Chapter 57

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Neville exited the courtyard and kicked through a pile of rubble. There were old textbooks, smashed potion containers, and crumpled clothing.

 Neville crouched down and noticed a brown hat sticking out. He pulled it out and it was the sorting hat which was covered with dust and singed.

Suddenly a noise was heard and Neville looked up and squinted towards the entrance of Hogwarts.

Hagrid lurched forward carrying Harry's motionless body in his hands. His face was sullen and stray tears fell from his cheeks. There were ropes around his neck that three Deatheaters slightly pulled.

Neville's gaze drifted off to Bellatrix who carried a victorious smirk and Narcissa who stood beside her with her face blank. Voldemort walked nearby carrying a haughty expression.

A whisper filled Neville's ear. He looked down and saw that it was the sorting hat.

"Don't despair, Longbottom. I put you in Gryffindor for good reason," the hat coughed out a cloud of dust.

"Who's that?" Riley stepped down the broken steps that led into the entrance hall. 

Hazel followed behind her.

"Hagrid's carrying?" her voice was soft.

Neville glanced at her for a moment. 

Her face was still round and had a childlike essence to it. But her eyes were cold, dull, and broken. 

"Neville, who is that?" Riley's voice cracked as Hazel put her hand on her shoulder.

Riley knew what Harry did but wasn't ready to actually accept that he had died. Harry, her sweet boy was dead.

Everyone spilled out of the castle and into the courtyard.

Riley heard Hermione's sharp exhale.

"What's going on here, Neville?" Mr. Weasley stepped outside with his wife beside him. Their eyes were both bloodshot and their faces were old and weary.

Neville started to speak but faltered when he noticed everyone staring at him expectantly for an answer.

Voldemort and his followers drew near to the courtyard.

Voldemort smiled with cruel satisfaction.

"Behold, Nagini. Our work is done," he whispered to the green snake who hissed in delight.

The people of Hogwarts all stood silently holding on to each other as their eyes all shifted over to the body in Hagrid's arms.

Harry. His boyish face was caked with dirt. And he was motionless. 

Riley's heart shattered.

"No... NO!" Riley looked overwhelmed as she let out a primal scream at the sight of her beloved.

Hazel grabbed her before she could come at Voldemort.

"SILENCE! Stupid girl. You cry for that?" Voldemort mocked the blonde.

"Fuck you, I hope you die a miserable death, and yes I do cry for that because he's so much more important than you will ever be," Riley spat.

"I'd watch my tongue girl or I will make my snake snarf down on your pathetic corpse,"

Hazel clapped a hand over her mouth as Voldemort offered her a deadly glare.

"Shhh," Hazel stroked her best friend's hair as she whimpered.

"Tell me. These last few hours as you collected the dead and tended your wounded was he by your side?" the dark lord addressed everyone.

The crowd remained silent and Voldemort nodded as if that was an answer.

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