Chapter 21

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Three months had passed since Amira's tragic departure, and the wounds within the friend group had begun to heal slowly. Dumbledore's Army had been a saving grace for Riley, providing solace and support in the face of unbearable loss.

As Riley walked alongside Theo, making their way towards the Room of Requirement, a girl with long, disheveled blonde hair and piercing brown eyes caught her attention. 

The girl's icy gaze held a venomous intensity, accompanied by two companions who mirrored her disdainful glances toward Riley.

Perplexed, Riley furrowed her brow, her expression filled with confusion. 

"What's her problem? I've never even met her, yet she has such a bitchy attitude," she scoffed, dismissing the Slytherin girl's hostility with a roll of her eyes.

Theo clicked his tongue in disapproval, his gaze cast downwards. 

"That would be my ex-girlfriend, Daphne Greengrass," he admitted reluctantly.

"Ex-girlfriend? You never mentioned having one of those," Riley nudged him playfully.

"Yeah, it's because Daphne is... complicated," Theo's voice trailed off as his thoughts drifted elsewhere.

"You don't have to explain anything to me, Theo," she said softly.

"Thanks, love," he replied, bending down to place a tender kiss on her cheek before enveloping her in a warm embrace. The warmth of Theo's hug spread through her, eliciting a small smile that graced Riley's lips.

Riley inhaled deeply, taking in the captivating scent of Theo's cologne. Its intoxicating aroma filled her senses, heightening her awareness of his presence.

With his slightly curled hair and sparkling gray eyes, Theo looked captivating. 

His plump, kissable lips beckoned to Riley, and she couldn't resist the urge any longer. 

Grabbing his jaw firmly yet tenderly, she pressed her lips against his.

The taste of strawberries lingered on his lips as their mouths moved in perfect harmony. 

Each kiss was like a drug, addicting and all-consuming. Theo's grip tightened around her waist, pulling her closer, while his fingers delicately intertwined with her long, blonde locks, tugging gently.

At that moment, Riley found ease in the distraction that Theo provided. 

Though her heart still longed for Harry, being with Theo allowed her to momentarily forget. She couldn't deny that she was beginning to develop feelings for him, even if they were just emerging.

As they reluctantly broke apart, their lips plump and their breaths uneven, Theo spoke, searching for words to capture the intensity of the moment. 

"Well, that was..."

"Amazing," Riley breathed, completing his sentence, her voice filled with awe.

A broad grin formed on Theo's face in response to her words. 

"Was that your first kiss?" he asked, curiosity evident in his voice.

"No, I've kissed my fair share of boys before. But during my time at Hogwarts, I hadn't kissed anyone," Riley admitted, her smirk betraying a mischievous undertone.

"Well, I'm glad to be the first boy from Hogwarts to have the honor," Theo beamed, his dimples making an appearance.

Curiosity sparked within Riley as she nudged him playfully. "And have you kissed anyone else?"

"Just Daphne when we were dating last year, and a Hufflepuff during my third year," Theo revealed, his tone tinged with a hint of nostalgia.

"Anyways, I should probably head to the meeting," Riley said, glancing up at her boyfriend.

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