Follow You | Draco Malfoy

By stark-sarah

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Valencia Snape is introduced to Hogwarts in her fourth year with a certain purpose before her. She finds hers... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two

Chapter Thirty One

907 14 3
By stark-sarah

»»———— THE PURPOSE ————««

The meeting was long and boring. Val sat next to her father instead of next to Draco. He stared at her the whole time, but she did everything to avoid his gaze. She just tried to focus on what Voldemort was saying, honestly, because she would do anything right now to get her mind off everything that was going on with Draco. She was scared, because she knew this was all changing him. She was scared because she didn't want to lose him, not the man she knew. As she sat there and stared upon Voldemort, listening to him talk about his plans, she felt such a hatred for him. This was all his fault. Everything, every source of unhappiness, was traced back to him. It was times like this when she knew she would do whatever it took to make sure he never hurt anyone else.

After the meeting was over, she immediately went straight to Draco's room so she could grab her things and get out of there. He raced after her, standing in the doorway as he watched her grab her bag. She ignored him as she went to the fireplace. "Where are you going?"

She paused in her movement, just before she grabbed a handful of Floo powder. His voice sounded so desperate, so soft, so sorrowful. "Home."

He swallowed hard. "I thought you were going to stay the night?"

"I don't want to stay." She admitted, and he chewed his lip at that.

"Val, please, wait." He begged. She just stood there, holding the jar of Floo powder as her hand hovered over it. She wasn't going to let herself be treated like this. And if she left, maybe that would really put it into his head. But, hearing his voice, it broke her heart. Because she loved him. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry for the way I've been treating you. You're right, I've been awful. I haven't been treating you how you deserve. Will you please stay and we can just talk about it? Please, Val. I need you."

She inhaled sharply before placing the jar of Floo powder back on the mantle. She turned to face him, surprised at his glossy eyes and broken composure. He just started to cry right there, putting his face in his hands. She pursed her lips as it hurt her to see. She sat her things down before walking over to him. For a second, she didn't really know what to do. She'd never seen him like this before. The sounds of his sobs filled her ears, and it absolutely destroyed her. This was worse on him than she could've ever imagined.

"Draco," She cooed, pulling him over to the sofa and sitting him down. He cried in her arms for a while, and she just held him there. He was breaking down right in front of her. Finally, his sobs died down and he laid his head down in her lap. She began combing her fingers through his hair soothingly as he held onto her legs. She just waited patiently until he was ready to speak. His voice was shaky when he did.

"Things have been really hard here. Now that Dad's gone, I just have so much responsibility. I mean, the Dark Lord is so angry with us. He lashes out at us, and I'm so afraid he's going to hurt Mum. So, I've been trying to be strong for her. I've been trying to do everything I can to make sure he doesn't get angry enough to hurt her. I have to protect her, because I'm the man of the house now, Val. And when I spent that day with Gianni and Dad, they sat me down and talked to me. Dad really talked to me. I mean, he was a father to me. He gave me advice and we just had a normal father son conversation. I thought that this summer we'd finally get to have a real relationship. And now, he's in Azkaban. And I'm so scared and I feel so alone. And I know that's my fault because I didn't talk to you about how I was feeling. You were right. I just had so much on my plate, I was so angry and so frustrated and so stressed. And that caused me to be really irritable. And I know it's not an excuse for how I treated you by any means but I just want you to know I'm really sorry. I had no idea what I was doing, how my actions were making you feel. Please, forgive me, because I don't know what I'm going to do if I don't have you. I need you, I can't do this on my own." He cried. She just listened to him, hearing every word. She understood why he was acting the way he was. And while it hurt, she could forgive him. Because she loved him and she knew he was going through a lot. But she had no idea how hard his father's arrest was hitting him. She also had no idea how badly the Dark Lord was treating them.

"It's okay, Draco." She said softly, and he sat up quickly to look at her. "I promise, it's okay. I forgive you."

"I'm really undeserving of that." He whispered. She shook her head.

"No, you're not. You have a lot going on. And what kind of relationship would this be if either of us gave up when things got hard?" She asked, and he nodded in agreement. "I didn't know half of that, Draco. I'm sorry. I just wish you would've told me so I could be there for you."

"I know, I'm sorry. I just... I was trying to be strong." He sighed. She gave him a small smile as she reached over and rubbed his shoulder.

"I know you are. And it means a lot. To me, and your mum." She told him. "But, you don't have to carry all that on your own. You're not alone, Draco. You have me. This is what I'm for."

"I know, I'm sorry." He repeated. "I'll do better. I promise I'll talk to you about everything."

"I haven't been the best either." She said, and he went to argue with her, but she stopped him. "I was really irritable earlier, too. I heard you, Narcissa, and Bellatrix talking."

His face fell. "Val, I'm sorry. You shouldn't have heard that."

"It's okay, it just... I don't know how to explain it. I have no respect for Bellatrix, and I know her opinion shouldn't matter. But it does in a way, because she's your aunt and Narcissa's sister. I don't want her words to get to you." She sighed, and Draco shook his head.

"There's not a thing she could say that would make me love you any less. And the same goes for Mum. We stand up for you, because we don't care what she thinks." He assured her, and she nodded.

"I know, it just sucked to hear at the time." She gave him a small smile, trying to let him know she was okay.

"You don't have to worry about her. And if she ever laid a hand on you, I don't care who she is, I'll kill her. But she won't, because she knows what would happen to her if she did. So, you don't have to worry. I promise, little dove." He grabbed her hand in his and held it tightly. She just smiled.

"I know. Come on, let's go lay down. It's been a long day." She pulled him over to the bed. They just laid there, in each other's arms. Draco felt terrible, but he was just glad she forgave him. He understood his Dad a lot more now, why he acted the way he did. He didn't want to compare his mother and father to them, but there were several similarities.

Not only did Val have to attend those meetings, but she and her father met frequently to tell Dumbledore everything that was going on. In fact, her father would pull the memories and give them to Dumbledore so he could watch them in his Pensieve. That way, he could analyze anything and everything that was said or done. Anything that would help keep them ahead of Voldemort, or give them an advantage. He was onto something, though. There was a specific memory someone had tampered with that held the secret of the exact way they could defeat Voldemort. Dumbledore had informed her father that he would be teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts this year, as he was recruiting Horace Slughorn to return to his Potions post once more. He was the one he needed the memory from, and he was going to have Harry find a way to get it from him. That sounded almost so easily obtainable. Just when Val thought things were looking up, they got really challenging. And she felt disheartened again.

A few weeks before school was to begin again, there was a specific meeting with Voldemort. After he had explained his plans and the other Death Eaters had updated him on the things they'd heard and seen, he dismissed them but asked Val to stay behind. Draco, Narcissa, and Bellatrix were there, too, of course, along with her father. Severus knew what was coming, but the three of them didn't.

"Valencia, I've been doing some research on you. You are a truly outstanding witch for a Halfblood." Voldemort gazed upon her with a curious look. Despite him basically insulting her blood status, she just nodded. That's what you do when it comes to Voldemort.

"Thank you."

"I feel you have some great assets we could use to our advantage. I'm prepared to give you your first true task as a Death Eater. Your purpose, if you will." He said, and now she looked at him seriously.

"You're trusting her with an important task, my Lord? May I point out that she's only a child?" Bellatrix scoffed, and Voldemort looked at her menacingly. Although, Val had come to realize Bellatrix was the only person that Voldemort had shown any affection towards, no matter how scarce it was. It still counted, because he seemed completely and totally heartless.

"Which is why you'll see she's the perfect candidate for this particular task." He replied, and Bellatrix was just silent. She was honestly kind of jealous. She wanted to be Voldemort's right hand man. Not Severus, nor Val. She didn't think they deserved it because she'd always had her suspicions about Severus, plus they weren't Purebloods. "Valencia, by the end of the school year, I want you to come up with a way to sneak Bellatrix, Greyback, and a few other Death Eaters past the heavy precautionary measures that I know Hogwarts will utilize. That way, we can get rid of Dumbledore once and for all."

Val didn't even know what to do. She'd trained herself so well to act emotionless around Voldemort, so she said nothing. Her expression didn't change at all. But her mind, it was running in circles. She was panicking. She knew when Voldemort told you to do something, you had no choice but to do it. She was scared. She didn't want to do this. She knew Dumbledore was an unbeatable wizard, but she didn't want to put him in harm's way. She didn't want to put anyone in harm's way, which is what she'd be doing if she let Death Eaters into Hogwarts. And it being Bellatrix, she was ruthless and relentless. She'd mercilessly kill anyone that got in her path.

Draco, on the other hand, his eyes had widened. This was exactly the sort of thing he wanted to protect her from. He knew she couldn't do that, she didn't have the strength, not mentally. He knew how badly she didn't want to be a part of this. He couldn't just sit there, he had to do something. He had to protect her. Because if she didn't complete the task, Voldemort would kill her. "No."

"Draco!" Narcissa scolded him quickly. Val just looked over at him, wondering what he could possibly be doing.

"Draco, stop." She grabbed his arm as he stood up. Voldemort just looked at him curiously, wondering what he was going to do.

"I want to be the one to do it." He declared. He knew he had to act like he wanted this, like he'd devote himself to it. Only then would he have a chance of changing the Dark Lord's mind. That was the only way to appeal to him. If he showed he was doing this to protect Val, it wouldn't work. Val just stared at him, not knowing what to do.

"How noble of you, Draco." Voldemort sat back in his seat, an amused smile on his face. He wasn't as good as Val, but maybe this would work. If he took on the task, took on the Dark Mark, he'd have no choice other than do it. Because if he didn't, he would kill everyone he loves. Including Val. He knew he'd do it. But, it was going to torment him. Voldemort wanted to punish Lucius anyways, and this was the perfect way to do it. An idea popped into his head, then. "Tell me, why should it be you?"

"Because I already have a plan." He replied, and they all gave him odd looks. They had no idea what he could be talking about. Draco thought back to the Montague incident. Voldemort urged him to go on. "In Borgin and Burkes, there's a vanishing cabinet. It has a twin at Hogwarts. I know this, because last year, Fred and George Weasley pushed Graham Montague into the cabinet and trapped him in some sort of limbo. When he finally Apparated out, I found him and took him to Professor Snape." Draco gestured to him, and Severus nodded. Draco was onto something, and the professor never knew he could be so well-thought. "He said he could hear conversations from both Borgin and Burkes and Hogwarts. The cabinet is damaged because of Peeves messing around with it. But, I believe I can mend them to form a passageway."

"How well-thought, Draco. Excellent." Voldemort nodded pleasedly. "Maybe you're not such a disappointment like your father after all." It took everything in Narcissa and Draco to not make a comment at that. Voldemort loved terrorizing them, especially because he was so angry with them. And they were always forced to take it. And if they ever cracked, he would finally kill them. This was pleasing of Draco to do, but he wouldn't be able to do what else he was about to ask. That's when the fun comes in. That's the punishment. "No, there's high hopes for you. I think you're meant for so much more, Draco, then such a simple task. I say you are to be the one to kill Dumbledore."

Val's mouth fell open. Kill Dumbledore? She could easily tell what Voldemort was doing. He was punishing Lucius through Draco, giving him what seemed like an impossible task. Draco could never be able to do it. But if he didn't, Voldemort had threatened to kill his loved ones. All the things he said about thinking Draco was meant for more, it was a lie. He was setting him up for failure. He wanted the task to eat away at him, he intended for Draco to die in the process in order to punish Lucius once and for all for failing to obtain the prophecy. Voldemort should know that Val would never let that happen. But, perhaps he hoped that this would tear them apart in the end. Val refused to let that happen, and she would be there to help and support Draco through this.

Draco's heart beat out of his chest. He didn't know what to say or do, he was just quiet. Narcissa wanted to cry, but she resisted the urge as the tears threatened to fall from her eyes. He was just a boy. He shouldn't be asked to do this. It wasn't fair. None of it was fair. Bellatrix finally interrupted the long silence. "What an honor, Draco! I'm so proud of you."

"Give me your arm." Voldemort requested, holding out his hand. Draco knew what that meant, what was going to happen. There was nothing he could do now. He knew this was coming one way or another. Val was confused. She watched as Draco pulled up the sleeve of his suit, revealing the untainted skin of his left arm. Then she realized what was happening. She stood up quickly, and they all looked at her. "How supportive. How touching young love is. But, love will kill you in the end, Draco. Remember that."

Voldemort took his arm, then pulled out his wand. Val wanted to object more than anything, but she knew she couldn't. There was nothing she could say or do to stop this. She felt so helpless, without a voice. Her stomach turned as she watched Voldemort press his wand harshly into Draco's skin. Dark magic formed around it as the etchings of the horrendous Dark Mark began to form amongst his arm. Draco gritted his teeth at the irritating burning that bit at his sensitive skin. After a moment, it was over. Draco stared down at the irreversible mark that now resided there, they all did. A permanent expression of his allegiance to the Dark Lord, a reminder of the terrible acts he was going to be required to commit. There was no going back now. He'd made a promise that he had no way out of it. And he'd done it to protect Val, to protect his family. But he never thought he'd be asked to kill Dumbledore, the wisest wizard of all time. How could he hope to complete this task? There was so much riding on his shoulders, and it was already beginning to overwhelm him.

Once Voldemort was gone, Narcissa was a mess. Val decided to stay, because she knew Draco couldn't be okay after that. Her father had left, and she knew he was going to tell Dumbledore what had just happened. Bellatrix was immensely proud of Draco, thinking he was stepping up and being a man. That he was truly giving himself over to the dark side. All Val could think about as they walked up to his room was that it was supposed to be her. All this build up to find out what they'd been planning, and it was this. And now, Draco was tasked with such a terrible thing. She felt it should've been her. But, she didn't know that this wasn't what she was truly meant for.

She shut the door and looked at Draco, who was just standing there. "Why did you do that?"

"It was the only way." He mumbled.


"It was the only way!" He exclaimed, turning to look at her. "Did you think you were going to be capable of letting the others in Hogwarts with your conscience? Of killing Dumbledore? It had to be me, Val. He would've killed you."

"It should've been me!" She yelled, and he blinked at her a few times, taken aback by her outburst. She began to break down in tears. "If you hadn't said anything, he wouldn't have tasked you with killing Dumbledore! He's punishing you, Draco! This isn't fair, it should've been me..."

"I told you I was going to protect you, little dove." He said, grabbing her into his arms. She held onto him tightly, feeling so terrible. Things really were never going to be the same. Draco was a Death Eater now. He knew it was going to happen eventually, and now it had. He didn't regret his decision, because he knew it had to be this way. This was the only way he could protect the people he loved, and hopefully get back into Voldemort's good graces. He was doing what he had to do, as the man of his family.

"Does he really have to stay here?" Val asked annoyedly as she looked at Peter Pettigrew before her, or better known as Wormtail. She was sure her father hated him, considering he was the one who got the Potters killed. She figured this way no one would suspect anything. He was acting as a servant to them, and honestly, she thought he kind of deserved the way he was treated.

"Yes, darling. Will you quit pestering me?" He scoffed. She rolled her eyes, and she sent Wormtail away so they could talk privately. He was trying to read his paper, but he liked teasing her that way.

"What did Dumbledore say?" She asked.

"Nothing I can tell you right now." He shook his head, and she gave him a look. "What? You know how this works."

"It's not fair."

"No, but it's Dumbledore." He muttered.

"Draco isn't going to be able to do this. It should've been me." She sighed, and he looked over at her quickly.

"You shouldn't say that. You should be grateful he took this away from you, because at least he's more capable. Your conscience is too good to ever think about doing such a thing." He told her, and she just rolled her eyes at him.

"I thought this was supposed to be my big purpose?" She asked.

"It was. The Dark Lord's purpose. Not Dumbledore's. But now, things have changed. Still, the plan stays the same. So, rest assured." He said, and she gave him a look.

"Master, Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange are here for you." Wormtail peeked in. Severus waved them in, then stood up.

"Mrs. Malfoy?" Val questioned. "Is Draco with you?"

"No, I'm sorry, dear." She shook her head. "We're just here to speak with your father."

"Well, it's nice to see you anyways." Val offered her a smile. She wondered if Narcissa was mad at her. If Draco didn't love her, if she wasn't such an obstacle, he wouldn't have done that. He wouldn't be a Death Eater now. But, Narcissa knew Draco wasn't going to avoid getting the Dark Mark either way. She trusted Snape, so she had a plan that was going to prevent Draco from doing anything drastic. That's why she was here.

"You, too, darling." Narcissa pulled her in for a quick hug.

"Go upstairs, now, Valencia." Severus demanded. She just didn't argue and headed upstairs. She figured it was nothing she wanted the responsibility of keeping a secret. She should've listened in, though.

Bellatrix picked up something off the mantle. "Put it down, Bella. We mustn't touch what isn't ours." She put it back down reluctantly with a sarcastic expression. "Your sister doubts me. Understandable. Over the years, I've played my part well. So well, I've deceived one of the greatest wizards of all time." Bellatrix scoffed. "Dumbledore is a great wizard. Only a fool would question it."

"I don't doubt you, Severus." Narcissa offered.

"You should be honored, Cissy. As should Draco." Bellatrix told her, still wandering about the room being nosy. Narcissa wore a worried expression.

"He's just a boy." She whispered out. Severus understood where she came from all too well, considering he was in the same situation with Val.

"I can't change the Dark Lord's mind. But it might be possible for me to help Draco." He said, and Narcissa smiled as she stood to her feet to face him.


"Swear to it." Bellatrix demanded in a dark tone, and they both looked over at her. She stepped up to them, walking around Severus intimidatingly. "Make the Unbreakable Vow. It's just empty words. He'll give it his best effort. But when it matters most, he'll just slither back into his hole. Coward."

"Take out your wand." Severus demanded of Bellatrix. She looked over at him with surprise. He and Narcissa latched onto each other's wrists, and Bellatrix began the ritual.

"Will you, Severus Snape, watch over Draco Malfoy as he attempts to fulfill the Dark Lord's wishes?" She asked in her usual eccentric manner.

"I will."

"And will you, to the best of your ability, protect him from harm?" She stepped behind Narcissa, resting her head on her shoulder as she stared at him with her big, wide, dark eyes.

"I will."

"And, if Draco should fail, will you yourself carry out the deed the Dark Lord has ordered Draco to perform?" She stepped over to Severus, then, and spoke into his ear.

He swallowed hard. "I will."

Val went with Draco and Narcissa to Borgin and Burkes just a few days before school started again. They traveled through Diagon Alley, the only store open being Weasleys Wizard Wheezes. She was proud of Fred and George for opening up such a successful shop. She wished they were returning with them for another year at Hogwarts, even though she knew things were going to be different and she wouldn't get to enjoy it anyways. This year would be spent with her doing as much as she can to help Draco and be there for him. She wasn't going to be able to talk to her friends as much. She wasn't really going to be able to have a good time, neither of them were.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione had been at Diagon Alley the same day. They had spotted Val, holding Draco's hand, as they and Narcissa made sure no one was looking before walking down Knockturn Alley. The Golden Trio had been watching from inside Ollivander's abandoned shop.

"Harry, you're gonna wanna see this." Ron told him, and he and Hermione walked over to see the three. "Is it just me, or do Draco and Mummy look like two people who don't want to be followed?"

Of course the three of them followed. "What do you think Val's doing with them?"

"Well, she's dating Draco." Hermione shrugged in reply to Harry. She hadn't been able to stop thinking about what Val had told her at the train station those couple of months ago. She didn't tell the others about it, but she was starting to think she knew what it meant. Especially now.

Val didn't like Knockturn Alley. It was frightening. There were crazy people at every turn. She squeezed Draco's hand at all the loud noises. She didn't understand how Narcissa was walking through with ease, as if nothing could touch her. She was highly regarded, that must've been why. But the Daily Prophet had labeled Lucius' arrest as the Malfoys' fall from grace. And they weren't as much highly regarded by Voldemort, either, after his failure. Still, she held the title proudly. Draco pulled his hand away from hers to rest it on the small of her back for a moment as he reassured her gently. "There's nothing to be afraid of, darling."

"I know." She mumbled. He gave her a small smile before offering his arm out to her, to which she wrapped both of hers around it. They walked into Borgin and Burkes which held lots of odd furniture. It was obviously just a simple store for a cover.

Harry and Hermione climbed the roof of a nearby store with Ron's help as they peeked over to see several people entering with the three of them. They didn't look like good people. They watched as Draco examined an odd-looking cabinet. He ran one of his hands along the contours of it, while Val continued to stand next to him, holding his other hand. Narcissa watched behind him. After a moment of him studying it, Val pushed herself up to place a kiss to his cheek. Fenrir Greyback, a werewolf, stood in the above window. He turned, making the three of them duck down before he saw them. He closed the curtains so they could no longer see inside. All they could wonder was what the Malfoys were up to, and why Val had any part in it. They trusted her, but Harry was smart. He had an idea what was going on, though his evidence was wrong, and he couldn't believe Val was a part of it. Hermione and Ron dismissed Harry, but he wasn't going to let go of what he thought he saw.

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