Always Yours | 18+

By eroticc_mara

319K 6.1K 1.2K

"I need you like a heart needs a beat" Three years have passed, yet Angelina Hernandez still commands fear w... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter tweleve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
bonus #1
bonus #2
bonus #3
bonus #4
bonus #5
bonus #6
Damon's book.

chapter nine

7.5K 167 38
By eroticc_mara


"Stop touching me"

I grabbed Nicolas's hand and moved it away from my face. "What's for breakfast?" He asked making me raise my eyebrows. "I do not cook for you but I did call you a car" I said.

"I am sure you can easily buy a house on the drive to wherever it is you are going." I said making him stare at me as Paige came downstairs with a plastic bag.

I took it from her and held it out for Nicolas, "These are your clothes." I said as he took it from me. He scoffed as he chuckled and shook his head, "Mi hai usato per il tuo piacere." He said making me nod.

"No, I'hai fatto per te" I said making him scrunch his eyebrows in confusion as he squinted at me. He crossed his arms against his chest, "Mi è piaciuto è stato bello, non accadrà mai più pero" I said back.

He nodded at me as he walked up to me making me look up at him. "Ti farò supplicare per il mio tocco, come la troia che sei" He said as he patted my head and walked out of the kitchen eventually leaving my house.

I cleared my throat as I looked over to Paige who is shaking her head. "What?" I asked as I ran my fingers through my hair. "I don't speak Italian but that seemed like a very steamy conversation. Plus you seemed to have a very steamy night." She said making me smile.

"Oh that I very much did." I said making her squeal at me. "I knew it! How was it!?" She asked making me giggle as I sighed.

"We didn't have sex but he went down and good fucking lord Paige." I said making her scream which made me laugh. "I forgot how powerful his tongue is Paige I am telling you that wasn't even sex but that is what I deserved after three years without sex after he got me fucking addicted to it." I said as she shook me.

"So it was enjoyable" She said making me nod. "Extremely" I said as she kissed my cheek and went to take over for me with breakfast.

I walked into the living room and laid down on the couch, I despise Nicolas but out of the two body counts I have he is the best and probably will be my best. I easily could've stopped him from touching me but God knows how much every part of me ached for his touch.

The feeling his lips on mine, his tongue around my clit, his hand around my throat could easily create a waterfall in between my legs, I am not a submissive woman. With Maxim he was the submissive and I was the dom but with Nicolas it's different he radiates dom energy inside and out of the bedroom.

I don't regret what happened but it shouldn't happen again, I'm well aware I have some issues that I don't plan on solving or whatever, I deal with my issues if they start to deal with me.

I stood up and walked into the kitchen to see Paige cooking away, "What are you making?" I asked as I bit her arm. "As you know i'm from Ireland-"

"Oh." I said cutting her off. I am the don of the Ireland mafia yes but I do not really pay attention to that on. It's still highly respected as it is third on the most powerful list. America is first and Greece is second.

"An Irish person living in Italy not something you see everyday" She said making me nod. "You don't like Irish food" She said with a frown. 

"I like all food" I said making her smile, "Good. So my girlfriend lives in Ireland" She said making me raise my eyebrows "After the meeting and after I sort out a few things, we could fly over" I said.

"Really?" She asked as she smiled very brightly, "Yeah I need to do some things in Ireland so why not?" I asked.

"She's an Italian" She said making me scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. "You are an Irish person who use to live in Italy and she is an Italian living in Ireland. Isn't that something?" I said as I walked upstairs.

I packed my bags then dragged my suitcases downstairs Paige was no help as I struggled to put my bags into my car. It was a chill drive over to the airport to see Alfonzo who is waiting for us. "This is interesting" I said as we hugged each other.

I hate to admit it but Nicolas got into my head about how Alfonzo is being loyal to me and not him. I am not going to bring it up but it's just weird to me.

We have been on this plane for thirty minutes and so far Paige who is very sexually active was talking about her experiences then it led to body counts.

"This is a very stupid discussion" I chimed in after being quiet for a while. "What is your input?" Alfonzo asked me.

"Do you see how when you use the term whore you only use it for women and not men?" Paige asked. "Why is it that women are always being called whores for having the same amount of sex men have?" I asked.

"People are not really 'whores' it's just fucking who you want to fuck, nothing happens your dick doesn't get smaller with every use neither does a vagina get loose" I said making Paige clap which made me smile.

"The only way someone can classify me as a whore is during sex and that is it" I said making Paige nod rapidly, "And that's just that! You men praise each other but bring down women for doing the same exact thing" Paige said.

Alfonzo shook his head "Oh really? You disagree with that?" I asked. He looked at me then shrugged "Not disagree just you know" He said making me raise my eyebrows.


After what felt like the world's longest flight ever we landed in New York. I looked away from the view as I grabbed the phone one of my men is holding out for me.

I pressed it against my ear as I sighed "Matias don of the Spain mafia had sent you shipments of weapons" One of my women said from the other line.

"We already have the best weapons, give them to someone else" I said as I handed the phone back to the man who gave it to me just for another one to hand me another phone, "Jesus hello?" I asked.

"Tell your little freaks to allow me into your territory" Nicolas said from the other line. "What? Why are you in- Where are the twins?" I asked.

"With me" He said as the phone moved around. "HI MAMI!" The twins shouted making me smile, he told me where they are and I immediately drove over to their location.

My warriors have them surrounded without any guns since the twins are here. "Hi my baby loves" I said as they ran up to me and I picked them up as I hugged and kissed them.

"What no love for dad?" Nicolas asked making me glare at him, "Yeah mama what about papa?" Ale asked making me stare at him. "He deserves some love to" Damon said as I placed them down and stood up straight.

"Where is my mother?" I asked as I walked up to him. "They allowed her to leave" He said as I patted his shoulder and turned around. "Woah woah woah" He said as he turned me back around to face him, kill me now.

I turned around facing the twins who are staring at us. "Do you guys remember when we watched a movie and two people kissed each other on the lips and they were boy and girl. You guys said ewww" I said to the twins who nodded.

"Yes that is how some parents give love to each other you guys don't want to see it so it will not happen" I said making them nod as they ran over to my car as Nicolas walked next to me.

"A kiss wouldn't hurt" He said making me glance at him, "No it would kill" I said as I walked away and picked up the twins. I put them in their car seats and got into my car and drove over to my house to see Eli standing outside.

I took the twins out of their car seats and placed them on the ground which resulted in them running up to him. They hugged him then made their way into the house as I walked up to him. "Angelina I do not appreciate being ignored." He said.

"I do not appreciate you making decisions for my family." I said back to him."They needed to know each other" He said making my eye twitch which caught his attention, "Not your decision to make, was it? No it was not please leave Eli" I said.

Someone's car whom i'm guessing is Nicolas parked in my driveway as my father walked up to me. "You may be mad but you will respect me. I raised-"

"Oh just shut the fuck up." I said cutting him off catching him off guard. "Respect is not given it's earned. You lost my respect and you did not raise anyone what the fuck are you talking about?" I asked.

"Angelina." He said in a warning tone as Nicolas walked up behind me. "Lecturing Angelina are we?" Nicolas asked from behind me. Him and Eli nodded at each other as a way of acknowledging each other.

"Tell her I did the right thing" Eli said making me turn around and look at Nicolas who is already looking at me. "I am thankful for you calling me and telling me but at the same time you overstepped and it was not your call to make for our kids." He said making me turn around and face Eli.

"I raised you I know what's best for you" He said once again making me stare at him. "What is with you and saying you raised me like you actually raised me? Christian? Yes sure definitely, Christopher? Eh maybe a little bit but me!? Oh no far from it you did everything but fucking raise me" I said as I pointed in his face.

Nicolas picked me up as he took me inside and kept on walking. "Fucking drop me." I said as I hit his hands and he made his way upstairs. "You have been ticked. I am taking you upstairs." He said as he walked into my room.

"Ticked? What am I a dog? Fucking release me!" I said as he closed the door and placed me down. We just stared at each other as he crossed my arms against his chest. I am well aware i've been ticked, I just don't want to release anything because I will end up crying and over share.

I sighed as I rubbed my face and placed my hands on his hips. "It's the fact that he did thinks he raised me because I swear to you he did not. He left me then decided to introduce me into this dreadful fucking world." I said.

"He gave his youngest child the mafia I was nine when he left and I turned ten the mafia was handed over to me. What the fuck was a nine year old supposed to do with that?" I asked.

"My mother I love her she tried her best to be there for me, I am well aware of that but she was grieving he made everyone think he was dead. I was robbed of my childhood I didn't get my eighth grade prom or my first day as a freshmen or my high school graduation."

"I didn't get a highschool sweetheart I didn't get the making friends in highschool that most likely would not have lasted my childhood was taken from me because of him. My teen years were snatched away from me" I said with a shaky voice and tears in my eyes.

"I didn't get to go out with friends because I didn't have any. I didn't get to go to gas station trips, the beach, parties any of that because while other teens were having fun and relaxing before they entered university." I said.

"I was focused on receiving my next shipment and creating new ways for me to torture people. I went through all of that alone I didn't have anyone. No one raised me. I raised myself to be a killer. To pick up a gun and shoot someone with no hesitation"

"And then the one person the one person in the whole world who I considered to be a father left me. They died leaving me their mafia while they also have kids do you know how stressful that is? I lost someone and gained a mafia"

"And then my early twenties are robbed from me because we didn't want to use a condom and I am glad we didn't because."

"I wouldn't have those amazing two little boys running down there, I have always been by myself before my dad even left he was always training Christopher and Christian" I said as I wiped my tears and sniffed.

"I think I deserved to make the decision he made for my family. Nicolas I am so very sorry that I kept you away from them as much as I despise you and hate you. I shouldn't have done that and you should've known about them from the second I found out I apologize for that" I said as my eyes quickly filled up with tears again.

"I just feel like it should've been me to make that call since I am the one who almost died pushing them out all by myself." I said.

"He doesn't know how it feels to be giving birth to people you already love so much but haven't even met and the fact that I felt like I was going to die before I could hold my children and he went out and made one of the biggest decisions for them hurts"

"I was alone in that delivery room feeling like I was going to die before I could see my children he wasn't there he didn't know how I felt he didn't go through that pain emotionally, physically and mentally. He isn't still fucking dealing with that everyday" I said as I took in a deep breath and wiped my eyes.

"To sum it all up, It should've been me" With that I broke down completely sobbing as I slowly made my way to the ground.

Nicolas grabbed me and pulled me up into his arms as he picked me up making me cry into his chest. "I should've been you, I know." He whispered.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled out as I hiccuped. "Shush, you have nothing to be sorry for Angelina he didn't have right to do what he did" He said as he hugged me tighter.

I don't know how long I cried for but this is a cry that has been withheld for a long time. "Let's go to the washroom so you can wash your face okay?" He said as he kissed my head.

Nicolas has a scent that I'm very familiar with, my pure hatred for him disappears because he smells like home.

Alongside my twins those three people smell like home to me being anywhere with them feels like home but Nicolas is someone I didn't consider home for the past three years since I haven't physically seen him but him being here now I consider him home as much as I hate him.

I placed my head into his neck like a child as he walked over to the washroom and I caught a glance of myself in the mirror. My eyes are puffy, my hair is everywhere, my nose and cheeks are red. I hate my crying face.

He turned on the sink then placed me down he grabbed a hair tie and put my hair in a terrible bun making me smile I washed my face.

I ended up crying again and he comforted me, Nicolas isn't someone who comforts people who cry he tells you to take it somewhere else or suck it up.

I can hear small feet shuffling towards the door, "Don't let them in" I said with my voice coming out as whisper "Who?" He asked clearly confused.

"The twins, if they see me crying then they will cry" I said making him raise his eyebrows. "Wow that is a bit dramatic." He said as the door swung open.

They walked into the bedroom looking for us and since my bathroom door is open they walked into it with their toys in their hands.

They have big smiles on their face which immediately dropped once they locked eyes with me. "Mommy is fine-"

They began to scream and cry then attached theirselves to my legs. I sighed as I looked at Nicolas who is clearly shocked, "That's your fault because why would you make them that connected to you to the point if you cry they are gonna cry as well" He said as I wiped my eyes.

Nicolas picked them up which made them cry some more and reached over to me. I took them from him as I stood up, "Mommy is fine sometimes people just need to cry" I said as I kissed their heads.

"Mommy shouldn't cry, I don't like it when mommy cries" Ale said as he touched my face. "Mommy has to cry sometimes" Nicolas said.

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