godhead [COMPLETED]

By uncouthwriter

89K 4.6K 4.5K

Calla was a dreamer; always cherishing the idea of marriage while dreaming of her happily ever after: a magic... More



643 32 54
By uncouthwriter


I pull my gloves a little bit tighter, waving to the King of Germany and his wife Queen Klara.

What a grand time Germany was!

The king was nothing like emperor Leonardo. He ruled with dignity and held a theory in autonomy for all, a concept foreign to Leo.

"I do hope I made a good impression Oslo." I push my back against the velvet cushion of the carriage. In the future, when I become the sole ruler of Genovia, I would need every country as an ally. Having a country as grand as powerful as Germany backing Genovia would prove beneficial in the long run.

"The king could not take his eyes from you, Empress. Believe me when I say you made quite the impression" he teased. I took relish in his reassuring praise and sat up straighter, hitting the side of the carriage so we could travel onward.

"And now? Spain!" Oslo announced, sitting back in his chair to study his novel. Although he seemed calm, I knew he was nervous about my abrupt change of plans. He was already in Leo's bad graces for shooting him in the ass, so he truly had nothing to fear. He knew he should be dead by now, so him going along with my plan should be reasonable.

He had been looking at volumes on life in Spain, learning more about agriculture and scenery. Perhaps he was planning on buying some property to stay? Oslo was relieved of course since he did not have to face Leo's wrath.

The trip would be long so I made sure to pass the time reading my favorite books and doing small little crafts like pillow crafting and quilt work. It was boring, but it calmed my spirits. I was a bit nervous, I could not lie. I had told the king of Germany we had to cut the trip short to return to Genovia and take care of Leo but in reality, I cut it short to travel to Spain.

That was the plan. 1 week in Germany then 2 weeks in Spain.

I was a bit sad Lizabeth couldn't join us. Dr. Jude begged her to stay behind and show him the ropes of the palace. Leo insisted she stay as well but I knew it was a precautionary measure by him just in case Lizabeth inspired me to take a trip to freedom.

"50 miles left empress!" Joffree sounded, waking me from a lazy nap. I lift my head from the window pane and smirk, taking in the rich scenery of the Spanish countryside. How magnificent it looked! Rich green hills filled with beautiful houses of white. It was a dream.

It had been 5 months since I had last seen Donatello and I was fearful. Fearful he would forget me? Afraid his feelings for me would be gone. What if he had fallen in love with someone else? No...he couldn't.

The sharp punches of the babe vibrate against my belly. "Ou!!" I cursed, holding my stomach and wincing as I feel the kicks.

"Are you okay Empress?" Oslo sits up, awaking from my shouts of pain. I nodded silently forcing a timid smile.

"I'm fine Oslo. Just butterflies" I lied, looking out the window. I had to conceal my belly. Lizabeth made sure to pack some dresses that were loose and unstitched in the waist. I hadn't told anyone else about the heir to Genovia besides Lizabeth and Dr. Jude. I wanted to tell Donatello first. He had the right to know, it was his child.

"Are you sure empress?" Oslo asks again, pushing his spectacles to his nose. He observed me carefully, concerned by my apprehensive state.

"I am fine Oslo, thank you" I whisper, looking to the window again.

"I am coming for you Donatello" I whisper to myself, pushing my palm to my small pocket where I had hidden the necklace Donatello had given me.


We pull up to a high Spanish Villa in the beautiful countryside. A vast land of vineyards painted the spacious acres of land.

I see Donatello in the distance, pacing the pavement that lined the front of the house. A few soldiers traveled ahead to inform him of our impending arrival. He stood tall and grand, waiting patiently for us to exit from the carriage.

Oslo helps me down from the carriage before I take in the environment. It was a beautiful house on the enclave of the seaside. It was private and secluded but spacious. Only the elite and affluent could afford to live here.

I was unaware Donatello came from money. He hid it so well.

"Empress, as you know. This is the painter Donatello who painted you so well"

"A pleasure empress" Donatello steps up to face me and bows, grabbing my palm and kissing its surface.

I would melt right here.

Donatello watches me curiously, taking in my features. He looked well-rested. I guess the fears of his life being threatened diminished. His beard was dense but trimmed. And he looked as if he put on some weight, but the good kind. The one that makes you fantasize about a man topless. He showed no signs of youth but an attractive maturity. He looked rather tempting.

"Thank you empress. The inspiration was quite easy." He smiles, showing off a wicked smile. How badly I wanted to attack his lips.

He turns his attention to Oslo and hugs him. "My dear friend Oslo! How have you been? I assume it has been dull in the kingdom of Genovia"

"Dull would not be the word used to describe it" he stutters, trying to hide his reddened cheeks.

"Don't tell me the emperor has been keeping you busy Oslo?" Donatello kids, grabbing his shoulders in jest. Oslo chuckles nervously and pats his shoulders with fear.

"Oslo actually shot my husband in the ass" I announced bluntly. Donatello's mouth curled into a mischievous smile. He turned his attention to me before returning it to Oslo. He tried to stifle his laughter but there was only so much his will allowed him. He couldn't resist it, covering his lips with a lazy palm before turning his head away to laugh.

Oslo smiled politely, trying not to join in his silliness.

I of course was amused but couldn't let them know that. Amnesia.

"Is there a joke I am missing?" I hum, tilting my head curiously. Oslo stops smiling and Donatello clears his throat.

"No empress...there is--" Donatello clears his throat. "Nothing at all" he shrugged, scratching the side of his neck awkwardly.

A girl with jet black hair and an overly irksome disposition came and grabbed Donatello's neck."I had them exchange the table clothes Don. They were too bold for the occasion" She kissed his cheek and rested her head against his arm.

"And who is this?" I cursed. I couldn't hide the anger that cloaked my voice. They kiss passionately before breaking and staring at me.

"Empress, where are my manners? This is my fiancé Isabel Laura Tapa"
She takes note of my presence and lifts her head to my golden crown.

"Oh Empress! I had not even noticed you there! It is a pleasure" she bows, holding my hand with pride. "Donatello has told me so much about you! I am a fan! Please call me Laura" she introduces herself boldly.

A woman with two first names? I didn't trust her.

"Oh... I see" I nodded, trying to hide my tears. I try to smile, forcing a dull smile as they spoke. Their conversation was so dull and quite frankly, I did not care. I heard Donatello's fateful word and shut down.


She slipped an arm through his and rested her head against his shoulder.

Was Donatello blind? Surely he and I made a cuter couple! Is this who he picked? How quickly he had gotten over me!

"Yes, the empress reads the "Valiant Pussycat" to the emperor every day. He has memorized it by heart" Oslo teased. They all laugh rather comfortably. I break from my destructive thoughts as Donatello turns his attention to me.

"That sounds tiring Oslo. I am glad the empress has come here for freedom." he teased flashing a smile at me. I try my hardest to smile and looked away to the grape vineyards in the distance.

Oslo and Donatello remembered each other, but I did not so I let them catch up. I refused to make small talk with the woman with two names.

A few minutes pass before Laura or Isabel, whatever her name was interrupts their conversation. "Well, I prepared a light lunch in the garden. Why don't we go there and take the carriage to the museum after?" she suggested.


Lunch was dull of course.
Donatello spoke of the story of Laura and him. I for one did not care to hear it but Oslo was ears.

I wished Lizabeth was here. She would have shifted the conversation so humorously.

"You certainly have a beautiful abode Sir Donatello" I admired, cutting off the prissy voice of Laura. She needed to rest her voice and I for one was tired of her bragging.

"Yes my father was a playboy but he was a da*mn good painter." Donatello chuckled, staring into my eyes. "I miss him"

"He would be proud. Look at all you accomplished. You painted an empress" I smiled, pushing a palm beneath my chin.

"Thank you empress. If only I could hear him say it."

"You are a good painter Don! He would absolutely love your paintings!" Laura bragged, kissing his cheek with care.

See. That was the difference between her and I. She was all show, saying anything to stroke his ego but I challenged him.

"And if your father said it to your face, would you still believe him?" I smirked, looking into his eyes. He looked into mine and nodded.

That was the Calla he had fallen in love with. The one who questioned his pride and sanity.

"Full of questions empress?" He invited my curiosity.

"Just curious Sir Donatello. It seems as you will never be satisfied with the praise you get even if you more than proved yourself. You will never be him" I reminded him. He was always so hard on himself. It was one of the things that drive me insane.

"Is it bad that I strive to be like him?" He asked.

"Inspiration is one thing. Imitation is another. You will never be him and he will never be you and that is okay."

He nodded, staring at me in awe. It was apparent his psyche hadn't been challenged in such a long time since his fiancé was a dumb pest.

His fiancé broke his gaze and grabbed his palm, intertwining it with hers. "I do wish we would Devon our way to the museum!" she pipes, standing up to start the journey.


Author Note:

You already know ole girl is gonna be a problem.

The wonderful Laura Isabel is named after the commenting queen herself WhewChileee69
Thanks for keeping me laughing 🥰

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