Konoha's Star ( Naruto x Male...

By Flxwer1800

30K 869 297

In the vast space that is the universe. Larger celestial bodies such as the Sun and the Moon are among the mo... More

Academy Life
Genin Adventures
Recovery (Short)
Day off
Genin Adventures III
Genin Adventures IV
Day off II (Short)
New Hokage/Chunin Exams
Chunin Exams II
Chunin Adventures
Recovery II (Short)
Gift (Short)
Chunin Adventures II
Date (Short)
Anbu Ops
Day off III (Short)
Hell of a Day
Momentum (Short)

Genin Adventures II

1.9K 69 8
By Flxwer1800

The day after what Team 6 would consider their first real mission. Hanabi treated her squad to Lightning burger for the job being so well done. This was there day off so they could rest up. They had just ordered their food and were waiting. Until it arrived they conversed.

Mika : First real mission down.

Mirai : It can only go up from here.

Y/N : That's a lot of hard work. Though I suppose I'm fine with that.

Hanabi : Hanabi : Hard work indeed. This is just a stepping stone.

Y/N : To achieve our goals.

Mika : What are your goals Y/N. Being Hokage like your father?

Y/N : Being Hokage doesn't really interest me.

Hanabi and Mirai : Really?

Mirai : Most kids strive to be that. Even the thoughts crossed my mind and even Mika's.

Mika nodded in agreement.

Y/N : Sure it's an important job. However the field just feels more natural to me. I can't really imagine myself as a person with a desk job when my current job has so much more excitement. Diplomacy is boring if were being real anyway.

Hanabi : So you're an action junkie. Well I suppose everyone is different.

Mirai : I can see where you're coming from. When you're Hokage, the skills you once had can no longer be utilized unless times of emergency.

The food then came and the group began to eat. Mika sparked conversation again.

Mika : I'm just excited that we'll be getting better jobs from now on.

Hanabi : Hold your horses kiddo. Just because we did so well doesn't mean we'll always get mission like that. We still may get jobs hat only take us as far as a gardeners shop in the village.

Mika : Damn it! You'd think after our flawless performance we would be taken more serious and get harder missions.

Mirai : Flawless? You forget that the caravan got stolen. We had to get it back.

Y/N : I agree with Mika though. The mission went from a D to a C, sure Genin are given C ranks but those people have experience.

Hanabi : But you guys are still Genin. And low ranked ones at that, more difficult missions will be hard to come by. The transport/escort mission escalated past the point we anticipated. And even though you reacted well and completed the task you are still much more inexperienced.

The children were upset by the answer.

Hanabi : However...* Smiles* That missions outcome definitely put you on the higher ups radar. Even though you'll get some of these boring missions from time to time for now. Whenever a mission comes up where the difficulty calls for someone of Genin or low Chunin. You will be one of them teams they consider. And considering how well you acted in that last mission when things became more dangerous, that may make you better ninja overall.

This answer rose their spirits. She was right. They continued to eat and when they were finished they split off from each other. The day was still early so Y/N decided to visit his favorite people. Sasuke had been gone for a while so he visited the Uchiha household first.

Arriving he saw Sarada playing in the front yard. When she saw him she ran to him and climbed him up to his shoulders as she usually would.

Sarada : Why did you take so long to visit? *Pouts*

Y/N : I had a mission and just got back yesterday. Today is my day off. I'm sorry.

Sakura : Glad to see that your safe, heard it got dicey.

Sarada : What was it like?

Y/N : Well someone took something they weren't to so we had to kick some butt.

Sarada : Wow! Do you think I could be like you when I become a ninja like you?

Y/N : Of course, probably even better than me.

Sakura : But before she can do that. *Points at Sarada* This young lady has to clean her room.

Sarada : Mom please! Y/N's here and I want to play with him.

Y/N : Why dont I help her?

Sakura agreed and the two went into the room and saw the mess they had to face. Y/N put Sarada down and created his clones and they all got to work. One of the clones came across something that saddened him. Not even 10 minutes later the room was spotless. Sakura came in expecting the worst but saw what she wanted. The clones all waved at her to which she waved in return.

Sakura : I guess you can play.

Sarada ran outside dragging the two of the clones outside and the others followed. Sakura pulled the original aside.

Sakura : We appreciate you coming to hang out with Sarada. She always calls you big brother when your not around.

Y/N : It's no trouble really. With all Sasuke has done for me. This is the least that I can do help out.

The two looked out the window and watched Sarada running away from the clones and laughing while doing it. One of the clones eventually grabbed her and she began to scream in a playful manner as if caught by a monster.

Leader Clone : It all over now!

Sarada : I've been captured! Someone help me!

The clones then jumped away when a person hit the ground creating a dust cloud. Which when cleared revealed Sakura.

Sakura : You fiends have hurt the Princess. The queen shall see all of you punished.

The clone jumped back to his allies with Sarada in hand. Sakura then pressed through them and defeated them and saved Sarada. Y/N jumped down after them.

Y/N : I'll get you next time.

Sarada : Soon I'll beat you myself.

When Y/N was leaping through the village he thought about what one of the clones had seen while cleaning. It was a picture that Sarada drew. Depicted in it was her, Sakura and Y/N but Sasuke was nowhere to be found. The image stayed in his head until he ran into the rest of the people on the list Boruto and Himawari.

Y/N : Hey guys. *Waves*

Boruto : He has returned to face his doom. *Gets into fighting position* I'll send you back to your daddy crying.

Y/N : *Stifles laughter* What's that make this 10-1?

Boruto : 10-2. You forgot the other loss.

Y/N : I tripped on a rock.

Boruto : All part of my genius plan.

Himawari : Y/N make your clones. I'm having a tea party.

Y/N complied and made 3 clones who sat at the table and gossiped amongst themselves. The original came under attack from Boruto whose wild flailing was easily blocked. Eventually he began to move better but it didn't really amount to much more but this gave Y/N the idea to throw the fight. Boruto threw a punch at his stomach and connected it. Causing Y/N to cry uncle.

Boruto : I told you I'd win this fight.

Y/N : That you did.

Naruto then came outside and called out to Y/N. Y/N went to him

Naruto : Good work on the mission yesterday. I have a gift for you.

Y/N : You didn't have to.

Naruto : It's been something I've been working on for a while.

Naruto went inside and rummaged around for a little bit before coming back with a backpack.

Y/N : Thanks Naruto. I'd ask what it is but I'm sure that you'd prefer I open it.

Naruto : That would be best.

Y/N : I will do that at home. Got one more stop to make. I'll see you Uzumaki clan.

Y/N left for his next destination. As he travelled he couldn't help but wonder what was in the backpack. It's weight constantly shifted around which sent him possible ideas. Those thoughts left his mind as he made it to a store and bought snacks. A large number at that so much so that a clone had to be made to help him carry it. He then made it to the destination. The Nara household. There he found his targets the new generation InoShikaCho the three were currently just chilling in the living room. They took notice of him and tackled him to the ground.

Y/N : I take it you're excited to se me. Luckily that was the clone.

The clone soon gave up and disappeared leaving the children to fall on the ground.

Cho-Cho : You brought snacks!

Y/N : *Give Cho-Cho two bags* These are for you. This one bag is for us. Save the rest for later.

Inojin : Sweet.

Shikadai : Finally some snacks.

The group began to eat.

Shikadai : Heard you got attacked yesterday.

Y/N : Seems like everyone heard about the mission. Yeah we did.

Shikadai : Sounds like a drag. Well at least you guys are okay.

Inojin : What's in the bag.

Y/N : Dunno, Naruto gave it to me. Haven't opened it yet.

Cho -Cho : Any ideas.

Y/N : Not a single one.

Inojin quickly began to draw a picture and when he was done he gave it to Y/N. It was a picture of him that was drawn in the same style of Sai. He admired the work and then put it in the bag. He hung out with the kids a little bit more and then eventually left. He was making way towards his final stop before retiring home. He went back to the store and bought a monstrous amount of water. He went towards the forest where he found the Lee men training, not surprising him at all. They were currently resting.

Y/N : Seems I caught you at a good time.

Metal : Hey Y/N!

Lee : It is good to see you! I heard the mission was a success. No doubt completed with incredible strength.

Y/N : Thanks. *Takes bag filled with water* Figured you may need these with the way you guys train.

The Lees looked at Y/N like a water deity and bowed at his feet and then destroying the water.

Metal : Thank you for the save. Would you like train with us?

Y/N : Absolutely not. Not to be rude but you guys are insane. I'm not sure I could keep up with your basics.

Rock : I understand. How about we show you a few exercises for a person of your skill. You are always welcome to train with us if you ever wish to.

Y/N : Sure it couldn't hurt.

When he arrived home he fell to the floor after attempting one of the exercises. Using what strength he had opened the bag seeing an assortment of manga. Manga he looked forward to reading and was saving up for. He made no attempts to read them as he crawled to the bed and retired for the day.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N drawing manga

Y/N woke up from his sleep to find that his apartment had been infiltrated by his team. He knew this because he saw them making breakfast in his kitchen.

Mika : Damn he really got hookup with this place.

Hanabi : Does he have eggs?

Mirai : I'll check the fridge.

Y/N : Yes come into my home with my permission.

Mika : We're a team. Get used to us occasionally disturbing each others privacy.

Mirai : Its true. One time I found them using the shower at my house.

Y/N : *Sighs* Alright just clean up when your finished. I have pancake mix in the cabinet.

Y/N went to the bathroom and took a shower and let out groans as he did. He finished and got dressed in his usual attire. Stepping into the kitchen he saw the food already cooked and the girls already eating.

Mika : What's up with all the groaning?

Y/N : I decided to train a little with Rock Lee.

Mirai : That explains why you slept through our entrance.

Hanabi : Oh boy. How you fairing?

Y/N : Crying muscles. But I'll be fine. Thanks for the food.

The group began too eat, Y/N managed to ignore the pain in his arm to bring his food to his face.

Y/N : Timeout. Why are you here?

Hanabi : We got a message to go to the Hokage's office. We came to get you but you didn't answer so we let ourselves in.

Y/N : How long ago was that?

Mika : 10 minutes. We still have 20 minutes before we need to be there. At least according to your clock.

Y/N : Ok. Who did the cooking?

Hanabi and Mirai raised their hands.

Y/N : Then Mika is gonna help me do the dishes.

Mika : No the hell I'm not. *Goes to eat food*

Y/N : *Grabs her plate* Then no more food for you.

Mika : C'mon. Sensei?

Hanabi : He makes a good point. Plus its his food.

Mika : Fine.

Y/N returned the food and they team continued to eat. Once they were finished Y/N and Mika proceeded with the dishes while Hanabi and Mirai watched tv until they were finished.

Mika : All right you two. Lets go.

The team left the apartment and made way to the Hokage's office. When they arrived they saw Kiba leaving.

Kakashi : Ah Team 6. Good to see you.

Hanabi : What do you have for us lord 6th?

Kakashi : Coming off the excitement that was your last mission, I figured something more less high octane would be good.

Mika : *Sighs* That makes sense. What do you have for us?

Kakashi : Painting buildings. Some of the workers were injured at the job and those who weren't were contracted for another job.

Mirai : What's the building?

Shizune : You'll just be painting the buildings that were already constructed near the village center.

Y/N : Oh yeah I saw that. It's the buildings across from the bank.

Kakashi : Yes those. You'll be doing both interior and exterior.

Hanabi : Ok we're on. Lets move.

The team made their way towards their job and took note of the busy atmosphere. Parents buying groceries, teenagers shopping. People commuting to work. Just regular people just doing regular people things. A vast contrast to the life of a ninja. The group made it to the buildings and chose to split up making the work go by easier.

Y/N made his clones and they split up. 4 buildings were to be painted so they split into 4 groups of three. The clones all grouped with each other with Hanabi filling the third role of one of them. While Y/N, Mirai and Mika were a group. As they painted they conversed.

Mika : Who knew that painting could be so therapeutic.

Y/N : That's really odd for you to say.

Mirai : Yeah you're usually brash.

Mika : I guess you guys just don't know me well enough.

Y/N : We know you like fighting.

Mirai : We know you like being a shinobi.

Mika : Everyone knows that. That just proves my point.

Mirai : I doubt you know us that well too.

Mika : I-I know Y/N likes manga.

Y/N : Everyone knows that.

The group laughed and went back on to painting.

Mini Timeskip

After a few hours of painting the team took a lunch break at Ichiraku's.

Hanabi : Alright team we just have 1 more room in each building after we finish lunch.

Y/N : Good. I got some stuff to work on.

Mika : You still working on that? How long has it been?

Y/N : 6 months. Being a novice doesn't really help my case.

Mirai : You seem hellbent on finishing it.

Y/N : Absolutely.

They continued to eat before the sound of a explosion rang out and the earth beneath their feet shook. They quickly ran outside and saw smoke rising in the sky. The source being a building, however it was the bank. Team 6 quickly ran to the establishment only to see a few people running away from the building and faded into the smoke. Y/N gave chase to the enemies but after he made it through the smoke they were nowhere to be found.

Y/N : Damnit! I lost them. They couldn't have gotten far. Mika!

Mika : On it.*Activates Byakugan* Don't see anything.

Hanabi : Y/N, Mirai stay here and check on the civilians. Mika with me.

The Hyuga left the area and the latter did as told. Clones were summoned and they all ran on to the aid of all the civilians caught in the blast. There were no casualties but there was plenty of injuries ranging from simple scratches to broken bones. Luckily right after they began to help back up arrived and the people received first aid. Y/N and Mirai went into the bank and began to investigate. Y/N stayed in the front, while Mirai took the back of the bank.

After 10 minutes Hanabi and Mika came back. Unfortunately they had lost sight of the perps and began talking to the police when they returned.

Hanabi : Yeah we lost sight of them and couldn't pick up a trail.

Y/N : Mika come here real quick. Can you see anything out of place here?

Mika *Scans the environment* There seems to be a object over there.

Y/N walked over and dug through the rubble. What he found confounded him. He brought it to the police.

Officer : Watcha got there kid.

Y/N : The remnants of what looks to be a bomb.

Officer : Go on.

Mirai : They managed to get away with a bunch of cash.

Mika : Yeah I'm not getting any residual chakra.

Officer : All right thanks for your help with the civilians and the investigation. You can leave the rest to us.

Team 6 left scene and returned to painting the building that had luckily remained unscathed. The area was swarmed with police and it was swiftly cordoned off.

Mirai : Pretty brave to rob a bank in the middle of the day. You'd have to be stupid to do something like that.

Mika : We should be on that investigation, not painting some buildings. Don't you agree Y/N?

Y/N stood at his area still painting but lost in thought. His eyes were drawn blank and his mind clearly was somewhere else.

Hanabi : Y/N?

Y/N : Huh! Oh sorry what were we talking about?

Mika : I know that look on your face. Your thinking about something. Fill us in.

Y/N : I might be wrong. But the whole thing feels off. Like there's a piece that I'm not seeing.

Mirai : What is it?

Y/N : Let's finish this first.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Mika and Y/N training.

The group had finished all the buildings. And had checked into the Hokage's office to report that they gad done so. They then congregated back at Y/N's residence.

Hanabi : All right Y/N what's been bothering you?

Y/N : Well the lack of chakra is a major red flag.

Mirai : That was a little bit off.

Y/N : Sensei nor Mika could find anything. Which brings me to the bomb.

The girls : A bomb!

Y/N : Exactly. After I found the remnants of the bomb I assumed that it was used to open the vault. But that doesn't work since the position of the bomb is to far away from the vault.

Mika : So what purpose does the bomb serve?

Hanabi : Nothings coming to mind. Y/N, Mirai?

Y/N : Lastly the cop who I spoke to didn't seem all too surprised by the fact that a bomb was used. You could leave this up to experience but bombs aren't a usual things unless they're ninjutsu. And even that would be rare since Bakuton (Explosion style) is rarely seen here.

Mika : So you think the cop is in on it? Bold assumption.

Mirai : Well we do have a way of finding out.

Mini Timeskip

The police had been quite active since the robbery, so multiple officers were doing what they could. Officer Maki was one of these people. She stepped into the chaos that was the department and was instantly given orders.

Sgt : Maki get me some coffee.

Soon the entire department turned into birds and continuously parroted the phrase coffee.

Maki : Why me?

She went to the store across the street and began to get the coffee. While awaiting her order she ran into another officer.

Officer : First day coffee run huh? *Chuckles* You'll get used to it. Sooner or later you'll be the one telling the newbies who bring the coffee.

Maki : So this is normal? That sucks. I'm sorry I didn't catch your name.

Officer : Takamaru.

Maki : Pleased to meet you.

The two went back to the department and conversed. Maki then found out that Takamaru was the lead officer on the robbery case in the village. When they arrived everything seemed to calm down and the coffee certainly did help.

Takamaru went to his office and soon brought out a few papers while he was walking he missed his step and fell to the ground. Maki who was in the area gave him a hand, however when she did she took a few of those pages. And Takamaru didn't seem to notice. He went to the captains office to report the whole thing.

Captain : Is this all that you have? These pages are numbered and a few seem to be missing.

Takamaru : Damn. Let me check my office.

Maki : Officer. Did you forget this? *Hold missing papers* You left these on your desk.

Takamaru : Thank you.

Maki then left the building and was soon followed by another officer. The following officer kept a distance between herself and Maki, before they reached a corner. The two looked at each other and exhaled and then were surrounded by smoke. Once it cleared both women were revealed to be Y/N and Mika.

Mika : Covert missions are pretty awesome.

Y/N : Did you get what we needed?

Mika : Lets head back to your place and talk about this.

Mini Timeskip

Back at the apartment The papers "Maki" managed to grab were spread on the table.

Mirai : How come you didn't manage to grab more papers?

Mika : Takamaru moved to the captains office faster than we anticipated. Copying these were the best I could do.  Sorry we messed up your plan. And Y/N went through all that trouble to put the Sgt under genjutsu.

Y/N : Don't be. We got something.

Hanabi : It seems they were able to get to a statement from one of the tellers. Some guy named Hide. Seems we should pay him a visit.

The group went to the address listed for Hide and knocked on his door. Thankfully he answered

Hide : How may I help you?

Mika : You were at the bank when it was robbed we need you to tell us everything that happened.

Hide : I already told the police what I saw. The 2 robbers broke in and held everyone up with weapons.

Y/N : Did you hear why they used explosives?

Hide : I-I-I didn't.

Mirai : You seem awfully nervous for someone who was just there.

Mirai then touched Hide on the shoulder and disrupted his chakra flow. He soon calmed down and said something unexpected.

Hide : *Looks down* Ugh finally Takamaru. I hate when you use genjutsu to put me in that cowardly state. *Begins to shake his head*

Y/N thought quickly and placed him under another genjutsu. Making him perceive the four of them as Takamaru and the robbers in mask.

Hanabi/ Robber : Explain to me why we used that bomb in that first place.

Hide : Because you idiot! The manager changed the password to the security measures. We brought the bomb as a back up just in case that happened. Why are you asking me this? We went over the plan.

Hide then began to walk to his room where he pulled out duffel bags that were full of money. He put two on the table on the left and returned with the other two.

Hide : 200,000 Ryo. Beautiful. Peace makes people complacent. *Reaches into bag but quickly retracts it* Who the hell put a kunai in the bag.

He looked to his associates only to see them replaced with a woman and three children. At the same time Takamaru and the other robbers walked into the room.

All 8 : Well shit!

The 8 quickly pounced at one another. Y/N grabbed Hide and kept him in a bear hug and electrocuted him forcing him to go limp. Mika hit her opponent in the stomach with an air palm sending him into a wall. Mirai used a gale palm and sent her opponent through a window. Hanabi took on Takamaru who was studier than his counterparts put up more of a fight. He managed to keep Hanabi away from him. But the children were not so easy to shrug off. They berated him with attacks which made him tire out faster than normal.

Y/N : Give it up!

Mika : We've got you surrounded.

Takamaru : Not a chance!

He removed his clothes to revealed that the had himself suited himself with a bomb. And a big one at that. He jumped through the already broken window and ran down the streets. The group gave chase to him and ran after him.

Takamaru : You better stop chasing me or I'll take some of the civilians with me.

Mirai : You know we cant won't do that!

The chase continued before they soon realized he was leading them into a more densely populated area.

Y/N : Speeding bullet. *Draws Inazuma and gives it to Mika*

Y/N slowed down while Mirai ran ahead and stopped. Mika took the sword and ran past them and buried the sword into the ground. Y/N ran toward Mirai who prepared her jutsu.

Mirai : Futon : Gale palm!

Y/N jumped into the jutsu and was sent soaring through the air. However it wasn't fast enough. Mika thinking quickly compensated for that. Y/N flew past her and grabbed his sword at the same time Mika prepared her jutsu.

Mika : Air palm!

Y/N then got faster and had a hard time holding onto his sword but he kept a tight grip. Takamaru looked behind him and saw the airborne Y/N flying at him. He quickly grabbed the detonator but it was too late. Y/N passed him and Takamaru had his arm severed.

Y/N didn't stop flying and crashed into a store and laid unconscious.

Takamaru writhed on the ground in pain holding his gushing limb. Still he dragged himself towards Y/N and sat next to him.

Takamaru : Should've have went for the wires kid. 

The bomb was revealed to have a timer set on it for 10 seconds and it was going down. Takamaru seemingly made peace with his life. He closed his eyes and opened them. When he did he found himself outside of the village with a golden figure standing before him.

Naruto : Want to hurt the innocent civilians? Not on my watch. Be glad Y/N only severed your arm.

The bomb ran out and it was quite sizeable. However Takamaru was still alive. Naruto removed the vest from him and saved him even though he didn't deserve such mercy. Naruto lifted him up and took him back to the village where he was turned over to the police. Naruto then went to Y/N and walked him to the hospital.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N sleeping in a hospital bed

When Y/N had woke up he was in a bed not his own. Looking around he found Naruto, Kakashi and Team 6 looking at him. He tried to get up but couldn't due to the pain he felt. His left arm and right leg were sore.

Mika : *Rubs back of head* I might have put a little to much power into that air palm. My bad.

Hanabi : Yeah you should work on that.

Naruto : The doctor says you were lucky to only sprain those limbs but not too badly

Kakashi : You'll be out of commission for a few days to a week to properly heal up.

Y/N : What about the-

Mirai : The robbers were taken care. Takamaru's  fine unfortunately . They managed to stop the bleeding.

Sasuke : You did good kid. Seems like bringing you here was a good decision.

Sasuke was sitting by the window.

Y/N : Yeah thanks. Glad everything worked out. Now if you'll excuse me I'm really tired.

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