Mixed Blood

By 11thCenturyJoker

7.2K 499 20

Six Princes. Seven Friends. One Prophecy. Follow the story of a group of thirteen individuals as they navigat... More

Author's Note
The Prophecy (Prologue)
1: The King's Request
2: Check In
3: New Information
4: Confusion and Misunderstanding
5: Soulmate Mechanics
6: Night Troubles
7: Vampire Nomenclature
8: Triple Double
10: Side by Side
11: On Screen
12: Weekend Plans
13: Quelpart Escapade
14: Give and Take
15: In The Dark
16: Beach Again
17: Say The Name
18: Soulmate Bonding
19: Paragon Duties
20: Stepping into Action
21: Aftermath
22: Prophecy Decoded
23: Asking Permissions
24: Wrong Timing
25: Moon Over and About
26: Social Distancing
27: Formalities: Part 1
28: Formalities: Part 2
29: The Calm Before The Storm
30: Crossroads: Part 1
31: Crossroads: Part 2
32: Crossroads: Part 3
33: Rite of Passage: Part 1
34: Rite of Passage: Part 2
35: Rite of Passage: Part 3
36: Questions and Answers
37: Conditions
38: Dream Team
39: Start Moving
40: Urgent Appointments
41: Crossing Borders
42: One Up
43: Two in One
44: Great Gathering
45: Water Activities
46: Enlighten
47: Teamed Up
48: Stranger Than Fiction
49: Untold Stories
50: Greener Pastures
51: First Blood
52: Monster Jam
53: Change of Status
54: Divide and Conquer
55: Dreams into Action
56: Battle Royal: Part 1
57: Battle Royal: Part 2
58: Battle Royal: Part 3
59: From the Back
60: Perfect Timing
61: A Step Forward
62: Suiting Up
63: Cold Feet and Hot Tea
64: Royal Hymeneal
Official Statement (Epilogue)

9: Literature Project

118 11 2
By 11thCenturyJoker

A week passed by with no significant events. Their Fatumics and Vampirology subjects were still not scheduling any classes yet after the first ones. Currently, Section Rose Quartz was having their Literature class.

"So, in conclusion, film adaptations use many works as inspiration. It could be a novel, an autobiography, comic books, religious texts such as the Bible, a news article or even musicals and other films. There are so many options to choose from," the Literature teacher summed everything up. "Now, for your project, I will group you into groups of either two or three."

"Do we choose our partners?" Donghyuck asked.

"No. I will be the one to choose," the teacher declared. "Listen carefully."

"Okay," the class obeyed.

"Zico and Jieun, Jisung and Chenle, Donghyuck and Mark, Soonyoung and Jihoon, Minghao and Junhui, Chan and Seokmin, Vernon and Seungkwan, Wonwoo and Mingyu," the teacher announced. "Now, for the three-membered groups, Sunmi, Jessi and Chungha; Renjun, Jeamin and Jeno; and finally, Seungcheol, Jeonghan and Joshua."

"What will be the project, ma'am?" Chenle inquired.

"In line with our current topic, I want you to report a compare and contrast review of a novel and its film adaptation. Any novel will do. You can choose those we have in the library or the books or even e-books that you personally have."

"Ma'am, how about those book series? Do we need to compare all the books and films?" Vernon questioned.

"No. If the novel you chose is a series, just do it for one of the books, preferably the first. Also, since a book might have multiple film adaptations, I want you to emphasize what year the book was published and the year of the film's release."

"Okay, ma'am. Understood."

"Now, I will give you time to have a meeting with your groupmates. By the way, no two groups must review the same novel or film."

The class scurried and met their groupmates. The room was slowly being filled with hushed conversations. Each of them were trying to find a film that they have interest in that was adapted from a book. Minutes later, the teacher called for the meetings to end.

"Now, please tell me what books or film are you going to review so that I could keep track of them," the teacher instructed.

"Our group will be doing 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo'," Jessi said.

"Jieun and I decided on 'The Fault in our Stars'," Zico stated.

"Ours will be The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe," Donghyuck claimed.

"Chenle wants to do 'Crazy Rich Asians'," Jisung chuckled.

"Jeno and Jaemin agreed that we will be doing the first book of the 'Twilight' series," Renjun told the teacher.

"We will be doing the 'Phantom of the Opera'," Jihoon giggled while Soonyoung pouted.

"We decided on 'Maze Runner'," Jun declared.

"It will be 'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring' for our group," Seokmin revealed.

"Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief," Wonwoo simply answered.

"The book and film that we will be reviewing is 'Paper Towns'," Seungcheol mentioned.

"It will be 'Harry Potter' for us but we haven't decided what book yet," Vernon excitedly stated.

"It's okay, as long as it's any of the Harry Potter books," the teacher responded. "Okay, so I have listed the books you have just mentioned. Now, the deadline for this project will be in two weeks. You have ample time to read the book and two weekends to thoroughly watch the films. I have high expectations with your reports."

"Okay, ma'am."

"If there are no more questions, class dismissed."

While waiting for their Science teacher, the friends crowded around Joshua's location.

"Why 'Phantom of the Opera'?" Jeonghan's brows met in the middle.

"I like it because it's based on a musical, which in turn is based on a novel," Jihoon beamed.

"But I like to do 'Hunger Games' better," Soonyoung pouted.

"And exactly why is that?" Jihoon retorted.

"Because it's exciting and lots of gruesome scenes, I think? I haven't watched it yet but from I heard, it's quite gruesome," Soonyoung giggled.

"And that is why I chose 'Phantom of the Opera'," Jihoon rolled his eyes.

"Well, as for us, I could only think of 'Maze Runner' so that's what I said," Jun explained.

"Same case for us!" Chan agreed to Jun's statement.

"I just wanted to avoid your choices and Gyu really wants to compare the book and film for 'Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief' as he heard that there are huge discrepancies between the two," Wonwoo elaborated.

"Joshua suggested 'Paper Towns' and Jeonghan and I have nothing in our arsenal so we went with Joshua's idea," Seungcheol stated.

"How about you, Seungkwan? Why 'Harry Potter'?" Mingyu turned to Seungkwan.

"Vernon is huge fan of 'Harry Potter'. So, he promised to do most of the work if I agree to do 'Harry Potter'. Who am I to decline? It's a free grade for me," Seungkwan sassed.

Fast forward after their classes ended, everyone paired up with their Literature partners. They decided not to attend clubs today to start planning for their Literature project. Thankfully, their club schedules are flexible so they can attend anytime they want.

Seungcheol and Joshua were at the library, on the same table where Jeonghan and Joshua were the last time. Jeonghan went home first because of an important family dinner.

"Joshua, what are we planning to do?" Seungcheol reluctantly asked.

"Well, actually, I have started reading 'Paper Towns' a while back. I also just found out recently that the library has a copy of the book. So, if you want, you could borrow the book and start reading. But I can probably finish the project for our group singlehandedly," Joshua gave Seungcheol a gentle smile.

"Nonsense. I will read it so that I can contribute something to our project."

"Well, you can grab the library's copy of the book anytime you like," Joshua mumbled as he started reading 'Paper Towns'. "By the way, Jeonghan offered to have the film viewing at his house next Saturday. Jeonghan also promised to read the story on his own."

"Sure. I'm free next Saturday."

"Great. Unfortunately, I can't attend since I have a doctor's appointment that day but I promise to watch the film by myself," Joshua sadly mentioned. "However, this is great for our report. Since the three of us will be watching separately, we will be consolidating our observations which can lead to better results."

"I guess so," Seungcheol thought Joshua was right.

Seungcheol excused himself to search for the book he needed. Because of the sheer number of books, it actually took him a while before he found the library's copy of the book. By the time he returned, an unexpected sight welcomed him back. Joshua was fast asleep. Seungcheol sat on his seat and looked at Joshua.

"How could you still look attractive while sleeping?" Seungcheol reached over, closed Joshua's book and fixed some of the hair that was covering Joshua's face. He completely forgot about the book he just found and stared at Joshua's sleeping figure.

"Haa... I do not understand myself anymore."

Sometime later, Joshua finally woke up. He fluttered his eyes open but was surprised to see Seungcheol staring at him. They were, quite literally, face-to-face with each other while their heads were lying on the table.

"Hi, Joshua," Seungcheol greeted him.

"H-hi Seungcheol. I'm sorry I fell asleep. That is so unlike me," Joshua explained himself.

"No worries," Seungcheol replied.

"Did you actually read the book?"

"Nope, but I still enjoyed my time at the library," Seungcheol smiled at him, leaving Joshua confused with his statement.

"I g-guess I should go home now. It's getting late," Joshua stuttered as he noticed the time.

And so, Seungcheol went to borrow the book and the two of them left the library. Meanwhile, Vernon and Seungkwan were at the cafeteria, discussing about the same project.

"So, what's the plan?" Seungkwan was looking at Vernon straight in the face.

"I think we should do the first 'Harry Potter' book as it's one of the shortest," Vernon suggested. "How about I lend you my book for you to read and we will watch the film next Saturday in my room. You can even sleep-over."

"Your room? Like in the palace?" Seungkwan's eyes widened.

"Yeah, sure. Any problems with that?" Vernon inquired.

"No. I am just shocked, that's all," Seungkwan muttered. "Sure. Your plan sounds good."

With that, Vernon and Seungkwan's schedule for next Saturday was fixed.

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