Always Yours | 18+

By eroticc_mara

318K 6.1K 1.2K

"I need you like a heart needs a beat" Three years have passed, yet Angelina Hernandez still commands fear w... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter tweleve
chapter thirteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
bonus #1
bonus #2
bonus #3
bonus #4
bonus #5
bonus #6
Damon's book.

chapter fourteen

6.2K 143 17
By eroticc_mara


"There you guys-"

Damon and Ale just walked past me and went to my dad who is glaring at me me "What the- Hello?" They just stared at me then walked away with my dad.

I walked over to Angelina's office to see her brothers who stood up as if they are challenging me "Out." She said without looking at any of us.

Her brothers left while I sat down across from her, she locked her hands together and squinted at me. "I don't ask for much Nicolas" She said.

"What?" I asked "I assume you are here because your children aren't opening their mouths to talk to you."  She said and I nodded.

"For the past two months you have been here but also not really you would be on your phone and not really with them. Yes you were present for their birthday but you left early and you didn't even call to wish them a goodnight" She said.

She stood up then sat next to me "And I am going to help you figure out what the fuck is going on because I feel like something is weird." She said.

I rubbed my face then exhaled, she stood up then walked back over to her desk. My eyes dropped to her ass which looks great "So starting with the card" She said.

"Uh wow uh I don't think it was that big" I said without thinking, she turned around clearly confused. "What?" She asked as she stood up straight.

I locked eyes with her and raised my eyebrows "My ass is not something you can stare at. Pay attention" She said as she sat down.

"It actually started with Alfonzo who told me that you guys weren't doing anything" I said making her nod "Yeah I know that. I have eyes on Alfonzo who I believe is the one who sent this as well" She said as held up the card which is in an evidence bag.

I took it from her then stared at it "This was bought in Salerno Alfonzo lives in Salerno. And this is his ugly ass handwriting. This is your fault" I said.

I looked over to her to see her eye is twitching, I shouldn't have said that. She was being very understanding and now her hand is in the air.

She slapped me two times then wrapped her hands around my throat squeezing, she waited until I was on the brink of passing out before releasing me.

She is screaming at me in Spanish while I am regaining consciousness. I exhaled while I grabbed her hands before she could slap me "I shouldn't have said that. I am sorry okay?"

"Why is this my fault?" She asked, I gave her a face "You a very attractive woman who took an interest to him. You trusted him and you lead him on for three years. A regular man's mind is not the same as Alfonzo's mind." I said.

She gave me an envelope as she got a call, I opened it to see a picture of Ayat kissing me. Why am I not surprised she has this?

"No no no. What fucking hospital are they in?" She asked, she stood up and grabbed her keys without any shoes. I grabbed her shoes and followed behind her "Shut everything down. My mafias are to be placed on lockdown." She said to her warriors who scrambled to get things done.

"What happened?" I asked as I grabbed her. "Get off of me" She released herself from my grasp and ran to her car. I walked over to mine and started it up I followed behind her car until we arrived at a hospital that has her men surrounding it.

She got out as did I and she ran but I grabbed her which made her hit me as I put shoes on her feet, I placed her down and she grabbed my hand pulling me inside with her.

"WHERE ARE MY- Oh my babies come here." She said as she fell to the floor and the crying twins ran up to her completely sobbing.

"I don't understand what is going on" I said which made my mom push me, "This is your fault!" She said as she shoved me again. "Me?" I asked.

The twins released themselves from Angelina's grasp then ran over to me wanting me to pick them up, I picked both of them up. Angelina walked up to me while I rubbed their back I mouthed what happened while she wiped her eyes.

"Give them to my mom please" She said making me do as told, I talked to them in Italian since they are trying to reach out for me and Angelina.

"Surround then and never leave their side." She said to her warriors and they surrounded Sophia. Angelina talked to a doctor then to Christopher, she grabbed my hand and dragged me along.

"The woman in the picture I showed you,is her name Ayat?" She asked making me stare at her "She's dead but yes I don't see how this is a time to explain what happened with her." I said.

"Ayat is Abbad's wife. She was sent to seduce you which clearly you caught onto and figured out, you killed her. Now he knows you killed her because you left some men behind which was very fucking stupid. They shot at your father he is not dead but he is fine."

"Nicolas bad terms or not we have children now, anything we do can easily affect them. If you need anything mafia related or personal related you come to me."

It took me two to three months to find out everything she just found out in the past five minutes, she walked into a hospital room with me following behind her to see my dad.

I pulled out my phone and hugged him, he hugged me back then hit the back of my head as I dialled Dante's number. "I was already dying but you wanted to speed up the process si?" He asked making me smile at him.

I called Dante while Angelina hugged my dad, "Attack everything and everyone in Morocco. Bring him to me." I said then I hung up.

"You don't understand how grateful I am" Angelina said to my dad, "Remember the last time we talked and you can pay me with that." He said making me stare at him.

"I need you to be there to kill him" I said to Angelina  making her look at me "Why?" My dad asked."She is the king and only the king can take a mafia down for indefinitely." I said to my dad.

"Yes but this has happened because of you and your choices. Instead of killing the girl and the men she came with you dragged it-"

"Hold the fuck up. I wasn't going to kill people for no reason without knowing the full story. I didn't drag shit I made sure I had all the information." I said as I looked over to Angelina who is staring at her feet.

"When did I put on shoes?" She asked clearly confused, "Can we talk?" I asked making her walk outside with me following behind her.

"Angelina you have to believe me I didn't know who she was until later last week" I said and she nodded "I believe you" I said.

"Why are you playing nice?" I asked, "Because something in my gut is telling me something is wrong and then my instincts are telling me that you are not at fault but if you are Nicolas make no mistake my children will grow up fatherless." She said.

One of her men walked up to her and gave her a phone, "You asked for Abbad?" She asked me and I nodded.

"Go talk to your dad" She said as she walked away, I walked inside to see my dad drinking juice. "If you lose Angelina again I will not forgive you." He said.

He talked to me and gave me advice that I genuinely tuned out because I don't really need to hear this shit again.  My men arrived and surrounded his room while my mom walked inside. "I am sorry for-"

"I don't have time for you" I said as I walked past her and left the room, I went on my phone and sent my men to Alessandro's house to put his family in a safe house.

"C'mon" Angelina said as she grabbed my arm making me follow behind her as we walked out of the hospital. She is sending the twins over to a safe house and wanted me to say goodbye.

"I'll see you guys soon" I said as I kissed their head and then closed the door. I hit the door as I sign for them to drive off which they did.

We got into the suv which drove to Angelina's building then we walked into Abbad's cell."Angelina! He killed my wife." He said as we entered "After you sent her to seduce him." She said making him stare at her.

"I wanted to hurt you through him for what you did, I didn't think he would kill my fucking wife!" He said as he tried to get out of the chains.

"What did you do?" I asked her as she gave me gloves, "Angelina you have to listen to me. Please okay my wife was kidnapped and I was told that Nicolas took her which I didn't believe until I got pictures of them" He said.

Angelina walked in front of me, "Who sent you those pictures?" She asked. "I don't know!" He said making her walk away as she put her hands into her pockets.

"I really liked you, I was nice to you. I didn't kill you when I killed your father." She said making me look at her clearly confused. "You killed his father?" I asked making her shush me. "Not the point Nicolas. Don't let the blood splatter and don't kill him it has to be me." She said.


"You know you had so much potential but you just had to fuck it up huh" I said as I grabbed a saw and cut his leg and slashed it against his chest he is screaming in pain.

I took off my gloves as I pulled my gun out and gave it to Angelina has one of her men walked in and handed me the kings book.

She placed her hand on it then said what she needed to say then shot Abbad in between the eyes, "Eventful day" I said as I disposed of my gloves and she grabbed my arm pulling me out of the cell.

"Where are we-"

"Shush." She said cutting me off as we walked into the elevator. I placed my hands in my pockets as we walked out of the elevator and she dragged me into her office.

Before I could even open my mouth to ask her what she is doing she placed her lips on mine kissing me passionately.

I wrapped my hands around her waist kissing her back, she pulled off my jacket while I removed hers as well. She jumped up and I caught her in my arms, I walked over to her desk and moved everything off it and placed her down on it.

I pulled away as I dragged my lips down to her sweet spot, I placed soft kisses on that area making her moan. She grabbed my head pulling me up she stared at me then kissing me again softly.

She pulled away then groaned as she pushed me away and moved her hair out of her face. "What?" I asked.
"We can't keep doing things that relate to my lips touching yours" She said as she picked up her jacket and mines "Why not?" I asked.

"Because you kissed another girl and I don't do those type of things like you do" She said as I walked up to her. "But you fucked Istavan and Maxim." I said making her narrow her eyes at me.

"If I was to stand here and name all the women you have slept with Damon and Ale would be senior citizens. Do not slut shame me." She said making me rub her face.

"I am not slut shaming you. your body count consists of three people at the age of 23 how would I be slut shaming you?" I asked as we walked over to her couch and sat down.

"Are you okay?" She asked me and I nodded as she took off her heels then sat very close to me. She glanced at me then changed her body to face me,
"I hate you and how attractive you are" I said.

"If you hate me because of my looks imagine how I feel about you and yours" I said as I kissed her hand which made her smile.

She crawled on top of me then stared at me, "This is the last time anything like this will happen." She said making me smile "You say this and then two years from now we are married to each other" She said as I placed my hand on her face.

"Oh you'd love that wouldn't you?" She whispered as her lips brushed against mine "Yes yes I would" I whispered as I leaned in kissing her sloppily.

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