Chapter 10

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The winter had passed and quickly warmed up into summer. 

It was June and final exams were coming up. That meant that the final task of the Triwizard Tournament was approaching meaning that all of the schools would be returning home soon.

After Riley, Amira, Hazel, Noah, Harry, Hermione, and Ron finished their Transfiguration final they went to the Great Hall and ate lunch.

"It's crazy how we're going to be going back to Ilvermorny this month," Amira said, chewing her bottom lip.

"I know! I feel like I've known you all my whole life!" Hermione told them.

"I'm going to miss my eating contests with Ron," Noah grinned at Ron who was currently shoving an entire baked potato into his mouth.

"What is with your obsession with food, Ronald?" Hermione looked at the redhead in exasperation.

"What's wrong with wanting to eat?" Ron said with his mouth full. Pieces of potato fell out of his mouth.

"That," Hazel's face contorted into disgust as she pointed to the food that came out of his mouth.

"That's fucking disgusting," Riley noted as a piece of potato from his mouth had gotten on her skirt.

Fred and George Weasley entered the hall and sauntered over to the Gryffindor table.

"You see that's what I'm going to miss," Fred sat next to Riley, directing his smile at her.

"Your cursing just really brightens up my day," the older Weasley tapped the blonde's nose.

"Oi! Have we told you lot that we're dating?" George wrapped his arm around Hazel as she smiled radiantly.

"It was pretty obvious," Harry laughed.

"I told you they probably already knew!" Hazel's voice was light and airy as she looked at him.

George kissed her forehead which caused a collective aww among the friends.

"You two are so adorable!" Amira gushed, cracking a smile to reveal her chipped front tooth.

"Take the public affection somewhere else," Ron rolled his eyes, pretending to throw up which caused Riley to slap him.

"OI THAT HURT RILEY!" he yelped.

The blonde American shrugged her shoulders.

"They're cute so suck it up," Riley warned, wagging a finger at him.

"Ronnykins is just jealous because he doesn't have a girlfriend," Fred said which caused the entire table to roar with laughter.

"You don't have a girlfriend either, Fred," Ron crossed his arms.

"He does actually, he's dating Angelina Johnson," Noah chuckled.

"Whatever," Ron mumbled angrily then returned to eating his baked potato.

"But seriously I wish we could stay here," Riley sighed dreamily.

"I love Hogwarts much more than Ilvermorny, and I don't wanna go back to Professor Bitch,"

"Then why don't you just transfer?" Hermione asked.

The four Ilvermorny students looked at each other.

"Why didn't I think of that!" Hazel slapped her forehead.

"Should we ask Principal Cohen about that?" Amira asked her fellow classmates.

"Yes! This school is definitely a better fit for us," Hazel agreed as George grinned happily.

"We'd need our parents' permission though," Noah reminded.

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