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"Kat, get out of the bathroom!" a young boy with dark hair and ocean blue eyes pounded on a door. His cheeks were flushed red from anger.

"Shut up! I just got out of the shower!" a voice from the bathroom screamed.

"Mom!" the young boy yelled as soft footsteps were heard.

An older-looking Riley walked towards him. Her long blonde hair was placed into a braid and her belly was swollen from pregnancy. Her blue eyes were tender as she looked down at the young boy.

"What is it, James?" she asked as she put a hand on her belly.

"Kat has been in the shower for thirty minutes and I need to use the bathroom before we leave," the young boy pouted.

Riley smiled and put her hand on her son's cheek and kissed it.

"Ew, mom!" James said with disgust as he gagged. His cheeks were dusted pink.

Riley had a wicked grin on her face.

"Oh you know you love my kisses," Riley rolled her eyes as she ruffled his dark messy hair and then proceeded to pound on the bathroom door.

"Katarina Lily Potter!" Riley screamed loudly making James cover his ears.

The bathroom door swung open and a teenage girl with dark hair and green eyes walked out of the room.

"Alright, alright I got it there's no need to scream, Mom!" Kat put her hands up and then rolled her eyes just like Riley.

"Hurry up and get changed we're about to leave for Hogwarts. Your father's got all your luggage in the car along with your brother," Riley ordered as Kat went into her bedroom.

James went into the restroom and shut the door.

"Mommy, mommy!" yelled a squeaky voice as Riley turned around and her youngest daughter, Jordan tumbled into the hallway.

Jordan was a carbon copy of Riley with her blonde hair and blue eyes. She was only four years old.

"Jordan, honey, go wait in the car with your dad while I get the other two," Riley kissed the tiny girl's head as she giggled and skipped away to the front door.

James exited the bathroom and then slung his red backpack by his bedroom over his shoulder and opened the front door and left the house.

At that same moment, Kat left her bedroom.

Riley looked around the house for a moment and let out a sigh. 

Look at how far we've come she thought as she stared upwards. I miss you, Amira. I miss you, Noah. I miss you, Fred. I wish you all were here right now with me. I wish you all could've seen my children. I miss you all.

"You coming, mom?" Kat questioned as she stared at her mom who was staring into space.

"Oh yeah, yeah I'm coming I'm sorry," Riley smiled at her oldest daughter.

"Are you remembering them?" Kat asked as she stepped beside her mother.

"I am," Riley faced her.

"They're proud of you, mom, and they love you," Kat told her.

Tears slipped down Riley's face.

"Come here, you," she pulled Kat in close and wrapped her arms around her. Kat hugged her back with so much love.

"I love you, mom," Kat mumbled.

"I love you too, my love," Riley gave her a watery smile and then kissed her forehead.

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