Chapter 4

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Three weeks passed and a lot more students put their names into the goblet of fire including Gryffindor's own Angelina Johnson.

Fred and George finally came out of the hospital white-hair-free and were back to playing their pranks on everyone. 

Riley even joined them in a certain prank on Ron. They had baked up pastries and jinxed them so that when Ron ate them he grew red spots on his face. Ron was in the hospital wing for a day and Professor McGonagall, the transfiguration teacher was not pleased with the three at all.

Riley's crush on Harry grew more as he was always kind enough to help her with her transfiguration homework because Ilvermorny was behind on Transfiguration.

Hermione was always happy to help but then she noted that Riley had a crush on Harry so she let it go.

 Hermione also noticed how sad Riley would get when Harry would stare after Cho Chang so she would always distract Riley. In addition, Riley would always have her Walkman with her so she would drown her distractions out with ABBA.

Draco Malfoy never stopped flirting with Riley. He would always try and touch her as well. Once when they were partners in transfiguration class he would always try to grab her thigh and touch her inappropriately which would result in her slapping him. 

In addition, Pansy Parkinson and Millicent Bulstrode would always insult Riley. Pansy had a huge crush on Draco and was upset that Riley was getting a lot of attention from the Slytherin prince.

 Millicent was Pansy's best friend so she by default was always defending her.

 They would always make mean remarks about her which would result in Riley hexing them and receiving detention from the Hogwarts professors.

Over the span of three weeks, Riley had several detentions from the potions professor Severus Snape for arguing with him regularly. 

In addition, she would send her parents letters about what was going on frequently. Peaches grew fat over all of the treats Riley would give him for delivering the letters.


"Professor Snape, can I please leave they're announcing the champions tonight and I haven't had dinner yet!" Riley moaned. 

She was currently in one of the potions classrooms mopping the floor without magic. It was a Friday so she was out of uniform and in a striped sweatshirt and black skinny jeans.

Professor Snape had the hint of a smile but it quickly faded. He was sitting at his desk grading papers.

"I still see leaves on the floor, Ms. Madden," he stated then looked back at the parchment in front of him.

"Come on Severus," Riley teased which made the potions professor snap his greasy head up and glare at her.

"Sorry, sorry, I mean Professor Snape," she put her hands up in defeat and then started brooming the last couple of leaves and dumping them into the garbage can.

"Now can I leave?" the American put one hand on her hip.

The professor looked up at her with a twinge of annoyance.

"Yes, you may leave, Ms. Madden," he said silkily.

"Thanks, Snappity Snape," Riley skipped out of the classroom and sauntered over to the great hall.

She walked in and noticed that every single school was in there and all talking. She saw Noah's hand at the Gryffindor table and motioned for her to come to the table.

"Hey everyone," she said and then quickly got a plate and piled a large amount of hot buttery mashed potatoes on it.

When everyone stared at her she said "What? At least I don't eat as much as Ron," which made the twins double in laughter.

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