Chapter 33

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It was a few days later when Ron was released from the Hospital. Hermione and Ron had made up but the tension between them was strong. The group all sat at the Gryffindor table eating breakfast.

While they ate Riley glanced at the Slytherin table and noticed Draco Malfoy who looked paler than usual. She had also noticed that he would never sit with his friends anymore. He looked significantly different. He looked like he hadn't eaten in a while.

"Have you seen Draco lately he looks seriously ill," Riley whispered to Hazel while she looked at Draco who was taking a bite out of bread.

"He does look a little paler than usual," Hazel admitted as she put on her glasses and looked at the Slytherin.

"And his friends are sitting over there. Pansy is looking at him wistfully," Riley pointed to Pansy who was looking at Draco with sadness in her eyes. Friends surrounded Pansy as they all chattered happily.

"Stop it, Ron. You're making it snow!" Hermione yelled at Ron who had a little cloud of flurries fly over his head.

It disappeared after a second.

He stared at Lavender who was looking at him angrily. She held a spoon angrily in her hand. It shook.

"Tell me how I broke up with Lavender again," Ron averted his eyes from her and turned his attention onto his friends.

"Well, she came to visit you in the hospital. And you talked. I don't believe it was a particularly long conversation," Hermione stated.

"You were really rude let's just say that," Riley said as she examined her newly painted nails which were a teal color.

Harry chuckled and then put his hand on hers.

"Calm down, Riles," he used her nickname which made her blush.

"Shut up, Haz," she kissed his lips softly.

"Get a room already," Ginny grinned from where she was sitting with Luna and Dean.

"We already did," Riley called back to her making everyone gawk at her. Harry put his hands over his face to cover the red that was forming.

Luna had a hand over her mouth.

"Oh no! I've scarred the innocent one!" Riley pointed at the Ravenclaw who was hiding in her sweatshirt her long platinum blonde hair popped out.

"Fucking bitch," Romilda Vane mumbled to her group of friends as she stared at the blonde American with disdain. They all nodded giving Riley dirty looks full of envy.

Cho Chang who was sitting at the Ravenclaw table also offered Riley a hateful glare. Riley had always liked her and she had thought that the two were neutral but apparently not. 

"What's the problem Romilda? Mad that I felt the power of the chosen one and you're never gonna get the chance?" Riley smirked which made Romilda storm out of the hall. Everyone else snorted.

Once the laughter died down, Ron continued ranting about Lavender.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm bloody thrilled to be shot of her. It's just she seems a bit... put out," Ron said as the group turned around and faced Lavender who was still giving Ron and Hermione matching death glares.

"Poor girl, I'm gonna go talk to her," Hazel got up and walked over to Lavender who was sitting next to Seamus Finnegan.

"Same," Riley stood up, and before she left she stuck up her middle finger at Ron. Ron's jaw dropped.

"Hey!" he had a hurt expression on his face.

"Hi, Lavender!" Hazel smiled at Lavender as she slid into a seat next to her. Riley followed her actions on the other side of the girl.

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