Chapter 1

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Riley Madden sat in her advanced Potions class, slightly dozing off. 

"Riley, wake up! Professor Stallard is coming she's gonna be pissed off when she finds you sleeping during her class," Riley's best friend, Hazel Lockwood nudged her. 

Riley's blue eyes fluttered open and she was greeted by the sight of her beautiful, brown-skinned friend.

Riley yawned and stretched, taking in the surroundings of the dimly lit classroom and the sizzling potions on the desks.

"I'm up, I'm up," she said as she patted Hazel's head, making Hazel roll her dark brown eyes. 

"I'm not your puppy so don't pet me," Hazel whispered while swatting Riley's hand away.

A grin formed on Riley's face.

"You don't have to look out for me," Riley replied while sticking her tongue out at Hazel.

"Miss Madden and Miss Lockwood, what have you presented?" a very strict Professor Stallard interrupted the two girls bantering with an evil smirk growing on her face.

Professor Stallard was the most hated teacher in the entire Ilvermorny School. Her pale blond hair was always tied up in a tight bun and she always wore dark robes and wore blood-red lipstick. She had cold ice blue eyes. 

She was a pureblood and always had a certain prejudice against muggle-borns like Hazel. Riley was a half-blood and didn't have to worry much but for some reason, the old professor always seemed to have it out for her.

"Um... so, Professor, we haven't finished brewing our Confusing Concoction yet. We have to wait a couple of minutes for it to turn a gray color and, in addition, we have to add these roots," Hazel explained and held the purple roots in her hand.

The older woman hummed in contentment, "I specifically remember saying that the potion had to be done before class ended, Miss Lockwood, and unfortunately the two of you failed to produce a FINISHED Confusing Concoction,"

"5 points from Thunderbird, Miss Madden, and 5 points from Horned Serpent, Miss Lockwood," Professor Stallard smiled immorally, her blue eyes glittering with malice.

Hazel stuttered while Riley simply glared at the teacher, cursing at her in her mind.

 "We..uh simply lost track of time. I don't understand why we had to lose house points?" Hazel said nervously as she toyed with her fingers under the desk.

Hazel never really ever spoke out against a teacher because she was mostly shy around them.

 This sudden outburst shocked Riley since talking back to teachers was mostly her territory.

Professor Stallard pursed her dark red lips. 

"I had SPECIFIC instructions for both of you which you failed to do therefore you are losing house points. Everyone else has finished their potion on time except for the both of you," she smiled sickly.

At this point, Riley had had enough. 

"You're being so unreasonable and unfair!" she snapped.

The teacher's face turned a bright red color as she whipped her face back toward Riley. 

She had always had a certain hatred towards the girl for her ability to always talk back.

"You always have it out for Hazel because she is a muggle-born and you always have it out for me because...I really don't know. You always have prejudices against everyone and, frankly, everyone thinks you're a huge BITCH," Riley snarled.

The whole class was silent.

"DE-TEN-TION, Miss Madden," Professor Stallard piped.

At that moment, the bell rang and the class was dismissed.

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