Always Yours | 18+

By eroticc_mara

307K 5.9K 1.2K

"I need you like a heart needs a beat" Three years have passed, yet Angelina Hernandez still commands fear w... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter tweleve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
bonus #1
bonus #2
bonus #3
bonus #4
bonus #5
bonus #6
Damon's book.

chapter five

7.5K 181 49
By eroticc_mara


"Can you honestly shut the fuck up?"

With that a cushion hit me right in my face, I moved it and looked over to Angelina who is glaring at me. "What?" I asked.

Damon just kept on crying harder until she stood up and picked him up then placed him on her lap which made him stop crying.

I raised my eyebrows as I looked over to Ale who is just looking at his cry baby brother. "Why is he crying?" I asked Ale who just shrugged, "He has an attention problem" He said making me smile.

Damon quickly fell asleep within like three minutes while Ale is playing with my phone. He is quite literally Angelina's twin down to like the same mannerisms.

I looked over to Angelina who is asleep with Damon quite literally on her face asleep. I looked back to Ale and waved making him look at me.

"Do you speak Italian?" I asked making him nod. "Si mía madre ha insegnato a me e Damon" He said making me raise my eyebrows. His pronunciation is better than Angelina's.

"How many languages do you know?" I asked. "Four. English, Spanish, Italian and Greek" He said making me nod as he opened up youtube.

"Angelina wake up. We are about to land" I looked over to Angelina who is now awake, she pulled Damon off her face then placed him back in seat as she buckled him up.

Angelina is half asleep right now which means she isn't fully lucid hence why she is sitting next to me right now. "Hi mami" Ale said making her smile as she rubbed her face.

"Hello baby" She said as she put on her seatbelt then leaned back into the seat. After a long thirty minutes we finally landed and were allowed to leave the plane.

Angelina made her way down the stairs with Damon attached to her leg and Ale following behind her. He eventually wrapped one arm around her leg making her reach her hand down and rub his head.

My mother screamed as she ran towards Angelina who smiled at her then laughed as they hugged each other. "This is your nonna Gloria. Gloria this is Alejandro and Damon" Angelina said.

My mom waved at them but all they did was stare at her as my father walked up to me. "Three years. Three goddamn years because she did not feel safe-"

"I literally do not." I said as I cut him off. "Do not have the energy or patience for you right now."  I said as I walked over to Angelina who is clearly over everything.

"I can hold them if you want" I said making her look at me. "Alejandro will let you hold him Damon will not let you hold him" She said as I picked up Ale.

I reached out for Damon who just clutched onto Angelina tighter, not to long ago I was playing soccer with Damon and teaching him new things and now all of a sudden he hates me.

I looked over to my mother who is glaring at me, I rolled my eyes as me and Angelina walked over to my car. "Uh I think like your mom would have extra carseats at her house" She said making me raise my eyebrows.

"I had my maids as childproof my house which included carseats into my big cars" I said as I opened the backdoor making her look at the carseats. "Hm" She said as she bent over to put Damon into the seat.

"Why are you looking up at the sky?" Ale asked making me look down at him, "Because it looks very nice" I said. I am really trying my best not to look at her butt that has gotten very bigger, "Okay your turn" She said as she took Ale.

"Go to the other side so you can see how to do it" She said as she looked at me, "I know how to do it" I said making her raise her eyebrows as she gave Ale to me. I reached over Damon and put Ale into the carseat and made him secure.

"Done" I said as I looked at Angelina who immediately shook the carseat and checked it to see that it is actually secure. "Interesting" She said as she closed the door and I opened the passenger door for her making her close it then open it herself.

Jesus Christ.

I walked over to my side of the car and got inside, I started it up as I put on my seatbelt as I started to drive. 'You can not scream and curse at children. You are a man." She whispered making me confused, "I did not scream and curse. What does me being a man have to do with anything?" I whisper asked.

"Everything sounds a hundred times worse coming from you because your voice is very deep and you said it harshly." She whispered back, "I did not even raise my voice" I said. "He still cried didn't he?" She asked making me sigh.

I parked in my driveway and unlocked the car door as me and Angelina got out of the car, she grabbed Damon while I grabbed Ale. "Uh Angelina this is Lindsay and Lindsay this is Angelina." I said making Angelina wave at Lindsay who waved back.

"She is my head maid. Lindsay these are my children Damon and Alejandro" I said making her mouth drop, "Sorry. Nice to meet you" She said as she gathered herself together and waved at the twins. "Blue suitcases to the kids room, black to the room right beside it" I said making her nod.

We walked into the house and made our way upstairs to the top floor, I opened the door to their room and they immediately started to talk about how it is avenger themed. I honestly did not see this room when I was buying the house but I am glad it is here.

I opened their bathroom which is iron man themed which made them even more excited, "I am going to bathe them so you can like you know go do something else." She said as she also mouthed, 'they just met you so you have to leave'.

I nodded as I walked out of the bathroom and eventually left the bedroom, I made my way downstairs all the way outside since I can hear someone driving over here. I placed my hands on my hips as my mother parked her car and got out of it.

"Hello Nicolas" She said as she opened her trunk and I walked over to her car, "Why are you here?" I asked as I pulled her suitcases out of her car. "Angelina asked me to come over" She said making me roll my eyes. "I am more than capable of looking after my children"I said making her scoff.

"The children you did not know about? The children who have been alive for three years and you did not know shit about. I am so sure you can." She said. "I sent your maids home including Lindsay" She said as we walked into the house.

I assigned her to her room then she had a very lengthy and annoying talk with me. "I was not listening." I said as I walked out of her room and made my way up the stairs entering the twins room to see them wearing Spiderman pyjamas.

"Are you guys hungry?" I asked them making them nod at me, "Mama is going to make us food." Ale said as I looked around for their mother. "And where is your mother exactly?" I asked making them point to the closet.

I walked into the closet to see her unpacking the clothes she packed for them, I heard her sniff and wipe her eyes which made me close the door with my foot. "They aren't going to eat anything once it is past 7:30 they don't eat anything. I make them some tea and biscuit before bed, I will write down things you should know" She said as she kept on unpacking.

"You are not staying?" I asked making her shake her head no. "I am leaving in about two days." She said as I put my hands in my pocket. "Why are you crying?" I asked making her stiffen up. "I am not crying" She said as she closed the empty suitcase and put it to the side.

"How long are they staying for?" I asked as she took off her heels. "Two to three weeks" She said as she stood up and cracked my knuckles, "Why were you crying?" I asked making her get annoyed with me. "I am not and was not crying Nicolas" She said as she pulled her hair into a ponytail.

She turned herself to face me allowing me to see her eyes that are red and puffy, I reached into my pocket and held out my sunglasses. She took them from me and put on them on as she walked around me, as much as I hate to admit it. Angelina is still the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on.

I walked out of the closet to see Angelina leaving the room with the twins following behind her, I left their room and made my way down to my moms room to see her knocked out asleep on her bed.

I turned off the lights as I closed the door behind me, I made my way downstairs into the kitchen to see little people sitting on the stools around the island while Angelina is rummaging through the pantry.

I know I shouldn't ask this question but oh well. "Does your mother have a boyfriend?" I whisper asked Ale making him nod. Well asked and very much answered, "Who?" I asked as I bent down to his height. "You" He whispered back making me smile.

I ruffled up his hair which made him smile as I turned to Damon, I don't think he likes me if I am being really honest. "Hi Damon" I said which made him look at me, "I know this guy and he recorded a video for you after I sent him some clips of you playing soccer" I said.

I pulled out my phone and clicked on the video from Ronaldo. "Hola Damon! Your father Nicolas sent me some clips of you playing football and oh my gosh you play exactly like I did when I was little." He said making Damon gasp and reach out for my phone.

"With skills like that you definitely have to play with me and my son soon, stay great Damon!" He said as he video ended. "I can't believe you know Ronaldo" He said as I took my phone back. "I told you that I do" I said as he began to talk to me about how cool that was.

Angelina made them tea and gave them a bunch of crackers and bread to go with it. "How do you like reprimand them?" I asked her as she glanced at me. "I use monsters. I don't beat my children and I try my best to not yell at them but you know sometimes it comes out" She said making me nod.

She told me all the things I needed to know as we waited for them to finish their food, they eventually finished and I washed the dishes. We made our way upstairs into their room and they got into bed, "So Nic is our dad?" Ale asked making Angelina nod.

"How do you guys feel about that?" She asked. "He knows Ronaldo so I am super fine" Damon said making me shake my head as I chuckled. "He is nice and cool so I am fine with it" Ale said. "Okay what storytime do you guys want?" Angelina asked as she sat down in between the floor of their beds.

"How did you guys meet?" Ale asked making her stare at him, "How about goldilocks?" Angelina asked making them shake their heads no. "No we want that storytime." Damon said making me sit down on the edge of the bed.

"Your mother was in Italy on vacation. I live in Italy so, I was shopping with a past friend of mine. He uh...he had a son so we were buying baby clothes for him, I don't know why your mother was in the store but she was in it." I said.

"What first led me to look at your mother was her hair. I can't really explain but her hair just got my attention before anything." I said making them nod.

"Then your mother turned around allowing me to see her face then boom, her beauty just pulled me in" I said as I looked at Angelina who is already looking at me.

"From then I just knew I had to make her mine. We stared at each other as I walked up to her and I said about five words before a piece of shit intervened" I said making the twins gasp as I kept my eyes on Angelina.

"Which gave your mother time to run away for whatever reason, I ran outside and seen her running away and just stared at her and then when I came back to reality she was gone" I said which made her smile as she looked away and sighed.

"And then?!" Damon asked making me raise my eyebrows. "Another story for another day" Angelina said she stood up and tucked Damon in then kissed his head then did the same for Ale.

I stood up and saluted and they saluted back Angelina pushed me out the room and closed the door. "This is me?" She asked me making me nod as she grabbed her suitcases and dragged them inside her room.

I walked into my room and took off my clothes leaving me in my boxers, I walked into my washroom and grabbed my shaving kit out of the drawer I opened it up and took my hair out of the bun it was in.

Over the years, I never really cared for my looks I could still have whomever I wanted.

I grabbed scissors and cut my hair. I cut it until it looked the way it looked when I first met Angelina. I took the hair razor and skimmed over the top. I cleaned everything up and took a shower that included washing my hair which really pissed me off.

I grabbed a towel for my hair and waist I walked out my room then entered Angelina's room to see her wearing a robe.

She looked at me then her eyes dropped to my chest then to my v line then back to me. "I was wondering if you needed anything" I said making her squint at me, "No I do not thank you." She said making me nod.

"I still think we should talk" I said making her walk up to me "I think you should get out and stop dripping water onto the floor" She said as she pushed me out and closed her door making me smile as I walked back into my room.

I dried my hair and got dressed wearing pyjama pants, Angelina has never been the type to be this cold and ruthless, she has always had those character traits yes but this much? Not even.

She had a rule in her mafia that she didn't harm the innocent which i'm pretty sure is no longer standing. Past her wouldn't cause a commotion if innocent people are around, present her does it and if they are well then they die.

When her father told me that she was pregnant and that I was a father I felt hundreds of emotions within seconds, mostly betrayed. Yes I didn't want to be a father but I personally felt like I should've at least known she was pregnant and that I have children out there in the world.

The Angelina I knew would've never kept my children from me, clearly that one is gone now.

She has changed, a lot but she's a great mother honestly my love for Angelina has never disappeared it was starting to and then this happened seeing her made me realize how much I need her how much I love her.

For her seeing me was pointing a gun to my head and putting her finger on the trigger as if I mean absolutely nothing to her. I can only imagine how she felt going through her pregnancy and birth without the one who impregnated her.

That is her fucking problem. She is the reason I went into the hole I went to the reason for my drinking the reason for all my fucking pain and suffering, and then she kept my fucking children from me? Who does she really think she is?

My door opened pulling me out of my thoughts just as I heard whispering. "He is in here" I sat up to see Ale and Damon standing close to the door, "Why aren't you two in bed?" I asked.

"We wanted to hear the rest of the story and we knew mami wouldn't tell us, so we came to you" Damon said making me sigh as I patted my bed.

Ale closed the door as they ran over to my bed and crawled on top of it, halfway into the story about us meeting in the club they fell asleep.

These boys are probably the best thing that has happened to me.

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