By sakuralou2689

2.9K 60 25

Carol Danvers-Montmartre/Captain Marvel faced controversies, deaths, and accusations which she couldn't handl... More

BOOK I: Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
BOOK II: Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
BOOK III: Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 35

49 1 0
By sakuralou2689


After the police interrogation, birthday celebration dinner, and the fireworks display, the Montmartre family returned to the hotel, specifically in their rented room. They had a long day and decided to sleep it off. But for Amnon, he had mixed emotions on his birthday. The boy remained sleepless, lying on the bed in the other room and thinking of what his interviewers and Walker had said to him. The skirmish incident of the Smithsonian musuem was still flashing in his mind.

Amnon kept looking at the window and tried to cover himself in a blanket. He wanted to shut his eyes, but sleep couldn't visit him. The Kree Eternal hybrid boy forced himself  and waited for several minutes to doze himself into his slumber, but his eyes were widely opened. He frowned and instantly sat up, removing his white blanket and repetitively slapping his face to make himself unconscious and meet his sleep.  He failed and heavily sighed when he angrily clutching his blanket.

Suddenly, he heard someone knocking the door and instantly opened it. It was his mother who entered the room as he slightly smiled at her. Carol sat beside him on the bed and looked at him with concern.

" Sleepless? " she asked and placed her left hand on her son's shoulders. 

" Yes, mom, " Amnon emotionlessly nodded.

" In few hours time, your birthday is over. You need to get some sleep and grow up very fast. "

" I know, Mom. I know, " he replied. " You don't have to tell me twice. "

" Are you still afraid of what happened this morning? "

" Yes..."

" Sometimes, bad things unexpectedly happen in such a special day like this, " Carol sadly spoke. " I'm sorry..."

" It's already happened. It's not your fault, Mom. "

Carol refrained to read her son's mind in secret as she decided to know more from him by talking. Amnon sincerely looked at his mother and started to compose his questions before asking her. He remained silent for a few seconds to minutes.

" Kid, is there something bothering you during the rest of the day? Did Mr. Walker tell you something? "

" Mom, why did these bad guys come and kill everybody? " he curiously asked.

The blonde Kree hybrid was closemouthed when she heard her son's question. Somehow, that reminded her earlier days in the Avengers, X-Men, and her other affiliations. She had understood and experienced how to deal with those kinds of people from planet Earth to the edge of the cosmos. Carol wanted to answer and explain to her son of what she had done before in detail, but she refused to recollect her heroic past and focused her life as a wife and mother. Amnon waited for his mother's response and looked at her.

" Kid, they do have some issues why they end up that way, " Carol broke her silence in her response. " They have their own goals to do bad things to make themselves feel good in their own way. "

" But Mom, how about those people they make them feel bad? Don't even think they will get harmed? "

" Some bad guys want to do that for some reasons, " she continued. " The others do that as a revenge to those who have hurted them before. "

" That's very hard to understand, Mom. "

" So, you got confused? "

" Yeah, " he nodded and dryly chuckled.

" Surely, they are pretty far-fetched to comprehend, " she gently touched and combed her son's golden locks using her left hand. " Got any questions for me? "

" Yeah, Mr. Walker knew who you were before. Have you done something bad? Did Dad know everything you had done? "

Carol got struck into her son's second question and remained more speechless than ever. The violent incident of her and Mr. Stark had flashed into her mind which it happened more than a decade ago and took place in the same city where they have visited. She never wanted to mention that in detail to her son and felt guilty for committing that horrible mistake. Carol was contemplating to open-up that horrible memory to her son and heavily sighing as Amnon noticed her.

" Mom? " he called her attention.

" Amnon, I can't say if I'm a good or bad guy, " she seriously answered with a hint of hesitation. " I was an overpowered person who saved the world and protected the distressed, but I'm not really that perfect. "

" Why did you say so? "

" I made a lot of mistakes like anyone else. But still, your father has never failed to love me from what I experienced before. "

" Okay, " he nodded. " I guess that's too hard for you to tell. "

" Yeah, " she nodded back and changed the topic. " You know, what? I even dreamt you before you were born. "

" Really?! " Amnon raised his voice to his astonishment. " How come?! "

" Perhaps, I was thinking about you very much as I waited for nine months. Your father and I were so excited and happy to meet you on that special day, " Carol sweetly kissed her son's forehead as he chuckled and blushed. " You just made the best day ever for us! "

" Mom! "

" That's true, Kid. We have been making sure to take care of you until you grow up into the most precious, handsome, bravest, kindest and smartest boy that we ever have. I'm really sure you will become a good guy when you grow up, " she continued and kept messing her son's golden blonde wavy locks.

" Awww, Mom! Stop messing my head! I'm not a dog! " he laughed.

" At least, I've made my big baby feel better! "

" Big Baby?! "

" I'm just teasing you, my young gentleman! " Carol chuckled and again kissed her son's cheeks, hugging him.

Amnon hugged her back, looked at his mother, and asked, " Are we gonna go home soon? "

" I don't know, Kid. We're going to wait until this trouble is over. Then, we can go home, " she replied and gave her son a glass of milk. " There, take a drink, make this glass very empty, and get ready to bed. Okay? "

" I always do that, Mom! " he laughed, drank his glass of milk, and emptied it as his mother took it. She tucked him into his blanket and gently kissed his forehead as her son kissed her right cheeks.

Carol smiled and stood up from bed when she walked and stood on the doorway. Amnon looked at his mother and smiled back at her.

" Goodnight, Mom! "

" Goodnight, Sweetie, " she said and shut the lights off, leaving the door half-open and walking away. The Kree Eternal hybrid boy finally closed his eyes into his peaceful slumber as he felt relieved after the long stressful day.


Remaining inside the hotel room, the Montmartre family was ordered not to leave the premises after yesterday's chaotic Smithsonian Museum Incident had transpired. Amnon was somewhat bored and gazing on the window's view of the whole city. He sighed when he saw his parents watching the TV news which the same pandemonium was being told by some newsreporter.

He returned to his room looking for some pencil, paper, and crayons in his belongings. The boy walked out of the room when he sat on the chair near the table and began scribbling and doodling. Amnon's mind was preoccupied with his activity trying to forget the brutality from that previous day as his interviewers asked him to do, venting out and expressing through his crayon drawings. Then, he grabbed a piece of apple to bite as his creativity was at work.

Methu-Selah noticed his son who was working on the kitchen table when he instantly stood up and approached him. He intently looked at Amnon's crayon drawings when the boy got startled to see his father.

" Dad! " he exclaimed in shock. " You're not supposed to see..."

" It's all right, son, " the Kree Eternal smiled and gently rubbed the child's back, seeing a drawing of the family visiting places in Washington DC and sadly sighing. " I'm sorry, Amnon. I guess this birthday vacation was ruined because of what happened yesterday. Now, the police asked to stay indoors for our safety. "

" I wish bad things were gone away for good, "Amnon answered and kept scribbling and coloring. " Dad, when are we gonna have the same thing just like in my drawing? "

The Kree Eternal intently looked at his son's crayon artwork and had the same vision from last night as he scratched his chin. Somehow, this could happen again in years to come, but not in Amnon's eighth year of existence. Carol overheard the father and son conversation and turned to them.

" Son, it's hard to say this, but perhaps we can visit again in the near future, " his father predicted.

" Really? When?! "

" Once this trouble is over, we will be in this city again, but not now. Probably, when you're older. "

Amnon curiously raised his eyebrows, paused his drawing, and asked, " Why is that? "

" Well, it's not yet the right time to check those places, but soon enough we will. "

" Right, " the boy nodded and understood, but he was intrigued to what his father had said. Then, he remembered something and sadly sighed in confession, " You know, Dad. I wished we spent my birthday here in the hotel instead. "

" Why did you say that, Amnon? " Methu-Selah asked and felt intrigued.

" I didn't feel so good with Mr. Walker and anybody else after that trouble in the museum, " his son truthfully replied.  " I was so scared in talking to them. I didn't know why. "

Methu-Selah remained non-speaking and listened to his son, secretly reading the child's mind. The Kree Eternal gently rubbed his son's back and understood what he meant.

" Well, it's just that you can't trust anyone that you found them very doubtful, " his father seriously answered. " You can't even tell if their intentions are true and pure. "

" Right, perhaps. I had a hunch when I got spoke to them, " Amnon  asked. " What are we gonna do if we meet them again? "

" That depends, son. We have to find out if they're really that trustworthy. "

Amnon nodded, took another bite of his apple, and chewed it. Then, he grabbed a glass of water, drank, and said as another idea sprang up into his mind, " Dad, can we go around the hotel? I'm really bored here. "

" Perhaps, later. Your mother is still watching a TV show. "

" So, are we waiting for her then? "

" Yes, son. "

Suddenly, Carol received a call into her device when she instantly switched the television into a video call mode. The father and son paused conversing at each other when an image of three familiar men appeared. The two walked over to Carol as Methu-Selah placed his arms to his wife and son. They were pleased to see the mutant trio from Paris. Warren Evans, Tier Sinclair, and Ethan Hunter were glad to see the Montmartre family in this video call.

" Uncle Warren! Tier! Ethan! " Amnon cheerfully beamed in greeting.

" Hey, Kiddo! Belated Happy Birthday! " Ethan responded.

" Sorry, we have been so busy these days, Kid, " Warren interjected. " Surely, we never miss greeting you on your special day! "

" Thanks, it's okay, guys, " the boy smiled and held his fruit.

" Hey, how's it going?! " Tier happily greeted and asked.

" We're all good, Tier, " Carol replied and smiled at the wolf mutant with spiky hair and pointed ears. " Although, we're stuck in the hotel today. "

" Stuck in the hotel? What happened? " Ethan asked.

" Washington DC is under a terror attack, " Methu-Selah seriously replied and sighed. " It happened during Amnon's birthday at the Smithsonian museum. "

" Damn, " Warren anxiously muttered and replied with concerned at his friends. " You guys are stuck in that trouble. We're all worried for you three there. "

" We got interrogated by the cops, guys, " Carol continued. " Those armed men are related to HYDRA as I had noticed and explained to the authorities, but none of the cops believed and accused us as liars. "

" That's terribly awful, " the blonde mutant heavily sighed. " You can't trust the police these days. "

" Well, that's a big problem for us, " the Kree Eternal stressedly spoke. " They're still asking us for more reliable evidence, but my entire family are witnesses of the terror attack.  They couldn't even understand every statement we mentioned. "

" That's really tough, " Ethan sadly broke his silence. " We hope you guys can stay safe before you return. " Then, he looked at Amnon, " I felt sad for the birthday boy, though. "

" We ended up celebrating his eighth birthday in the police station, " the half-Kree lady answered while Amnon was clinging to his parents. " Pretty unusual, right? "

" Surely, it is, " Tier dryly chuckled.

" Anyways, how is it going back there? " Methu-Selah curiously asked.

" Well, I have been temporarily managing the entire flat when Lila's away to her gig in Australia. It's pretty hectic and busy to be a substitute landlord, like paying the utility bills, collecting money from the tenants, and inspecting every fault inside the place. I didn't realize Lila can handle having a singing career and managing the entire place, " Warren laughed and shrugged. " Gladius is still running his private investigation office two blocks away from the apartment. I'm glad his wife and kids are helping him. "

" How about Rahne? " Carol asked.

The blonde mutant replied, " She's in Asgard with her husband for a two week trip. So, her boys are still with us, while taking their part-time jobs and studying for college. "

" I could have been teaching them at the University for their elective subjects! " the Kree Eternal grinned. " Perhaps, next semester or so! "

" Really, Professor?! " Ethan nervously chuckled and joked. " You don't bore and make us sleep in class! "

" Or even give us more thesis and difficult exams! " Tier interjected and laughed.

" That depends if you can cope up in my lessons, soon! "

Everyone laughed when Amnon heard the conversation and chuckled. Warren, Tier, and Ethan noticed the boy, ceased their laughter, and turned their attention to him.

" Hey, Amnon, how's your Fourth of July birthday? " Warren asked.

" So-so, " Amnon shrugged.

" Why did you say that, Kid? " Ethan curiously asked.

Amnon became more uncomfortable in answering his older friend's question and recalled yesterday's horrible incident. It was a bittersweet experience which his birthday got coincided with the most troublesome event that he had ever seen. He was aware in seeing guns and hearing the cries of many people inside the museum. He never wanted to speak any of those and remained dead silent.

" Guys, are we supposed not to ask him of that thing? " Tier asked with a concern and noticed the boy's gloominess.

" Oh, sorry about that, Amnon, " Ethan sighed. " It seems we have triggered you in that question. "

" Yeah, but all we want to know is you're safe there, " Warren interjected and gave the boy a sincere smile. " By the way, I owe you a birthday gift, Amnon. Once you return, I'll be sure that you can have it on your door step. Perhaps, Ethan and Tier will be doing the same thing too! I'm really sure! "

" What?! " the two mutants raised their voices in unison when Amnon's facial expression changed and started to laugh. His parents also laughed when they heard their argument.

" Seriously, Warren?! We're not even sure how much we can buy and give him a gift! " Ethan raised his voice and felt ridiculed.

" Ethan, you can work overtime and earn more money than I do! " Tier teased and laughed.

" Oh, come on! "

" It's true, Silly! Then, you treat your girlfriend on a date after class!

" It was just on a special occasion, Tier! "

" These two..." Warren sighed to his embarrassment and facepalmed when the Montmartre family laughed at them.

" They surely have a wide sense of humour, Warren, " Methu-Selah grinned.

" No wonder why Rahne has told me she endured them and gained a lot of headache, " Carol interjected.

" I guess so. "

" Thank you, guys! " Amnon cheerfully replied. " We will be back home very soon. "

" You're welcome! "

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