Chapter 47

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The ocean crashed and Riley and Harry were once again crouched by Dobby's grave which now bore a stone that read "Here Lies Dobby A Free Elf." Luna Lovegood stood nearby looking up at the sky.

Harry played with a mirror in his hands.

"The sky has lost a star," Luna said.

"My father used to say that when a child died. Funny how Mr. Dobby knew exactly where to find us," Luna looked down at Riley and smiled.

"Yeah. Funny. Listen, Luna, about your father, I don't want you to think I-" Harry was interrupted by the Ravenclaw.

"I know you understand why my father did what he did, Harry. That's why we don't need to talk about it," Luna slung a traveler's bag over her shoulder.

"Are you going back to Hogwarts?" Riley asked as she eyed the bag.

Luna nodded and put on a brave grimace.

"It's not the place you left, you know. It's not the same," Harry warned.

"Neither am I," she waved bearing the trace of a smile and then disapparated out of sight.

"Always good value. I'll miss her," a voice said making Riley and Harry turn.

"Woah," Riley was shocked to see Ron with chestnut brown hair. He was dressed in dark robes.

"What do you think?" he asked. 

"Wouldn't know you if I didn't know you," Harry grinned.

Ron studied the mirror in Harry's hand.

"You want to tell me what that is?" the Weasley pointed.

"Yeah, I've actually been wondering the same thing," Riley admitted.

"Sirius gave it to me. He had a matching piece. He said if I ever needed him, all I had to do was look into it," the boy who lived explained.

"You mean he could see you?" Ron questioned.

"But that's impossible he's-" the blonde American stopped herself.

Harry ignored her comment and went back to Ron.

"Something like that, Ron. I don't know. He died before I ever got to use it. The thing is..." Harry paused.

"Yeah?" Riley urged him to continue.

"You'll think I'm mental, but more than once, when I've looked into it I think I've seen Dumbledore," Harry continued which made Ron's eyes widen.

"Yeah you're right I do think you're messed up," Riley smirked which made Harry push her off the rock they were sitting on.

"Hey!" she protested sticking her tongue out at him.

"Bloody hell... that's a sight," Ron croaked making Riley and Harry turn to where Bellatrix Lestrange and Griphook stood. Griphook clutched the sword of Gryffindor.

Hermione was going to be disguised as the madwoman for their next "mission."

"Well, how do I look?" Hermione questioned. 

"Hideous," Ron spoke while at the same time Riley had said "kinda hot."

Harry whipped his head towards her.

"I'm joking!" the American put her hands up in surrender.

Hermione walked up to Ron and took out her wand and poised it over Ron's hair which had a bit of ginger pushing through the brown of his hair.

"Couldn't do anything about that bit in the back that's always flipping up, could you? Dead annoying," the Weasley rambled.

Hermione cast him Bellatrix's malevolent glare and the redhead backed down.

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