Chapter 11

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During the summer Riley was relaxed at her home in Texas. 

The summers were humid so she usually stayed inside her house listening to music and watching the television. She would regularly receive letters from her friends from Hogwarts and Ilvermorny. 

She had hung up her most recent letter from Harry on her wall. She had decorated the paper with small pink and red hearts.

Was she a little bit delusional? she thought but quickly brushed aside the thought.

She was upstairs in her room at her house blasting Dancing Queen by ABBA in her room as she read her latest letter from Noah.

Dear Riley,

I hope you are doing well. As you know I've been in Washington D.C because my father has business with MACUSA and the Ministry of Magic there. Mother is getting extremely anxious to return back. We're moving back to England by the way since I'm going back to Hogwarts this fall. What is the situation with you? Are you going to Hogwarts this fall? You better be going or I will MURDER you. How's Peaches by the way? I sent him his favorite treats. I heard Hazel just flew out to England to stay with the Weasleys. Her moms are supposedly really excited to meet George haha. I haven't had a girlfriend in a long time. Remember in 8th grade when I dated that Horned Serpent named Lila? Yeah, she hates my guts now. I kind of miss having a girlfriend...Anyways I hope you are doing well. Mail me back soon.

From Noah Sanders

"Oh my God Sanders, you are too much," Riley laughed as she took out the owl treats from the package that Noah sent.

"Peaches," she chirped and her owl immediately flew over and sat on Riley's bed.

"Here you go bud," she fed the bird a large treat. Peaches flew back to his cage and nibbled on the treat happily.

"RILEY MADDEN!" Riley heard her mom yelling. She took out her earplugs and rushed down the stairs.

"Yes, mom?" she asked her mom. 

Her mom was currently sauteeing greens in a pan over the stove. Even in her apron, she looked beautiful. 

Riley and her mother both had the same curly blonde hair and face structure. She was always told that she had the same smile that would brighten up anyone's day just like her mother.

The only thing that was different about the two was the blue eyes she had inherited from her father.

"Honey, when your dad gets home we can talk about going to that school in Scotland, okay?" her mom looked at her.

"Yeah, of course, mom," Riley said as she started cutting onions without being asked.

"He should be coming home anytime now, and he's always stressed out when he comes back from that magic government job," her mom muttered, shaking her head slightly.

Her mom was a muggle and her dad was a Pureblood wizard. Her parents had met in New York when he accidentally stumbled into her. It was love at first sight for them.

"Just know that I am totally okay with you going there," Riley's mom kissed her cheek and pinched it affectionately.

"Ugh, mom!" Riley stuck out her tongue as she pushed her mother's fingers away from her face.

At that moment Riley's father entered their home.

"I'm home!" he sang as he entered the kitchen and kissed his wife's cheek. 

"Hello, Riles," he grinned as he ruffled his only daughter's hair.

"How are you, Brie?" he asked his wife who gave him a smile.

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