Always Yours | 18+

By eroticc_mara

319K 6.1K 1.2K

"I need you like a heart needs a beat" Three years have passed, yet Angelina Hernandez still commands fear w... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter tweleve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
bonus #1
bonus #2
bonus #3
bonus #4
bonus #5
bonus #6
Damon's book.

chapter sixteen

5.7K 131 78
By eroticc_mara


"Three! Two! One!"

I used my gun to shoot the lock off the door then gave it to Christopher who handed me my actual gun, I slowly opened the door allowing us to walk inside. I gave two signals which made everyone split up and head in different directions.

I made my way into the living room as I looked around walking cautiously, "Angelin...." I stopped talking as my eyes landed the blood of pool that I just stepped in. I looked up to see Angelina sitting right in the middle of the pool leaning against the wall.

I dropped my gun as my heart leaped out of my chest and dropped on the floor causing it to shatter. "We can't.......NO NO NO!" Paige said as she walked in from another side snapping me back into reality.

I quickly walked over to her and checked her pulse, it's barely there but her body is getting colder by the second. I moved her hair out of her face as I looked at her, her arm is sticking inside of a door which made me open it slightly to see the twins clutching onto her fingers.

I exhaled out of relief while they started screaming at the sight of their mommy, "You guys need to let go" I said making them do as told as I looked around to see Christopher standing there frozen at the sight of his sister.

I snapped my fingers which made him look at me, I pointed to the door which made him walk inside while I picked up Angelina and made my way out of the house. I walked over to the ambulance and placed her on the stretcher.

The paramedics began to attend to her as they moved the stretcher into the ambulance to get access to their supplies. "DADDY!" I looked away and looked over to the twins who are reaching out for me from Christopher's arms.

I took them from him and hugged them super tightly, "Grazie a Dio, ragazzi, state bene" I said as I kissed them all over their head. I walked them over to the over ambulance and put them on the stretcher, "Is mommy okay?" Ale asked.

"Your mommy is going to be okay. You are going to go to with your aunt Paige and uncle Christopher, people are going to check on you and make sure you are okay then I am going to be with you guys okay?" I said making them nod at me.

"We have to go" The paramedic from Angelina's ambulance said, I nodded at Christopher and Paige as I walked over to the ambulance and got inside then they drove off. "Non puoi morire" I whispered as I grabbed her hand and kissed it then placed it on my face.

I whispered a prayer to myself as they sped over to the hospital, Angelina likes to think of herself as someone who is immortal and I am trying my best to use her thought process because if I don't I will lose my mind.

We arrived at the hospital to be met by her parents and mine, they wheeled Angelina past her which made Sophia scream at the top of her lungs while her father just looked away. My father closed his eyes as my mother slapped her hand over her mouth.

"Hey hey hey where the fuck are you taking her?" I asked as they rushed her inside just for a bunch of nurses and doctors to attend to her as I followed them. "We are taking her into surgery. We have a protocol that she established for things like this, I will give you guys updates every fifteen minutes." One of the doctors said.

"You can't go through those doors" Another one said as they all halted, I looked down at her and kissed her head. "I love you so much." I whispered as I kissed her hand then let go which made them start to move.

I quickly wiped my tears off my face as I ran my fingers through my hair and walked back to the emergency room that is filled with my men and Angelina's men securing the hospital.

I took off my bullet proof vest as I walked into the trauma room that the twins are in with all of Angelina's loved ones.

I walked over to the bed and stared at the twins who are watching the doctors every move. "Они отвезут ее на операцию и сказали, что будут информировать нас каждые пятнадцать минут." I said in a language the twins don't understand.

Sophia slowly made her way to the floor which made my dad walk over to her to check on her. "Your children are fine. They are the epitome of health" One of the doctors said as they stopped checking on them.

I picked them up as we walked out of the trauma room and made our way over to the waiting area on the second floor for people in surgery.

"I am so so sorry. I love both of you so fucking much" I said making them look at me clearly confused. "I just need you guys to know that okay? You understand me?" I asked and they nodded.

✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪

It has been three hours and seventeen minutes since Angelina was rushed into surgery. The twins are laying on top of me in a deep sleep.

Paige is being comforted by Christian as she is balling her eyes out and he just looks depressed. Christopher is standing outside of the hospital handing mafia things.

Sophia is knitting a scarf that is just full of her tears. Eli is staring at the ceiling and has been for the last two hours and my father is staring at the floor.

The doctor comes out every fifteen minutes and gives us information but he doesn't tell us if she is going to make it or not they just tell us what exactly they are doing.

Speaking of that doctor here he comes again, everyone but me stood up as he walked in the middle of the floor. "There was a complication, she needs more blood-"

"We share the same blood. I will donate." I said cutting the doctor off. "What kind of complication was it?" I asked as my father rolled a stretcher over to me.

"She threw a blood clot that we didn't see but it was not fatal." He said as I picked up the twins and placed them on the stretcher, I rolled the stretcher over to Sophia who stopped knitting and looked at me.

She pulled the stretcher closer to me making me follow the doctor to a small room. I sat down where the nurse told me to then rolled up both of my sleeves.

I formed a fist then she tapped my arm waiting for my vein to come out. "You are gonna feel a little sting" She said as she put the needle into my vein.

"Will she make it or not?" I asked making her glance at me, "Uh uh um uh. She came in a very bad shape but she still has a heartbeat and she is fighting. I personally believe that she will make it." She said making me sigh.

"How much pints are you taking?" I asked. "We only need two pints." She said as I closed my eyes and began to mumble a prayer to myself.

She eventually finished and bandaged my arm up. I walked out of the room and looked at everyone who is now talking to each other, but still no Christopher.

I walked downstairs and eventually made my way outside to see Christopher pacing back and forth. He glanced at me then stopped walking as he looked at me, "Is she dead?" He asked as I walked up to him.

"Still in surgery. Come inside" I said as he stared at me. "Move Nicolas" He said making me raise my eyebrows. "Everyone is inside-"

"I CAN'T GO INSIDE." He yelled cutting me off making me put my hands in my pockets. "Talk to me" I said making him stare at me.

"I cannot sit in there while my little sister is in there fighting for her fucking life. I cannot sit still and not do anything, the least I can after I failed to protect her is take care of her mafias." He said making me blink

"We both know that Angelina is a big girl-"

"Angelina is MY little sister." He said cutting me off as he turned teary eyed. "My father left. My mother I love her but she was not a mother. I was not there for Angelina. When she turned sixteen I made a promise to keep her from harms way." He said as he wiped his eyes.

"I did my best when it came to you but you guys are hardheaded then you got her pregnant and broke her heart Nicolas." He said making me relax my shoulders as I found a way to talk to him, "I am here now." I said.

"And what happens when you guys argue?" He asked making me act like I am confused. I don't ever plan on actually leaving Angelina's life, me pretending to be delusional is making him relax and forget about why he is crying outside right now.

"Are you like mentally ill?" He asked making me raise my eyebrows as he stared at me then it dawned on him what I am doing. "Oh you sneaky little bitch." He said making me smile at him.

"It is what she would want" I said as I shrugged and he smiled as he shook his head. "If she dies Nicolas I promise you I will die with her." He said making me pull him into my arms hugging him.

"You and me both" I said as he hugged me back and eventually cried into my shoulder. We stayed outside for fifteen minutes before I convinced him to walk back into the hospital.

We made our way over to the waiting area which made Eli walk up to Christopher who just walked away and sat down next to his mother.

I squinted at Eli as I sat down and looked over to my father who is staring at me. I raised my eyebrows which made him move his head in the direction of the men's bathroom.

He stood up and made his way to the bathroom while I watched him do so then eventually stood up and walked into the bathroom

"You haven't cried." He said making me shrug, "I don't plan on crying unless I lose her" I said making him hold out his arms.

I stared at them as I frowned and my lips began to tremble. "I swear to God if she dies I promise you that I am going to die with her." I said as my eyes turned teary eyed.

I walked into his arms as my sobs escaped from my mouth and he wrapped his arms around me hugging me tightly.

"Everything is gonna be okay" He said as he rubbed my back, "Nobody fucking knows that. She could die right now and I swear to God I will die right with her." I said in between sobs.

He comforted me as he gave me reason to believe that she is going to be okay and she will be fine. I quickly bottled in my feelings and made myself look presentable as we walked out of the bathroom.

"Uh Alfonzo's dead body was found in the same house. I am not sure but his throat was slit and we found the knife and I believe that most likely it's the same knife used against Angelina." Christian said to me.

"I honestly do not give a fuck about him right now." I said as I rubbed my face and looked over to the twins who are covered with a blanket and are in a deep sleep.

"Play nice Nicolas" My mother said making me stare at her clearly not happy with her sentence."Well who is running her mafias?" Eli asked which made everyone turn their heads to look at him.

Sophia rolled the stretcher over to me and held out her hand as everyone began to yell at Eli "Shusssshhhhh!" I said making everyone stare at me and they stopped talking.

"Eli you are Angelina's father but the next time you say something like that I will put a bullet in between your eyes, father or not." I said as I locked eyes with him.

"Your gun Nicolas." Sophia said which made me lift up my pant leg and give it to her without thinking. She pulled out a silencer out of no where once I realized what I just did.

She fired a shot hitting Eli's shoulder then another one in his foot then another in his thigh. Everyone took cover while I covered the twins heads with my jacket as Eli began to groan out loud.

Nurses and doctors tried to walk over to him but she cocked the gun making them freeze. "Walk away he will live" She said as she smiled at them. "You abandoned all of your children but the one you fucked over the most." She said as she stared at Eli.

"The one who is fighting for HER FUCKING LIFE BECAUSE YOU BROUGHT HER INTO THE MAFIA LIFE!" She yelled at the very top of her lungs which made the twins move around in the stretcher.

"I swear to fucking God Eli. If she dies I will torture you till kingdom come" She said as she walked up to him and hit him with the gun making him fall unconscious. "You may now attend to him." She said making the nurses drag him away to attend him.

Sophia nodded at me as she gave me my gun and took the stretcher back to her seat. She sat down and began to knit again as everyone stopped taking cover and walked back to their seats.

Four more hours went by and we still got useless updates. I yawned as I rubbed my face and looked over to the or entrance to see the actual surgeon walking over to us as he took off his mask making me stand up.

Everyone else stood up as he raised his eyebrows and walked up to us. "We had some major complications, she threw a lot of blood clots but Ms.Hernandez is a fighter. She pulled through and is set to be fine." He said making me place my hand on my chest as I smiled and exhaled out of relief.

"It's up to her to decide whenever she wants to wake up now but she is alive and she is going to be fine." He said as I wiped my eyes and my father hugged me, I hugged him back and pulled away as I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Can we see her?" Sophia asked, "She is not awake and she has machines helping her breathe until she wakes up so it's best if only the grownups see her" He said.

Sophia and my parents went to go see her first while I made arrangement for the twins to go to a safe house. After Sophia finished her time with Angelina I sent her, the twins my father to the safe house then Angelina's brothers went to go see her.

Paige went with both Chris's then after thirty minutes Paige and Christian left and I had to force Christopher to go home.

I walked over to her hospital room and nodded at the men outside of her door as I walked inside. She is laying on the bed asleep with tubes inside of her helping her breathe.

I sighed as I smiled and wiped my eyes, I pulled a hair tie out of my pocket as I walked up to her. I pulled her hair into a terrible bun since it never cooperates.

I grabbed the chair from the corner and pulled it close to her bed. I sighed as I grabbed her hand and kissed it multiple times, I placed my head on her leg as I silently began to sob.

"Litighiamo molto, abbiamo le nostre differenze ma non posso farlo senza di te" I said as I used my shirt to wipe my eyes, "Non puoi lasciarmi" I said as I kissed her hand.

✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪

It has been a month three weeks and four days since everything has happened. We found out that the person who did this Angelina was Alfonzo which makes a huge amount of sense.

We discovered a room/lair he has that is dedicated to Angelina so there's that. I am trying to do my best to make it seem like life is still 'normal' so they have started preschool since she had plans in motion for that.

She has not woken up yet but she is breathing by herself which means she is making progress. A day after everything happened, the twins told me that she told them to tell me that she loves me and she always has and always will, I completely sobbed my eyes out.

"Hi Mr.Romano" I waved at the nurse as I walked into Angelina's hospital room that is filled with her favourite flowers, white roses.

I sighed as I took off my shoes and then got into bed with her. "Today was a long day. The twins complained about finger painting so I took them to a shooting range. Their skills are getting better" I said as I laid my head onto her chest.

The doctors keep saying that Angelina is showing very good signs which doesn't make sense since she is not fucking awake, I wrapped my arms around her as the tears gathered in my eyes.

"Angelina I swear to God if you don't wake up our children will grow up without parents because I cannot do this without you" I said as I sniffed.

"I literally took four year olds to a gun range, I clearly need help and I don't want anyone else's help other than yours." I said as I looked up at her to see her moving her face.

I got off the bed as I grabbed her hand and squeezed it which made her swipe her thumb over my hand "Angelina?" I asked as I placed my hands on her face.

I walked out her hospital room and grabbed one of the doctors. "Uh-"

"She moved her face. I called out her name and she like moved then I was holding her hand and she swiped her thumb over my wrist." I said.

"Yes yes that is an extremely good sign. It means she can hear you and is trying to wake up, her body has been healing for a while now and she is regaining her functions." He said.

I was about to respond but Angelina began to shake all weirdly while the machines began to make noise, "Code blue!" The doctor shouted which made nurses run in here.

"What is happening?" I asked clearly confused. "We have to take her into surgery." He said. "For fucking what?" I asked."She's bleeding internally, please step to the side." He said as they began to roll her out of the room.

I cannot do this shit again.

I called everyone who came to the hospital within thirty minutes. The twins are both laying on me clearly oblivious to everything. Damon is playing on his ipad while Ale is reading a book.

"Can we go and visit mommy?" Damon asked making Sophia sob some more. "Mommy is busy right now" I said making him look at me, "Busy doing what?" He asked making me sigh.

"Damon not right now okay? Maybe later" I said making him nod as he went back to playing his game. Five hours later Sophia is dehydrated and is walking around with an iv bag.

Christopher had to be sedated so he's laying on a stretcher next to Sophia seat, Christian is in his father's hospital room, my father has sunglasses on to cover how his eyes look, Paige is laying on the floor just numb after crying for so long and I am here holding everything together so my sons do not see me crying.

I looked over to the or doors to see the doctor I was with coming out. I picked up the twins as I stood and I saw that his eyes are reddish and his hands are trembling.

My heart leaped out of my chest as I sat back down and the tears started to brim my eyes. "I am so so so sorry." He said with his voice cracking in between words, "We did all we could." He said as I covered my face.

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