Konoha's Star ( Naruto x Male...

By Flxwer1800

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In the vast space that is the universe. Larger celestial bodies such as the Sun and the Moon are among the mo... More

Academy Life
Genin Adventures
Genin Adventures II
Recovery (Short)
Genin Adventures III
Genin Adventures IV
Day off II (Short)
New Hokage/Chunin Exams
Chunin Exams II
Chunin Adventures
Recovery II (Short)
Gift (Short)
Chunin Adventures II
Date (Short)
Anbu Ops
Day off III (Short)
Hell of a Day
Momentum (Short)

Day off

1.2K 45 5
By Flxwer1800

After 1 week Y/N was healed and was ready to get back to work. Still in hospital he just finished getting dressed and was about to make his way to the Hokage's office. On the way there he saw Sakura in her office.

Y/N : Hey Sakura?

Sakura : Y/N your being released today right? I should thank you.

Y/N : What for?

Sakura : I was responsible for reattaching Takamaru's arm. The cut was very clean and made the whole operation all the more easier. You ever consider being a doctor?

Y/N : *Chuckles* No the thoughts never crossed my mind. Speaking of him. How's our convict doing?

Sakura : He'll be fine. Though after the operation and in his healing days he kept mumbling something about the boss not being happy.

Y/N : Ramblings maybe.

Sakura : Maybe but until then he's still in recovery before being sent to Hozuki castle.

Y/N : Well I'll be off. I have to go see my father.

They waved each other off and Y/N continued onto the office where he found the rest of his team waiting for him.

Hanabi : I take it your all healed?

Y/N : I wouldn't be here if I was wasn't.

Kakashi : Now as you know due to your actions some form of punishment is due. Though this shouldn't take you too long. About 2-3 hours with Y/N's clones. Some of the files/books will be locked for safe measure so dont go opening them unless I give the ok. Those are very sensitive documents that we cant allow to be leaked. Those that are open are fine to be read as they are no longer too terribly important. However taking any original documents without permission will result in punishment.

Team 6 : Understood.

Kakashi : I've gone through to the trouble to gather your cleaning supplies. *Points to corner* Here is the key.

The group left for the archives on the way there they ran into people who weren't exactly they're biggest fans.

Koharu : We'll if it isn't the group who endangered the lives of the villagers.

Homura : Such reckless behavior wouldn't be tolerated if I Hokage. Especially that outsider.

??? : But your not Hokage. Never have been and never will be.

The person that said was none other than the 5th Hokage Tsunade Senju.

Tsunade : All you did was twiddle your thumbs and sat on your ass while they solved the problem. Leave them alone. And continue about your business.

The duo visibly were upset but left seeing that was a losing battle.

Mirai : Thanks for sticking up for us Lord 5th.

Y/N : Yeah I'm not sure if I could yell at an old person.

Mika : I certainly could. Lord 5th actually just saved them from a potential ass whooping too.

Tsunade : No problem. I'm glad I could help you out. I'm sick of them. Now I'll leave you to do what it was you were on the way too. Sorry about what they said to you Y/N.

Y/N : Oh. I dont care.

Tsunade : Good. You shouldn't.

The group continued on and made it to the archives door and upon opening it a cloud of dust introduced them sending them into a coughing fit.

Mika : When was the last time this thing was opened.

Y/N : Peace has been a thing in the last decade so there probably wouldn't be much of a reason to open it. Though maybe its been longer.

Mirai : Good thing Lord 6th gave us masks

The group put on they're mask and Y/N created his clones. The windows were opened and they began to dust the shelves filled with books and scrolls sending more clouds of dust through the windows. So much dust was in the room it slightly obstructed the vision of the of people in the room.

Hanabi : This room really doesn't seem to serve a purpose anymore if it's this bad.

Y/N : Almost makes you wonder why its still here.

Mika : Some of these scrolls are falling apart

Mirai : They might have been here since the days of the 1st Hokage possibly if that's the case.

Y/N : I'll go see my father. I have an idea.

One of the clones went to to the Hokage's office and when he returned he came back with a few books. Blank books to be exact.

Hanabi : Everyone give the clone the tattered scroll.

They followed suit so while they were cleaning and finding damaged scroll and books they were given to the clone who would re-write in the new blank books. Piles of them were actually placed by the clone and so much to the point where some of the clones stopped cleaning and aided in helping transfer all the information.

Mini Timeskip

After about an hour good progress was made towards cleaning and the group took a small break. Well break wouldn't be the correct term because they soon helped in the transfer of information. While working Kakashi came to see progress.

Kakashi : How are my little helpers doing?

Mika : Were on break but this is just less taxing so we're speeding up the process.

Kakashi : What's in most of the books and scrolls?

Mirai : Records of finances, family trees, historical documents, missions reports. Some small scale jutsu, interrogation reports redacted of course.

Y/N : I've actually found some magazines of naked women. I'm too scared to touch any of them.

Hanabi : Why?

Y/N : One of the clones found the books and one of them said the pages were stuck together.

Everyone : Ew.

They looked to the clone who was balled up in a corner looking depressed.

Clone : I couldn't even open the book. It's sealed shut.

Shizune : I'll bring some garbage cans and a lighter.

Mika : Yeah most of this stuff is just records. Though I suppose the more sensitive things are the one that are sealed.

Y/N : Now scoot along we have work to do.

Kakashi : Alright. I do have things to tend to.

Timeskip brought to you by Team 6 burning the third Hokage's magazines while Hiruzen's ghost cries watching

Another hour later the group was now placing the new books back on the shelves. While Y/N was placing the books back on the shelves he came across a scroll that wasn't sealed nor had a label. Figuring since it wasn't sealed it would be fine if he opened it. When he did he read its contents and he figured that that this scroll was not meant to be opened. Not by him at least. He rolled the scroll up and personally took it too the Hokage's office.

Y/N : Lord 6th I found this scroll that wasn't sealed but it probably should be. I kinda read some of its contents.

Kakashi : Honest mistake. Head on back. *Puts the scroll on the ground behind desk*

Y/N headed back to the archives and got back to work on the shelves. He thought about the contents of the scroll and most like one in particular and it was all he could think about.

Mirai : So what was in that scroll?

Y/N : Considering it was supposed to be sealed I probably shouldn't tell you what it said.

Mika : Aww c'mon *Put Y/N in chokehold* Dont make me force it out of you.

Y/N soon faded away from her grasp and fell on her ass. She'd fallen victim to his genjutsu.

Y/N : I'm wont tell you what was in the scroll. Sorry.

Hanabi : Mika leave it alone I'm sure the Hokage wouldn't want him to tell us either.

Mika : Damn. Well fine, I guess.

They continued their work and eventually came to the last stretch of the cleaning. They took a break once more and repeated the process of helping the clones with transferring information.

Mirai : It must have been really boring when it to writing down these things. Having to write down all these details is really taking all the fun out of me.

Y/N : Some people take joy in this kind of thing. This is pretty interesting if you ask me.

Mika : Yeah that's true but your weird. You haven't changed all that much

Hanabi : But we love you all the same.

Mika : Yeah I'm just pulling your leg.

Mini Timeskip

After the third hour and final hour all that was left were the new versions of the old books and scrolls. Since some of the the books needed to be re-written they did more writing than cleaning. The clones continued writing while they placed the books in the shelves. And one by one they were filled to the brim with documents. And for safe measure the originals were burned.

They were finally finished with their task and reported back to Kakashi. He checked in room after to see they're work and he was impressed.

They went from this.

To this.

Kakashi : Well I'll be. Very good Team 6. I dont even recognize the place.

Mika : Well it wasn't easy. So are we off the hook?

Kakashi : Well you were only supposed to clean the place. Not rewrite entire books and scrolls. So this is more than enough. Go ahead onto Ichiraku's for your lunch I'll pay for it.

The team celebrated and ran off, Hanabi watched on as they left her with the Hokage.

Kakashi : Reminds me of my old team.

Hanabi : Team Minato?

Kakashi : Team 7 as well. Although I wasn't as energetic as Obito and Rin. Just the whole setting of it is all.

Hanabi : Me too. Actually I have a favor to ask you.

Team 6 ran through the village and eventually came to a stop near the academy.

Y/N : Feels like forever since we got graduated.

Mika : Feels like it was just yesterday when I kicked your ass on the Hyuga estate.

Mirai : It was an equal amount of ass kicking on both parts.

Anko who was teaching the class saw her former students, smiled and waved at them. They waved in return.

Anko : *Talking to her class* Remember children. That will be you one day.

Class : Yes Sensei!

Y/N : Learning about Yin release.

Mika : Passing notes around the class.

Mirai : Forcing people to reveal they're crushes.

Konohamaru : Class trips.

All : Good times.

Y/N : When'd you get here Konohamaru?

Konohamaru : Oh I was just passing by. Heard you guys reminiscing about the academy and got swept up in the nostalgia. Where you guys heading?

Mirai : Lord 6th is treating us to lunch for cleaning the archives.

Konohamaru : How was that?

Mika : We found Lord 3rds porn.

Konohamaru looked embarrassed. The kids pressed the topic.

Mirai : You a perv like the old man cousin?

Mika : You got some hidden magazines?

Y/N : Don't lie to us. You know we can figure stuff out. You heard of our investigation last week.

Konohamaru : Absolutely not!

Konohamaru became flustered and the team laughed at him and they continued onto Ichiraku's. When they arrived Hanabi was already there and she was talking to the cook and took a seat at a table they joined her.

Hanabi : I already ordered for us. Sorry Konohamaru.

Konohamaru : It's fine.

The group ate their food at the Hokage's expense. While they were eating Hanabi brought up a topic that came out of the blue.

Hanabi : So Y/N do you know anything about your family?

Y/N : Damn out out the blue like that sensei?

Mika : Now hold on that is a good question? I always wondered why you never spoke about them. So spill the beans.

Y/N : I don't do talk about them, because I can't talk about them.

Mirai : Elaborate.

Y/N : All I know was that my parents were both shinobi during the war. I was just born so its not like I remember anything. They went to the war and never returned. End of story.

Konohamaru : You miss them?

Y/N : Since I don't know them. No. I mean I love them as much as I possibly can. Plus I have a family. The teams like my sisters and I have a lot of big brothers and sisters and then I have a father.

The group all looked at him just wrapped their arms around him. Y/N was just confused but he accepted it and let all just come to an end on its own. When they were finished Y/N continued on what they were talking about.

Y/N : So why'd you bring that up?

Hanabi : Well while were cleaning up the archives I found something that might interest you. *Pulls out book* This is one of the books I rewrote. Don't worry I asked your dad if you could borrow this.

Y/N took the book from her and read the first page of the book. Continuing his reading he found something that intrigued him.

Mika : What's its contents Kurohoshi?

Y/N : A book of all the members of the Kurohoshi clan.

Mirai : No way! You're from a clan?

Y/N flipped through all the pages a found names that all had his last name behind them.

Konohamaru : Recognize any of these names by chance?

Y/N : *Deadpans* I just learned I'm from a clan Konohamaru.

The rest of the team looked at him like a dumbass. He felt bad.

Konohamaru : Did you find any other documents relating to the clan?

Mika : That's a better question.

Hanabi : No. Unless they were in the sealed things that's all I could find. Anyway you can keep the book for a week before returning it.

Y/N : Thanks I'll read through this maybe some hidden memory that buried in the crevices of my mind.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Sarada fighting Boruto

Y/N returned home and threw the book on the table and took a shower washing off the dust and hospital scent he brought home with him. When he was finished he hopped on the couch and read through the book one more time. As he read he found that that the book only contained the names of members of his clans. No history, no names stuck out. Just names. Which didn't disappoint him however he was intrigued.

Y/N : I knew my parents were shinobi but I didn't know we hailed from a clan. Interesting. I wonder what else is to know about them.

Y/N got up and went back to see his father. Before he entered the office he saw that a few people in gray flack jackets black underclothing. The more strange part of the uniform was the mask. They all had mask that resembled an animal. Bears, foxes, kitsune and other various animals.

Kakashi : I see. Well continue on as you've usually have.

Anbu: *Bows*

They soon all disappeared and then Y/N stepped into the office.

Y/N : Father who were they?

Kakashi : That would be the Anbu my son. They are our black ops who work in secrecy who take orders from me and they are run by Sai.

Y/N : I always wondered what he did. You think I could join them?

Kakashi : If you prove yourself then I don't see why not. But your too young right now and its a very demanding job. So what brings you here?

Y/N : I read through the book sensei gave me. Do you know anything about the Kurohoshi?

Kakashi : As you probably figured they were shinobi. What I do know is that they were exceptional shinobi who were known for their genjutsu. Just like you.

Y/N : Is there anything else?

Kakashi : Unfortunately, that's all I know.

Y/N : Damn.

Kakashi : The universe has a way of just letting you know things

Y/N : I guess it will. *Gives Kakashi the book* I'll check this from time to time. Now I have to go practice a jutsu.

Kakashi : Good luck.

Y/N left and Naruto came into the office.

Naruto : Hey sensei just here to check in on you.

Kakashi : Thanks. Hey do you think that you could take this to the archives?

He pulled out the scroll Y/N gave to him that was supposed to be sealed. Naruto took one look at the scroll and a look of worry creeped up on his face. He ran to the desk and grabbed Kakashi by the collar.

Naruto : Who gave you this scroll?

Kakashi : Y/N did.

Naruto : Did he read it?

Kakashi : He said he skimmed a little bit. *Gets out of Naruto's grasp* Why is this a big deal?

Naruto : Read the scroll I'll go get him.

Naruto left the room to go grab the Hokage's son and Kakashi began to read through the scroll. The more he read the more terrified he became. Soon after Naruto returned with Y/N who was confused by the whole thing.

Kakashi : You said that you were gonna practice a jutsu, was it gonna be from this scroll?

Y/N : Yeah. What seems to be the problem?

Naruto : Y/N that's the scroll of seals.

Y/N : Ok? I'm still not seeing the issue.

Kakashi : This scroll is filled with forbidden jutsu. Sealed away by the 1st Hokage. They are too dangerous and may kill you.

Naruto : What jutsu did you want to practice?

Y/N : The Flying Raijin technique.

Kakashi : Sensei's trademark jutsu.

Naruto : You cannot practice that jutsu.

Y/N : But.

Naruto and Kakashi : No buts. Promise.

Y/N : I promise.

Kakashi : You can use the Body Flicker technique. Shisui Uchiha was able to garner the name "Shisui the Teleporter" It might not be as powerful as the the Flying Raijin but if you want something that'll make you faster that's what you can use. You can try it later on in the future.

Naruto : It was technique my father knew and it made him a legendary shinobi. However he was a Jonin when he employed it which speaks volumes to its demanding nature.

Y/N : Well it was a good thing you caught me before I tried.

Naruto : You'll never be as fast as me however. *Grins*

Y/N : I guess me being dead would render all the practice I put into it useless.

Y/N left and didn't return this time. He returned home and began to practice the jutsu given to him in place of the 4th Hokage's famed technique. Since it was a D-rank jutsu, it wouldn't be a hard for him to learn. This is what he'll have to make due with.

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