SOS/Book 2/The Prison

By fleurwrites_

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This is the second book of the SOS series, this time we are carrying on in the Prison. There will be new char... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 26

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By fleurwrites_

Nobody's point of view
"Just pass it here, " Sasha sighed at Merle who was holding the map high in the air, out of her reach.
"Merle stop being immature we have to go in a second, " Andrea rolled her eyes.

"Your no fun, " Merle said passing Sasha the map.
"Really? Because I didn't find that game of  'im too small to reach shit' fun?"
"Exactly, " Merle laughed, "It was fun for me anyway, watching you suffer."

Sasha opened the map,
"Yeah it's definitely the mall, let's go."

Merle, Tyrese, Sasha and Andrea all took a seat in the truck, Sasha drove.
This ride wasn't as short as Glenn, Maggie and Hershel's- but it was still very short compared to the others. About forty minutes.

Soon enough they pulled up at the old mall, it was VERY overrun. Well, most of the zombies were gone, but it was extremely run down and damaged.
They unloaded their weapons from the truck and killed the few walkers that started staggering towards them.

Then they started making their way across the parking lot.

The inside was just as run-down as the outside, dust was everywhere- and it wouldn't be surprising that there was a lot of blood too.

"Ugh, it's so sad isn't it," Andrea sighed, "About a year and a half ago this place would've been filled with happy families eating food and going on shopping sprees."
Andrea pointed to a walker that was eating tearing flesh next to an escalator, "Now they look like that."

Merle sprinted over to the walker and used the knife attached to his hand to stab it through the skull.

"We need to find that security room," Tyrese said and everyone else nodded.

They started on the ground floor, going around in circles looking in every door they could find- that wasn't a store because there obviously would be no guns in a store.
They found nothing, so they decided to go to the second and highest floor they knew about.

The place was crawling with walkers- surprisingly. The past few weeks had been weirdly lucky and calm, but I guess the mall got it bad.
"Look what I found," Sasha called to the others. She was standing by a walker that she had just killed, it was wearing a security uniform and had a gun attached to its belt.
"Wow well done Sasha!" Andrea said happily running over to it. She searched its pockets looking for anything useful- using her left hand to hold her nose the whole time.

She pulled out a load of random crap onto the floor and started looking through it. There was a wallet, tissues and keys.
She immediately opened the wallet, quickly looking through it.
Then she pulled out a piece of paper.

On it was a rough hand-drawn map of the mall.
"Shit that's perfect," Sasha laughed, "How lucky are we gonna get today."
She studied the map looking for the obvious place we wanted to head to, and after about ten seconds she found it.

"Here," she pointed on the paper to the corner of the mall of the top floor- where we were.
"Okay so we're on the right floor," Merle said, "That's a start."
"Yeah we just have to go over there," Andrea said pointing to the far left.
"Easy peasy," Tyrese said getting his knife ready to stab all the walkers in the way.

Fleur's point of view
As we pulled up to the prison it really hit me. One of our friends could be dead. I didn't consider Pedro as a friend- but I knew Katelyn cared for him so I did kinda hope he wasn't in a million pieces or anything.

"Thank god your here," Carol said running up to us, "Come," she said.
We all rushed with her to cell block one and she lead us to Katelyn and Toms cell. Katelyn was there unconscious on a bed- but Tom was nowhere to be seen still.
"Judith," Carl murmured and then he rushed to his baby sisters cell.
Carol and I followed him,
"Carl she's fine you don't have to worry, she's just a bit shaken up from the bang," Carol said sincerely.

Carl picked up the baby up from the crib and rocked her in his arms calmly.
Soon enough she wasn't crying anymore and sent a smile my way. I walked over and stroked her forehead, she was so unbelievably cute.

After a small check up on Judith, we rushed back to the others. We had something to do. Something really important.
"We need to go down there and find the boys right now!" Andy said, almost as if he'd forgotten about them.
Carol nodded and we all sprinted after her as she lead us to the big red iron door.
We wasted no time, rushing down the steps and immediately searching through the heavy bricks and broken furniture.

"Anyone found any sign of hope?" Isla asked the rest of us after about five minutes of looking, she was returned with four no's.
Ten minutes passed, then fifteen, then twenty.
If they were deep under the piles of debris, then they could run out of air and suffocate really soon.

"Guys?" a voice mumbled behind us. We all swiftly turned around but were surprised when we saw an extremely tired Katelyn in the doorway.
"Oh my god, Katelyn are you okay?" Carol said rushing over to her. She looked okay, she only had a few bruises and a cut lip.
But that quickly changed, when the realisation hit her that her friends were under the rubble.
"No no no no no," she cried, tears streamed down her face.
Carol gave her a hug wiping her tears away,
"Katelyn please pull it together you have to help us find them," she said.
"Them?" Katelyn's eyes widened, "I think yo- you mean he?"

We all stopped in our tracks... was she certain one of them were dead?
"What do you mean Katelyn?" Isla said worried, we all were.

"Pedro," Katelyn was breaking down now, "Pedro is definitely, definitely dead."
Andy held a laugh, but everyone else stood with their eyes on Katelyn shocked.

Katelyn pointed to the blood-splattered violently across the walls.


Nobody's point of view
Everyone was back at the prison now, they had found Tom too.
Katelyn had pointed out which part of the room he was in when he tried to grab her- and that helped managed to find him, so close before he ran out of oxygen. 

Tom was the worst out of all of them, he was cut and bruised all over. Tyrese inspected him and thought that maybe one of his ribs could be fractured too. The group ordered that he'd stay in bed for a couple of days to recover.

Rick had gathered up all the guns and they were stored in a huge room. They found SO many, there were piles and piles of weapons and ammo in that room, it was unbelievable. They were 100% ready for anything the Governor or anyone else threw at them. 

Andys point of view
"We did it!!!!" Isla screamed excitedly at me, Fleur and Carl- hugging us all tightly.
"We found the most," Fleur flipped her hair,
"But I think Rick, Michonne and Dar-" she cut me off quickly,
"WE found the most."

I laughed rolling my eyes,
"I agree with Fleur, our pile was totally bigger," Isla chuckled.
I smiled, her laugh was so beautiful.

I had been thinking the past couple of days, about how much I loved her and how I wouldn't be able to cope if I didn't have her around.
I knew Glenn was going to propose to Maggie soon, and I didn't want to 'steal the spotlight' or anything... but I really wished I could make it official like that with Isla.
I sat there on the grass as she chatted away with Fleur and Carl. I thought about what she might say if I did propose, would she think we were too young? Would she say she didn't feel as strongly as I did?

I was worried, I really was. I didn't want to regret not asking her, but I didn't want to push her away.

Soon enough I decided what I wanted to do, but I had to make sure I wasn't doing it carelessly. So I leant over and whispered into Islas's ear,
"Can I talk to you for a bit in private?"
"Yeah sure," she smiled, waving at Fleur and Carl as she stood up and followed me outside cell block one.

"What's wrong?"
I looked at my feet, I didn't really know what to say.

"Isla how do you feel about me?" I asked kinda shyly,
She just giggled at me.
"What do you mean? You know how," she tilted her head trying to read me.
"Well how strongly, do you feel about me? I need to know,"
Her shoulders dropped,
"I love you," she said, "What... do you not love me?"

Well fuck, I didn't mean for her to think that.

"Oh my god no of course I do," I quickly said, "I just wanted to check because... we've never told each other before."
"Now we have," she smiled, "Is that all you had to say?"
I shuffled nervously, god I didn't have a ring or anything. Bit hard to find diamonds in a zombie apocalypse though, I hoped she wouldn't mind.

"Andy?" she repeated as I looked back up at her.
I took a long, deep breath and then dropped onto my knees in front of her.
She looked confused, and I wondered what her expression would change to when I finally got the words out and asked her.

"Isla..." I started, I was way too emotional, "Ever since I laid eyes on you that day in Atlanta I knew you were special.
When you, Katelyn, Rick and Daryl decided to let me come back to Hershel's farm with you I couldn't have been happier.
As I got to know you more I realised that I do, really love you Isla."

I took one more, deep breath in.

"And I want you to marry me."

She gasped and her eyes welled up with tears, happy tears I hoped. Her hands flew to her mouth and I got up to wrap her in a tight hug.
"Hey you don't have to answer now if you don't want to," I reassured her, looking into her red, puffy eyes.

"No no, I can answer now," she said as her voice broke.

I swear for five seconds my heart stopped.

"Andy of course I want to marry you," she laughed as more tears spilled from her eyes.

And it was like my life was finally complete.

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