Portgas D. Ace x Reader

By AAAA0004

31.4K 931 344

Y/n is a 16 years old girl with a smile that almost never leaves her face. One day, she and her dad moved to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author's note
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 33

497 20 5
By AAAA0004

"Y/n?" Ace asked. We were in the library since I have to read a book and explain to the class about what I have read about.


"Why can't we go homee?" Ace was whining for the 6th time in less than 5 mins.

"We are gonna go home. Let me just find a book. They are all boring so I'm looking for an interesting one." He then let out a laugh.

"Finding an interesting books? Since when are you interested in them?" He said while laughing at me and I pouted

"You know that I don't like reading. I really can't find anything that I can read so imma ask Robin if she can help me find a book." He grinned, grabbed my hand and led me out of the library.

"This place is quite boring." I hated the attention that people were giving us, one because we're loud, and two, Ace usually dates the popular girls and not someone like me.

We then left the library and went to my place. Ace then wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. He then slid his tongue in my mouth and our tongues were fighting for dominance and then made his way down to my neck. The door then opened and sabo and luffy came into the room. Sabo's eyes widened and then left the room and closed the door behind him.

" if you wanted to do it you could've done it while we're not at home!!" He said. I blushed.

"What is going on? What are they gonna do while we're not home?" Luffy asked. He's too innocent to know what his older brother talking about.

"Nooo it's not like that!" I shouted.

" if u want something then come and get it, nothing is going on in here" Ace said and then he came into the room.

"Actually, I was gonna take a nap-"

"You can take it on the couch." Ace cut him off. How isn't he embarrassed? And how

" alright but I don't want to hear both of you, and luffy wants to put back his bag." Then he left and luffy came in and left his bag beside his desk.

"By the way, what are you gonna do while we're not home? Are you gonna cook some meat?" He asked.

"No, it has nothing to do with food but we're not gonna do it anyway" Ace said.

"So are you gonna try a game?" He asked

"Sort of"

"I want to join both of you! Hopefully it's something like Mario cart" He said.

"No, its not. What were you gonna do after school?"

"Oh you just reminded me that I'll hang out with Nami today so see ya!!" He then left. We then talked about what happened today and how usopp got himself a new girlfriend called kaya, one of the girls that used to hang with Chloe and her group. She now doesn't talk to them anymore because she didn't feel like she belonged with them from the first place. Suddenly, my phone started ringing. I looked to check the caller's id and it was law so I picked up.

"Hi!" I said.

"Hi, umm, is it okay if I meet up with u?" He asked.

"Sure, but when?" I didn't know since I'm at ace's place so I know when to go.

"It doesn't matter just after I finish my shift. Maybe after an hour near the cafe?" Why does he sound like he's angry?

"Yeah, is everything alright?" I asked

"I'll tell you when I see you, bye!" He then hanged up.

"What's wrong?" Ace asked.

"Law wants to hang out, but something's bothering him"

"Like what?" He asked while thinking

"I have no idea." He looked like he's jealous.

"Can I go with you" I looked at him, confused.

"Sure but why?" I said.

"Why not? I wanna hear what both of you've been talking about." Could it be that he thinks that there's something between me and law? But why would I lie to him?

"Alright, but just don't tell anyone about anything you'll hear" I was serious because law has been involved through some shit especially after Cora-san fell in a coma.

"Alright. Y/n, I've been keeping something from you for a while" I looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"And What were you keeping from me?" If he said that he cheated I'll go crazy.

"That day when we came back from c/n, I walked the dog and heard your conversation with law." He was eavesdropping?!! What's more important was what did he exactly hear?!

"What did you hear?" I looked away while if felt like his onyx eyes were looking directly at my soul.

"I heard something about Doflamingo's brother, law helped you 'that day' and that you gave him a paper. Your father even told me that you hid stuff from me so I'd like to know what are those things because how can we get married and we don't know everything about each other?" I blushed and my heart sank at his words. Does he mean what he said or is it just curiosity?

"Fine, I'll tell you the truth but after we hang out with law, I promise. I don't want to cry or anything and then go out." His hands turned into fists.

"Who made you cry?" He said with angriness in his voice.

"I'll tell you later, now can we get going?" He looked in my eyes one last time.

"Fine" and then we left.


"Hi law!" I said.

"Hi y/n-ya and Ace-ya" he said. Ace smiled at him.

"Hi" Law then looked away from us.

"Umm, y/n, can you help me? You see, the landlord kicked me out of his apartment because he raised the rent and I can't afford it, so can I stay at your place till I find a new place to live in? I know that it's a weird way to ask, but is it okay?" He really doesn't deserve that.

"Of course you-" Ace then cut me off.

"You can stay at our place if you'd like. We have an extra room." Law then smiled warmly.

"Really?! Thank you sooo much! I really appreciate it!!!"

"It's alright! You can get your stuff and later on we'll help you to fix it. Luffy and sabo can help as well" At that moment, I knew that I was dating a man and not just a reckless teenager. He is reckless, but is helpful and just so... amazing .

"Thanks, I only have this suitcase." I looked down. Honestly, I didn't see it before.

"Cool! Let's go home then!" Me, Ace, and law went back to ace's home and he then told dadan and sabo. Sabo was happy because someone responsible will be there with him while dadan was gonna kill Ace since she's tired of raising the 3 brat but became quiet after he told her why he's moving with them.

"But law is a nice person, he wouldn't cause trouble" I said while dadan glared at me.

"Listen brat, I raised those 3 brats when I could've lived my life in a better way, then they started having girlfriends, and now someone else is joining us?! Listen!" She then pointed at law

"Don't ever think of throwing a party in this place or do anything stupid"

"Dadan, you only had the choice to either raise us or go to jail, plus we ate literally anything , so u didn't have to cook." Law didn't expect that and his face showed it, while dadan looked quite irritated.

"And who said that i didn't choose prison?! I told that stupid old man that I would rather go to jail than babysit stupid brats, but he forced me to. And eating the worms wasn't a pleasant view either." I looked at Ace, horrified. I kissed someone who's been eating worms? He noticed me looking at him and raised his hands like he's defending himself.

"I swear it was luffy! I've grilled a chicken that I've stolen but luffy didn't mind eating the insects and raw meat" law then started laughing.

"Sorry but you guys are hilarious. Is it true that you're supposed to be in prison?"

"Yes, and I, thanks to y/n's grandpa, turned into a nanny instead of working as a bandit." He then looked at me, giving me the 'is she serious' look so I nodded my head.

"Ohhh, but that's something quite brave of you to do, because a bandit and a nanny has nothing to do with each other so I'm pretty sure that you've done so much efforts" her eyes then watered

"Thank, anyways, there's food in the fridge, you can heat it up and eat" he then thanked her and dadan went to her room. Ace then dragged me

"Alright, can we talk about what we promised to talk about now?" Ace asked.

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