awae imagines

By -obriendylan

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awae character imagines x reader More

welcome to my book of imagines
josie pye
billy andrews part 1
billy andrews part 2
charlie sloane
moody spurgeon
jerry baynard part 1
ruby gillis
jerry baynard
prissy andrews
ruby 1
ruby 2
you choose
ruby gillis
Words Better Left Unsaid (Priscilla Andrews)
In Your Dreams (Jerry Baynard)
Heather (Gilbert Blythe)
Heather (Gilbert Blythe) Part 2
Heather (Gilbert Blythe) Part 3
In Progress (Billy Andrews)
Hidden Feelings (Moody Spurgeon)
In the Books (Moody Spurgeon)
Soul Searching (Jerry Baynard)
My Reason (Charlie Sloane)
Competition (Moody Spurgeon)
Something More (Billy Andrews)
Dates (Moody Spurgeon)
Promised To You (Gilbert Blythe)
Promised To You (Gilbert Blythe) Part 2
Jealous Love (Billy Andrews)
Risk It All (Billy Andrews)
Firsts (Gilbert Blythe)
Avoiding Confrontation (Diana Barry)
Night Changes (Gilbert Blythe)
Strangers to Friends (Ruby Gillis)
Academic Validation (Moody Spurgeon)
The Deal (Billy Andrews)
Dreams (Charlie Sloane)
Home Sweet Home (Cole Mackenzie)
Mistakes Were Made (Cole Mackenzie)
Right Timing (Billy Andrews)
Courtship (Charlie Sloane)
Memories of the Past (Gilbert Blythe)
Confidence Is Key (Moody Spurgeon)
A World Apart (Jane Andrews)
Decisions (Billy Andrews)
Playing Pretend (Josie Pye)
A Moth To A Flame (Cole Mackenzie)
Birthday Surprise (Jerry Baynard)
Proposal (Moody Spurgeon)

Matchmaker (Billy Andrews)

1.8K 31 3
By -obriendylan

If there was one thing I learned from being friends with Ruby it was that I had to be patient. But it seemed my patience was running out as once again she set to redo her hair. I understood her nervousness as it was our first day back at school from break. But even so, I slapped her hands away and took to doing her hair and tied the bow.

With a grateful smile I let out a relieved sigh and we walked to school. It wouldn't be surprising if we were late, but as we walked through the doors of the classroom we found the room full of chatter and the teacher nowhere to be seen.

"I told you there was no reason to worry," she said as she took her seat. I stood by and looked down at her but she didn't cower under my stare.

"Maybe if you hadn't noticed she's always worrying about the tiniest of things," Josie said as she placed a hand on my shoulder taking my side. She let her hand fall to her side as she sent me a smile saying, "If you spent the amount of time you do worrying as you did paying attention to the boys around you you'd be in a relationship already."

"Is that all you can talk about, boys?" I asked following her figure as she took her seat by Ruby. I raised an eyebrow and said, "Not a very interesting topic is it?"

"We're back in school you have to consider options," she answered her eyes sliding across the room. I looked to Ruby for an answer but she too had her eyes set on the opposite side of the room. Turning back to face me Josie said,"Unless you're waiting for Queens."

It was then a ball was heard against the wall flying near my head. Flinching I opened my eyes and looked at Billy. Because it would be Billy.

I walked a few steps toward where the ball had landed and picked it up, gently throwing it his way with a roll of my eyes. "Next time watch where you aim."

"My thought exactly," Miss Stacey said making my head turn. I gave Billy a smug smile as she stared him down. "Shall we get started?"

As I moved to my seat I felt someone take a hold of my hand and from the cold touch, I met Billy's eyes. "I'm sorry can you find it in yourself to forgive me?"

With a scoff, I shook his hand off as I felt the touch of parchment in my palm. Curiously I met his eyes and his lips tugged upward into a smile ridding the pout on his lips.

Sitting beside my desk mate I pulled myself together even as the butterflies erupted in my stomach. No matter how much I convinced myself otherwise he still made my heart pick up. Regardless of how he was.

I felt a nudge on my side as the girl sat beside me nodded toward the front. The teacher's eyes were on me waiting expectantly for something, but I had no idea what it was she wanted.

"Can you summarize the reading I assigned?" Letting out a relieved sigh I went into an explanation as my cheeks cooled from embarrassment. She paced down the front of the class as she said, "To get a better understanding I'm going to have you do some partner work you'll rotate seats when I tell you."

Explaining the instructions I sat as I discussed the reading with Alice.

Those of us sat by the windows, like I was, were to stay seated as those near the aisle were to rotate partners.

I found myself sat with Billy after a few turns and watched as his eyes wandered to the desk. It was uncharacteristic of him to act nervous so I started to speak.

"Anything you want to add?" I finished, watching him closely for any sign that he had been listening. It was there his eyebrows rose and he smiled at me as he shook his head.

"You said everything."

"Or you just don't want to admit you have nothing to say," I suggested.

"You left me speechless," he said after a short while of silence. I rolled my eyes as I wondered how long I would have to sit in his presence. "Did you like my drawing?"

He took the paper from underneath my slate and unfolded it. Sliding it over I felt his eyes examine me for a reaction.

"What do you want Billy?" I whispered aware Diana could hear our conversation if she chose to.

"Your attention."If he only knew how much of my attention he had he wouldn't be talking. I kept that to myself as I narrowed my eyes at him before looking away. But not before seeing a board grin on his face. "Is that too much to ask? I–"

I didn't hear the end of his sentence as the teacher called for us to switch again. I glanced around and saw that I would spend the next few minutes without a partner as there were missing spots on the other side. Choosing this time to catch up on homework I opened my book as I heard my name being called. I ignored it shaking my head clear and read down the page but another call of my name had me shutting the book.

Behind me, I saw a smirking Diana sat next to Billy. I glared outward at him after I smiled at Diana. "What do you want?"

"I have what I want." For what felt like the hundredth time I rolled my eyes. His smile seemed to widen at the realization I was getting annoyed as he placed his head in his hands. "Am I bothering you?"

"You're always bothering me." He didn't get a chance to respond as once again Miss Stacey's voice was heard throughout the room

I found myself sat next to Gilbert even as my eyes strayed from his figure and onto the boy who always seemed to cloud my mind

What would it take for him to leave me alone?


The answer was simple to get him to occupy his time around someone else. Although the thought made my blood boil it would help me in the long run while I tried getting rid of my feelings for him. So during lunch, I made it my goal to get him a girl to suit him. I hadn't exactly been on speaking terms with the rest of the girls but I found myself sat between them at lunch.

I easily wove my way into their friend group through Alice. And even as the voice in the back of my head told me to get a move on I found that these girls made it easy to forget my troubles. If only for a little while.

"I heard about that, it's a shame we weren't there to see it," Alice said frowning.

Filling me in with the I formation Grace took it upon herself to speak. "Last week my dog had puppies. I don't think we'll be able to care for them so we're giving some away. Would you care for one?"

I shook my head even as my mind filled with images of them.

"You said you wanted to ask us something," Alice said in realization.

I gave them a sheepish smile my head turning to where I knew Billy was before quickly composing myself. "I have this boy problem–"

"You mean Billy?" Grace asked teasingly looking at her friends. Alice laughed as the girl in the middle glared at them. "What going on with you two? Every time I look at the two of you your always staring at the other. Do you need help with your boy problem?"

In agreement, the others nodded as they leaned in closer for an answer. "I was wondering if I could help any of you. Do you know anyone who likes him?"

"No one with standards," Alice said looking toward the quietest of the group. If I remembered correctly her name was Margaret.

"Let me be your cupid," I said as I took her hands in mine. She looked to her other two friends and they encouragingly nodded. Her smile was the only answer I needed.


As my job, I was to make sure Billy had time out of his day to meet. Only then would I invite Maggie and set them up. But for this to happen I would have to get them to acknowledge each other. Or rather Billy acknowledge her. And I had no way of knowing how to do that without raising suspicion.

As I made my way over to where he was sat talking to his friends I could feel their eyes on me looking at me from over his shoulder.

"Can I speak with you?" I said ignoring the teasing comments. As a smile appeared on his face he let me continue with a nod. "In private?"

It was then the teasing became more loud catching the attention of my classmates as well as Maggie. With a smile, I winked at her and she smiled back going back to her friends in laughter.

"I see you're finally talking to me." I brushed aside his words as a throwaway comment and scanned him over. Whatever Maggie saw in him I did too. I was only curious as to what that was because I hadn't bothered to ask her. Tired as the silence lengthened he said, "Or just staring, I don't mind either."

I scoffed as his lips tugged into that infamous smirk always on his lips. Before he could say a word I silenced him with a look as I mumbled, "I'm new to this so give me a minute."

"Almost sounds like your-"

Cutting him off I held a finger up as I closed my eyes to think. Even with my eyes closed, I could tell his eyes were on me waiting patiently. But I was spared from speaking as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I opened my eyes to find Maggie and gave her a smile turning my back on Billy

"I think I can do this," she said confidently as I bit my lip I  looking at her curiously. This was not part of the plan. But she persisted with her eyes. Giving her a nod I laid my hand over my chest to calm my beating heart and left with a wan smile.

As I walked away from them glancing back to see Billy confused I walked toward my friends. Ruby was the first to see me questioning my weird behavior.

"It's nothing," I dismissed meeting his eyes as he talked with Maggie. I could feel the beginning of jealousy and tried to suppress my feelings by reasoning with myself. He was better off with her.

"They look like they're hitting it off." Looking to the source of the voice I saw Josie peering over my shoulder. I saw a wide smile on Billy's face and he shuffled in his feet in what I assumed was embarrassment.

"I'm glad." As those words left my lips I wanted to believe them. But I couldn't, especially not when they gave me disbelieving looks.

"Is that your doing? Helping him get over you, who's going to help you?"

I shrugged my shoulders in response, not bothering to look at her scrutinizing eyes as my own wandered to the pair. I saw Maggie look away bashfully and caught a glimpse at her smile, resembling the one Billy wore.


Ruby had had enough of my moping around even if I did deny I was moping. After she had told me that I reverted to how I used to be, or as much as I could. And because she was my best friend it only made sense for her to try and cheer me up.

Anne had also noticed my lack of enthusiasm as I entered the classroom dragging my feet. I forced myself to smile and sat on the desktop as they crowded me. There was a question hidden within their eyes. It was the same one I had tried answering myself. I didn't understand, I was sure I would move on if I saw that he did.

My plan had failed but at least Maggie was happy as she sat with him at his desk. I narrowed my eyes at them catching myself halfway through the action and smiling once they saw me.

"There is plenty of fish in the sea," said Anne consoling me. She placed back the fallen piece of hair in my bow as I thanked her. "And if you ask me you could do better."

"Well, no one asked you," Josie piped up as all eyes suddenly turned on her. "I think you're stupid." Affronted I recoiled back to process her words. With a gasp, Tillie shook her head in disagreement and I smiled at the girl. "She is, who helps their crush get with someone else?"

I admitted it was stupid of me to do but I could do nothing to change that now.

"I'm going to talk to him," I said quietly.

"Do it at lunch class is starting," Diana said helping me down from the desk despite my protests I could do it myself.

I had waited impatiently for lunch. But as I saw Maggie make her way over to Billy I knew I couldn't do it so I settled for walking over to the girls with Ruby.

I would have to wait until after school. But what would I say to him?


As I walked with Jane to her house I felt her eyeing me closely. After the talk this morning I had an inkling as to what she was thinking. Maybe she felt the same as she returned her eyes to the ground.

"I wasn't going to ask but from the way your behaving I feel like I have to what is going on
She knew what was going on yet she asked
It was probably better to lay my problems out in the open rather than keeping them in
It would make me feel better but I went against it

"Nothing," I fibbed. I faced her and caught the roll of her eyes as I scoffed. "I'm fine."

"I don't know how you do it." At my curious look, she continued. "Seeing the boy you love, even if it is Billy, with another girl."

"I don't love him." She raised her eyebrows and glanced knowingly at me.

"What are you planning on telling him?"She asked quickening her steps as we reached her house.

"I haven't decided."

"Maybe the first words out of your mouth should be 'I love you,'" she teased walking in as I followed in tow.

Ignoring her words as we walked in the parlour I said, "I'll talk to him later after we finish our homework."

I placed my things down as she sprawled on the couch exhausted from today. I would have done the same had I not spied Billy turning the corner into the room.

"You know you don't have to make excuses to come to see me," Billy said eyes solely on me.

"The world doesn't revolve around you," Jane told her brother as I stood off to the side amused. Their arguments were always something to witness.

"Mine does," He said casually pointing to me. I was going to remark the gesture when he continued staring right at me. "She's around me all the time. Even when she thinks she's being subtle."

I held back the need to look away and looked him head-on but he wouldn't look away not until Jane had to snap him out of it. She sat up quickly and picked up my things.

"We get it, you're in love with her but please keep the staring to a minimum," she said looking at the two of us.

I expected him to deny her words but instead, he walked around to take a seat as he said, "Since you said please... no."

"Let's go," Gesturing over to me she reached for my hand as I extended it over to her and took me away. She knew I hadn't had any words to say to him. Not in that moment.

"I love you," he yelled out as we ascended the stairs. I wasn't sure his words were meant for me or his sister so I ignored the feeling of my beating heart.


As I made my way back to Jane's room I heard a door open and looked to find Billy coming out of his room.

"You didn't just come here to do homework." I narrowed my eyes at his approach cursing him for making me feel this way about him. As if reading my mind he said, "Tell me what you have to say."

"Who says I have anything to say to you," I retorted glad I could conjure up the words to speak. Taking a step to the side to walk past him he did the same blocking my path. With a deep sigh, I met his eyes and asked, "How are you and Maggie?"

His smile said everything his lips were about to but I didn't want to hear it. As he was lost in his thoughts I walked away and closed the door behind me.


"Can you help me prepare for a date?" I heard Maggie say turning in her seat to face me. She slid me a piece of paper with some writing and I realized it was for her date.

We were currently working independently but I knew she was waiting for the moment Miss Stacey left the room to speak to me.

I looked to Alice for help but I saw that she continued working a smile plastered on her lips. I knew she was listening in on our conversation but did nothing so I looked back to Maggie. Nodding, she turned back just as Miss Stacey walked into the room and dismissed the class for the day.

Relieved to leave class I packed my things up and headed to the door. Before I could grab open it a hand grabbed hold of the knob and Billy smiled at me. "Thanks."

I walked out the door without a thought and headed toward Ruby. As I reached her side taking her arm in mine she said, "You're so slow."

"Patience is a virtue," I told her pulling her in as a hush of wind blew toward us. I shivered slightly immediately regretting my decision of leaving my coat at home. I had been certain I could handle it, this proved I couldn't.  I heard Ruby laugh and turned to her studying her.

"You're going to catch a cold." She slipped her hands out of her gloves and went to hand them to me. As I protested she gave me a firm look and took them readily. "You wouldn't want that."

I hadn't bothered asking her what she meant as I sneezed. Quickly she rushed me home as she walked toward my bedroom. I wondered what she was doing as I walked into the parlour laying down on the couch. I would have to start on homework soon but I could put it off as it was Friday.

Closing my eyes for a second I heard footsteps and opened them to see Ruby holding my blankets calling out to my mother. As concerned as Ruby she set about making me some soup along with a cup of tea for Ruby if she stayed.

"I'm fine," I said pushing my mother's concerned hands away from me as she tried taking my temperature. I rolled my eyes as she swatted my hands away and looked down at me. I decided it would be better to prove it and sat up. "Perfectly fine."

"Bless you," Ruby said as I sneezed. I closed my eyes in irritation and upon opening them I met knowing looks.

"I need to help Maggie with her date, I promised," I said as I was glad to have an excuse not to help. But I hadn't wanted to be enclosed in my room all day either because of a cold.

"I'm sorry sweetheart you're going to have to stay in bed until you feel better. Now go to sleep and Ruby here will tell your friend you're not feeling well."

From the corner of my eye, I saw Ruby with a worried expression. But I held her hand in mine.

"Please don't leave me," I pleaded as my mother left the room. I could stay away but I felt drowsy and in the next moment, my head was in the couch pillow.


My mothers' orders were for me to stay in bed until I felt better so I did. There was no reason to argue, not that I would have. She would have easily convinced me.

I sat waiting for something I had woken up later than expected and heard feet shuffling through the hallway. I hadn't bothered to get up and if she complained that I hadn't searched her out I would have said it was her fault. Her orders to leave me in bed. I settled with the thought of Maggie and Billy.

Time away from them maybe for the next week as my mother proposed would surely be good for me. I would soon get over my crush and live a happy life. But the voice inside my head told me otherwise.

The opening of the door had my eyes straying to Ruby. Upon seeing that I was awake she stepped into my room and sat at the foot of my bed.

"Are you feeling better?" I shook my head honestly as I knew she would catch me in a lie. Without needing to ask she said, "The date didn't happen."

"Why not?" I asked aware of the relief in my tone. I laid back down as my face flushed with embarrassment.

"She got sick." I looked away surprised. What a coincidence. "So he decided to wait until she got better. He's hoping it's soon because he's been waiting for this for a long time."

I couldn't help but think that I had misinterpreted his feelings for me. Maybe he had liked Maggie all along. It would explain why they got close so quickly. Then again she did have that effect on people regardless of the fact she was on the quieter side.


Even if I felt better Ruby still treated me like a child. At any sign, I felt fatigued she would go to my side. She was my best friend but at times such as these, she got annoying.

"I'm not a child Ruby. I'm feeling better," I chided her as she gave me her puppy eyes and I regretted my words. But even so, I didn't take them back.

She scowled at me opening the door and letting me walk into the classroom. I let out a groan and saw math problems on the board. I was never any good at the subject but Alice was.

Before I could take my coat off I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around I saw Billy and looked over to Maggie. I saw her eyes full of interest looking toward us.

"Are you feeling better?" I nodded in response as he helped me out of my coat and hung it. I gave him a thankful smile as opened my mouth to speak but he silenced me with a hand. "I missed you."

I was waiting for the teasing remark but it didn't come and I looked at him weirdly. This was a change. "Thanks?"

He laughed outright and worried his bottom lip I made my eyes look away. He didn't seem to notice and I was glad as I pressed my lips together wondering how to fill the silence.

"I need to ask you something," at my encouragement he went on. Hesitating he hung his head low and mumbled something. Inside of what it was I asked him to repeat as he said, "Will you go on a date with me?"

My eyes widened as I felt my mouth gape. I looked to Maggie once more to find her smiling. What was happening? Without answering his question I left him and walked toward Maggie for an explanation.

"What is going on?"

"I had a crush on him but you love him. Just as I know he loves you. I was playing matchmaker. I knew you wouldn't take initiative and go after him. Now, will you answer his question?"

I noticed the use of past tense in her voice and looked back to Billy and found him closer than I expected.


I said the only word that I could conjure up and muttered, "Yes."

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