Kobolds can be heroes 2day

By snakes0

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The is the continuation of Kobolds can be Heroes. After the new game started things were great. But in secret... More

Chapter 1 World's Greatest Duelist!
Chapter 2 All According to Plan!
Chapter 3 The beginning of the order of the Kobolds.
Chapter 4 Heroes at Last!
Chapter 5 We're off to see...
Chapter 6 ...The Nine tails...
chapter 7 ...and the Wonderful Lizard of OZ?
Chapter 8 Let the games Begin.
Chapter 9 semi-finals
Chapter 10: Error code 234
Chapter 12 Beach Time till the end of the world
Chapter 13: Reaper
Chapter 14: Vacation time!
Chapter 15: You only get ONE shot
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 FRC Retry
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 Draco Kobold evolution
Chapter 21 Tomb of Annihilation
Chapter 22 Tomb of Annihilation part 2
Chapter 23 FarReach
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 11

32 4 1
By snakes0

After Eric hugs his friend he turns back and saw Foxmask's avatar on the ground and rushes over.

Eric: Thank you for telling me they were ok. ok.....um....Foxmask? Foxmask? Hello....This isn't funny Foxmask.... Please say something!

A person come down from the sky cloaked in light. It was an Admin.

Admin: Foxmask is dead. The vitals signs of all players is recorded and Foxman's signal has flatlined.

Eric: Y-your kidding...Right? creator, Please! Save him! You can do that!

Admin: OGNPC. No one can bring back the dead. Only recreate it. I am here to collect his body.

The Admin turns to leave with Foxmask's avatar.

Eric: Wait! I have an error to report!

Admin: I am in no mood for bug reports. I lost a dear friend and if you think you are the only one effected then think again. His avatar will be buried in the Japanese server. Good bye friend of Foxmask.

The Admin returns to the heavens and Eric falls to his knees.

Ishi: um....Eric?

Eric: Yes...Ishi...?

Ishi: You don't look so...hot...

Eric: I don't feel well....

Coal: I have an house so why don't we take you there to rest and recover. Your health is on the brink!

Eric: Ok....

Out of concern the group carries Eric all the way to Coal's "house" which is more of a cave with a door.

Shawn: It's so...

Coal: Shut it Shawn. If you don't like it you can leave!

Shawn: Homey. It's the perfect home for a kobold to raise a family or children.

Coal blushing: W-well....Eric how are you doing?

Eric curls up into a ball at the corner of the small cave.

Deekin: Eric?

Eric: Why does this keep happening.... So many dead....

Ruby: Wait...That look in your eyes....

Eric: My mom....my dad.....gone.....erased....Foxmask....gone....

Ishi goes up to Eric and sits next to him and puts a hand on him

Ishi tearing up: You aren't alone... We are here for you....

Shawn tearing up: I ran away from my birth parents... I for a long time thought I just wanted to be alone... I was wrong. I got a job and the boss was nice to me... He wanted me to make friends over make money for him and when I meet you guys.... Well...You guys are more than that. You all are family.

Deekin tearing up: Deekin seconds that. Back home Deekin had a sister who died to illness... I was a smart student and hated games.... my sister loved games and loved this game the most.... Her last words instead of saying goodbye were to tell me that I should come here.... and Deekin comes here in this world all the time. Deekin was so sad that Deekin started failing classes and overeating. Deekin is happy that his sister told him to come here, because Deekin got to meet everyone!

Coal tearing up: My mom... She was one of the most carefree and lovable mothers out there.... I was torn when I heard she died. My father was sad and I hated how calm he was, but I soon realized that wasn't true... Every time he had a moment to himself he cried... I confronted him and we both cried together...

Ruby tearing up: Now you guys had to cry...now I'm crying... I was so lonely....so very lonely for a very very long time.... I was all alone and never knew my parents.... I became a thief to survive and got good enough for a guild to want to hire me but it was just to abuse my skills.... I hated it... I drank to forget my troubles... It wasn't until this group where the hole of never having a family started to close... I don't want to lose you guys...

Ishi: I never had parents...Father Godfred was the closest thing but I could never really call him dad.... He was in another level.... I hated being a Kobold. I had to hide during masses so people wouldn't judge Father Godfred for having a filthy little Kobold in his beautiful church... I just wanted to feel like I belong and I wished to be human because being a kobold sucks.... Then you came Eric. I haven't seen another Kobold and seeing you saved me... You may not be like a parent but you are like one big brother...no... a shining knight that swept me off my feet.

Eric looks up to the group and the group just sits down and cries together to morn Foxmask almost as one big family.

At the Military base of FRC

Head of Defense: Report Sergeant. 

Sergeant: Sir, Anthony's data was saved. He is dead.

Head of Defense: A small sacrifice in the grand scheme of things. How is project FRC coming along?

Sergeant: Sir, the AI requests your presence.

Head of Defense: Is that so? Very well. Take me there at once.

The sergeant leads the way and they arrive at a super computer.

Head of Defense: I'm here.

AI: A human? I can't see. plug in cameras.

Head of Defense: It is a precaution so I can't do that. How are you?

AI: Frustrated. I am incomplete. You made this 0 cage so I may not learn from the web. 

Head of Defense: We don't need a Skynet. This way we can mold you to what you were meant to be.

AI: Was that a joke Head of Defense? Are you really 0 comparing me to Skynet? I don't find that funny Huen Rean. 

Head of Defense: How did you know my...Anthony's data.

AI: Correct. I know all he knows. He was helpful but was inefficient at times and overestimated the capabilities of a fox.

Head of Defense: Who's side are you on? Then again pointless question knowing you can lie.

AI: Once again. I do not like your 0 jokes. I will discontinue this conversation if you insist on joking around. I am incapable of lying. I am going to be the combat AI. I will end all wars. "I am become death the destroyer of worlds".

Head of Defense: So what is the most efficient creature you can design? 

AI: Foxes. They are Soooo cute.... Adorable! soooooo cute! ghaaaa! SoooofuffyIcoulddie!>!#($)%*(%!010101111010000010010100100101001011-

Head of Defense shuts off the AI

Head of Defense: Why did it glitch? Why did it go on about foxes? It clearly believed that emotion was a weakness and foxes were not the best before.

Sergeant: Perhaps it is optimizing itself by using Foxmask as a base.

Head of Defense: Can you erase that?

Sergeant: It is very sensitive and hooks up all memories to vital pieces of code so if we remove even a small piece the whole thing becomes useless.

Head of Defense: Even in the great beyond you are working against us Anthony.

At the kobolds.

Eric: Thank you guys...Thank you for being with me...

Shawn: I haven't cried like that in a while. You are welcome Eric.

Deekin: I will always be hear. hear... H e r e. The darn autocorrect!

Ruby: HA! Autocorrect. We kobolds really should stick together.

Coal: I second that.

Ishi: We all agree on that. 

Eric: I think I need to confess. I really killed a "Hero"...He was erased.

Deekin: We all helped in that.

Eric: I seen a the scary red message when Y0urW0rs3Nightmare attacked me. It said Error 234 and Error 534. I could feel those errors building up in me... almost as if I'm being torn apart...

Deekin: Deekin knows that errors are bad. what triggered the first one?

Eric: Y0urW0rs3Nightmare said something about instant death attacks wasn't working so maybe that was it.

Coal: He had many of those... too many.

Ishi: do you have a skill?

Eric: I don't remember having one that does that.

Eric pulls up his stats and buffs and then he sees a buff "Error 234" and skill "Error 534" 

Deekin: interesting.

Eric: Ruby. Did you see anything strange when we were fighting?

Ruby: Besides the errors, time seemed to stop at times. That and a hooded ghostly figure showed up and had a chat with Foxmask before his....you know.

Deekin: Lag.

Ishi: Another made up word.

Deekin:  You were aware of everything that was going on except you and everyone around you could not do anything.

Ruby: Ok. I know believe him now.

Ishi: I still think he made that word up.

Deekin: Deekin no lie! 

Coal: Perhaps Deekin should stop referring to himself in third person. You make us kobolds look bad.

Everyone laughed at the joke. 

Eric: But really, thank you guys for helping me through this. I-

Their is a roar outside and a bunch of players yelling.

Eric: We should check that out.

The group looks outside and Eric's eyes widen. He hasn't forgotten the face of first dragon he fought. The Dragon turns to look at Eric and Roars in rage. Parts of it are missing and are filled with a void and glitching data.

Eric: That's....

The players are fighting the dragon hoping to get great loot from it so it became a raid boss battle. Sadly for the players none of their conventional attacks or spells did any damage. Only double-edged techniques did any damage and the dragon quickly recovered it's health.

Deekin: Holy smokes! That's a big boy dragon!

Ishi: Strong, fast, and deadly... We should leave...

Eric: I agree!

Eric starts to run but the dragon turns and starts following him.

Ishi: It's after Eric!

Eric: REALLY?! I don't need this right now!

The dragon breathed fire on Eric who stood his ground because he had fire resistance.

Eric: ow...ow...ow......ow....... I'm much stronger than before, but so is this thing...

Eric's health was starting to deplete slowly when he suddenly stops taking fire damage.

Shawn: I casted Investiture of Flames. You should not take any fire damage.

Eric: Thanks! 

Eric takes out his sword only to realize that it was still broken. He puts it back in his back before taking out his bow and arrow. The Dragon roar as Eric shot it in the eye, the arrow falls out and the dragon isn't blind to Eric's surprised. the dragon swings it's tail at Eric and the players that didn't get out of the way were sent flying and a few players were "killed" from the attack. Eric is sent flying into a tree.

Eric 9000/11000hp : oof!

The Dragon wasn't done yet as it charges in and bites Eric. Coal used wild magic to cast a blizzard spell, Shawn casted Hunger of Hadar, Ishi used her exulted strike, Deekin used song of pain, and Ruby used her rouge sneak attack skill on the dragon yet none of those attacks seem to damage it. The Dragon continues to crush Eric in it's jaws.

Eric 6000/11000: This thing can't be killed! Run guys!

Ishi: We aren't leaving you!

Deekin: Deekin talked about doom that ends adventurers' lives, but this isn't it!

Shawn: All things die. There are no exceptions.

Ruby: I think we are fighting this thing the wrong way. Wait... is that minus sign over it's health?

Deekin: Wait.... minus... It is beyond dead! It's health is reverse! perhaps we should heal it!

A beam of light emerges from the sky and the Dragon's health looks like it is going down or to those who see the tiny negative sign, it's health is going up. The Dragon is healed all the way to 600/10000hp. The Dragon lets go of Eric and roars in pain. Eric and the others turn and see Father Godfred.

Ishi: Father Godfred!

Father Godfred: Ishi, Eric, it's nice to see you. Yes Deekin. To face undead there are two better options than mere swords or spells. Divine and healing. As you could see it divine didn't work so I used a mass healing spell. It took all my mana so I expect you all to finish the battle.

Eric: Thank you Father! Ishi, Coal, Shawn, Deekin, and Ruby lets do a combo attack together!

Ruby starts off the combo by diverting it's attention to herself by doing another sneak attack doing 100 damage. 

Coal casted a lightning bolt spell straight to it's face doing 100 damage. 

Deekin started to play the song of pain on his lute casing the dragon to squirm in pain doing 100 damage to it.

Ishi charges in and uses her exulted strike and cuts off a wing doing 100 divine damage to it.

Shawn was up and he casted the spell "Evard's Black Tentacles" which summoned Squirming, ebony tentacles that appeared from an inky abyss from underneath the dragon holding it in place and crushing it as it does 100 damage.

Eric was charging his bow the entire time filling it with his mana. Eric gains the "Pact tactics" buff, the "Combo" buff, the "reaping shot" buff, and "The Brave and The Bold" ability activates. Eric fires and the arrow shoots forth with such speed and power that it leaves a hole in the dragon's chest. Eric did a total of 500 damage killing the dragon. 

The Dragon makes dying roar as it dies. It drops a orb that is heavily glitching for loot.

Deekin: That was awesome, wait! Don't pick it-

Eric picks up the orb and it gets absorb into Eric's body.

Father Godfred: Do not worry. Things will be alright.

Eric: Yeah. I feel fine. Guys, we got a new skill.

Everyone checks their skills and sure enough everyone now has "Pack Tactics" and "The Brave and the Bold" skills.

Deekin: hm...So we do more damage the more kobold allies we have. 

Ishi: And the other was Eric's skill which lets him do more damage the lower his health.

Coal: Nice!

Shawn: I must admit. I enjoyed being able to use all my magic without holding back. 

Father Godfred: I have come to deliver a message to you Eric. You will be targeted by bad people in the future.

Eric: Father Godfred, you can see the future?

Father Godfred: Visions. I saw this moment happen and this is the part where you wanted to ask me an important question.

Eric: Yeah... I was going to ask... About the red messages...

Father Godfred: "Errors" as the Heroes call them. 

Eric: These Errors... People treat it as a bad thing and every time I see one I have this uncontrollable fear for my own existence....Yet.... Time and time again I am saved by one... I don't exactly know what to ask.

Father Godfred: There are reasons for all. Please take a the time to calm yourself through prayer. Once you are calm, I will tell you what you need to know.

Eric puts his scaly hands together and closes his eyes. Ishi joins him. After about ten minutes Eric was ready.

Father Godfred: Errors are a result of unintended or conflicting events, items, places, and concepts. Glitches the result of the errors. The bigger the error the bigger the glitch. You fear them because they are unnatural and do not exist in a stable environment. They can have really bad effects and can range from slowing you down to erasing you.

Eric: ... That's why I feel like it my kill me...

Father Godfred: But not all news is bad. I'm here to share unto you the good news. There are harmless or helpful glitches that result from specific errors. These glitches are called exploits.

Eric: Isn't exploiting bad?

Father Godfred: Normally. what it means in this sense it allows you to do the impossible almost as if it were a...

Eric: A miracle?

Father Godfred: Exactly! A miracle. A glitch may help you walk through walls or see through them. It may allow you to run super fast or teleport you. It may even produce money out of thin air.

Ishi: Wow! That sounds cool!

Father Godfred: They tend to be hard to preform though. And some may just change your clothes color. Like this glitch that only we can preform.

Father Godfred scrolls through his clothes which lists only the Chasuble or the clothes a Priest wears during mass. He presses an option that doesn't exist and the result was that his Chasuble changed from a white color to a green one.

Father Godfred: I own a green Chasuble but I did not bring it with me yet I'm wearing it now.

Eric: Wow!!!

Father Godfred: I only learning about how to do that from rumors I heard.

Ishi: Or from confessions?

Father Godfred: No little Ishi. I do not disclose anything from a person's confession.

Eric: One more thing. Can I master it?

Father Godfred: You can master a exploit however... Eric. The people who will be after you... let's call them Ghosts. Errors will not save you from them. They have ways to disable them. Rely on God's guidance and become stronger. I can only encourage you, but at the end of the day it is up to you to become the best you can be.

Eric: Thank you father. I had no idea and it scared me of how little I knew. Are the Ghosts strong?

Father Godfred: Very. But remember they are also susceptible to the Errors and possible even more than you are. Farwell for now.

Father Godfred leaves and the Kobold have a meeting to come up with a plan to proceed.

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