
By -_-WendyMarvell-_-

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Connor and Emiko Yukari are your typical brother and sister. Going to school, constantly getting on each othe... More

Chapter 0: Prologue
Chapter 1: Welcome To Mytho-Academy
Chapter 2: Learning The Rules The Hard Way
Chapter 3: Duellum
Chapter 4: Nightmares Sometimes Become Reality
Chapter 5: First Night
Chapter 6: First Day
Chapter 7: Combat Training
Chapter 8: Suspicion
Chapter 9: When Duellum Goes Wrong
Chapter 10: Loss
Chapter 11: Doomsday
Chapter 12: Departure
Chapter 13: Family Reunions
Chapter 14: Attacked
Chapter 16: Welcome To Alfheim
Chapter 17: Bloody Magic
Chapter 18: Power Up
Chapter 19: Defeat
Chapter 20: Truth
Chpater 21: Aftermath
Chapter 22: Struggle
Chapter 23: Final Battle
Chapter 24: Sacrifices
Chapter 25: Epilogue
S2 - Chapter 1: War
S2 - Chapter 2: Waking Up
S2 - Chapter 3: Spy
S2 - Chapter 4: Execution
S2 - Chapter 5: Athens
S2 - Chapter 6: Battle Of Lives
S2 - Chapter 7: Egypt
S2 - Chapter 8: Secrets Of The Past
S2 - Chapter 9: Losing Souls
S2 - Chapter 10: Tournament
S2 - Chapter 11: Nightmares
S2 - Chapter 12: Traitors
S2 - Chapter 13: Failure
S2 - Chapter 14: Apocalypse
S2 - Chapter 15: Queen Of Lust
S2 - Chapter 16: Trial
S2 - Chapter 17: Split
S2 - Chapter 18: Crazy Elves
S2 - Chapter 19: Last Stand
S2 - Chapter 20: Fallen Saviors
S2 - Chapter 21: Demons
S2 - Chapter 22: Change
S2 - Chapter 23: The Real Epilogue

Chapter 15: Berserk

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By -_-WendyMarvell-_-


I wasn't sure if I was looking at this correctly.

Yeah, no. It's kind of hard to mess up with this.

While Connor and Angel were on ground level, the rest of us were floating in the air in a giant invisible sphere. Heka had put it up, so we could spectate the fight and not be seen.

Emiko: "What's wrong with Angel?!"

Heka: "It would seem her true powers had been sealed behind that mark on her neck. When the girl erased a line from it, the seal was undone"

Suddenly, the black mist started to spin around her, almost like a small tornado.

Himari: "T-That's not Angel anymore"

I turned to Himari, where I was about to ask her questions. But the second I saw her face, my stomach sank. Her face was pale and her body was shaking. It looked like she was almost going to cry.

Kaito: "This isn't the first time Angel as accidentally used this power. Have you ever wondered why she never accepted Duellum? Well, this is the reason. If that mark gets wiped away, she turns into that"

I looked down, and saw Connor yelling to Angel.

Connor: "Angel!! Snap out of it!!"

With the help of some Heka magic, we could hear everything that was happening.

Angel looked straight at Siyuka, dead in the eyes.

Angel: "Kill......."

Siyuka: "I see, copying your boyfriend over there. It may have worked on me once, but don't think it will—"

Siyuka was cut off when Angel put her hand in the air. Angel's body then started to rise above the ground. After a few seconds, she was a good 25 feet (7.62 Meters) in the air. She just hovered there, like she was being held up by something. Siyuka suddenly shouted to her army.

Siyuka: "Fallen!! Shoot her down!!"

Most of the Fallen army pulled out bows and cross bows. However some of them controlled the elements, which were standing way in the back.

Angel looked down at them, without showing any emotion. She then held her right hand out as the army started aiming. The sky above was like the center of a hurricane. Then, hundreds to thousands to millions of souls shot out of the sky and towards Angel. They all stopped right in her hand, which when combined, they all created a giant scythe made of red glowing souls. However the scythe was at least 70 feet (21.3 Meters) long, and the blade was about 30 feet (9.2 Meters) long.

Angel: "Burn in Tartarus....."

Angel lifted the scythe in the air, then swung it at the Fallen army. They all started to run away, but there was no way they could escape. All of them were struck by the scythe as it dug into the ground, tearing into the sand. With a single swing, the entire army was dead. Their blood drenched the sand, making the sand turn red.

I fell to my knees out of pure fear.

Emiko: "S-She killed them... A-All of them..."

Every single one of their souls escaped from their bodies, and shot right towards Angel. The souls gathered in her left hand, forming a red ball of souls.

Siyuka immediately screamed as lightning started to surround her. The lightning formed her dragon avatar, which gave me goosebumps. I still hated that thing.

Siyuka: "You think you're strong just because you took out those weaklings?! You're nothing but a f*cking dead corpse!!!"

She leaped into the air, throwing her fist towards Angel. The dragon avatar opened its mouth, ready to devour Angel. Angel held her left hand out and spoke.

Angel: "Die......"

The ball of souls erupted in her hand, creating an enormous blast of energy, sending Siyuka to the ground. When Siyuka landed, she created a small crater. Angel started to descend from the sky, finally landing on the ground. She then started to slowly limp towards Siyuka. Suddenly, Connor started sprinting towards Angel.

Connor: "Angel!!"

Angel's scythe shrunk down to the size of a normal scythe. She stood in front of Siyuka, preparing to swing. However Connor stood between them with his hands out.

Connor: "Angel! Don't!!"

Angel stared at him blankly with her dead, black eyes. For a split second, some silver entered her eyes.

Angel: "C-Connor...?"

Connor: "Yeah, it's me. You need to snap out of it!"

Heka suddenly spoke up.

Heka: "She's going to kill him"

I quickly got to my feet.

Emiko: "W-We have to stop her!!"

Heka held his hand out, and my bow Avalon appeared in front of it. It was as good as new!

Emiko: "Y-You fixed it!"

Heka: "Yes, while you were in the healing pool"

I took ahold of it, and spoke to it, like it was a part of me.

Emiko: "Good to have you back"

Heka: "Aim your bow at Angel. Make sure you hit her neck. If you hit the seal mark, it will activate again, sealing this power"

Emiko: "From all the way up here?!"

A window formed in the magic sphere we were floating in.

Heka: "Yes. You are highly capable, being your mother's daughter. She was one of the best archers in the world"

The thought of my mother being a really good archer gave me some hope. Just enough to actually take the shot. I pulled the string back, making an arcane arrow form on the bow. However something was different from before. The arrow itself looked sharper, more refined, and was glowing a light blue.

Heka: "Take the shot"

I aimed towards Angel, praying to the God I wanted to believe in, to not let me miss. I released the arrow, making it shoot down towards Angel. The arrow shot through the air at speeds no normal arrow could accomplish.

Then, the arrow hit the seal on the back of Angel's neck dead on. The seal started to glow as Angel let out an extremely loud scream. All the souls around her started to enter her body, as well as the black mist that surrounded her. Once all of it was inside her, her eyes went back to normal.

Angel: "C-Connor...?"

Suddenly, her eyes opened wide. She looked around, looking at the blood stained sand and the dead corpses of the Fallen army.

It looked like something inside her shattered. She completely broke down and started crying. She fell to the ground, but was caught by Connor. He brought her into a warm embrace, as she cried into him.

I let out a sigh of relief.

Heka: "Very good. You are indeed your mother's child"

I felt a great amount of pride when he told me that. I felt I was making my mother proud.

I looked back down, and saw Siyuka was trying to get up again. She stood up and grabbed her pole. Electricity surged through the pole as got ready to swing her pole at Connor.

Emiko: "Look out!!"

Faster than a blink of an eye, Siyuka's pole was sent flying through the air, and Connor had his hand on his sword.

Siyuka: "W-What the—"

Connor: "Leave. Now"

Siyuka: "Who the hell do you think you are?! I'm the one still standing! I win! You two are coming with—"

Connor turned to her, with his eyes glowing the same chaotic yellow from their first Duellum.

Connor: "Leave"

Siyuka: "A-Apophis?"

Connor set Angel down gently and stood up with his sword in hand. He started to emit the same chaotic red aura. He swung his sword towards Siyuka's throat. However the blade stopped an inch away from her neck. Connor screamed at the top of his lungs, his voice sounding distorted.

Connor: "LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!"

We didn't even need Heka's magic to help us hear him scream.

Siyuka's whole act broke in that moment. I could tell she was fearing for her life. Siyuka quickly grabbed something out of her pocket and crushed it in her hand. Smoke surrounded her, and when the spoke cleared, she was gone.

Connor's eyes went back to normal as he knelt down and brought Angel into another hug.

The sphere we were in started to descend, until we were on ground level. The 3 of us ran over to Angel, all hugging her. Angel let out a small whimper.

Angel: "I-I'm so sorry..."

Connor: "It's not your fault. It was Siyuka"

Angel tightened her grip on Connor's hoodie sleeve.

Angel: "I-I killed so many people..."

Connor: "I know, but it's okay now. I won't leave your side ever again"

Heka: "We should all get inside, who knows who they'll send next"

All of us went inside the pyramid. While Connor and Angel went off by themselves, probably to give Angel some space, the rest of us met up in the garden again. We were all gathered around the table again.

Emiko: "Okay, can someone explain what the hell just happened?"

Heka: "Angel's origins are the cause of this. Her father was obviously Hades, the god of the dead and underworld. However her mother was a rare breed. Her mother was part succubus, a subspecies of a demon, and part mortal. She has both the blood of the god of the dead and blood of a demon. Those two combined created that monstrosity. Her mother abandoned her, fearing the power was too great for the mortal world"

Himari: "Poor Angel..."

Heka: "Upon arriving at Mytho-Academy as an infant, her demonic powers were sealed away by Hades in order to keep her under control"

Emiko: "She... never told us"

Heka: "It is her greatest weakness. If that seal is ever broken completely, she'll never be able to return to normal. Thankfully, only part of the seal was broken today. I should be able to bring it back to full power within an hour"

I turned to Himari, who seemed to still be shivering from fear.

Emiko: "What's wrong?"

Himari: "Angel's power had been unleashed before. Once, when she had her first Duellum, she completely destroyed the coliseum. She almost killed her opponent too. Afterwards, she never had a Duellum again. Another time was during one of her sparing matches with Ares, about a week after I joined. You know, the fight to determine if you can pass the class. In the fight, the mark was damaged, and Angel lost control. Ares, the literal god of war, and one of the best fighters in mythology, was on the verge of death after fighting her"

Emiko: "Okay... But why did you seem so scared? Yeah, it was scary, but you act like—"

I was cut off when Kaito spoke.

Kaito: "Himari was part of the casualties. She looked Angel dead in the eyes, as Angel almost killed her with one kick"

Himari: "Even though I was told we couldn't die, I was still scared like Helheim..."

I brought Himari into a hug. Normally, I wouldn't do this, because she would just tease me about it. But I just couldn't hold myself back anymore.

Himari: "S-See~? You love me~"

Emiko: "N-No I don't! S-Shut up!"

I covered my face out of embarrassment. I would usually yell at her and argue back, but dad was in front of me, so this made it even more embarrassing. However Heka didn't seem to mention it.

Heka: "Two days into your quest, and 5 more to go"

Kaito: "More like 4 days, because we have to notify the school. They need to be prepared"

Heka: "The fools. They should only send Demigods who aren't in the Norse wing. Every Norse God and Demigod plays a role in Ragnarok"

Himari: "Like Magni and Modi, Thor's children who will survive Ragnarok"

Heka: "Correct. Now what happens if one of them dies during this upcoming battle? Ragnarok will be very much different"

Kaito: "So what should we do?"

Heka: "Only fight with Greek, Roman, and Egyptian Demigods. Norse are powerful, probably the most powerful demigods of the four. However they are the most important to Ragnarok as well"

Emiko: "This is a lot to process... When will we be heading out?"

Kaito: "In about 2 hours. So let's go rest up"

Heka: "Yes, rest up. There is also food in the kitchen if you are hungry"

About an hour went by, still no sign of Angel, however I did hear Connor's voice down the hall. I was walking around trying to find Angel, however I got curious. I walked up to the door and hung out right outside, making sure I couldn't be seen. I heard Heka speak to Connor.

Heka: "So you see, it comes at a high cost. When the time comes, you alone must make the decision"

Connor paused, and I could hear hesitation in his voice.

Connor: "I... I understand"

Heka: "Your mother would be so proud of the man you've become"

After a few minutes of them talking, Connor left the room, however I managed to keep myself hidden. I then went into Heka's room.

Heka: "Ah, Emiko. I've been waiting for you"

Emiko: "Why?"

Heka: "Because there is something I've been keeping from you and Connor. Honestly, I don't think I want to let the secret out. But if you are to succeed in this quest, I must tell you"

Heka told me the secret, however each word was like knives being shoved into my heart. My mind was racing a mile a minute and my heart was beating extremely fast. Fear and sadness washed over me.

Emiko: "N-No!! T-That can't be true!!!"

Heka: "I'm afraid it is"

Tears ran down my face.

Heka: "The Ruler Gods also knew"

Emiko: "Why didn't they tell me sooner!?!?!"

Heka: "Because knowing this fact would turn every Demigod against your group"

Emiko: "B-But... why... why did it have to be..."

Heka got down and placed his hands on my shoulders. He stared deep into my eyes.

Heka: "You must not tell anyone, even after this fight is over"

Emiko: "I-I can't keep this from—"

Heka cut me off.

Heka: "You must listen to me. If anyone finds out, it will be the end. If they find out, you must kill—"

I swatted his hands off my shoulders and turned to run out the door. I ran out of the room and sprinted down the hall. Tears continued to drip down my face as I ran.

Emiko: "I-I can't...! I-I won't kill him!!"


Ooooooooo big mystery!

I wonder what Heka told Emiko~

I hope you all enjoyed! See you next time!!

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