Mixed Blood

By 11thCenturyJoker

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Six Princes. Seven Friends. One Prophecy. Follow the story of a group of thirteen individuals as they navigat... More

Author's Note
The Prophecy (Prologue)
1: The King's Request
2: Check In
3: New Information
4: Confusion and Misunderstanding
5: Soulmate Mechanics
6: Night Troubles
7: Vampire Nomenclature
8: Triple Double
9: Literature Project
10: Side by Side
11: On Screen
12: Weekend Plans
13: Quelpart Escapade
14: Give and Take
15: In The Dark
16: Beach Again
17: Say The Name
18: Soulmate Bonding
19: Paragon Duties
20: Stepping into Action
21: Aftermath
22: Prophecy Decoded
23: Asking Permissions
24: Wrong Timing
25: Moon Over and About
26: Social Distancing
27: Formalities: Part 1
28: Formalities: Part 2
29: The Calm Before The Storm
30: Crossroads: Part 1
31: Crossroads: Part 2
32: Crossroads: Part 3
33: Rite of Passage: Part 1
34: Rite of Passage: Part 2
35: Rite of Passage: Part 3
36: Questions and Answers
37: Conditions
38: Dream Team
39: Start Moving
40: Urgent Appointments
41: Crossing Borders
42: One Up
43: Two in One
44: Great Gathering
45: Water Activities
47: Teamed Up
48: Stranger Than Fiction
49: Untold Stories
50: Greener Pastures
51: First Blood
52: Monster Jam
53: Change of Status
54: Divide and Conquer
55: Dreams into Action
56: Battle Royal: Part 1
57: Battle Royal: Part 2
58: Battle Royal: Part 3
59: From the Back
60: Perfect Timing
61: A Step Forward
62: Suiting Up
63: Cold Feet and Hot Tea
64: Royal Hymeneal
Official Statement (Epilogue)

46: Enlighten

89 5 0
By 11thCenturyJoker

Two days after the beach holiday, all the students of Adore U, including the Princes and their soulmates, were shocked when the first thing that slapped their faces early in a Monday morning was the announcement of a whole day surprise examination per subject. Thankfully, Section Rose Quartz was above average so everyone managed somehow. Section Rose Quartz was even luckier than most sections as out of their eights subjects, only six gave them tests. Fatumics and Vampirology did not even bother showing up.

At the end of the day, there was a light at the end of the academic tunnel brought by the PA system.

"Good afternoon, students of Adore University. The administration is pleased to announce that there will be no classes tomorrow due to the Quarterly General Staff Meeting," the speaker blared. "I repeat: the administration is pleased to announce that there will be no classes tomorrow due to the Quarterly General Staff Meeting. That would be all. Thank you."

And with the announcement, the school erupted in a jamboree. Tired from being mentally drained, the Princes and their soulmates went to their respective homes, having no time nor the enthusiasm to do any post-school leisure activities.

"So, I heard you have no classes tomorrow. Do you have any plans?" the King asked before he took a spoonful of soup.

"Currently, we have nothing. The school gave us surprise exams that we were too tired to plan for tomorrow," Seungcheol answered.

"Then, perhaps, if I could make a suggestion, you should go to Funtone. Aren't you curious about what is the name of the color of your beautiful eyes?"

The Princes looked at each other before Soonyoung spoke up, "Oh... my... goodness! We absolutely forgot!"

"We still don't know the name of our eyes' color," Wonwoo's eyes widened.

"How could we forget?" Vernon was baffled.

"Well, with all the prophecy, Joshua-hyung being anemic, Chan's, Jihoon's, Jeonghan-hyung's and Seungkwan's powers manifesting, trip to Hall University, and seeing doppelgangers, it's no mystery why we forgot," Jun enumerated.

"So, I guess we should head to Funtone tomorrow?" Seokmin said.

"Sure. We should invite our soulmates as well. Let's contact them through our chat group after dinner," Seungcheol decided. "Thanks for the great idea, father."

Fast forward to tomorrow morning, the group was outside the main building of the Funtone company. With Seungcheol leading the pack, they entered the building and stopped in front of the office reception desk on the lobby. The employees were eyeing the group, most probably because of the Paragons.

"G-good morning, P-prince Seungcheol, how can Funtone serve you, your brothers and your friends today?" the female at the office reception desk stuttered.

"Well, my brothers and I, along with our soulmates, want to know the name of our eye color. Is that possible today?" Seungcheol politely inquired.

"Certainly, your majesty. Please head to our Eye Color Matching Department of the Color Institute. Their office is on room 24H on the second floor. Please use the elevator as we are doing some repairs on the stairs," the female assisted.

"Thank you for that."

After a short elevator ride, the group finally reached the office.

"Good morning. We are here to know our eye color," the group shyly entered.

Upon laying eyes on who's their client, the department head became restless, "Come in. Come in, your majesties. Please take a seat. I am Ms. Opal Nacre, assistant executive director of the Color Institute but you can call me Opal. Unfortunately, our executive director is currently in a meeting to select the next color of the year but please allow me to assist you today."

"Thank you, Opal-ssi. We actually would like to know the color of our eyes," Soonyoung stated.

"Certainly. So I assume you are all here with your soulmates, right?" Opal's tone of voice turned professional. "So, in order for us to accurately pinpoint in our proprietary color space which color are your eyes, we will examine both your soulmate's and your eyes. Is this okay with you?"

"Sure," Jun agreed.

"And if you don't mind, can we use all your eyes as models? Quite honestly, you are the first Paragons to ever have their eyes checked ever since our establishment," Opal requested.

Seungcheol glanced at his companions but there was no objection, "Sure. Just as long as you don't edit it in anyway or use it for bad, awful or disgusting purposes."

"Thank you," Opal was glad. "Now, we will be checking your eyes by pair. Just a heads-up, the process of pinpointing the color may take an hour due to the size of our color space."

"It's okay. We can wait," Wonwoo mentioned.

And so, they were called by pair, or trio in Seungcheol, Jeonghan and Joshua's case. After the simple eye check using a machine, the hunt for the colors began. After nearly fifty minutes, Opal ushered them to a small conference room with the result on her hand.

"So, thankfully, our computer was able to find the matches faster than we have expected. Coincidentally, your eye color falls into the subset of colors that we actually gave meaning to." — She turned the projector on — "So without further ado, let us meet your eye colors."

"Let us first start with Prince Wonwoo and Mingyu," she pressed a button and a presentation slide appeared on the screen. "The color of your eyes is classified as Funtone 19-1557 and is called Chili Pepper. Chili Pepper is a deep red color which has a meaning of fiery passion and spirit of adventure."

"A perfect match! Wonwoo's fiery passion for Mingyu and Mingyu's spirit of adventure, like openly wanting to be a vampire, is harmoniously blended into one color," Jihoon stated. The rest were amazed by his opinion.

"Next, Prince Soonyoung and Jihoon's eye color is classified as Funtone 17-1456 and is called Tigerlily," Opal continued. "Tigerlily is warm orange color which has a meaning of bold creativity."

"I agree. Jihoon-hyung is a very talented musician while Soonyoung-hyung is an awesome dancer," Chan said, making the rest nod in agreement.

"Moving on, we have Prince Seokmin and Chan's eye color," Opal changed the slide. "Your eye color is classified as Funtone 14-0848 and is called Mimosa. Mimosa is a warm yellow color which means dynamism and high energy."

"If that meaning didn't perfectly fit both Seokmin and Chan, I don't know what will," Jun commented, making the others chuckle.

"For Prince Junhui and Minghao's eye color, it is classified as Funtone 17-5641 and is called Emerald," Opal went on. "Emerald is a vivid green color which conveys sophistication, luxury and healing and promotes balance and unity."

"Nothing could have described both Jun and Minghao better," Joshua mentioned. Like before, his friends agreed with him. "Jun is sophisticated and luxurious when it comes to Minghao. He even helped Minghao heal after the unfortunate attack. Meanwhile, Minghao is the epitome of balance and unity."

"For Crown Prince Seungcheol, Jeonghan and Joshua which is a unique soulmate triad, their eye color is quite unique also," Opal explained. "Your eye color is classified as Funtone 15-3919 and is called Serenity. Serenity is a cool tranquil blue color that reflects connection and wellness as well as a soothing sense of order and peace."

"A perfect color with the perfect meaning for the three of them. With everything they went through up until now and the fact that they are the eldest in the group, Serenity is right on the mark," Vernon pointed out. Everyone, including the triad themselves, were astounded as to how perfect the color fit the three.

"And finally, Prince Hansol and Seungkwan," Opal was nearing the end of her presentation. "Your eye color is classified as Funtone 18-3224 and is called Radiant Orchid. Radiant Orchid is a vibrant violet color that represents beguiling charm, inspired confidence, originality and expressiveness."

"Inspired creativity and originality? That is Seungkwan, alright. Vernon, on the other hand, is no doubt the beguiling charm and expressiveness." Mingyu elaborated.

"So, that end my presentation. I hope you like the names and meaning behind your eye color," Opal bowed; the thirteen clapped.

They courteously bowed to the staff before exiting and heading toward the elevator.

"Our eye colors are perfect," Jeonghan leaned on Seungcheol.

"Agree. Even the meanings were very accurate," Joshua seconded.

"I never knew there were so many colors. I am so amazed with Funtone. How they classified, organized, named and even gave meaning to the colors... I tip off my hat to them," Seungcheol's inner geek was showing.

While everyone was making a note on what was the name and classification code of their eye color, a strong earthquake shook the whole building at the exact moment the elevator doors closed. Everyone held on to each other and closed their eyes while the quake happened. Fortunately, it was only for a short span of time. Consequently, the elevator stopped moving midway. But instead of darkness, the elevator was brightly lit instead. Looking for the source of light, they found out it was seeking refuge on Jun's chest.

"Uhm... Haohao?" Jun called for his soulmate's attention.

"Hmmm?" Minghao voiced out without moving at all.

"Why are you so radiant today?" Jun kissed the top of the head of his soulmate.

"Stop flirting with me, Junnie. Can't you see we're stuck inside a dark elevator?" Minghao scolded.

"That's the point, Haohao. The elevator is illuminated because of you," Jun told Minghao.

With the words from his soulmate, Minghao raised his head and looked at the inside of the elevator, then to himself. Indeed, he was radiating light.

"Junnie, I am glowing," Minghao spoke and looked like a little kid; his blinking eyes were glowing in vivid green. "Does this mean I have my power now?"

"Yes, even your eyes are glowing. Now a get a room, lovebirds," Seungkwan broke the lovely atmosphere.

"Kwannie, that's not nice," Vernon whispered to his soulmate.

"Congratulations, Minghao! It seems you have control over light," Seungcheol greeted. "Wait until Beekhyun-hyung hears about this."

"Baekhyun-hyung? You mean Baekhyun-hyung from ERI? Why all of a sudden?" Minghao was confused.

"His power is also light just like yours. He was really hoping one of you will develop light-based powers so that he will have a student. He was jealous when we were training with ERI before and got even more envious now that Xiumin-hyung and Luhan-hyung got new students," Wonwoo explained.

"Well, he can only hear about the good news if we can get out of here," Jihoon brought them back to the dilemma at hand.

Seungcheol sighed, "Vernon, use your power to energize the elevator, but mind your output."

"Brilliant thinking, Cheollie!" Jeonghan praised, giving him a kiss on the temple. Joshua gave one to Seungcheol also.

Thankfully, Seungcheol's plan worked. Vernon served as the elevator's temporary energy source until they reached the first floor. The staff apologized for the inconvenience but they politely shrugged it off, knowing that the staff could do nothing about an earthquake. They could have turned on the power generator faster but nah, everything turned out just fine.

Finally, the royal limousine dropped the soulmates first at their respective homes before going back to the palace. Everyone was excited. They have a tale to tell the King after all.

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