"She doesn't talk to strangers."

"I'm not a stranger, I'm her father. Opal come here." He bent down, taking the girl and holding her. Kuvira cringed as Opal's eyes widened in fear. Kuvira smiled reassuringly, but in this household even the youngest member could pick up on the weird vibes. Baatar put her down and the young girl ran to her mom who bent to meet her.

"Go get your backpack, Huan is going to drive you this morning." Huan followed his sister upstairs and Su turned to Bataar, a look of distaste on her face.

"What are you doing here, Baatar?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"You know why. Suyin you can't just send me that kind of thing in the mail and expect me to stay put."

"Why? You didn't come back for anything else, I didn't expect it to be different." Bataar side looking to Kuvira.

"Does she have to be here for this? I don't even know her." Kuvira waited for Su to answer. She wanted to stay, to be able to come to Su's aid if she needed too, but she would do what Su asked of her. Su pursed her lips before turning to face Bataar again.

"Yes, she does. She's been more involved with this family than you have this past month."

"You asked me to leave!"

" I asked you to take a walk! Not get on a train and accept a job on the other side of the province!" Bataar sighed, stepping beside her again. He took her hands in his own, and Kuvira just sat there, trying to convince herself this isn't how it would end. Her and Su had a special connection, this isn't how it would end.

"Can we start over?" He asked, looking into her eyes. Kuvira could see the indecision on her girlfriend's face. Her eyes were riddled with worry and sweat formed on her brow.

"No." Suyin whispered. There wasn't much volume to it, but her words sounded sure, and Kuvira felt her heart skip a beat.
"Its over, Bataar. We're over."

"What about prosperity as long as love should last?" Kuvira recognized the line, from their vows. Maybe Su had told her, or perhaps it was written in the house somewhere.

"I don't love you anymore, Baatar." Suyin clarified.  He pulled away, his face flashed with rage, but it was replaced with fear. He had no.idea what to do next.
"I'll send you the dates for finalization. Make sure you write down anything you want." All he could do was nod before he picked up his dufflebag and left without another word.

Su but her arms on the island, folding into them. Kuvira got up, listening to her sob. She pressed herself against Su's back, holding her and telling her it was okay.


2 Weeks Later

"I can't believe I got stuck hosting another one of these." Su complained. "All everyone ever does is complain about the wine, or the appetizers." Kuvira smiled, setting out a plate of cheese cubes.

"Well at least there's no media." She offered.

"That we know of. Journalists are always in and out of these things undetected. Just watch what you say, open events like these are traps."

"Got it, stay quiet and get the people what they want." Su scoffed, turning to Kuvira and flattening out the collar of her blazer.

"Thats not what I meant." Su said.

"I know, I just wanted you to look at me."


"So you can tell me how fine this new suit is." Suyin smiled, leaning into Kuvira's ear,

"Well I do like a woman in uniform." Kuvira raised an eyebrow, but before she could reply the doorbell rang.

"And the first wave of hell begins." Su said  opening it and throwing on a false smile. Kuvira rolled her cuffs before she too, greeted the guest.

"Tell me Suyin, where's that handy maid of yours? I could use a cocktail." Buttercup said, looking over the room.

"Downstairs, I think, checking on the kids."

"The kids are here?"

"Well where else would they be?"

"I assumed Bataar would have them, now that he's home." Su stiffened, trying not to seem phased. So Bataar was still here, roaming around RC.

"No, he uh... was too busy tonight."

"Well if he finishes early I'll tell Raiko to stop over for a bit. I swear it's like he's been a lost puppy since he relocated." Su nodded, an unenthused grin satisfying Buttercups relentless talking. Su found a bit of peace though, if Raiko was so lost without his friend she should be in the same state. Except she wasn't, which probably meant she made the right choice. She glanced over to the stairs where Kuvira came up, her charming flop sided grin on her face as she said hello. She didn't even know half these people, but she was able to communicate so well.

She's going to make an awesome lawyer.

"How were the kids?" Su asked, leaning into her ear.

"I don't know what was in the apple juice, but Opal and Wei are passed out."

"Already? It's not even nine."

"Wing is just watching the movie by himself."

"Huh, they never cease to suprise me."

"No kidding. I was going to move them upstairs but I figured it's quieter down there."

"Hmm, we wouldn't want to wake Opal in this crowd."

"Remind me what this is for again?" Kuvira asked.

"Wish I could tell you. New Bill or something, I hardly pay attention anymore."

"Why not?"

"I don't know, just doesn't have the appeal it used too." Like Bataar.

"Well, maybe you need to find something that excites you again." Suyin smiled at her, biting her lip.

"I think I already did." She replied.

"BATAAR!" She turned in the direction of the yell, her eyes widening in horror at the sight of her estranged husband walking through the door.

"I must tell Raiko," Buttercup said, pulling out her phone.

"No need, you think I'd stop here without him?" Bataar stepped aside, showcasing Raiko in a studded purple suit. The two of them looked like a colorful pair of leg warmers at a spin class. Raiko's suit being purple and Bataars a soft blue.

"Suyin," Kuvira whispered.


"Whats the plan? Do I dip?"


"In all honesty, I don't think I can stand here while you pretend to be married to him."

"I'm not faking anything," Su replied, "let's just ignore him, okay?" Kuvira shrugged, popping a cheese cube into her mouth.

"Right, so same safe word?"

"What? No Kuvira... avocado."

"What? Now I'm confused."

"Safe word is avocado."

"All right, but I don't know how thats gonna sound when I'm und-"

"Just for now."

"Oh, right." Kuvira smiled. It wasn't the same one from before where she was showing off her perfect teeth and complexion. It was the kind of smile someone did when they were trying to instill hope or confidence.

I hope it works.

"Well I'm officially finishing my political science major, I'll be getting my degree in June, and then I hope I get into law school." Kuvira explained to the group before. It was an oddly diverse bunch for this type of gathering. Suyin's last one had consisted of women over 35 who were just looking for an excuse to get wine drunk.

"And what do you hope to get from that?" One of the people asked.

"I'm not sure I know what you mean... but I want to go into family law, if that helps."

"Any desire to go for DA or judge?"


"Really... interesting." Kuvira furrowed her brows, staring at the group strangly when it hit. Journalists. She turned slightly, trying to make it look as real as possible when she spilled wine on herself.

"Agh, spilled wine on my sleeve, excuse me for a minute while I try to clean up." They nodded, allowing her to leave.
I'm going to have to get better at that. She made her way to the bathroom, disappointed, but not surprised to find it occupied. Rolling up her dampened sleeve she made her way downstairs. She checked briefly on the kids, who were now all asleep, and put a blanket over Wing before going to the master bedroom. She took off her blazer, setting it on the bed while she went to get a cloth. Just as she opened the door she was met by Bataar who looked at her in suprise.

"Oh, sorry," she said, keeping her cool this time.

"I just came down here because it was full upstairs."

"Right. Me too. Spilled some wine on my sleeve." She gestured to the bed, and he nodded.

"While your here," he said, "can I ask you something?"

"Sure..." uncertain about the target of this conversation Kuvira braced herself.

"Has Su been... seeing anyone? Or been gone a lot?" Kuvira's face reddened, she hoped the dimness of the room protected her.

"No, um, not that I can think off. Normal around here. W-why do you ask?" She knew when she was pushing her luck, but she had to know if Bataar suspected her.

"Its just, the sudden divorce, she has new towels down here, and a new bedspread. She flipped down the photo of our wedding on her desk." Kuvira sighed. Never had a time in her life come where she wanted to spill everything than now. For the most part, she just wanted to rub it in, she was a better partner than he was. Suyin was willing to leave him for her. But Suyin should also be the one to tell him.

"I don't think it's as sudden as you think," she said, "She's been conflicted for a while. She's unhappy, and I think she just wants to move on."

"Shes not even fighting for us." Kuvira wanted to shout at him. Su tried for years, he was just to immature to see it.

"Well," she said, "not everything lasts forever." He nodded, taking his leave. She picked up her blazer, pausing.

We're those there before?

Underneath her blazer were the pair of boxers she had changed out of earlier. She glanced back out the door where Bataar had left, and prayed he hadn't seen them.

     Suyin took every opportunity she had to move. Staying in one place for too long made her easy to spot and single out. She wasn't sure how much Bataar had told Raiko, but even the slightest detail could set him off. She tried to think.of a way to separate the boys from Buttercup, but then she had to work under the assumption that she didn't already know. Su sighed in frustration, sipping the rest of her wine and making her way to the bar for a refill. She saw Kuvira leaned up against the wall, staring into her drink. Su poured herself some more wine before standing next to her.

"Whats on your mind?" Su asked, trying to remain inconspicuous. Kuvira gulped,

"He uh, he was in your room." Su raised her eyebrows, listening.
"Said he was using the bathroom. I went in to get a new blazer when I ran into him."

"What did he say?"

"He asked me, about you."


"Dont worry, I kept it vague." She said. "But um, there might be a problem." Su leaned closet, her chest feeling as though it was going to implode.

"What?" She dared to ask.

"My... um, my boxers were on the bed." Su bit her bottom lip, shaking her head.

"Did he see them?"

"I don't know. I didn't notice until I sat on them."

"We'll handle it." Su said, hoping she could convince herself. On top of everything the one thing she'd been avoiding all night had inevitably occurred. She made eye contact with Bataar. She wasn't sure if it was the scenario she was in or if she was actually picking up on something. The look he gave her told her what she needed to know.


"Come here," Kuvira said, wrapping an arm around Su as well as Opal.

"I just... I don't know. It's weird," Suyin said, staring at her tablet.

"If anything it's weird you have to announce this crap. It's your life why does everyone want to be in it so bad?" Su raised an eyebrow and Kuvira raised her hands in defense.
"Okay, we'll I know why I wanted to be in it. But everyone else, they don't stand a chance."

"Well according to the Republic City Times and Ba Sing Se's Particular, they do."

"Let me see that," Kuvira snatched the tablet from her, handing her Opal who complained but then weasled herself between them.

"The Earth Nations most sought-after family has an eligible Bachelorette? Who writes this garbage?" Kuvira huffed, shutting it off.

"I'm not even legally divorced yet."

"And they're already trying to sell you off. I'm just waiting for someone to mention Hiroshi." Kuvira teased.

"Are you kidding me? That man is like... Sixty."

"He's 50, Suyin."

"Still..." Kuvira placed a kiss on her cheek and stood up. Suyin lifted Opal in one arm and Kuvira pulled the two of them up.

"Anyword from the wine group?"

"Its not a wine group."

"Sorry, sorry, I mean, "the office" ."

"Better, but no. Buttercup likely doesn't know or she would have called me by now."

"Mmmm, maybe it's better off she hasn't."

"You're probably right."

"What about Zhu-li?"

"Silent as ever... but I think I have a friend in her."

"Well you'll always have me." Su turned to face her and Kuvira blushed.

I did not mean to say that.

"Thanks Kuvira."

"Of course." Suyin put Opal down, leaving the girl to saunter over to the cookie jar.

"I should call Jr." Su said, picking up her phone.

"What are you going to say?"

"I don't know. Bataar's likely told him his side of things, I can only hope he'll listen to mine." Kuvira got some milk for Opal, and called the twins down to get their share. Surprisingly, Huan followed and joined in on the snack time.

"Whats she doing?" Huan asked as Suyin descended the stairs.

"Calling your brother."


"Hey, it'll be okay."

"Oh I know," Huan spoke casually, taking a bite of the cookie.
"B is gonna be a bit harder to convince."

"He was really holding onto them, huh?"

"Yeah. I don't know, I guess he's the oldest, he was there when things were the best."

"And you?"

"Can't lie, I was comfortable. Until middleschool."


"If I'm being honest, I think the Twins were the last effort to try and save what was left."

"What about Opal?"


"Oh. I can relate." Huan grinned, watching his siblings make a mess of the counter.

"She's been through a lot, Kuvira."

"I know."

"Okay." She placed a hand on the kids back, pulling him into an awkward side hug.


"Hi, this is Suyin, is Jr. there?"

"This is who?"

"Suyin, Bataars mom?"

"Bataar is in RC."

"No, I mean yes, but the small one."

"Oh! Of course." Suyin tapped her foot. She didn't know the voice on the other line, but it sounded like a woman.


"Jr, honey, how you doing?"


"Oh, that's good."

"Do you want something?" She was taken aback, but not surprised by her son's tone.

"I just wanted to talk to you."

"About you and dad?"


"Whats there to say?"

"I don't know... ask me anything, I'll answer." It was quiet for a moment.

"Do you love him?"

"I did. For a long time."

"Just not anymore?"

"No."  She could feel him thinking, he was talking to her, and that was a good sign.

"Mom, is... is Kuvira more than a friend?" Now she was suprised. Had he known all along? Or did Bataar find out and share his suspicions? Either way, she had a decision to make.


"Sorry... um, yes, she's more than a friend."

"She's not a nanny anymore, is she?"




"That girl, who answered, that's Ashley. She's a friend of dad's, she's been living here since before I arrived."

"And she's not a nanny?" She asked, already knowing the answer.


"Mmm, ironic, isn't it?" He didn't laugh.


"Yes honey?"

"I'm sorry."

"I know,"

"I want to come visit."

"Your room is here."

"Huan hasn't stolen it?"

"Nope, in fact, he cleaned it for you."  She had a few tears now. This was the most she had connected with her eldest in a long time.

"Heh, he knows I don't like people in my room."

"It just means he misses you."

"I miss him too."  She heard footsteps behind her, so she turned to see Kuvira on the stairs. She had her hand on the railing, and wide grin on her face.

"We're going to get ice cream," she said, "I'll save you a seat." Su smiled, nodding.

"I'll be right there." Kuvira went back upstairs, and Suyin laughed at the sound of Wei's footsteps as he ran from the idea of putting on shoes.

"Mom, I gotta go."

"Okay, I'll talk to you soon."


"Tomorrow." The call ended and she held the phone to her chest, wiping away a tear. She should feel like her family is torn apart, yet it felt like everything was finally starting to fit together.

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