Where We Might End Up - a Gre...

By TheScarfacedGodson

91.5K 3.6K 330

Part 1 of Where We Might End Up Series A familiar face from Derek and Mark's past arrives at Seattle Grace Ho... More

Three Brothers and a Double Leg Transplant Case
Staying or Leaving Seattle Grace
Calm Before the Storm
The Better Grey
The Better Plan
I Always Have Your Back, Brother
Losing a Friend; Gaining Another
Like a Plague
The McHell Week: The Blue Corner...
The McHell Week: Orange Coloured Scrubs
The McHell Week: Not the Apples
Gotta Run Away, Gotta Get Away
You Know Me
The Teacher and The Student
That Side of You
A Smidge of Drama; A Little Bit of Fun
Softly Through the Night
Give the Devil His Due
Until I Figure It Out
Learning to Live with Me
Who Has to Know?
Makes Me Wonder
The Joke's On You
A Rumor Going Around, Stirring Our Little Town
Let's Drink to That
Talk About Last Night
Still Hung Up On You
It Don't Mean a Thing
Will Mine be the Face You Recognize?
Bang Bang, That Awful Sound
You Are the Reason
Between the Lines of Fear and Blame
Extra Chapter: Everything's Fine; Everyone's Okay
Nothing's the Same; Memories Remain
The Only Exception
Running in Circles - Part 2 of Where We Might End Up Series

Haunted by a Memory

1.7K 77 6
By TheScarfacedGodson

Three Weeks Later

Charles scampered towards the counter as Arizona turned away, exhaling through her nose and massaging her forehead, her other hand on her hip. It stopped his tracks, noticing Arizona's glare. He hesitated before he proceeded towards the charts behind Arizona. He realized Jackson and Reed were right. Arizona was acting unusual.

Charles wasn't scheduled on Arizona's service that morning, but he volunteered in Reed's place after hearing her whine about it. Jackson and Reed looked at each other like Charles had just made the biggest mistake of his life. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, glancing at them. Looking at the confused Charles, Jackson informed him about Arizona's temper, which she had for weeks. Charles scoffed at the thought. Dr. Arizona Robbins was the energetic and happy attending who skated around the Ped's wing, not someone who terrorized residents out of her service. As he started the day helping her with the hospital rounds, Charles was shocked. Arizona was indistinguishable. She's cold, emotionless and furious at most times. He was scared of Arizona - Even he couldn't believe that that would happen. That same morning, he misplaced one of her patients' charts that morning, making her more infuriated at him.

"Dr. Robbins I - " Charles stuttered as he looked at the shelves for the chart, "I - It's..." He paused, "... I know it's here," He whispered. His cold sweat beaded on his forehead, rolling down his cheeks as he glanced at Arizona.

"You know what? J-just go," Arizona yelled.

"Dr. Robbins, It's here. I know I put it..."


Charles glanced at her before stepping away. Callie heard Arizona yelled as she walked along the hall. She saw Charles walked by, still looking for the chart on each cart he passed by. She went towards Arizona, who was growling under her breath, nose fuming, "What's going on?"

Arizona turned around, exhaling and pacing in frustration, "These residents," She exhaled deeply, "Idiots!"


Arizona glanced at Callie and stopped, "I need to check my patient," Arizona walked away, leaving her girlfriend.

- - - - -

5 Years Ago
Johns Hopkins Hospital

"Idiots, If you can't properly diagnose a patient, give me the kindest pleasure of shutting your damn mouths," Eric's voice echoed at the whole floor. Several residents swarmed around him as he walked across the hallway.

"Who's that?!" Arizona asked. Her eyes widened as she picked up the roaring, deep voice echoing at the hall. She turned and looked at the dark-haired man, followed by several overeager residents, walking by.

Veronica Crowley opened her mouth to answer Arizona, but upon noticing the surgeon walking by, she paused, recognizing him, "Oh," Veronica chuckled. Arizona pursed her lips, noticing Veronica's expression. She then turned to face Arizona, "It's..." She cleared her throat. Arizona shook her head and widened her eyes, waiting for her to finish, "a new neurosurgeon... I guess?" Veronica looked away.

Arizona scoffed, shaking her head, "...like this hospital needs another arrogant neurosurgeon?" Veronica laughed, looking at her with an amused smile, "What?"

"Nothing. I'm - It's..." Veronica babbled and paused. Arizona watched her with an arched brow, "He's a friend," Arizona's arched brow turned to a widened gasp. Veronica rolled her eyes and looked at the gaping Arizona, "I can hear your thoughts over here, Robbins."

"He's your friend?!"

"Yes," Veronica smiled, "And... I'm going to introduce you to him."

Johns Hopkins Outpatient Center - Neurology Department

Arizona tried to figure out why Keaton's name was familiar. She stared at the newly etched name tag on the office door, showing Eric's name. She finally recognized who he is. He's the resident who had won the Harper Avery Award a year ago. The medical community had been buzzing around his name. Now, he's working at Johns Hopkins as the new neurosurgeon attending. Watching him up close, he did not differ from the surgeons currently working at the hospital. - He's arrogant, condescending and full of himself.

She glared back at the attending beside her. Arizona didn't understand why Veronica needed to introduce her to Eric. Veronica insisted on it and even used her position as her mentor and boss. She had no choice but to come along.

"Quite excited for this, honestly. - you meeting him."

"Yeah, It's not like you forced me to come with you, right? How in the hell are you two friends?"

"We met at Oxford."

"No, I'm asking..." She stopped, as she grimaced, "...How?"

"You're saying we're different?"

"Yes - yes! I mean, come on, you're..." Arizona nodded, moving her hand towards Veronica and at Keaton's office door. Veronica nodded, getting her point.

"Trust me. Contrary to what you've seen earlier, He's quite a dear."

"I don't know if your joking or... That's a joke, right?"

"Well... You two have so much in common," Veronica uttered.

"Oh, okay, yippee!"

Veronica looked at her with narrowed eyes.

"Be nice, Robbins, be. Nice," Veronica uttered as she knocked on the door.

"Come in," A deep voice echoed from inside the office.

Eric continued to arrange his office table as they walked in, putting some books on the shelves and a single picture frame on the table before noticing the two inside. He turned around and stood straight, with hands clasped behind the back. He glanced at Arizona. His eyebrows knitted together as Arizona gave him the same look. Eric narrowed his eyes at her as Arizona mocked the way he stood.

"Woah there, Soldier..." Arizona uttered. Veronica cut her off, stepping closer and greeting out loud.

"Hey! Fr - ," Veronica stopped as Eric's brows arched up, "Eric," She paused. Eric nodded as she walked closer to him, "You are a sight!"

Veronica moved to hug him. Eric stepped away, "Veronica Crowley - how long has it been?"

"Long enough to grant me a hug," Veronica spread her hands for a hug. Eric moved away, shaking his head no, "No?" Veronica chuckled, "How's your first day?"

"Good," Eric said as he stared at the scowling resident beside Veronica.

Veronica followed his stare towards Arizona, "Right, sorry - This is Dr. Arizona Robbins. She's one of my residents," She looked at Arizona, "Dr. Robbins, this is Dr. Eric Keaton, my friend from college - award-winning neurosurgeon, if I may add."

Eric swung his head, smiling. He then walked towards Arizona to shake her hand, "Dr. Roberts."

"Robbins," Arizona scowled. She glared at him, "Ro - bbins."

"Hmmm. charming," Eric paused and then looked at Veronica, "Just tell me she's not an idiot."

"What did you just call me?!" Arizona leaned closer, face red in anger. Eric looked back at her, smirking.

Veronica glanced at the two, "This - this is going to be fun," She grinned.

- - - - -

Present Day
Nurses' Station - Lobby

Charles pressed his face on his palms, "Ugh!!! I'm tired," Alex, Lexie and Cristina glanced at him as he went on, "I am so tired... it's not even midday."

Alex scowled at him, "Dude, we kinda don't care," Charles glared back, and glanced at Lexie and Cristina.

Looking at his watch, "Time to go back, anyway," Charles pushed himself out of the chair and walked away. Cristina chuckled, looking at Charles. Lexie continued to fidget the silver airplane key chain she's holding.

Cristina turned as Meredith stepped beside them, "Hey, Mrs. Shepherd."

"Ha.ha. Funny."

"So," Meredith looked at Cristina as she added, "Since Derek's the chief now... who's going to head Neuro?" Cristina asked.

"I think its..." Meredith answered.

"It's Jim Nelson," Lexie uttered in a whisper as she stared at the key chain. The three looked at Lexie. Lexie stopped as she realized they were gawking. She glanced at them, "What?"

Cristina looked back at Meredith, "Jim who?" Cristina paused, "Wait? not Keaton?"

"He's fired, remember?" Alex uttered.

"Fired? I thought he was just suspended?" Cristina asked.

"The dude's slammed a patient on the wall - He's fired," Alex added.

Meredith and Cristina paused as they looked behind Alex. Their eyes widened as Arizona walked towards them just in time to hear Alex. Lexie glanced away from the key chain, noticing the silence. Seeing Arizona, she stood straight and tried to get Alex's attention.

Alex noticed them looking away, furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "What?" He followed their stare and realized Arizona was standing behind him.

"Dr. R-robbins... I-I'm so..."

Arizona sighed in anger, "Karev," She breathed in and continued, "My resident is still searching for the chart he misplaced - I need another one," As soon as she finished, Meredith and Cristina fled before Arizona could choose them.

"I'm scheduled with Dr. Marcus," Lexie said as Alex glanced at her.

Alex looked at Arizona and gave her a fake grin. He slowly nodded his head at her, having no choice but to say yes, "Okay," Arizona glanced at Lexie and Alex, "It seems we're all going to the same place. - I have a consult with Dr. Marcus."

Neurology Wing

"Marcus? Who the hell is Marcus?" Alex asked as he and Lexie followed Arizona towards the Neurology wing.

"Neuro attending," Lexie answered.

"Wait, we have other neuro attendings?" Alex whispered to Lexie. He chuckled aloud as he continued. Arizona scowled as she glanced behind her. Alex and Lexie watched her as she looked back in front. Alex went on, "I thought there's only Shepherd and Keaton."

"What?" Lexie chuckled as she looked at Alex, "There's Dr. Marcus and Dr. Nelson - Don't tell me you haven't worked with them before?" 

"No, I haven't."

"Okayyy," Lexie trailed, "Anyway, I've worked with them ever since Mark..." She paused, "...since Monday."

"Right," Alex grinned as he added, "So, about that night..."

"Is there something wrong with Dr. Robbins?" She talked in a louder voice, interrupting Alex, "She seems..." Lexie paused, staring at the Peds surgeon in front of them.

Alex glanced at Arizona, "She's not. That happened right after your favorite neurosurgeon disappeared."

"Favorite? - You mean, Derek Shepherd, right?" Lexie grinned.

"Ha.ha." Alex gave her a coy smile. Lexie stared at him as he added, "So... when are you coming back at Mer's..."

"We need to go in," Lexie interrupted him again. She noticed Arizona walking inside the X-ray viewing room. Lexie followed Arizona, with Alex behind her.

- - - - -

Neurology Wing - Xray Viewing Room

"I guess I could do a craniotomy..." Carl Marcus said as Lexie put the scans on the viewing screen.

"Why not do an endoscopic resection? Would that be the safest option?" Arizona asked.

"Out of the question, I don't think it's appropriate given the patient's age."

"Yeah - That's what I think. Given the patient's age, we should opt for a more minimally invasive procedure. Should you at least try, Carl?" Arizona stressed.

Carl's mouth gaped, taken aback, "I... uhm, most of the surgeons would choose craniotomy in this kind of..."

"Dr. Keaton already did the same surgery on a patient with the same age," Lexie said, looking at Arizona and Marcus, "Dr. Shepherd did one too, on a younger one. They..."

"Let the adults do the talking here, okay, Hun?" Carl glared at her. Lexie scoffed at his statement and shook her head before walking out of the room. Arizona and Alex stared at him as he added, "Residents - they think they already know everything."

Arizona and Alex looked at each other, "More than you would know, right?" Alex stared at Arizona as she looked away. He stared at her with a confused look as Dr. Marcus continued.

"We should cut the brain, through the Sylvian fissure and..."

"You're going to cut my patient's brain?" Arizona uttered as she stood up, "We're not talking about an adult here, Carl. She's a 12-year-old kid who wouldn't want a big ass stitches on her bald head," Arizona looked away as she added, "I'm sorry. This is not working," She uttered, pulling out the X-rays out of the monitors and walking out, "Dr. Karev!" Alex hurried as he followed Arizona out.

"Wait!" Carl exclaimed, "W-where do you think you're going?!"

"I'm going to talk to Derek," Arizona answered.

"He's - you can't..."

"The hell I can't."

- - - - -

5 Years Ago
Johns Hopkins Hospital - Critical Care Center

"Intubate the patient," Arizona stressed, giving the intubating kit to the second-year resident.

"B-but I..."

"Oh my God, don't tell me you can't or so help me, God, You'll be on scut duty until your eyes bleed - intubate, now!"

Eric watched as Arizona terrorized the resident. The resident reached for the equipment and started intubating. He struggled to clear a path as he glanced back at Arizona, glaring at him. After what seemed to be forever, the resident sighed as he signaled he did it.

Arizona checked the patient's lungs with her stethoscope. She sighed in annoyance, pulling the stethoscope out of her ears, "Stop pumping! You're getting air in his esophagus - get out of my way," Arizona pushed the resident away as she intubated the patient. He stood behind her as Arizona checked her own intubation, "You're on scut duty, starting today."

"I don't know how you made it to Peds with that attitude."

"What?!" Arizona turned behind her, glowering. She was expecting to see her intern but saw Eric, "You?"

"Roberts," Eric's lips moved to what seemed to be a mocking smile. She rolled her eyes.

Arizona looked back at her patient, "It's Robbins," She gritted her teeth.

Eric watched her as she grunted with irritation, continuing to treat the patient. She felt annoyed, noticing the neurosurgeon hasn't left, "Out of curiosity - How did you end up in Peds, again?"

"Why?" Arizona darted at him.

"Nothing - nothing," Eric uttered. He paused, "Well, if you're finished lollygagging, Roberts, we need you at the gallery," He walked away.

"Wha - " Arizona pulled the gloves off, "Rober - It's Robbins!" She yelled, following him towards the pediatrics building, "Damn it!"

- - - - -

Eric helped with Veronica's patient. A group of residents and fellows gathered inside the gallery as he presented the patient and the treatment plan. Knowing that Johns Hopkins is a teaching hospital, Eric needed to teach, something he expected but wasn't excited to do.

"As you can see, the tumor is at the central portion of the midbrain and growing towards the pineal region," Eric pointed at the scans. He looked back at the residents watching him as he presented. He glanced at Veronica and Arizona before continuing, "I will use the suboccipital infratentorial supracerebellar route to access the tumor. The patient will be in a sitting position, then proceeding to do an extensive posterior fossa craniotomy with the removal of the C1 arch," He continued, pointing at the scans flashed on the screen, "...dropping the cerebellum to get a clear view of the tumor," Eric paused as he glanced at a brown-haired woman sitting with the other residents. The corner of his lips turned up. Arizona noticed the change on his face. She followed his stare and noticed the woman responding with the same look at Eric.

"God, don't tell me, he's the flirty type, too?" Arizona uttered under her breath.

"What's that?" Veronica asked.


"If anybody has questions..." Everyone raised their hands, "No? none?" Eric smirked, as he disregarded everyone raising their hands. Veronica stifled her laughter as Arizona rolled her eyes, "Okay, I'll be the one who will ask the question then - Anybody can tell me what route to use when approaching a lesion, extending towards the fourth ventricle? - please, by all means..." He paused, looking again at the woman, "... come see me at my office and wow me with your answer," He looked around, "The first one who get it right, will join me and Dr. Crowley. Thank you very much."

Eric left the gallery bustling with reactions from the residents.

Johns Hopkins Outpatient Center - Neurology Department

Arizona couldn't stop thinking about Eric's remark that she decided to ask him what he meant. Even if it means walking to the Outpatient Center from the main building, Arizona made her way towards Eric's office.

"Who does he think he is?" She blurted out, walking across the underground concourse towards the outpatient center.

During her intern year, Arizona spent most of her time travelling across the two buildings just to do scut work for the smug neurosurgeons staying at the outpatient center. They seemed to use the distance between each building to torment interns. There was this one surgeon who made her come all the way from the critical care center to the outpatient building and back for his favorite pen, which he didn't even use. Scowling at the surgeon banned her at the OR floor for a month. Thankfully, Peds wing is on the main building. Nowadays, Arizona rarely stepped foot on the building, not unless Dr. Crowley had a consult there.

Arriving at the neurology department, Arizona turned towards the offices. She stopped in front of Eric's office and knocked. As she was about to open the door, a resident inside the office opened the door for her. Arizona remembered her. She's the brown-haired woman at the gallery earlier. Arizona stared at her as she talked.

"Thank you for the consult, Dr. Keaton," Arizona could observe how Eric struggled to make a straight face as the woman smirked at him. Arizona rolled her eyes at the sight. Quickly, the woman turned, facing Arizona. The woman beamed, causing her dimples to show, before stepping out of the office.

As the resident left, Arizona moved inside the office and closed the door. She walked closer to the table, "What do you mean, 'how did I end up being in Peds?'"

Eric continued doing paperwork, ignoring her. She noisily cleared her throat to gain his attention. Eric groaned and looked at her, "What gave you the idea that you can talk to me?"

"You're the one who started this conversation. I'm just finishing it."

"I didn't," He looked back at clipboard, "I'm just voicing my opinion."

"Oh, stop with the bull - " She stopped, realizing she's still talking to her boss. Eric glared at her as she continued, "What makes you think that I'm not fit to be in Peds?"

Eric snickered, "You're really asking me that?"

Arizona's eyebrows furrowed in irritation, "What is it?!"

"You need to be calm, patient..." Eric stared at her, "...cheerful - You're neither."

"What makes you think I'm not?"

"Because you are not. You are dark - way... way too dark to work with children. You are a terrorist - cynical and an overly twisted person."

"I can't believe I'm hearing all this from you."

"You're going to terrorize those children is my point," He chuckled.

"What do you want? You want me to be bubbly, full of happiness and sunshine coming out of my ass?"

He sniggered, "God, you have your way with words," Eric sighed, as he added, "What did the world do to you that makes you so dark," He turned away, whispering the last phrase, "...you can't even see it."

"You. don't know me!" She blurted in anger. Eric stared at her, startled, as the resident in front of her clasped her fist. Her face was red, eyebrows knitted together, "I'm tough - that is how I am raised," Arizona's tears fell down. She chuckled, "You're asking what the world did? My. brother. died - He was in the army and he died because there weren't enough surgeons. So... yeah... I'm pissed off because I was too late. I never had the chance to help him, because I'm still studying to become one," Eric straightened and opened his mouth to talk, but Arizona cut him off, "Don't... You and your perfect life don't get to judge me. The world is too unfair and crooked and I have the right to be pissed, to be dark and to be fucking cynical."

Arizona walked out of the office, leaving Eric dumbfounded.

Johns Hopkins Critical Care Center

Arizona rushed towards the patient as the nurse gave her the information, "Yolly Adams, 9 years old, MVC, blunt force trauma to the abdomen and head trauma. We already paged Neuro."

"Okay, we need portable X-ray here," She paused, noticing Eric stepping closer, "No. not you."

Eric uttered, staring at Arizona, "Dr. Robbins..."

"Now you got my name right," She lashed.

"...if you won't let me do my job, she'll die," Arizona's glare mellowed down, looking at Eric. He's different, anxiety and concern flooding his eyes as he checked the kid. Arizona stepped away.

Eric quickly moved beside the kid, checking her pupils and her head wound, "Pupils dilated. Let's move her to the OR, now."

- - - - -

Arizona scrubbed in with Eric on the surgery. After the successful surgery, Arizona stepped slowly towards the drain, as Eric was scrubbing out. She opened the faucet and scrubbed.

"I'm sorry. I was out of line earlier and... uhm... I-I don't have a perfect life," Eric uttered. Arizona looked at him. Eric glanced at her and continued, "You told me I have a perfect life - I don't," He paused, turning the water off, "My kid brother. He's... he was 7 years younger than me," Arizona can see in his eyes how he struggled in between his words, "I was 18 years old. He's 11. We're in a car accident. He died with a severe hematoma in his brain...," His voice trembled, "You see... I uh... I see him on every patient I helped... I saw him on that little girl..." Eric cleared his throat, "I'm saying... I know the world is fucked up as it is... but it's ours to choose if we're gonna let it fuck our bloody lives, too."

- - - - -

Present Day
Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital - Operating Wing

Arizona stared blankly at the water running from the tap. Derek stepped beside her. Noticing Derek, Arizona shook her head out of her trance and continued scrubbing out.

"Hey," Derek uttered as he stepped beside Arizona. Derek stared at her with concern before scrubbing.

"Thank you, by the way."

"Yeah, If that would stop you from terrorizing my neurosurgeons," Derek smiled as Arizona looked at him, confused. Derek raised his hands, "I heard about you and your... mood these past few weeks."

"Am I talking to my friend now, or to my chief?"

"Your friend," Derek smiled, "This is about him, is it?"

Arizona closed her eyes firmly before looking back at Derek, "Have you... have you heard from him?"

Derek sighed.

"Okay..." Arizona paused, "Just -- okay..."

"Well, he..."

Arizona cut him as she added, "I'm gonna check his apartment," She pulled a towel from the rack. Derek stared at her, opening his mouth, as Arizona added, "Thank you again," She stepped out of the OR.

"I... uh... okay."

- - - - -

4 Years Ago
Johns Hopkins Hospital

"The needle won't hurt, I promise," Arizona uttered, smiling at the 5-year-old patient.

"Pinky promise?" The girl uttered, moving her pinky finger towards her.

Arizona clasped it with her pinky finger, "pinky promise."

She walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. She narrowed her eyes as she noticed Eric standing in front of the room, smirking at her.


"You're smiling?" Eric looked at her as he crossed his arms, "Is that what passing the boards can do?"

"Shut up - I can smile," Arizona stood beside him as she checked the clipboard. The two of them stared at Veronica walking towards one patient, greeting him and his mother at the hallway.

"Ugh," Arizona reacted. Eric stifled his laughter, "Well, I can smile, but I can't be that happy. Just... no."

The two stared as Veronica continued to talk to the patient and the family. Eric and Arizona did voiceovers at the group's conversation.

Eric cleared his throat, "Uh, Dr. Crowley, why are you always smiling?"

Veronica pat her cheeks as she talked to the kid, "Well, honey, you see, I sprained my face so I'm always like this," Arizona uttered in a high pitch, mimicking Veronica.

"Oh, I thought you're just always trying to pass gas."

 Arizona and Eric cracked up. Veronica glanced at the two, snickering nearby. 

Eric noticed her looking at them, "O-kay... She's looking. Let's go." Eric and Arizona turned and walked away to the other side of the hallway.

As the two walked, Eric glanced at Arizona, "So... Seattle, huh?"

"Yep," Arizona glanced at Eric as he contemplated, "What?"

"You're going to wear embroidered coats now?" Eric chuckled.

"Probably gonna pair it with pink stethoscope, too." Arizona joined him, laughing.

"Good God..." Eric sighed, "... Veronica will be so proud," He snickered.

- - - - -

Present Day
Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital - Lobby Area

"Lexie!" Meredith called. She ran towards her sister as Lexie turned to look at her.


"Where are you staying, really?"


Meredith glanced at the bags she's carrying, "You can move back with us."

"Not an ideal choice for me, Mer," She cringed, remembering the night she went back to Meredith's house after breaking up with Mark, the same night when she made a mistake of sleeping with Alex, again.

Meredith was worried. There was nowhere else she could go. She knew Lexie wouldn't move back with Thatcher, "Can't you just... stop yourself from sleeping with Alex, so you can move back to the house."

"What? W-w... I - I'm a freaking mess. I know that, okay?! And, knowing that Mark slept with his ex isn't helping. I'll end up... I'll end up..." She grunted, "...I'm not moving back." Lexie walked away. Meredith followed her.

"You can't sleep in the hospital, Lexie."

"I'll..." She contemplated, "I have a place to stay, okay?" Meredith eyed her like she's telling a lie, "I'm not sleeping here tonight."

"Are you saying that just to..."

"No. I have a place to stay."

- - - - -

Arizona drove to Eric's apartment. As she turned at the corner, her eyes widened - The light inside his apartment was on. She quickly parked her car at the driveway and stepped out. Her heartbeat raced as she ran towards the door, knocking at it with enthusiasm.

There was no answer. Arizona furrowed her eyebrows as she continued to knock. The light was on. She can see it through the windows.

"Damn it -- Eric!" Arizona shouted and continued to knock, "I know you're in there. Open the door!" Her knocks were louder now. The shadow inside moved as the latches sounded. Arizona breathed in as the door opened slowly. Her breath hitched as she saw a hand on the frame pulling the door.

"Uhm -- I-I'm sorry..." A muffled voice echoed from the inside - It was a woman's voice. The door opened wide. Lexie stood in front of Arizona, "Please -- please don't tell anyone."

Three Weeks Ago
Massachusetts General Hospital

Heels tapped and echoed across the corridor. Eric turned to look at the source of the sound. A woman walked towards him. She stood straight as she stepped through the hall, chin lifted. Everyone greeted her as she passed by. Stopping a few feet away from the neurosurgeon, Catherine Avery pulled down her sunglasses and scrutinized Eric from head to toe, before moving closer to kiss his cheek.

"Frederick," She greeted. Eric grimaced, hearing his full name.


"Welcome back."

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