The Destiny of two

By SophiaBailey767

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Based on the entire BBC Merlin series. A story about Merlin and Arthur's adventures but with a twist Merlin h... More

Chapter 1~Camelot
Chapter 2 ~ Arthur
Chapter 3~ The Dragons call
Chapter 4 ~ Lady Helen
Chapter 5 ~ First day
Chapter 6 ~ The tournament
Chapter 7 ~ Knight Valiant
Chapter 8 ~ The Final
Chapter 9~ The sickness
Chapter 10 ~ Gwen's Father
Chapter 11 ~ The poultice
Chapter 12 ~ The Afanc
Chapter 13 ~ The treaty
Chapter 14 ~ The Poison
Chapter 15 ~ The Mortaeus flower
Chapter 16 ~ The antidote
Chapter 17 ~ Lancelot
Chapter 18 ~ The first code
Chapter 19 ~ To be a knight.
Chapter 20 ~ The Griffin
Chapter 21~ Morgana
Chapter 22 ~ A remedy to cure all ills
Chapter 23 ~ Gaius
Chapter 24 ~ Edwin Muirden
Chapter 25 ~ Out Hunting
Chapter 26 ~ Into the stacks
Chapter 27 ~ Avalon
Chapter 28 ~ The sacrifice
Chapter 29 ~ The Druid
Chapter 30 ~ Infected wound
Chapter 31 ~ The escape.
Chapter 32 ~ The plan
Chapter 33 - Coming-of-age
Chapter 34 ~ Single Combat
Chapter 34 ~ Excalibur
Chapter 35 ~ Final Challenge
Chapter 36 ~ Moms arrival
Chapter 37 ~ Ealdor
Chapter 38 ~ Training
Chapter 39 ~ Battle for Ealdor
Chapter 40 ~ The Unicorn
Chapter 41 ~ Anhora
Chapter 42 ~ first Challenge
Chapter 43 ~ Final Test
Chapter 44 ~ The Labyrinth of Gedref
Chapter 45 ~ Gwen's Father
Chapter 46 ~ Darkling Forest
Chapter 47 ~ To kill the king
Chapter 48 ~ Questing Beast
Chapter 49 ~ Death of Arthur
Chapter 50 ~ Gaius's sacrifice
Chapter 51 ~ Isle of the blessed
Chapter 52 ~ The Tomb
Chapter 53 ~ The soul of a sorcerer
Chapter 54 ~ The Gargoyle's
Chapter 55 ~ Cornelius Sigan
Chapter 56 ~ Swapped lives
Chapter 57 ~ Jousting tournament
Chapter 58 ~ Dinner with Arthur
Chapter 59 ~ The Assasin
Chapter 60 ~ The Fire
Chapter 61 ~ The Forest of Ascetir
Chapter 62 ~ The druids
Chapter 63 ~ Attack on Druid Village
Chapter 64 ~ Pilgrimage
Chapter 65 ~ Juliana
Chapter 66 ~ Attempt to escape
Chapter 67 ~ Arthur arrives
Chapter 68 ~ Lady Catrina
Chapter 69 ~ A troll for a lady
Chapter 70 ~ Future Queen
Chapter 71 ~ The wedding
Chapter 72 ~ The Potion
Chapter 73 ~ She's a troll!
Chapter 75 ~ The witchfinder
Chapter 76 ~ Guilty
Chapter 77 ~ Gaius
Chapter 78 ~ He is innocent
Chapter 79 ~ Morgause
Chapter 80 ~ Duel with Morgause
Chapter 81 ~ Morgause's Challenge
Chapter 82~ Arthur's mom
Chapter 83 ~ The truth of Arthur's birth
Chapter 84 ~ Bounty Hunter
Chapter 85 ~ Freya
Chapter 86 ~ The beast
Chapter 87 ~ Freya's death
Chapter 88 ~ Peace treaty
Chapter 89 ~ Love spell
Chapter 90 ~ Vivian and Arthur
Chapter 91 ~ True Love
Chapter 92 ~ Crystal of Neahtid
Chapter 93 ~ Idirsholas
Chapter 94 ~ The knights of Medhir
Chapter 95~ Dragon attack
Chapter 96 ~ The Dragonlord
Chapter 97 ~ Last Dragonlords
End of book

Chapter 74 ~ Tears of true remorse

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By SophiaBailey767

Merlin was pacing in Gaius's chambers "The Dragon said he had to cry tears of true remorse to break the enchantment."

"Well, that's not going to be easy. Uther's heart is closed to everyone." Gaius says

"Not everyone," I say "Arthur."

Gaius looks at us "Then there's only one course of action we can take. Uther must see his son die." Gaius says.

"Come again?" I say 

"It's our only chance," Gaius says.

Merlin and I sneaked into Arthur's room before he came into sleep. We were hiding under his bed. Arthur gets into his bed and blows out the candle.

"Arthur." Merlin whispers

"Arthur?" I question.

I see Arthur's feet drop down to the floor and him draw his sword.

"Who's there?" He asks

Merlin and I slide our heads out from under the bed. 

"Merlin and Olivia!" Merlin smiles

"Oh!" He exclaims.

 He lowers his sword. "You're back."

"We never left," I say

"You mean to say..." Arthur says.

"Yes," Merlin smiles.

"... You've been under there this whole time" He gestures to his bed.

"What no!" I say

"Of course not, no" Merlin states.

"Because if you were..." He points he sword at us.

I get up, "Don't point that at me." 

"We weren't I swear," Merlin says.

Arthur sits down at his desk.

"So..." Merlin gets up. "Your stepmother's a troll, then." 

Arthur points his letter opener at us. "If you say, I told you so..."

"I wasn't going to. I wouldn't." Merlin says.

"I was, but I'm quite scared about what you can do with that thing," I say gesturing to the letter opener.

"But it's true that if you had listened to me earlier then..." Merlin says

Arthur glares at him.

"Sorry," Merlin says.

"Merlin, Gaius and I believe your father's been enchanted," I say "We've found a way to break the spell, but we need your help."

Arthur went behind the screen to get dressed, and I went to get Gaius.

When I get back, Arthur was dressed, and Merlin was busy cleaning Arthur's room.

"So, your great plan is to kill me?" Arthur asks

"No, well, yes... Not exactly" Merlin replies.

"Gaius has made a potion that gives the appearance of death, without the actual dying bit," I say 

Arthur gives us a worried look.

 "It's fine; there's nothing to worry about," Merlin says "It'll only bring you to the brink of death..."

I follow Merlin to the other side of the room, to help him with Arthur's armour.

"Oh, only to the brink," Arthur says

"We don't have a choice," I say

"We have to make your father cry," Gaius says

"He doesn't care about me anymore," Arthur says

"Nonsense, that's Catrina's influence. I've known your father for many years. There's never been anyone or anything he's treasured more than you. It's perfectly safe. A single drop of the antidote will reverse the effects immediately." Gaius says.

Merlin and I were busy attempting to put Arthur's armour away.

"Antidote, what antidote?" Arthur looks at us "You didn't say anything about an antidote."

"We didn't think it was important," Merlin says.

We drop the armour next to the wall and behind a chest.

I walk back over to Arthur and Gaius.

"The potion will lower your heart rate and breathing. For all intents and purposes, you will be dead." Gaius states.

"And the antidote reverses the effects?" Arthur asks

"Yes" Gaius replies

Arthur seemed to relax.

"If it's administered in time," Gaius says.

"If it isn't?" Arthur asks "You will be dead."

"You just said it wasn't important," Arthur says

"Yeah, um,  I suppose it is a bit important," Merlin says

Arthur rolls his eyes.

"Merlin and Olivia will have the antidote. Once I've administered the poison... uh the potion. They'll have half an hour to get it to you." Gaius explains

Merlin and I smile. 

Arthur walks to Merlin "Don't be late."

"Am I ever?" Merlin asks

Arthur reaches for the potion.

Gaius holds it back "Are you sure you want to go through with this?"

"It's the only way to save Camelot," Arthur replies.

 He grabs the potion holds it up then drinks it. He looks disgusted at first then shrugs.

We look at each other. Then Arthur falls, Merlin and I catch him.

We lower him onto his back; I gently put his head on the floor. I close his eyes.

I look down at him "Okay, this looks way too real. I don't like this plan." 

"It's all we got," Merlin says

"Time to break the bad news to Uther," Gaius says

Merlin and I leave the room. We peeked around the corner to make sure no one was around. Merlin had the antidote in hand. We walked down the passage, and suddenly a vase crashed down onto Merlin's head. Another one missed me by a centimetre. I look up and see Jonas.

Merlin falls, and the antidote rolls out of his hand. It bounces down the steps.

"No, no, no," I rush forward.

I was to late the glass shattered on the last step.

"Merlin!" I call there was no answer.

I run over to him and shake him. I look at the bandana around his neck and pull it off. 

I quickly go back to the antidote and start dabbing it with Merlin's scarf. 

"Ah," I look back at Merlin "What happened?"

"Jonas threw a glass vase onto your head," I say 

Merlin jumps up "Arthur."

We run to his room. 

"Guards!" Uther shouts "Seize it."

Merlin and I take the chance while everyone was turned away to get to Arthur. While everyone was fighting, I try to ring out the scarf and get a drop into Arthur.

"Come on" As I say that a drop falls into his mouth.

He swallows it and moves his head. He begins sitting up, and I help him up.

I look at the guards, and Catrina was defeating them easily.

Catrina hits all the guards down. Catrina turns back to Uther. Arthur jumps up and runs to Catrina; he hits her trying to knock her over. But he bends over in pain. 

Catrina grabs him "Is that any way to treat your dear old step-mother?" 

She grabs him and throws him to the wall. Arthur groans in pain.

I run over to him; I cup my hands to his face. "Arthur."

He groans. I sigh happily know he's okay. Suddenly Jonas comes up behind us; he draws a knife. Jonas stabs down at Arthur, he jumps and rolls me out of the way. 

"You okay?" He asks

I nod. Jonas came at us again, Arthur draws his sword and stabs Jonas. He falls to the ground. Arthur stands up and looks at Jonas. He turns and looks at Catrina; she falls to the ground. Arthur swings his sword and stabs Catrina.

Catrina grunts. And farts uncontrollably which were disturbing. She lets out one last loud fart and dies.

I cover my mouth and nose with my hand. Arthur walks over to me and offers me a hand. I grab it, and he helps me up. I smile at him; he looks at Uther and lets go of my hand and walks away.

Merlin and I were walking down a passage.

"Merlin, Olivia!" Arthur calls.

Merlin and I stop and look at Arthur.

"I want you to know that I never doubted you," Arthur says.

I raise my eyebrows.

"Alright, maybe I did, but it's your fault. You have a suspicious look, shifty. Like you've got something to hide." Arthur states

"We are open books," Merlin says

"Don't believe that for a second," Arthur says "However I do know that without your help, I'd still have a troll for a stepmother."  

We stand there, awkwardly.

"Well, thanks," Arthur says

'Yeah," Merlin says.

Arthur puts a hand on Merlin's shoulder. 

Arthur steps back. "Whoa!"

"Whoa," Merlin says.

"I thought you were going for a hug," Merlin says.

"No," Arthur says.

Merlin shakes his head. They slowly lower their hands.

I nod at Merlin, and he smiles and walks away.

"Gwen told me what you did today with the taxes," I say "The people were extremely grateful.  Everyone appreciates what you did. They know you tried and they won't forget that."

"He thinks I can't be friends to the people and their king," Arthur says.

"That's not true, and you'll prove it when you become King. You have a kind heart, Arthur. Never change. Not for anyone" I lean forward and kiss him on the cheek then walk away.

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