Chapter 50

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All of the houses and the staff at Hogwarts were summoned to the Great Hall late that night.

Hazel and Ginny gave Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Riley Gryffindor robes to wear so that they could join the students and blend in.

While they walked down the stairs with the other Gryffindors Riley kept her head down, so did Harry. 

Their hands were clasped together as they looked at each other for a split second. His hands grazed the pink flower ring he had given her.

Everyone had grim expressions on their faces as they walked down the steps.

The Ravenclaws stood beside the Gryffindors and Luna held the hand of a small girl who looked slightly defiant.

A Deatheater appeared next to her holding a cold smile and clapped a hand over her shoulder. His grip was tight making the girl whimper.

"Put a smile on, Miss Reynolds. Wouldn't want me to have to pay a visit to Daddy again, would you?" Amycus Carrow smirked as he pushed her away and eyed the Slytherins.

The young girl squeaked as she clung to Luna who stroked her hair comfortingly.

The Slytherins walked in rigid synchronization behind the Ravenclaws.

Riley turned back for a second and saw Blaise Zabini with his head down next to Millicent Bulstrode.

Blaise looked up and his eyes widened but he stayed silent.

Each house stood together as a group whispering as the Carrow siblings stood at the top of the hall, their eyes raked the crowd.

Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick stood next to them with their faces ashen and solemn.

Snape entered the room making everyone silent as he walked over to the front of the room and faced the students.

"Many of you are surely wondering why I have summoned you here at this hour. It has come to my attention that earlier this evening... Harry Potter was sighted in Hogsmeade," Snape said.

A murmured thrill consumed the hall as students chattered excitedly. 

Professor McGonagall's eyes glistened with curiosity and hope.

"I mention this in the hopes that truth will not be supplanted by rumor," Snape raised his hand to silence everyone. They complied immediately.

"For myself and a few select members of the staff, this comes as little surprise. We have, for some time, considered Mr. Potter'sreturn to Hogwarts to be not only possible but inevitable. Consequently, in the past several months and under my specific direction, exhaustive defensive strategies have been employed to defeat any attempt, Mr. Potter might make to breach these walls. But know this," Snape continued.

"Should anyone, student or staff attempt to aid Mr. Potter, that person will be punished in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgression. Rest assured, as long as I am Headmaster at Hogwarts, Harry Potter will never again step foot in this castle," Snape finished.

The Slytherin side of the room erupted with applause and from the corner of her eye, Riley saw Theodore Nott. His curls were bouncing in the air as he hooted and jumped in the air. Daphne stood nearby and watched him with a wistful look on her face. Blaise was silent. Draco stood beside him. He looked gaunt and had gotten even skinnier since she saw him back at Malfoy Manor.

How could she ever have dated him? How could have Daphne even dated him? At least Daphne joined the right side. But that scumbag Theo is never gonna change she thought. 

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