only angel- harry potter

By foreverwinterlover

79.4K 1.4K 1K

Riley Madden is a student at Ilvermorny school of magic in America when she, along with all of the Ilvermorny... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Author's Note

Chapter 15

985 26 19
By foreverwinterlover

It had quickly turned into October, with the air crisp and cool, and the leaves starting to turn shades of gold, crimson, and amber. It was perfect, and the beauty of the season was on full display.

Harry and Riley had finished their homework so they chose to wander through the Forbidden Forest.

The forest this time of year was not as ominous as it was during other seasons.

The two were surrounded by a sea of colors. The trees swayed gently in the breeze, and the leaves rustled underfoot. The sun shone brightly in the clear blue sky, casting a warm glow on everything around them.

 As they continued to walk, they were met by a barefoot Luna Lovegood. Her back was towards them and it seemed that she was petting something.

"Hello, Harry Potter, hello Riley Madden," Luna said continuing to stroke the thing.

"Your feet. Aren't they cold?" Harry asked her.

"Bit. Unfortunately, all my shoes have mysteriously disappeared. I suspect Nargles are behind it," Luna smiled sweetly.

"Luna, what are you doing?" Riley asked, confused by the girl's behavior as it seemed that she was touching air.

"Do you not see it, Riley?" Harry asked her.

"No, what am I supposed to be looking at?" Riley asked the two.

"A black skeletal horse thing...what are they, Luna?" Harry asked her.

Riley felt something bony brush past her. A cold shiver went up her spine

"Woah what was that," she said , whipping her head around but was met by nothing.

"They're called Thestrals. They're quite gentle, really, but people avoid them because they're a bit..." Luna stared off.

"Different," Harry finished as he saw a baby Thestral trot up to it's mother happily.

"Wait why can't I see them?" Riley asked Luna who was walking up to the Thestral family.

"They can only be seen by people who've seen death," Luna said softly.

"Oh," Riley looked down awkwardly.

"So you've known someone who's died, then?" Harry asked Luna who wore a sad smile on her face.

"My mum. She was quite an extraordinary witch, but she did like to experiment... and one day, one of her spells went badly wrong. I was 9," Luna looked down, kicking a tiny pebble in front of her.

"I'm sorry," Riley and Harry said in unison. 

The two shared a smile. There were matching rosy hues on each of their cheeks. 

Luna looked at them knowingly.

"Yes, it was rather horrible. I do feel very sad about it sometimes, but I've got Dad," the Ravenclaw stated.

"That's great Luna, I hope you're happy," Riley put her hand on Luna's shoulder as Luna beamed at her.

"Yeah I am a lot better, also Dad and I both believe you, by the way," Luna stared at Harry, her blue eyes glimmering.

Luna took out a shiny red apple from her handbag.

"That He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is back, and you fought him... and the Ministry and the Prophet are conspiring against you," she looked Harry straight in the eye.

"Thanks. It seems you all are about the only ones that do," Harry looked at the two girls with a sense of appreciation.

"I don't think that's true. But I suppose that's how he wants you to feel," Luna tossed an apple to the baby Thestral.

"What do you mean, Luna?" Riley asked the blonde curiously.

"Well, if I were You-Know-Who... I'd want you to feel cut off from everyone else... because if it's just you alone... you're not as much of a threat," Luna stared off into the wilderness while Harry and Riley's eyes were wide as they exchanged a glance.

After they bid Luna farewell the two joined everyone else for dinner.

"Do you ever stop eating?" Hermione breathed as she stared at Ron with contempt.

"What? I'm hungry," Ron said, stuffing a juicy piece of chicken into his mouth.

"Will you let him eat, Mione?" Amira asked.

"Honestly same Ron, I'm with you," Riley said as she and Harry walked over to the Gryffindor table.

"Riley don't encourage his behavior!" Ginny tutted from beside her brother.

"Hey I like to eat too, also where's Hazel?" she asked the group.

"Last I saw her she was with George," Ron told her with his mouth full.

"Mouth closed, Ronald," Hermione replied while the redhead rolled his eyes.

"There's no reason to be so mean, Mione," Amira said.

"Frankly I find it entertaining," Noah said he had just run into the Great Hall.

"Ah so her and the twins are playing pranks again?" Riley asked.

"Fred is over there," Ginny pointed to where Fred was holding hands with Angelina Johnson.

"Woah so they're alone," Riley's eyes widened.

"I mean they've been dating for a while," Harry shrugged his shoulders.

"I bet they're gonna have sex," Riley had a sly smirk on her face. 

Hermione and Amira's jaws dropped at her words. Harry and Ron stifled their laughter. Noah had tears coming down his face from laughing.

"Riley, that is your best friend you're talking about!" Amira squeaked, slapping her friend's arm.

"Hey, I'm not even saying anything bad!"

"I bet you ten galleons that they're doing it right now," Ginny laughed, nudging Riley, her eyes glowing with mischief.

"No! I'm the one that said it," Riley playfully argued.

Before the two could squabble more, they heard a loud commotion outside of the hall. The group rushed outside to see what was going on. Professor McGonagall and Professor Umbridge were arguing.

"Pardon me, professor, but what exactly are you insinuating?" Professor Umbridge's annoying voice rang through the hallway. 

A cluster of students had gathered around the two with interest.

"I am merely requesting that when it comes to my students... you conform to the prescribed disciplinary practices," McGonagall's voice was even despite her face being flushed with fury.

"So silly of me, but it sounds... as if you're questioning my authority in my own classroom... Minerva," Umbridge sneered as she took a step up the stairs so that she was higher than McGonagall.

"Not at all, Dolores, merely your medieval methods," McGonagall took another step up so that she was towering over Umbridge.

"What a bitch," Riley whispered to the group.

"I fucking hate Umbitch," Noah said which made Riley high-five him.

"I am sorry, dear. But to question my practices is to question the Ministry... and by extension, the minister himself," Umbridge said sickly, shocked by the idea.

"I am a tolerant woman... but the one thing I will not stand for is disloyalty," Umbridge looked at McGonagall with detest. The transfiguration professor stepped down.

"Disloyalty?" Professor McGonagall stared at the woman in pink in disbelief.

"Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared. Cornelius will want to take immediate action," Umbridge said as she walked away, the clicking sound of her heels filling the silence.

"Fuck I don't like the sound of that," Riley shook her head.


The next few days at Hogwarts were horrendous as the Minister had named Umbridge the High Inquisitor at Hogwarts.

Umbridge was an absolute terror making boys and girls stay "8 inches away from each other." 

 George had sent Hazel a note saying that he had ten inches so that wouldn't have been a problem.

 The way that Hazel's face turned red confirmed Riley's suspicions that they had had sex.

Umbridge would constantly use her wand to tuck in people's shirts. 

She had done it to Riley which almost caused the girl to hex her with rage. She was stopped by a frantic Amira and Noah.

The cruel woman had banned Fred and George's prank products as well. Their business had been booming with students from all years buying their products until Umbridge decided to ban them.

Along with students, she had started belittling teachers, interviewing them about their successes and failures. She had even gone as far as to measure Professor Flitwick.

In addition, she had asked Amira a couple of questions because she was worried about the safety of other students with Amira's presence.

Currently, the woman was in the middle of interrogating Professor Trelawney the Divinations teacher.

"Just one question, dear. You've been in this post how long, exactly?" Umbridge asked the loopy professor.

"16 years," Trelawney's voice was soft as she adjusted her glasses.

"Could you please predict something for me?" Umbridge asked which made Draco and his Slytherin goons snort.

Riley glared at them. 

Draco just winked while Pansy and Millicent just shrugged their shoulders mouthing "it's funny."

"I'm sorry?" Trelawney stuttered.

"One teensy little prophecy?" Umbridge looked at her.

When Trelawney didn't respond the woman in pink had a satisfied smirk on her face.

"Pity," Umbridge tutted, her eyes glinting with spite as the Slytherins cackled again.

"No, wait. Wait, no. I think I do see something. Yes, I do. Something dark. You are in grave danger," Professor Trelawney warned.

"Lovely," Umbridge said and then left promptly.


Later in the week, there was a commotion outside in the courtyard of the school. The group of friends was confused as to what was going on. Harry had seen Cho Chang and immediately trotted up to her. 

Riley couldn't help the pang of jealousy that twisted in her chest.

Riley didn't hate Cho Chang. Cho was beautiful with her delicate features and glossy hair. And it didn't help how kind she was. 

Just the other day Riley had been tripped by Crabbe and Goyle and the Ravenclaw had helped her pick up all her books. She had told Riley to ignore them and had smiled warmly at her.

Riley disliked nothing about her except for the fact that Harry was completely enamored with her and not Riley.

The way Harry looked at Cho, with such adoration and longing, made her heart ache. She wondered what it would be like to be the object of his affections, to have him look at her like that.

"Cho. What's going on?" Harry asked her, trying to look over the crowd of students where all the commotion was.

"It's Professor Trelawney," Cho answered, staring at him for a moment before one of her Ravenclaw friends pulled her into the crowd.

They went into the courtyard and saw a shaking Professor Trelawney. 

Filch threw her luggage on the floor in front of her, a wicked smile growing on his old face.

The woman choked on sobs.

"Let's get a closer look," Hermione told them as they walked over to the clearing.

"Sixteen years I've lived and taught here. Hogwarts is my home," the Divinations teacher wavered which made Amira tense up. Hazel wrapped an arm around her.

"Wow the woman's a fraud but I feel bad," Ron shook his head.

"She is a huge bitch I swear to god," Noah said, looking at the woman in pink who had a haughty look.

"Actually, I can," Umbridge held a scroll.

Professor McGonagall brushed past Riley and rushed over to Professor Trelawney and hugged her.

"Something you'd like to say?" Umbridge let out a high-pitched giggle.

"Oh, there are several things I would like to say," Professor McGonagall's voice was overwhelmed with emotion.

Two large doors opened and there stood Albus Dumbledore.

"I haven't seen him in weeks," George whispered. 

He and Fred stood behind the group.

Dumbledore walked up to Umbridge and stared at her with neutrality.

"Professor McGonagall, might I ask you to escort Sybil back inside?" Dumbledore asked the transfiguration teacher who nodded.

"Sybil, dear. This way," Professor McGonagall said gently as she led a sobbing Professor Trelawney back inside with her luggage.

"Thank you," Trelawney clasped hands with Dumbledore.

"Dumbledore, may I remind you that under the terms... of Educational Decree Number-" Umbridge was interrupted.

"You have the right to dismiss my teachers. You do not, however, have the authority to banish them from the grounds. That power remains with the headmaster," Dumbledore told the woman in pink whose cheeks glowed a dangerous red color.

"For now," Umbridge giggled as Dumbledore turned around, unfazed by her mannerisms.

"Don't you all have studying to do?" the Hogwarts headmaster shouted at the students.

Harry darted away from the group.

"Where is he going?" Noah asked as the group watched Harry's retreating form.

"Not sure," Fred said.

"Professor Dumbledore!" Harry called as the Headmaster didn't look his way whatsoever.

"Professor Dumbledore!" he shouted again, desperation creeping into his voice. But the only response was the echo of his own footsteps.

Despite Harry's desperate calls for Dumbledore echoing throughout the entire castle, there was no answer.


"The old gargoyle is simply foul and evil," Hermione exclaimed as the group dispersed. While Riley and Amira retired to their house common rooms, Noah and Hazel joined the golden trio by the fireplace, with the radio crackling in the background.

"She really is a despicable human being," Hazel slammed her potions textbook shut in frustration.

"We're not learning how to defend ourselves. We're not learning how to pass our OWLs," Hermione chimed in, her eyebrows raised in aggravation.

"She's taking over the entire school," Ron added with a scowl.

The radio started crackling more so Harry turned up the radio.

"Security has been and will remain the Ministry's top priority. Furthermore, we have convincing evidence... that these disappearances are the work... of notorious mass murderer Sirius Black," the voice of the Minister of Magic came out.

As the group sat around the fireplace, there was a sudden buzz, and a head appeared in the flames, startling the group.

"Harry!" exclaimed the head. It was Sirius Black. Harry was surprised to see him and rushed over to the fireplace, with the rest of the group following.

"What are you doing here, Sirius?" Harry asked, puzzled.

"You said you were worried about Umbridge. What's she doing? Training you to kill half-breeds?" Sirius chuckled.

"Sirius, she's not even letting us use magic," Harry replied, looking dejected.

"Well, I'm not surprised. The latest intelligence is that Fudge doesn't want you trained in combat," Sirius explained.

"Why not?" asked Noah, furrowing his brow in confusion.

"Does he think we're forming some sort of wizard army?" Ron questioned, looking confused.

"That's exactly what he thinks. He believes that Dumbledore is assembling his own forces to take on the Ministry. He's becoming more paranoid by the minute," Sirius replied.

"Well, that's completely wrong!" Hazel interjected, her voice rising.

Sirius's eyes scanned the room as he replied, "You're correct about that of course. But where's Riley Madden? I miss her sarcastic manner."

"She's in the Slytherin common room, and Amira is in the Hufflepuff one," Hermione informed him.

"Anyways, the others wouldn't want me telling you this, Harry... but things aren't going well with the Order. Fudge is blocking the truth at every turn, and these disappearances are how it started before. Voldemort is on the move," the man in the fire declared.

"What can we do?" Harry asked.

"Someone's coming. I'm sorry I can't be of more help, but for now, it looks like you're on your own," Sirius said before disappearing from the fire.

As thunder rumbled outside, rain pelted the windows. Hazel looked out the window and said, "He really is out there, isn't he?"

"Yes, unfortunately," Noah replied, pulling Hazel closer to his chest.

"We need to be able to defend ourselves, and if Umbridge refuses to teach us how, we need someone who will," Hermione spoke up, snapping her head towards the group.


As Riley entered the Slytherin common room, she noticed Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise, Millicent, and Pansy reclining on the emerald sofas. Millicent welcomed her with a smile and gestured toward a vacant seat next to her.

Acknowledging the booming thunder outside, Riley remarked, "Hey, crazy weather out there, right?"

"Yeah, we were just discussing how Umbridge has finally established order in this school," Millicent responded.

"Are you serious?" Riley looked shocked.

Pansy, whose expression was hard to discern, looked at Riley and claimed, "She has been nothing but kind to us Slytherins."

Blaise chimed in, "She's finally put Gryffindor in its place. They always manage to get away with everything, but with Umbridge's regulations, that's coming to an end."

"Seriously, Blaise?" Riley scoffed.

"Sorry, Riley. I don't have any issue with Gryffindors or any other houses, but they always have an edge. They even have Dumbledore's favor," Blaise shrugged his shoulders.

"I can't believe this is coming from you, Blaise," Riley gaped at him in disbelief.

"Personally, I'm ecstatic that pathetic Potter is finally facing consequences. He's always been the teacher's pet at this insipid school." Draco interjected.

 His remark prompted Crabbe and Goyle to burst out laughing while Pansy giggled.

Riley turned to face Draco, her expression serious.

"I don't understand why you all have a problem with them," she said, crossing her arms.

"Riley darling," Draco began, but she interrupted him. 

"Don't call me that, Malfoy," she growled.

"They are so arrogant and think that they own the whole world when they are a bunch of mudblood sympathizers," he said, a smirk glazing his lips.

Riley stood up, her face flushed with anger. 

"You know what," she said, "I'm done with this conversation."

Pansy smirked at her. "Is there a problem, Riley?" she asked.

Riley glared at her. 

"Yeah, there is," she stated. 

"I'd hex you right now, but I've decided against it."

"Then why don't you do it, or are you a coward?" Pansy simpered, putting her hands on her hips.

"Pansy, I don't think you should start with her," Millicent spoke up, warning Pansy to back off.

 "Yeah, I don't think that's a good idea," Blaise agreed.

But Pansy ignored them, her eyes fixed on Riley.

"Is little Riley upset? Aw so sad. Is she upset that little baby Harry Potter doesn't notice her because he's too wrapped up in wanting to have sex with Cho Chang?" the pug-faced girl curled her lip with mock sympathy.

Riley's fist connected with Pansy's nose causing a stream of red blood to come out of her nose.

 Pansy fell on the floor, holding her nose in pain.

"I told you not to piss her off, Pansy!" Millicent yelled and then helped up her up. 

Pansy was using her shirt to cover up the blood that was oozing out of her nose.

Her brown eyes flashed dangerously as tears fell from them.

"Fuck, Riley you like Harry?" Draco asked, his expression showing his disappointment.

No, I don't!" Riley's face flushed with embarrassment as she charged up to her dormitory, slamming the door shut and startling her pet owl, who let out a yelp.

"Sorry, Peaches," she muttered, kissing the owl's head.

Riley stroked her pet as it hooted. She let out a soft sigh and changed into her pajamas. While preparing for bed, she gazed at herself in the bathroom mirror, questioning herself: "What's wrong with you? Why can't you handle things rationally without hurting someone?"

She stared at herself more.

You ugly bitch. This is why Harry likes Cho and not you. Because she's actually beautiful and kind while you just aren't. Why don't you just die already?

Riley covered her ears. She had never had problems with her self-image before. 

As Riley lay in bed, she couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that had settled in her chest. She knew she had acted impulsively and violently, and she couldn't ignore the nagging voice in her brain telling her what a psychopath she was.

Hours passed, and Riley was still wide awake, staring at the ceiling. Suddenly, she heard the sound of the dorm room door opening. She sat up and saw Pansy and Millicent stumble in, looking disheveled and tired.

Riley snuck a glance at Pansy, whose nose wasn't bleeding anymore. She felt a twinge of guilt as she remembered the punch she had thrown earlier that evening. 

As Pansy and Millicent settled into their beds, Riley could hear them whispering to each other. 

For the rest of the night, Riley lay there, unable to sleep, listening to Pansy and Millicent's hushed conversation. She tried to block it out, but her mind kept racing with thoughts of what could happen next.

"Riley is such a bitch I swear to god this is why she doesn't have any dates," Pansy jumped into her bed.

"Cut her some slack and anyway she probably doesn't have a boyfriend because she likes Harry. I mean it's pretty obvious to every girl that she likes him except for Cho," Millicent defended Riley.

"She's still a bitch though," Pansy muttered.

"Yeah, she was a bitch because you were a bitch. She has to work on her anger issues but you started it," Millicent argued and then changed into her pajamas.

Pansy whispered something incoherent as Millicent went to her bed.

She felt a wave of anxiety wash over her, and she pulled her blanket tighter around her.

For the rest of the night, Riley lay there, unable to sleep, her mind kept racing with thoughts about Harry, Cho, and her anger issues.


That was chapter 15! I don't really have anything to say except that I have a lot of work to do for school. What do you all think of Pansy and Millicent? What are your thoughts on Cho Chang? Anyway, I hope you all have a fantastic day. Please do some self-care if you can and remember that you are so important. Love yourself and remember to treat others with kindness! Try and get some good sleep tonight.

xx Asiya

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