❤️•dove and thomas's surprise...

By hannahn3241

17.3K 145 25

it has been over a month since dove and Thomas broke up. when dove finds out something that will change their... More



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By hannahn3241

3 days later
Late morning
Dove POV
I'm laying on the couch about to sleep until I hear Ayla crying for the fourth time since we got up this morning. I wipe my hand with my face. Exhausted. I went into the nursery and picked her up to see what was wrong.
"Hey. Shhh. Are you hungry?" I tried to get her to take my boob but she wouldn't. I check her diaper and nothing was wrong. I started to panic not knowing what to do.

Thomas POV
I went up to the nursery to check on chlo to see her trying to calm the baby.
"Is she ok?" I asked
"I don't know what to do" she said trying to rock her. She started to hyperventilate and crying. I rushed to her side.
"That's ok. Hey. Baby she probably just wants a hug from mum" I say placing a hand on her leg. "Every first time parent doesn't know what there doing half the time. It's ok"
"Fucking hell! It's not ok! I should know what she wants! I don't know what my own daughter wants!"
She yells crying harder.
"Chlo. Take some deep breaths baby. She wants you to be calm as well. Just in and out slowly"
She started to have steadier breathing and Ayla started to calm down as well.
As she put her back down to sleep she pulled me into a hug and I return it.
"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have yelled" she says crying into my chest. "I'm just exhausted"
"It's ok chlo. I understand" I kiss the top of her head and stroke her hair. "How bout you rest my love. Have you got milk pumped in the fridge?" She nodded and nuzzled her head into my chest. "You go to bed and I'll look after Ayla"
"Tommy. Are you sure?"
"Of course. You need to sleep"
"Thank you so much baby"
She made her way to our bedroom and snuggled under the covers. "You have a good restful sleep ok my love" She nods and closes her eyes to sleep. I walked out of the room to continue with the day.

Thomas POV
I cared for Ayla for the day while Chloe slept. Chloe came into the kitchen where I am cooking dinner. "Hey lovely"
"I just had the best sleep of my life" she said relieved.
"That's great"
"Is Ayla ok?"
"Yeah I just fed her a couple of hours ago and now she's asleep"
"You are seriously my favourite person. I love you" she tells me and hugs me from behind. "What you making?"
"Salmon and salad"
"Yummy" then I heard crying from the nursery. "I've got her" she says as she walks to the baby's room.

Dove POV
"Hello my love. What's wrong? You need a change beautiful" I say as I pick her up and bring her to the changing table. I feel a bit more calm now that I feel rested. "Come here" I say "let's cuddle" i say after I'm done and I put her on my shoulder and bought her into the lounge onto the couch. I lay down with her on my chest and rub her back.
I get my phone from my pocket and decide to put something on Instagram and twitter for the fans
I posted:

@dovecameron: We are so happy to welcome our gorgeous Ayla into the world. She was born June 29th and we are so grateful for her to be healthy and well.

"What you doin?" Thomas asked as he walked into the lounge room.
"I'm posting something saying she was born for the fans"
"Oh ok. Dinner's ready by the way"
I nod ok and go and put Ayla back to bed.
I looked at my phone and we received lots of love.

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