Chapter 20

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A few days passed, and the transition from January to February marked a significant change. Azkaban prison witnessed the escape of Bellatrix Lestrange and numerous other dangerous prisoners, leading to heightened security measures at Hogwarts.

Neville's complexion turned pale as soon as he heard about Bellatrix, the woman responsible for torturing his parents into insanity. The weight of her escape loomed heavy on his mind.

On a regular afternoon, the group gathered at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall, engaging in their usual camaraderie. Suddenly, the atmosphere shifted as Amira's parents entered, wearing solemn expressions.

Amira's mother gently placed her hand on her daughter's shoulder, her voice trembling with emotion.

"Mimi, it's time to go, dear," her mother's voice quivered, the gravity of the situation apparent.

Amira's eyes widened, and the entire table looked at her in shock, sensing the abruptness of the announcement.

"But it's so soon!" Riley exclaimed, rising from her seat.

"Riley..." Mrs. Ahmed began, her voice filled with a mixture of sadness and urgency.

"No, we need more time," Riley stood up and then broke down into tears covering her face with her hands. 

Harry yearned to comfort Riley, to envelop her in his embrace and kiss away her tears, assuring her that everything would be alright and showering her with his love. However, he was seated next to his girlfriend, Cho, who wore a saddened expression.

Theo, noticing Riley's distress, swiftly made his way from the Slytherin table to offer his solace. The blonde American sought refuge in Theo's arms, burying her head against his chest. Theo pressed gentle kisses on her head, whispering reassurances. Harry couldn't deny the pang of jealousy that stirred within him.

Hazel, her lips trembling, mustered the courage to speak up, addressing Mr. and Mrs. Ahmed. George tenderly kissed her forehead, providing his support.

"Is there any way we can have more time?" Hazel asked, her voice quivering. 

Her plea was echoed by the sadness on the faces of the entire Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables.

Mr. Ahmed hesitated briefly before sharing the news they had prepared. 

"That's what we wanted to tell you both. We have tickets for an amusement park, all three of you can go. Professor Dumbledore has granted permission for you to miss your classes today. Before she... before she has to..." Mr. Ahmed's voice trailed off, the unspoken reality hanging in the air.

A wave of sorrow swept through the room, accompanied by Hermione's outburst of tears.

 Emotions cascaded, and soon the hall was filled with collective weeping. 

The boys fought to maintain composure, though Neville shed silent tears and Ron bit his lip to hide his emotions. 

Amidst the tears, Ginny remained steadfast, approaching Amira with open arms, offering her support. 

Amira, though shaken, abstained from crying. Mrs. Ahmed wiped away her own tears, rallying the girls to prepare to leave.

"Come on, girls, it's time to go," she said, her voice tinged with sorrow. 

Amira proceeded to hug each person at the Hufflepuff table, while the first-year Hufflepuffs, who had grown fond of her, wept alongside her.

She then bid her farewells to the Gryffindor table. When she embraced Noah, he refused to let go, his voice muffled as he spoke into her headscarf.

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