TLOK Kyalin Oneshots NEW

By PinkRathian

165K 4.6K 3.4K

Primarily Kyalin Oneshots of different ratings 😏, you can find some Suvira in here too. Cute fluff to angst... More

Beach Volleyball
Adventures of Zaofu
When We Were Kids
Car ride
Suvira Chapter
Double Date
From Chaos to Order (Kuvira Backstory)
Wine and Surprise
Dangerously Jealous
Kyalin Week
Suyin Part 1
Suyin Part 2
Suyin Part 3
Suyin Part 4
Love is Blind
The Games Part 1
The Games Part 2
The Games Part 3
The Games Part 4
Suvira AU (epilogue)
The City Part 1
The City Part 2
The City Part 3
The City Part 4
The Chief's Secret
Train Wreck
A different kind of Mother
Kyalin Week Prompt 1
Kyalin Week Prompt 2
Kyalin Week 3
Kyalin Week 4
Kyalin Week Day 5
Kyalin Week Six
Kyalin Week Day 7
Two worlds apart
Circumstances (sequel to TWA)
The Guard (Suvira) Part 1
Speculation (sequal to Circumstances)
The Guard (Suvira) Part 2
All over you
Lin and Ikki
Suvira Solstice
Lin Walks Into a Bar
Christmas Party
Suvira Book 1
Suvira Book 2
Suvira Book 3
Suvira Book 4
Lin Goes to the Dentist
The Box
The Office
The Radio
The Dinner
Kyalin Shorts
I Just Know that I Like You
That's Rough
Suvira Nanny AU
A Test of Love
Suvira Shorts
I'm Sorry
Signs Pt 2
Like You
Kya Goes to the Dentist
My Wives and I
A Cause For Celebration
A Cause for Celebration Part 2
20 Years Ago
Lin Takes Care of Kya
Suvira Nanny Au (part 2??? I guess?)
Origins: Part 1
Origins: Part 2
Origins: Part 3
An update
Pirate AU Part 1
Pirate AU Part 2
Pirate AU Part 3
Pirate AU Part 4
Pirate AU Part 5
Pirate Au Part 6
Pirate AU Part 7
Pirate AU Part 8
Pirate AU Part 9
Pirate Au Part 10
Pirate AU Part 11
Pirate AU Part 12
Pirate AU Part 13
Pirate AU Part 14
Pirate AU Part 15 (Finale)

Good Times

1.3K 46 14
By PinkRathian

Here's (Highschool AU) part three!!!

    Lin pursed her lips, shaking her head.


"Lin, come on."

"I just don't think this is the one." She said, turning around in the dress. It felt so unlike her.

"Alright, well how about the one from before?" May-Ling asked, exhaustion in her voice. The three of them, Lin May-Ling and Jenna, had decided to go dress shopping together for senior prom.

"What about the suit?" Jenna asked.

"I liked it, but I want a dress this time."

"Why don't we go to the next store and look around?" May suggested. The attendant who had been helping them for the past two hours rolled her eyes and sauntered away.

"Sure. We'll come back if we don't find anything." Lin stated. She returned to her dressing room, pulling the dress down past her shoulders with a sigh. Kya would tell her every one of them was perfect because it was on her. The best part about prom coming up wasn't the dancing and the excuse to be tipsy at school, it was that Kya was coming home, just for her. The dress fell to the floor, and she admired her form in the mirror. Kya would no doubt be suprised at how much she had grown, she was at least four inches taller and well... she had toned out. A little more than before. Her passion project had been a new workout routine, with Kya gone she had so much extra time. She slipped back into her hoodie, hanging the dress next to the dozens of others before they left the store.

"So, Lin," Jenna said, "you must be pretty excited." Lin smiled, the red of a blush spreading across her face.

"Shes blushing!" May-Ling said with a jest.

"Its been two months since her last stop in the city. I barely saw her last time, she was here for a whole ten hours."

"What that's not enough time for you two?"

"Ha ha." Lin said, stopping in front of a glass window.

"Wait " she paused, tugging Jenna back to her.

"What? Oh." Jenna said when she saw the dress Lin was looking at.

"Should I try it on?" Lin asked.

"I mean if you want," Jenna said. Her friends made eye contact, no doubt crossing their fingers Lin would finally pick one and they could get on with their day.

"I will." Lin smiled, pushing open the door.


"HELLO!" Kya sang as she pushed open the door of her childhood home.

"Upstairs!" Her mother called back and Kya scrunched her nose. I see how it is.

She hauled her stuff up the narrow staircase, her bag getting caught on the steps causing her much struggle and need to grunt. She rounded the corner to her room where her mom dusted the dresser.

"Not even going to greet me at the door?" Kya said, heaving. Her mother dropped the sweeper, walking to her daughter with open arms.

"Its good to see you, sweetheart."

"You too, Mom." Her mother smiled, pulling away and taking Kya's bag.

"How was the trip back?"

"Ugh, so long. Whale-tail feels like the south pole when you're in a rush to get home."  Katara smirked, dumping the contents of the bag directly into the laundry hamper.

"Wheres Dad?" Kya asked.

"He'll be home soon, got caught up in the city affairs again." Kya nodded, she had caught wind of the ongoing problems in Republic City. She had no reason to worry about then out there, but here she had to take everything into consideration.

"Lin's at school so don't even think about calling her, she'll be distracted for the rest of the day." Kya frowned, sighing.

"Alright, alright. I'll shower, and then call her."

"Good, you reek,"


"Its true. I love you, but you smell like Bison fur." Katara said, patting Kya on the shoulder before taking the basket of laundry and leaving her daughter to it. Kya glanced at the phone, but turned away. You'll just distract her.


Lin twisted the knob to the apartment, her gym bag slung over her shoulder.

"Su! I'm home!" She tossed her keys on the counter, pausing when she saw a familiar pare of blue eyes, attached to a lopsided grin staring at her from the sofa.

"Kya?" She grinned, her breath hitched as she stared at the other girl, who had inevitably grown more beautiful herself.

"Its about bloody time, Lin. I've been sitting her for almost two hours, talking to your sister. I was trying to suprise you when you came back from school, but apparently you go to the gym on Thursdays." Lin was at  a loss of words, looking to Su and then to Kya who were both on the sofa, looking at her.

"For spirits sake, I'll kiss you myself." Kya said  getting up and pulling Lin in by her waist. Lin's lips met hears and she sunk into it, holding onto the kiss as long as she could. Kya pulled away, setting her arms on Lin's shoulder. Lin tilted her head, admiring how sharp Kya's jawline had become, trying to keep her focus off of the boobs that rubbed against her chest in their situation.

"Yeah I'm out. Tofu for supper, please." Su said, getting off the couch and stalking off to her room, closing closing door behind her.

"You're here." Lin breathed and Kya nodded.

"Two weeks, Lin. Maybe more, who knows. I'm here for you." Lin's lips spread into a smile as Kya kissed her again.

"Stay for dinner," Lin said.

"I should hope so, I have been here baby sitting for the last two hours. Come to think of it, I am owed some payment."

"Su is old enough to watch herself."

"A service is a service." Kya replied, biting her bottom lip and the sensation in the pit of her stomach returned. It only ever bothered Lin when Kya was around, and it was usually met with a soft pair of lips and-

"Lin?" Kya raised an eyebrow and Lin nodded.

"Payment, right. I don't have any money on me right now, but perhaps we could work out... an alternative?" Kya grinned, kissing her girlfriend on the cheek.

"We'll work on the role play." Lin scoffed, her gym bag falling off her shoulder.

"I'll go get changed, then apparently we are ordering in Tofu."

"Why does she like it so much?"

"Beats me. Mom blames Zuko, he introduced it to her." Kya laughed, following Lin to her room.
"Kya." Lin said, stopping at the doorway.

"I know, I know, Su is here. Doesn't mean I can't look?" Lin raised an eyebrow, and shrugged.

"Alright, we could use the privacy anyway." She let Kya in and the waterbender took a seat on Lin's bed. Lin tossed her bag to the side, lifting a hoddie over her head, revealing the sports bra underneath, but more importantly, the extremely refined abdomen. It took all of Kya's decency to keep her jaw attached to her skull as Lin stretched her arms into the air, flexing them purposefully when she brought then down.

"You're mean," Kya said, pushing down her rising emotion.

"Hey I told you to wait outside." Lin smiled. She walked over to Kya who was taken aback when the earthbender put a hand under her jaw, lifting her chin and planting a kiss. Kys reached her hand out but Lin backed away.

"Su's outside."

"I'll be quiet."

"Kya, I love you, but remember what happened last time." Kya covered her face at the mention of the Katara incident.

"Dont remind me." Lin laughed, pulling on a T-shirt and opening her wardrobe before closing it suddenly.

"Got a body in there?" Kya asked, getting up and standing at the shut door.

"No. Just a dress." Kya raised an eyebrow.

"Can I see it?"

"No, isn't that bad luck or something?"

"In a wedding. Lin, how am I supposed to match If I don't know what it looks like?" Lin pondered it for a moment before nodding.

"Alright, but just a quick look at the color."

"Of course." Kya grinned. Lin took a deep inhale and Kysalooked into the wardrobe. The dress was beautiful, and she couldn't wait to see it on Lin.

"I think I've got it." She said after a moment. Lin closed it and Kya placed a hand on her shoulder, kissing the curve of her neck.

"We better order that Tofu." Lin chuckled, nodding.

"The last thing we need is Su attempting to order it herself."

Lin held the phone to her ear, Kya watched, her arms folded on the counter  admiring Lin looking all grown up. She smiled subconsciously at the way Lin pursed her lips. Su was lounged on the sofa, watching pro bending on the TV.

"Tofu's ordered, should be here within the hour." Lin said, putting the phone back on the charger.

"Ugh, can't wait." Kya said, swinging her legs. Lin looked at the waterbender, then to Su, who stared into the rays of the TV. Kya could see her gears turning so reached over the counter, gripping Lin by the arm.

"Whats on your mind?" She asked and Lin leaned down to meet her.

"Honestly, I'm not even sure. I think I'm just glad you're home."

"You ready for the big day?" Kya asked.

"I am. I'm so ready to be done with highschool, Kya. Don't get me wrong, it had some great times, but.."

"Theres nothing left for you there. I know the feeling."

"What did it feel like? When fall rolled around and you didn't have to return to its doors?"

"Weird, at first. But then I kind of forgot about it and it was... liberating." Kya smiled. "You can do whatever you want." Lin grinned, and Kya pulled her face closer for a kiss.

"Is the food here yet?" Su called from the couch. Lin rolled her eyes, standing up straight.

"Are you eating Tofu?"


"Then what do you think?" Su scowled, turning up the volume of the TV. Kya cast a glance at Lin's room which the earth bender seemed to notice.

"Kya..." Lin warned, but she didn't mean it. A smile tugged at the edge of her lips and her cheeks were flushed red.

"C9me on, Lin. We'll just make out until to food arrives, nothing more." Lin sighed, looking to her bedroom door longingly.

"Alright." She replied after a moment. Kya saw right through her facade, and as soon as the door was closed, Lin's lips were on hers. She could feel Lin's hands roaming around her legs, she wasn't complaining, it was an odd thing for sure but- oh. Kya's eyes widened when she was lifted into the air, Lin walked with Kya's legs wrapped around her, setting her on the bed and standing between them.

That's new. She thought, no doubt blushing. Lin's tongue clashed with hers and she hummed in satisfaction when Lin pushed her onto her back, kissing under her jaw.  Lims definition of making out was certainly far broader than Kya's, but hey, house rules. She had one hand on the back of Lin's neck, the other on her waist as the metalbender leaned onto her. Lin's free hand found itself on Kya's stomach, and it took all of her self control not to squeal in excitement, although, she did wish it was she stroking Lin's newfound muscles. She didn't know how long they were there, her concept of time blurred by trespassing tongues and soft touches, but when the doorbell rang she groaned in displeasure.

"Awwe, don't be so upset, you'll be starving as soon as you smell it." Lin said, pulling herself off of Kya. Kya tried to hold onto the warmth for a moment longer, but it was gone. Lin was right, her stomach began to rumble as soon as she caught a whiff of the food.

"Dig in." Lin stated, setting the bags of food on the table. Kya looked around at Lin and Su, it appeared she wouldn't be returning to the temple tonight, things were just too good here.


"It was nice of you to help them get ready." Katara said, pinning up the last strand of her daughters hair.

"I mean it's the least J can do. I couldn't have Lin ripping her dress on the day of the dance."

"Do you regret not going to your dance?" Her mother asked, qdmiring her handiwork. Kya thought back to her senior prom, and where she had been instead. She blushed at the memory, thankful she had enough concealer on to hide a blush.

"Not really." She replied, trying not to choke.

"Well Lin was really your only friend."

"Ouch, Mom."

"Sorry, I didn't mean- hey here comes your brother!" Kya scoffed at the change of subject as Tenzin came down the stairs. He and Pema had opted for yellow as their color, and Kya was kind of excited to see the girl in her big ball gown. Hauling it up the stairs had better been worth it.

"You look so handsome!" Katara said, running up to Tenzin and flattening his suit collar..

"Mom!" He protested.

"Sorry, sorry." Katara said, prying herself away.
"Look!" Katara pointed to the stairs. Pema was walking down them, her yellow ball gown flowing behind her, like a real princess. Kya found herself smiling as her brother met his girlfriend, blushing. Heheh, if Tenzin's a Virgin he won't be after tonight.

"You look stunning, Pema." Kya said and the girl nodded sweetly.

"Thank you, Kya. Lin is on her way." Kya grinned, the two stepping aside. Kya waited, she heard the sound of the door closed which meant it would be just seconds before Lin came down the stairs. She was standing on her toes, ignoring her mother and father's conversation with her brother. She heard Lin clear her throat as she stepped onto the stairs, becoming illuminated by the light of the kitchen. Kya's jaw detached itself from her upper lip, and she held back tears.

"Please don't cry." Lin said, stepping down carefully.

"I'm not."


"You just... fuck, Lin. You're so beautiful." Lin tucked a strand of hair behind her ear with a blush. Kya took Lin's arms in hers, admiring the dress. It was sleeker than she thought, more form fitting. The black had enough glitter to reflect the lights brilliantly, Kya couldn't wait to see it under the moon. It fell past Lin's ankles and Kya grinned uncontrollably.

"Thank you." Lin replied, biting her bottom lip.
"Not so bad yourself." Lin commented, eyeing Kya's dress. Her own dress was a matte black, to match, but it was two pieces, a long elegant skirt and a tighter top, perfected with a silver necklace. Kya tried not to take advantage of the way Lin's gown dipped low between the breasts, she would certainly be looking out for creepers tonight with Lin looking as irresistible as she did.

"Lin, oh, you look so sweet." Katara said, embracing her.

"You look beautiful, Lin." Aang added with a dip of his head.

"You don't think it's too much?" Lin asked, looking down at herself.

"Not at all." The three of them replied simultaneously. Kya looked to her mother who glared at her and her father was looking at Katara but pointing to himself.

"Okay. Weird. But thanks, I guess." Kya took her girl by the arm, walking behind Pema and Tenzin.

"Satomobile is good to go, you ready?"

"As I'll ever be." Lin said.

"You nervous?" Kya asked as they stepped outside.

"A little bit. I dunno, I guess I've never been so... intimate with anyone in public before."

"Lin, you made out with me in front of everyone at my grad."

"Right, but that was different. This feels, more like a corner." Kya brushed a hand against her cheek.

"Try to relax, and have fun. If at any point you want to leave, just tell me and we'll go."

"Thanks Kya."

"Now come on, your chariot awaits!"


Lin could feel her own heartbeat speed up as they entered the doors. Supervisors checked them in, stamping their hands and Lin scoffed. Way to ruin a look.

"Lets go find May-Ling and Jenna." Kya said when they entered the main room. It was dimly lit, and pop music was played by a band. At the back tables covered in a white cloth acted as resting places for purses and phones. She caught sight of Jenna talking to May-Ling, who was absolutely lost in the other girls eyes. Lin smirked, nudging Kya.

"She used to date your brother." Lin said

"Haha. It was like, three days. Not even that."

"Still, funny." Kya rolled her eyes. As they neared the table May-Ling snapped out of her trance and Jenna turned to meet them.

"Lin!" The firebender exclaimed, "you look hot!" Lin blushed and May-Ling swatted Jenna in response.

"Thanks." Lin blushed.

"Should I be concerned?" Kya teased and the other girl shook her head.

"Kya, you look hot too."

"Thanks Jenna."Kya chuckled. Lin sat down, her gaze wandering the outfitted gymnasium.

"It's weird, isn't it?" May-Ling asked after a moment. "Our last dance in this God forsaken place." Lin scoffed.

"It is weird. But also... fitting? I don't know."

"What comes next?" Jenna asked. Lin saw her hand slid over to May's and she smiled.

"Who knows. Hopefully something good." she paused before continuing, "so, have you guys kissed yet?" May-Ling blushed and Jenna grinned.

"Is it that obvious?" May asked.

"A little. But only if you know the signs. No one else is the wiser."

"Thanks, Lin." May said.

"What for?"

"I don't know, I guess, seeing you and Kya, well it made me realize that I could stop chasing parties, and boys. I had what I needed right here." Lin smiled, looking behind her at Kya who had gotten distracted at the punch bowl.

"And I, well I just thought she was pretty. Until, you know, it was more than that." Jenna laughed. May-Ling shook her head.

"Its our last dance," Lin said. "We should dance."

"Lin Beifong wants to dance?" May teased.

"Why not? I have nothing left to loose."

"We still have a month before graduation."

"Eh, I think I can survive four weeks." May and Jenna looked at each other and nodded.

"Alright, we'll see you out there." Lin smiled, getting up and heading to Kya who talked with Saikhan.

"Kya," she said, leaning in.

"Oh, sorry I got distracted, did you know Saikhan is applying to be a cop? You know Lin-"



"Lets dance." Kya raised her eyebrows and looked to floor.


"Come on. I want to dance. With you." Saikhan shrugged and Kya agreed.

"Take me away, chief."


"I dunno, it's the cop talk."

"I like the sound of it." Lin said as they stepped onto the floor. The four of them danced fast paced to the party tunes the band played, testing out different ridiculous moves. Jenna insisted on trying a cartwheel, they were only able to convince her not to by explaining it would tear her dress. When the beat slowed down, and the couples stepped onto the floor, Lin found herself lost in Kya's arms. She watched Tenzin sway around with Pema, and her friends hold each other at the waist. Give them time, they'll fall into each other by the end of the night. 



"You want to go home?" Lin smiled, looking up to meet Kya's gaze.

"No, this is perfect." Kya grinned, kissing her softly.

"I agree." She whispered and Lin placed her head back on Kya's chest. They swayed, back and forth for who knows how long. Lin let her mind wander, just a little. Thinking about how she didn't want to spend her life in anyone else's arms. Kya would need time, she might even need a break at some time, but Lin could work with that. She knew that they'd find their way back to each other. And they would sway, just like this, every night until they couldn't anymore. And Kya's face, lit up with joy at Lin's graduation only cemented the idea.

I love you.

agh, my heart. Projecting how highschool should have been. I knownthis chapter feels uneventful  but I finished it for Kya, so Lin needed a a conclusion as well. I hope you guys found peace in this finale. Please, enjoy.

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