Chapter 16

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As the month of October gradually gave way to November, Amira's impending final birthday was on the horizon. The day before the big day, a group of friends, with the exception of Hazel who was spending time with Fred and George, made their way to a cozy restaurant nestled in the heart of Hogsmeade. 

The ground was coated with a thick layer of pristine white snow, and everyone was bundled up in their warmest coats and mittens to brave the chilly weather.

"Damn, why is it so fucking cold?" Riley shivered as she hugged herself.

"Language, Riles," Amira whispered as she too shivered tucking herself into her long brown coat.

"You're such a snowflake, Riley," Noah said, his toothy grin taunting her.

Riley rolled her eyes, "Shut up, you're from England. It's cold as fuck there. You're used to this stupid weather," she retorted, shoving him playfully as he chuckled in response.

 "Maybe, but I'm not complaining. And neither is Amira, and we're both from California," Hazel chimed in, causing Riley to thrust her tongue out at her friend in jest.

"This is mad. Who'd wanna be taught by me? I'm a nutter, remember?" Harry's voice trembled with self-doubt as he spoke to the group.

Amira's eyes softened as she responded, "You're not a nutter, Harry. You're really smart."

"Look on the bright side, you can't be any worse than old toad face," Ron chimed in,

"Thanks, Ron," Harry's lips twitched into a small smile

Ron grinned and clapped a hand on Harry's shoulder, "I'm here for you, mate." The gesture of solidarity was not lost on Harry, who felt a sense of comfort from his friend's support.

"We all are, Haz," Riley chimed in, her voice filled with sincerity and solidarity, as Harry's hand brushed against the teal beanie atop her head.

A sudden rush of warmth flooded their cheeks, and a fleeting but undeniable connection passed between Harry and Riley, an unspoken understanding that stirred emotions in both of them.

Noah scowled as he watched Harry pat Riley's teal beanie with a small smile. A surge of jealousy and frustration coursed through him, and without thinking, he kicked a large patch of snow with all his might.

"Who's supposed to be meeting us, then?" Harry asked Hermione who opened the door to the restaurant.

"Just a couple of people," Hermione stated.

"Lovely spot," Ron said sarcastically as he caught sight of a goat bleating nearby. 

Amira's eyes lit up with delight, and she rushed over to the goat, unable to contain her joy, and gently petted it.

"Let's go, Mimi," Noah called out, his voice filled with enthusiasm, as the group made their way downstairs to a secluded area with a collection of chairs neatly lined up.

After a few minutes, a crowd of people arrived, mostly Gryffindors, but a fair number of Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws also came, which didn't sit well with Riley, especially when she spotted Cho Chang among them.

George greeted Hazel with a soft kiss on her lips, and she responded with a giggle as he spun her around. She took his hand and settled into his lap, and Riley couldn't help but feel envious of their loving relationship.

"Aw, aren't they perfect?" Riley nudged Noah, whose face turned beet red.

"I... er sure I guess," he replied, avoiding her gaze.

"I would kill for a guy who would treat me like a princess," Riley sighed.

"I treat you like the princess that you are," Noah pointed out, glancing at her nervously.

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