Chapter 53

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Ron emerged from the shadows of the Chamber of Secrets and held a basilisk fang and joined Hermione at the front of the chamber. 

Hermione took out her beaded bag and pulled out the cup with the Hufflepuff crest on it.

Ron extended the fang over to the brunette girl.

"You do it," he said.

Hermione opened her mouth to object but Ron interrupted her.

"Yes, you can," he encouraged as Hermione glanced skeptically at the fang and took it with a trembling hand. 

She raised her shaking hand and then struck the goblet violently.

A howl pierced the air and Voldemort's eyes turned scarlet.

Harry staggered backward and held his scar gingerly as he roared. His eyes matched Voldemort and he suddenly saw through the dark lord's eyes.

Voldemort drew the Elder wand and then stopped briefly to examine it. Awe struck his face as he looked at the mighty wand with ambivalence.

It slowly diminished as he pointed the wand towards the sky. 

A thunderous boom shattered the night sky and the shield that had previously been around Hogwarts started to diminish. The grounds shook with fury.

Back at the wooden bridge, Riley's face was bleached white as she looked up at the trembling shield. Neville had a similar expression on his face. Ginny's lips parted as she glanced into the night. Her pupils contracted.

"Fuck," Riley muttered.

Out in the courtyard, Tonks reached for Lupin's hand as they both stared up at the sky, their eyes projected worry though they didn't say anything. Fred, George, and Hazel stood near them.

George had a tight grip on Hazel as her frightened brown eyes gazed up at the crackling sky.

The red color in Harry and Voldemort's eyes diminished.

Breaking contact with the Horcrux, Hermione let it drop inside the water. She let go of the fang and it fell to the floor with a loud clattering.

 The cup sizzled in the water making a large splash that spewed forth. Suddenly it exploded and rained over Ron and Hermione.

The two stood still as the water dripped from their soaking clothes to their feet.

The two's gaze shifted onto each other and they closed the distance between each other and kissed desperately. Hermione's hands were tangled into Ron's red hair and they broke apart. The brunette let out a soft giggle and Ron's smile was wide.

"You know what Riley would say?" Hermione whispered as her eyes flicked from his big eyes to his lips.

"What?" the red-head said.

"She would say finally," she spoke as she kissed him once again, throwing her arms around his neck.

In the courtyard, strings of spells from the Deatheaters rained down on the stone knights that guarded Hogwarts at the bridge that led to the school.

The guards struggled to defend the school as more spells laced the sky and began to plummet.

Windows inside the castle were shattered by the powerful spells and the students and staff stood side by side as they started attacking the Deatheaters that had just entered the courtyard.

Fred, George, and Hazel stood by Mr. Weasley as they all had their wands drawn as they cast spells against the dark-robed figures.

A few yards away, Lupin, Tonks, and Kingsley Shaklebolt all fought fiercely against the Deatheaters. Their spells were swift.

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