Always Yours | 18+

By eroticc_mara

319K 6.1K 1.2K

"I need you like a heart needs a beat" Three years have passed, yet Angelina Hernandez still commands fear w... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter tweleve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
bonus #1
bonus #2
bonus #3
bonus #4
bonus #5
bonus #6
Damon's book.

chapter twenty

5.6K 106 29
By eroticc_mara


"I thought you said mommy was going to meet us"

I looked down at my leg staring at the little boy who resembles me. "Yes I thought so as well Damon" I said as I picked him and Ale up just as someone swerved onto the runway.

We looked over to see Angelina's car she got out of the car then handed the key to one of her men. She walked over to us all smiley, "Hi my boys" She said.

I looked at her right hand which is shaking, "Ready to go yeah?" She asked as she took Damon from me and they walked onto the plane.

"Mommy is acting weird" Ale said making me look at him, "No lie there" I said as we walked onto the plane.

She placed Damon down in front of the tv and gave him a yogurt cup she strapped him up then kissed his head.

She grabbed a wine bottle and walked into one of the bed compartments, I placed Ale next to his brother then gave him the tray of fruits.

I turned around to see Angelina's friend "Something is wrong with Angelina" She said making me put my hands in my pockets "No shit but what triggered her?" I asked.

"You don't know?" She asked, whatever this girls name is told me how Eli slut shamed her and told her that our children are mistakes and then some false accusations on my behalf.

"He said all of that?" I asked and she nodded "Precisely. You should go talk to her" I walked over to the bed compartment then got inside closing the door behind me.

I turned around to see her chugging the wine bottle she pulled the bottle away from her mouth and wiped her lips "I need something stronger" She said once she saw me. "Tequila? Vodka? Is there any of that?" She asked.

"It's not even noon" I said making her smile as she took another sip "Ironic. That is the same thing Alfonzo told me he use to say to you" She said.

I took the bottle away from her making her frown "Yes you see why I am saying it to you." I said making her sigh and rub her face.

She took off her heels then took off her sweater she plopped herself onto the bed. "I know." I said which made her stand up and exhale "Okay so I didn't know-"

"Didn't know what?" I asked as I cut her off she stared at me then displayed a confused face "What is it that you know?" She asked.

"What your father said to you at the-" She exhaled then walked up to me hugging me, "Yes hurtful things I am fine" She fell back onto the bed with me on top of her.

"Whatever your father said in relation to what I said to you that night was a complete lie. I was pulling lies out of my ass because I was mad and hurt." I said as I laid next to her.

"You know I did not mean anything I said what I said to you is something I will regret every single day-"

She is snoring.

I looked at her to see her completely asleep, her legs are dangling off the bed and her hair is covering her face. I made her legs straight then put a blanket over her, I kissed her head making her smile.

I laid down next to her "It's hard to fake sleep when someone is staring at you" I said which made her open one eye "I am sorry." She said.

"For what?" I asked clearly confused, she sat up then opened her other eye she stared at me until she teared up "Angelina?" I asked as I sat up.

She crawled over to me and placed her head on my chest, "I am so sorry I didn't know" She said making me wrap my arms around her, "I don't get what you are sorry for" I said.

"I am very sorry" She said as she wrapped her arms around me, she sat up then kissed me. I placed my hand on her face kissing me back "Forgive me"  She said as I pulled away.

"Tell me you forgive me" She said making me stare at her "I can not forgive you if I do not know whatever it is you are sorry for" I said making her sigh.

"It was a very very bad thing-"

"Refrain from talking to me like I am one of our children" I said cutting her off, she smiled at me then kissed my cheek.

"I did a bad thing. A really bad thing that one might strangle me for" She said as I placed my hand on her face caressing her cheek softly. "Never in my life will I ever lay my hands on you Angelina." I said.

"I can't say the same" She said as she kissed me, I smiled then kissed her back. She pulled away then stared at me "Well you are you. So no surprise there"

She frowned, "It was a joke. I am sorry for putting my hands on you." She said as she began to straddle me then laid on top of me "I want to sleep" She said making me kiss her head. "So sleep mi amor"

She did in fact fall asleep on me I roamed my hands around her body occasionally stopping just to hear her whimper which made me smile.

Her phone dinged has at least ten times and I haven't grabbed it because we aren't official and I am not even sure if she really loves me or just said it because she was on the verge of death.

It dinged one more time, I looked at it then I grabbed it to see it is locked. I put it in front of her face then stopped caressing her which made her whimper and open her eyes for a split second. Her eyes unlocked it and I placed my hands back on her body.

She has three from her groupchat with her brothers talking about how her parents are getting a divorce, then three from her mom which is pictures of Angelina when she was pregnant then a picture of Sophia when she was pregnant, with the text message 'where does the time go'.

Then she has one from Christopher saying fuck you then one from Christian which is him asking what a wet willy is and how much guns does she want from the Iranians then one from Paige.

Which is her sending a wedding board then Grace sending her pictures of Damon her dead uncle or dead father figure holding Angelina as a child.

I turned off her phone and sighed as I placed it on the bed. "Are you done?"

I am fucked.

I looked down at Angelina whose eyes are still closed she put her hand next to my face and I placed her phone in her hand.

She got off me then laid next to me "Angelina-" She got up and left as she rubbed her face. I rubbed my face as I stood up I walked out of the bed compartment "Papa" I looked over to Damon and raise an eyebrow "Fuck you." He said as he lifted up his middle finger making me smile.

A pillow was thrown hitting his head, I looked over to Angelina who's head is on gay girl's lap but her hand is in the air. I stared at gay girl then she raised her eyebrows then sat somewhere else.

I sat down next to her as she sat properly, "I forgive you" I said as she slowly turned her head to look at me "Forgive me for what?" She asked.

"You said tell me you forgive me and-"

"Do not dig yourself into a deeper hole." She said as she stared at me, "It was dinging a lot and I just-"

"You just what?......"She exhaled then rubbed her face, "It's fine" She said making me squint at her. "It's what?" I asked.

"Fine. It's fine" I stared at her then raised my eyebrows, "Is this a plan of yours where you will make me think that-"

"If i'm saying it's fine, I mean it's fine Nicolas" She said as she cut me off then rested her head on my shoulder.

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

"Ah, hello Angelina" My grandpa said as he kissed her cheek and hugged her "Hi Sergio" She said as she hugged him back.

My grandma removed her from his grasp then directly pulled her into her grasp, "Hi Martina" Angelina said as she chuckled.

My grandparents hugged me then stared at the twins who are talking to Angelina they tend to go to their mom when around new people which annoys me because i'm here too why doesn't anyone come to me?

I walked over to Angelina who can barely look me in the eyes "What is wrong with you?" I asked.

"What are you talking about?" She asked looking me anywhere but my eyes I grabbed her face gently "Look me in my eyes" I said since she is looking at my chest then occasionally looking at my feet.

She removed my hand from her face then locked eyes with me "What?" She asked. "I am sorry for looking through your phone" I said. "I said it's fine Nicolas leave it" She said as she walked away from me with the twins walking behind her.

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For the past two weeks we have been in Cancun for a family vacation and it's been fun surprisingly none of her mafias have called her back into work and my mafia never does.

"I don't get it Nicolas I really don't" Dante said from the other line I rubbed my face. "Pay attention. Me and Angelina have had sex every single day since we have arrived and it is amazing every single time." I said.

"But when we are done she goes into another room to sleep and then during the day she can't look me in my eyes." I added on.

"Well then she's clearly using you for her own pleasure, you are her baby daddy with benefits. Anytime she craves sex she can go to you without her body count going up. I am a whore so I would know." He said making me shake my head as I smiled.

"Yea I know you are a whore" I said which made him laugh "What time are you coming back?" He asked. "Everyone's done packing and it's time for goodbyes" Angelina said as she popped her head into my room then left.

We wrapped up our call and I went downstairs to be with everyone Angelina is wearing a dress that exposes her every curve God this woman is stunning.

She walked up to me and smiled "Hi" She whispered "Now you want to talk to me during daylight" I said which made her smile fade.

"What are you talking about?" She asked "You are using me for your own pleasure." I said making her rub her face as she grabbed my hand pulling me away from everyone.

"1. Don't say my pleasure as if you aren't gaining pleasure for what we do 2. Have you asked me on a date? Have you asked me to be your girlfriend? 3. Anytime I try to talk about a relationship status you bring up how you went through my phone so I don't know what you really want from me Nicolas." She said.

She walked around me then walked back to my grandparents "Ah! Angelina what are their full names?" My grandpa asked.

"My name is Damon Arturo Ademaro Romano." Damon said making my grandpa smile at him "My name is Alejandro Agapito Callisto Romano." Alex said making my grandma wipe her eyes.

My full name is Nicolas Agapito Arturo Romano. It is a very long standing tradition in my family that all the men have either Agapito, Arturo, Ademaro and Callisto as one of their middle names.

My dad's name is Giovanni Arturo Agapito Romano. Agapito Arturo is the name of the very first don of the Italian mafia, then Callisto Ademaro is the name of his first born son who died in order for his father to become the first don.

My grandpa hugged Angelina and she hugged him back "Thank you"  He said and she nodded. She gave the twins to them then we boarded the plane flying to Greece.

"I didn't know you named them that" I said making her stare at me "Now you do" Angelina said as she turned on her other side leaving me to stare at her back

I placed my hand on her back which made her muscles ease up "Don't touch me Nicolas" She said as I kissed her shoulder "Your body is saying something else."

She slapped my hand away making me pull her into my arms "Why didn't you tell me you named them that?" I asked.

"I don't know" She said as I kissed her and she pulled away, "Why did you name them that?" I asked.

"You said it is a tradition for the men in your family to have either one of those names as a middle name." She said making me smile at her "You remembered?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Mhm. I remember a lot of things, like when we first met and you told Alfonzo that I was the love of your life but slept with someone else immediately after that." She said making me stare at her, "I don't remember that."

"Okay" I am well aware of what she is talking about, I do not hate anything about Angelina but I strongly dislike how she brings up old things as in four years ago and she will still bring it up. But I understand that it caused her pain but it can be annoying at times.

"Have you ever met my brothers?" With that she immediately removed herself from my grasp and stood up just to fall back down due to her low iron.

I sat up then raised my eyebrows "What the fuck was that Angelina?" I asked. "Why are you asking me that question?" She asked making me stare at her, "Because I do not think you have and I want-"

"I do not want to meet them." She said as she stood up "Why not?" I asked as she opened her mouth to say something but closed it she rubbed my face then opened it once again.

"I don't see a reason for me to meet your family if I don't love you"

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