TLOK Kyalin Oneshots NEW

Door PinkRathian

161K 4.5K 3.4K

Primarily Kyalin Oneshots of different ratings 😏, you can find some Suvira in here too. Cute fluff to angst... Meer

Beach Volleyball
Adventures of Zaofu
When We Were Kids
Car ride
Suvira Chapter
Double Date
From Chaos to Order (Kuvira Backstory)
Wine and Surprise
Dangerously Jealous
Kyalin Week
Suyin Part 1
Suyin Part 2
Suyin Part 3
Suyin Part 4
Love is Blind
The Games Part 1
The Games Part 2
The Games Part 3
The Games Part 4
Suvira AU (epilogue)
The City Part 1
The City Part 2
The City Part 3
The City Part 4
The Chief's Secret
Train Wreck
A different kind of Mother
Kyalin Week Prompt 1
Kyalin Week Prompt 2
Kyalin Week 3
Kyalin Week 4
Kyalin Week Day 5
Kyalin Week Six
Kyalin Week Day 7
Two worlds apart
Circumstances (sequel to TWA)
The Guard (Suvira) Part 1
Speculation (sequal to Circumstances)
The Guard (Suvira) Part 2
All over you
Lin and Ikki
Suvira Solstice
Lin Walks Into a Bar
Christmas Party
Suvira Book 1
Suvira Book 2
Suvira Book 3
Suvira Book 4
Lin Goes to the Dentist
The Box
The Office
The Radio
The Dinner
Kyalin Shorts
I Just Know that I Like You
Good Times
Suvira Nanny AU
A Test of Love
Suvira Shorts
I'm Sorry
Signs Pt 2
Like You
Kya Goes to the Dentist
My Wives and I
A Cause For Celebration
A Cause for Celebration Part 2
20 Years Ago
Lin Takes Care of Kya
Suvira Nanny Au (part 2??? I guess?)
Origins: Part 1
Origins: Part 2
Origins: Part 3
An update
Pirate AU Part 1
Pirate AU Part 2
Pirate AU Part 3
Pirate AU Part 4
Pirate AU Part 5
Pirate Au Part 6
Pirate AU Part 7
Pirate AU Part 8
Pirate AU Part 9
Pirate Au Part 10
Pirate AU Part 11
Pirate AU Part 12
Pirate AU Part 13
Pirate AU Part 14
Pirate AU Part 15 (Finale)

That's Rough

1.5K 59 56
Door PinkRathian

Guys I got an idea to add to my high-school AU that I just did, so yeah this is it.

One year later.

  A small moan escaped Kya's mouth as Lin nipped at her neck. She felt her stomach ricochet in itself at her girlfriend's touch.  Lin had a grin on her face as she marked Kya's collarbone with her lips. Kya's hands found Lin's waist and she pulled at the base of her shirt, sliding her hands onto the toned stomach underneath.  Lin paused to look at her, the younger girls way of asking to continue. Kya nodded and Lin's hand slipped to the tie on Kya's bottoms, pulling the bowstring with one finger at an achingly slow pace. Kya took a deep inhale, preparing herself. Lin had gotten good in the past year, and she knew it. Lin brought her lips to the base of Kya's stomach and Kya placed her hands in the younger girls hair in anticipation.

"So this is the- oh my god!" Lin shot up, rolling off of Kya and the waterbender covered herself with a pillow.

"Mom!" Kya shouted. A girl, a few years younger than herself, stood behind her mother, eyes wide and holding back a laugh.

Lin got up off the floor, brushing herself off and clearing her throat.

"Hey Katara." She said weakly with a blush.

"Kya what are you-" her mother stopped, looking at the girl behind her.
"Pema why don't you go back to the main temple, Tenzin will show you around the stables. The girl-Pema nodded and ran off. Katara's smile turned to a deadly scorn as she stared at the two off them.

"Kya." She said flatly. Kya blushed, clearing her throat.

"I can explain-"

"Is this you're meet up spot? The girls dormitories? Really?"

"To be fair there's not usually anyone here."

"Usually Kya, is not definite. Pema's first impression of this place is of Lin on top of you in the common room." Lin blushed at the mention of her name. She looked like she wanted to say something  but thought against it.

"We're sorry." Kya said and Katara just scoffed.

"You have a perfectly good bedroom, Kya. No excuse."

"I know but we have a rule-"

"I don't want to hear it." Kya frowned. Lin looked like she was about to bolt, and Kya had a creeping sensation that it'd be awhile before she would come over again.  Kya looked around the room, waiting for her mother to say something. Katara had her arms crossed and she scoffed, glaring at them.

"Kya, go back to the temple, there's a stack of laundry on the couch, fold it. Lin, go home."

"Mom-" kya started to stand up but Lin stopped her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"It's okay. I'll see you tomorrow." The metalbender said. She ducked past Katara, making a sprint for the ferry. Kya pursed her lips, getting up and meeting her mother at the door.

"Laundry for a week, and no going to Lin's, either."

"Mom please."

"Want to make it two?" Kya shook her head, walking past her mother reluctantly.
There goes Saturdays plans.


Lin opened the door to their apartment, making a bee-line for her bedroom in attempt to avoid questions.

"You're home early." Her mother spoke from the couch. Lin sighed, stopping in her tracks.

"Something came up." Lin replied.

"By 'something' you mean Katara." Toph grinned at Lin's expense. She was grateful her mother couldn't see her enraged blush.

"Shouldn't you be asleep? I thought you were on nights." Lin remarked.

"Yeah, but I sensed a lack of pep in your step and had to see for myself." Lin scoffed, making her way to her bedroom.
"Should I call Katara and apologize?" Toph called behind her.

"No!" Lin shouted, kicking her door closed.
I can never go back there. She thought as she collapsed on her bed. She put her hands over her face and cringed. All because of her rule. She really hadn't anticipated it backfiring like this. She decided she could forget about seeing Katara the same way ever again, she was almost certain Katara felt the same way about her.


"The Great Lin Beifong is wearing a hood!" Jenna said as Lin sat at the table.

"Someones got something to hide," May-Ling added, sucking on a lollipop.

"I don't want to talk about it." Lin grumbled, opening a bag of vegetables sadly.

"Girl trouble?" Jenna asked, throwing food into the air and catching it in her mouth. Lin glared at her before putting her head back down.

"Seems you're in the vicinity, J," May-Ling said, "keep going."

"Hmmm, lady boner at a weird time?" Lin didn't respond.

"Alright alright, bad guess. You gave her a nickname she didn't like, no, a nickname she thought was offensive."

"What? No." May-Ling put her feet on the table, pulling the lollipop put of her mouth with a pop sound, a grin on her face.

"No fucking way." She said, "her mom walked in." Lin pulled her holding strings, closing it over her face. Jenna's jaw drop and she stifled a laugh.

"Oh, my god. Lin, did her mother see you  domin-"

"Yes!" Lin replied, her answer muffled by the hoodie. May-Ling sat back with a satisfied grin.

"You poor soul, how will you ever go back there?"

"I'm not. Kya comes to my place from now on." Lin replied. She let the strings loose and poked her head out.

"Awwe, Linny." Jenna smiled, reaching for Lin's shoulder.

"If only she had been topping," May said.

"Would that have made it better?" Lin asked, face palming.

"Honestly, I don't know. I was just trying to offer comfort." Lin scoffed, a small grin appearing on her face. Evidently, it had worked.

"Whats worse is there was someone else with her." Lin said, "a freshman girl."

"Acolyte wanna be with a ponytail?" Jenna asked.

"Yeah why do you-"

"Table to the left." Lin groaned, dragging her eyes to the spot the girl sat at. She was chatting with people, Tenzin was there introducing her to everyone.

"Why is she here?" Lin asked, wanting to close her hood again.

"She just transferred. Here through the acolyte transfer program  from Ba Sing Se."

"Of course. Why wouldn't she be?" Lin scoffed.

"So, Lin, tell us, how much did Katara see?" Jenna asked. May-Ling raised an eyebrow and Lin glared at them.

"Really, you want to go there?"

"Oh yes, we need all the details nothing can be left out when we bring this up for your birthday next year." Lin just sat there blankly, debating on what she was willing to share when felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to see Tenzin, and the girl standing there. Lin blushed, nearly choking on her embarrassment as Lin introduced her.

"Lin this is Pema, she's here through the transfer program." He grinned. Pema locked eyes with her and Lin knew that this girl had already ID'd her.

"Yeah, we um... we met." Lin stammered.

"Oh really? Did you have first period together?" Lin nodded, in a hopeful desperation to end the conversation. She caught a glimpse of a wavy blue dress entering the dining hall and she stood up.

"Excuse me, Pema, it's great to meet you. I gotta run." She said. She cast one last glance at her friends who snickered from their place at the table. Lin stuck a tongue out before making her way to Kya.

"Kya!" Lin shouted  coming up to her. The waterbender smiled, although it seemed forced.

"Lin!" She replied with equal desperation.

"We need to talk." Lin said.

"Mmhmm." They made their way to an empty boot room. Lin leaned against the wall and Kya closed the doors, checking to see if anyone was paying attention to them.

"So umm..." Lin started, "that happened." Kya's breath hitched and she nodded.

"Yeah, not a great decision on our part. Mom has me doing laundry for a week."

"I'm assuming you're grounded?"

"You've assumed correctly." Kya responded. Lin sighed, looking to floor.

"No hanging out this weekend then?"


"No, don't be. It was my fault if I wasn't so superstitious about-"

"Lin, its not you're fault. You're polite, it's one of the things I love about you." Lin raised an eyebrow and Kya's eyes widened.
That wasn't supposed to happen. The wayerbender thought.

"Its one of the things I like about you." Kya reiterated. She thought she detected a frown, but if she did, Lin brushed it off quickly.

"Think your mom will ever forgive me?" Lin asked.

"Eh, we'll see. Shes been known to hold a grudge." Lin laughed, peeling herself from the wall and placing a hand on Kya's waist. Taking the waterbenders hand in her own.

"For what its worth, I really wish we hadn't gotten interrupted. I've been working on something." Lin said. Kya blushed, looking to floor then to Lin. They swayed briefly in the boot room, their attention focused solely on each other.

"I wish it had gone differently, too." Kya said. She untangled her hand from Lin's placing it on the shorter girl's chin. They had been dating in anonymity for a year, with a few exceptions being family and Lin's friends. Lin was rarely this affectionate at school, it was this moment when Kya pulled her into a kiss that she knew Lin was changing. Changing for her. That had to mean something, something more than just girlfriend's.
I love you. Kya thought.


Kya flicked her feet in the air, holding the phone to her cheek as she laid on her stomach.

"Mmm guess what I'm doing" Kya said, smiling.

"Laying on you're bed?" Lin replied from the other end.

"Doing what?"

"I don't know."

"Thinking about you."  Kya heard Lin chuckle from the other end.

"I miss you." Lin said.

"We can still see each other at school." Kya offered, knowing it wasn't the same.

"I know, but I miss... other things." Kya smiled, certain there was blush on her face.

"I miss you too, Lin." She replied, allowing her mind to wander briefly.

"So," Lin said, "have you given anymore thought to graduation?" Kya smiled, nodding to herself.

"Yup. Bumi's even promised to come back to the city to be my escort." She replied.

"Thats awesome, have to admit I kind of miss your brother." Lin added.

"We got him a suit and everything."

"Does this mean you have a dress picked out?" Lin asked.

"Mmhhhmmm. And no, you can't see it."

"Not even if I'm taking it off you?" Lin asked.

"Well, in that case I can't really say no." Kya laughed, drawing a circle with her finger on her bed. "I should come over." Kya said. "I could sneak out tonight."

"Tempting," Lin replied,  "but I really rather not risk it."

"Thats the Lin I know." Kya grinned, rolling onto her back and catching a glimpse of her mother in the doorway.
"I gotta go, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Night, Kya."


"Kya, Honey." Her mom said, coming over to her.

"Hey." She replied, pushing herself up onto her knees.

"Lin?" Her mother asked, sitting on the corner of her bed.

"Yeah." Katara smiled, sighing as she placed a hand next her leg.

"I have to tell you something," her mother said, shifting slightly. Kya's heart rate picked up, she sensed what her mother had to say wasn't good by her mannerisms.

"Bumi got shipped out on a mission to the fire nation for the next two months." Her mother said. It took Kya a few moments to realize what her mother was saying.

"You mean he's not.... he's not coming back for my graduation?"

"I'm sorry, Honey."

"But he was going to be my escort and we were going to the party together and-"

"I know Kya, he said he's sorry. He thought they'd be stopping back in the city before the next mission." Kya wiped tears from her cheeks as she began to cry.

"He couldn't even bother telling me himself? What am I supposed to do now?"

"I know it sucks, Kya, Tenzin has already offered.

Katara reached out to her but Kya pulled her arm away.

"I'm fine." She sniffled.


"No, it's alright. I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up." Katara frowned, she was going to reach out to her daughter but Kya curled into a ball. She put a blanket over Kya and shut the door softly behind her. She would have a word with her eldest as soon as she saw him again.


Lin looked around for her waterbender to no avail, it appeared Kya wasn't at school.

"No luck?" May-Ling asked when Lin sat back down at the table.

"Nope. She usually tells me when she's not going to be here," Lin said.

"She probably just got caught up." Jenna offered.

"Maybe." Just then Lin caught a glimpse of Tenzin, wearing acolyte robes.
Huh. Guess he's showing off for the new girl. "Be right back." She said getting up.

"Hey Tenzin!" She called and he turned to her.

"Hey Lin! I um, look, Pema told me what happened. You know, how you two.. met. That's rough." Lin blinked. Why did Pema feel the urge to tell Kya's brother what she was doing to her.

"Thanks.. I guess? Anyway Tenzin where is Kya?"

"Oh," his eyes darkened and Lin was instantly on edge.

"What is it?" She asked again.

"She stayed home. Bumi can't make it home in time for graduation and she's kind of devastated."

"Oh my God." Lin said, frowning. She was kind of angry at Bumi for doing this to Kya. She was so excited to see her brother, Lin couldn't imagine if Su missed her grad.

"Yeah. Those two... they're so close. Sometimes I feel left out. Dad says it's because they suffer from the same 'demons' whatever that means. I don't understand it, but Kya really relies on Bumi." Lin nodded.

"I should go over there."

"You sure that's a good idea?" He asked. "You know considering-" Lin shot him a glare and he shut up.

"Right, sorry. She could use you right now."  Lin nodded, noticing Pema coming up to them, signaling it was her time to leave the airbender to it.

"I'll talk to you later Tenzin,"

"You know where to find me." He said casually as Lin left.

"So, find out the deal?" Jenna asked when Lin sat back down.

"Bumi couldn't make it back for her grad. He was her escort." The other girls found and shared in Kya's grief.

"That sucks. I know Bumi was one of the only ones to ever defend her." May-Ling said. Lin recalled a conversation she had had with Kya, a little over a year ago, after Bumi had left for the forces. Her girlfriend missed her older brother so much, she wanted to travel the world to find him. Lin also remembered with distaste at what she had responded with.

"What about me?" Lin asked, stroking a finger down Kya's arm.

"I'll come back. We'll rendezvous. Just because I'm not in Republic city  doesn't mean we have to end."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Lin... Are you scared I'm going to cheat on you or something?"

"No. Its just... what if you find someone better? And you don't need me anymore."  Kya smiled, placing a hand on Lin's.

"Then I'll come back, and you can remind me why you're the best." Lin smiled.
"But I still have to go, Lin. There's so much to see, outside this city."

She couldn't replace Bumi, Lin could never fill that void in Kya's life. Her bond with her brother was that of kin, but Lin could do her best to ease the pain.

"May-Ling, you're dad's a tailor, right?"


Kya came out of the shower, still sniffling. She dug through her drawers, looking for something comfortable to put on and cry in.

"This a bad time?" She flinched, turning around to the window in which Lin crouched in, crawling into Kya's room.

"Lin?" She sniffled.

"Hey Kya." She smiled.

"How did you get up here?" Kya asked, wrapping her in a hug.

"Sling shot myself."

"Thats dangerous." Kya laughed through her tears.

"I know. But I had to see you. Tenzin told me what happened. I'm sorry." Kya smiled, nodding.

"I thought he cared, Lin. I thought he'd put me before his new life and that he'd come back if I needed him and-" she began to sob again and Lin fell to floor with her, holding her.

"Its okay, Kya. He does care. He's caught in a bad situation. I know he wishes he were here right now." Kya nodded, wiping her tears.

"I just miss him."

"I know."



"I'll come back. All the time. I can't do this too you." Lin smiled, holding Kya at arms length.

"Kya, you're going to go explore, as much as you want. I'm not going anywhere, at least not for another year. I'll be here when you get back." Kya smiled, hugging Lin again.

"I love you." The waterbender whispered through her tears.

"I love you too." Lin replied without a second thought. She did love Kya. She wouldn't do this if she didn't. She loved her so much she was willing to let her go. That was the thing with dating a nomad, they weren't ever bound to one place. But Lin could wait. Kya would circle around one day, and when she did, Lin would be there. She held Kya, the waterbenders crying easing up as the tears stopped falling. Eventually she fell asleep and Lin lifted her onto her bed, tucking her under a blanket. She kissed her on the head one last time, before making her way back to the window.

"Lin?" She paused, daring herself to turn around. Katara stood there, a sorrowful look on her face.
"Thank you." Lin nodded before launching herself back out the window.


Graduation Day

"You sure about this, Beifong?" Jenna asked, flattening the collar.

"No going back now."

"You realize what this will mean for senior year?" May-Ling said, sucking on another lollipop.

"I know. But I'll deal with that when I get there. I just want to make her happy."

"You're willing to out yourself for that?" Jenna asked, stepping back.

"What can I say? I'm in love." Lin smiled.

"Well, you look great." May-Ling said.
"Blue suits you."

"Really?" Lin rarely wore blue. She felt like it was Kya's color, but after seeing the suit on her she had to agree with her friends, it did look good.

"Tenzin knows?" Jenna asked.

"I told him the entire plan the other day. He knows to have Kya there at 7:30 on the dot."

"What about Katara?"

"Hopefully, this will be enough to make her forgive me." They laughed and May-Ling gave Lin one last pat on the back.

"Go do you're thing, Beifong. We'll be here when you get back."

"Thanks," Lin says, smiling as she makes her way outside. She takes a deep inhale as she gets into the cab.


"You don't even match." Kya said, examining her brothers outfit.

"I know, I tried Kya, but I couldn't get anything in time." Kya frowned. Just another thing gone wrong.

"Its fine. You look good. Thanks for doing this." Tenzin nodded.

"Of course."

"Theres my girl!" Her father said, wrapping her in a hug.

"Please don't cry, dad."

"I'm not. Not yet anyway." He laughed nervously and Kya detected moisture in his eyes.

"Oh, Kya, you look so beautiful, dear." Katara said, taking her daughters hands.

"Thanks mom."

"Lin's going to love it." Kya blushed, the only part of this day she was looking forward too was seeing Lin at the end of it. The metalbender had asked Katara if she could take Kya out for a while, and to both of their suprises, Katara said yes.

"We better get going." Tenzin said, "we don't want to be late."

"Okay, we'll be there, honey, watching you."

"Mom come on." Kya passes her off  but truthfully, she appreciated it. Tenzin had offered to take them in on Oogi, Kya certainly hadn't expected the Bison to be wearing a silk saddle drape.

"Awwe Oogi, all dressed up for me?" She laughed. The Bison muzzled her affectionately before Kya climbed on.

"See you in a bit!" Her parents called as they flew off.

Tenzin landed them right in front of the venue. Kya took in the sight of the large gathering hall, lit up with gold lights and decorated with streamers for her class. She took a deep inhale, this was it. Her moment, this was supposed to be the best day of her life, yet she could think of so many others that felt better.

"You coming?" She asked her brother.

"Something tells me you should go on without me." He said. Kya looked at him, confused. "Trust me." He said. Kya slid off of Oogi, watching as Tenzin urged her on. She turned around, watching where she was stepping before looking up. Standing at the top of the stairs, holding a bouquet of Panda Lilly's was Lin Beifong.  Kya's heart skipped a beat when she saw Lin standing there, a grin on her face.

"Kya.. you look beautiful." She said from her spot on the top of the stairs. A tear fell from Kya's cheek as she ran up to her girlfriend, taking her in a big kiss.

"I know I'm not Bumi," Lin said, "but I figured I do my best." Kya placed her hands on Lin's chest, admiring the suit, how the color matched Kya's gown perfectly.

"I... it doesn't matter, Lin.. I."

"Dont ruin your make up." Lin said and Kya laughed, holding back tears.

"I'm trying." Lin kissed her on the cheek, handing her the flowers.

"For you."

"Thank you." She choked.

"When did you- we match!" Kya stammered.

"I pulled in a couple favors. You know Tenzin might not be such an airhead after all." Kya laughed, wrapping her arm in Lin's, taking a whiff of the flowers.

"Lin are you sure about this?" Kya asked before they opened the door.

"Kya, I have never been more sure of anything in my life." Kya smiled and Lin kissed her cheek.

"Come on, you don't want to be late to your own party." Kya nodded.

"Okay. Just let me take a look at this real quick-" Kya leaned back, admiring Lin from the rear. "Oh very good."

"Haha, come on." Kya smiled as Lin opened the door and they entered the ceremony.

Katara peered over the heads of other parents waiting for her daughter.

"Where is she?"

"Patience, Katara, she's probably at the back. You know how she likes to leave an impression." As if on cue she made out her daughters bright blue gown, reflecting the lights of the hall, and attached to her arm was someone else. Not Tenzin.

"Is that?" She looked closer, gasping when she made out Lin, smiling as she walked next to Kya.

"Aang look!"

"I see them!" Her husband said, his voice cracking.

"Ooh, I had no idea Lin had planned this." Katara watched as Lin helped Kya up the stairs, laughing at something her daughter had said.
"she got a matching suit and everything." Katara observed.

"Hey guys." Tenzin whispered as he sat down.

"Did you know about this?" Katara asked.

"Yup. Pretty much orchestrated the entire thing." Katara scoffed, returning her attention to the girls. One by one, the grads stepped forward alongside their escorts for a story or a speech. Katara counted the people until Kya's, she wanted to know so badly what Lin had to say. When they finally stepped up to the podium, Lin cleared her throat.

"I'm going to be honest, when I was told to come up here and talk about Kya I had no idea what to say. There's so much to say about Kya that starting at just one spot is almost impossible. How was I supposed to narrow down just one thing to say about her?" Katata watched, sensing something big.

"In the end, I couldn't do it. So I asked for help." The room was silent and Katara was crumbling from suspense.

"Kya, I have a letter here, from your brother Bumi, who's currently serving in the United forces. He couldn't be here tonight, but he still wants to be here for you. This is what he has to say." Kya gasped and Katara made a similar sound.

"Kya you have always always been the person I look up too. You may be  younger than me, but that doesn't change the fact that you're  the strongest person I know. You're the best sister a guy could ask for, and I can't wait to go drinking with you again." Lin paused, smirking, "maybe should've left that part out, but it's too late now. I'm sorry I can't be there with you tonight, sister, but I know Lin will take good care of you. I love you Kya, and don't ever change who you are. You deserve to be happy, especially tonight, so enjoy it. Be the person I know you are. I can't wait to come home, so I can give you a hug myself, but take this one from Lin and pretend it's from me. Love, Bumi," Lin put the note down and Kya draped herself over the other girl. Tears trickled in the eyes of the crowd as a loud cheer rang out.

"Yeah Kya!" Aang shouted, brushing away his own tears. It was all Katara could do to not burst into a full out sob. Her daughter had found something truly special in Lin. A connection that remind Katara of her own with Aang. Kya was sobbing, her make up smearing as she thanked Lin repeatedly. The earth bender held her tight, whispering to Kya. When Kya kissed Lin, a small, abrupt kiss, Katara looked around, looking for anyone who was going to start trouble, but no one did, so Lin kissed her back. This time it was to make a statement, Katara knew. It seemed some elements of her daughter had rubbed off on the Beifong.

"I should call Toph." She said. Aang placed a hand over hers.

"Sit down, honey. Enjoy it. Enjoy them. Toph will find out soon enough." Katara nodded, brushing aside a tear, and cheering even more.


"Have her home by two," Katara said to the two girls.

"Of course," Lin replied, blushing.

"And girls-" there was a slight pause as Katara came up with the words, "I love you. Be safe."

"We will, mom." Kya reassured, wrapping her mother in a hug.

They bade Kya's family farewell and soon it was just Lin and Kya, standing outside the gathering hall, overlooking Yue Bay.

"Lin I-"

"Hey, you don't have to say anything." Lin said, taking her hand, "I know."  Kya pulled her into another kiss, resting her head on Lin's shoulder.

"I'm starving, what have you got planned for me?" Kya asked. Lin raised the corner of her lip in a smirk.

"How does a burger sound?" Lin asked, reminiscing the same words Kya had spoken on their first date.


Lin took the liberty of hailing a cab, it seemed cruel to make Kya walk more than she had to in her dress and heels.

"You know," Lin said, "can't say I'm too fond of the heels. I feel short."

"Lin, you are short."

"Five six is a perfectly normal height this city is filled with giants I-" Kya was beaming, sitting across the table from Lin.

"You don't care." Lin finished.

"Oh but I do, go on." Lin laughed, crossing her arms and leaning back in the booth. Kya pursed her lips, pretending she was looking at the menu, when really her eyes were on Lin who was watching her.

"What?" She asked Lin with a smile.



"Just saw a pretty girl, that's all." Kya reached her hand across the table, and Lin took it.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you too."

They ate their burgers and drank milkshakes, something Lin secretly hoped could become a tradition of theirs. Kya talked about all the places she wanted to visit, and they made a plan of all the times she would come home. Lin asked the waitress for a pen and wrote the dates on her arm so she'd remember later.

"You sure you don't want to go to your class party?" Lin asked.

"I'm sure, Lin. I could go and face all of them, exchange sob stories. But I'd rather be here, celebrating with you." Lin smiled, taking a sip of her milkshake.

"In that case, we should continue on with the tour." Kya raised an eyebrow.

"A tour? How official."

"Oh yeah, spared no expense." Lin dropped money on the counter, leaving a large tip before they left the diner.

Lin led Kya to a park, and when her feet got sore in the heels Lin picked her up, setting her down on a grassy hill. They laid in the grass, looking at the moon and the sky that was glittered with stars.

"So tell me," Kya started, "where did you get the suit?"

"I told you, called in some favors."


"Alright, alright, May-Ling's Dad is a tailor. Apparently he's an open minded one too."

"Awwe that's nice of her." Kya said, looking toward Lin.

"There's something between her and Jenna right?"


"Ha, I knew it."  They shared a soft look, Lin leaning in and kissing her. Kya kissed her back, and Lin slipped a hand over her waist. She rested herself on top of Kya, pressing her abdomen into Kya's.

"We should go somewhere." Kya whispered, biting her lip when Lin pulled away.

"The tour has one last destination."

Kya didn't know what to expect, but it certainly wasn't to be standing outside the classiest hotel in the city, barefoot on the concrete.

"Come on," Lin said. Kya took Lin's hand and let the younger girl pull her inside, they were dressed the part, at least, and the clerk seemed suspicious of them until Lin said a room for Beifong. They got in the elevator, and Kya put her arms on Lin's chest, kissing her. Lin who wasn't one for public displays of affection accepted the gesture, too caught up in the moment to care about anyone seeing them.

"God, how long is this elevator ride?" Kya said, looking at the buttons.

"Its a long way to the top." Lin smiled. When the doors finally did open, Lin pulled don't her room key, pulling Kya down the right hallway, stopping at room F20. She unlocked it and pushed the door open for Kys who carried her shoes. Her eyes lit up with wonder. The room was designed to a theme of the world. It was beautiful, colorful mess of cultures. Everything Kya loved. The map above the bed showed the whole fire nation and the windows were decorated in traditional nomad colors. The bed itself was covered in watertribe furs and skins, and Kya smiled.

"Lin it's amazing."

"I couldn't decide on which theme room to get you, so I sent in a special request." Kya walked over to the window, takingnin the view of the city. From all the way up here the sun was still visible, it was dark in the park, but here there was still light. She felt Lin's hand on her waist, and she turned to meet her gaze, placing a hand on her cheek.

"Your amazing." She told the earth bender. Suddenly she wasn't so sure she wanted to leave. She had so much here, right in front of her. She could wait for Lin to graduate, and they could go together. Or she could stay, help Lin achieve her dreams and waltz around the city, exploring the people and the parts of it that went undetected.

"Stop thinking," Lin said. "You can do that tomorrow." Kya chuckled, nodding.

"Alright. Bed me, Lin."

"Please don't say that ever again."

"In my head it sounded so much better."

"Please tell me that wasn't what you were thinking so hard about."

"Nope. That's between me and me only."

"I can live with that." Lin replied, sealing their lips in a kiss. The sun had finished its descent and Kya relished in the feeling of Lin's warmth on top of her again. Lin pulled her dress off her shoulders and Kya tugged at the jacket of her suit. She caught a glimpse at the clock; 1:30, her mom said to be home by two. But she didn't specify AM or PM. Besides, Lin had the room for the whole night, it'd be waste to leave now.  They laid there, neither with clothes on, enjoying each other's company. Lin ran her fingers through Kya's hair, taking in as much of her as she could before she was gone.  She knew she'd think of Kya everyday she was gone, but no matter much it hurt she wouldn't ask her to come back. Bumi was right, she deserved to be happy. If Kya needed time, then Lin would give it to her.

"Lin?" Kya asked.


"Wanna go again?" Lin laughed, kissing Kys on the head.

"Whatever you want." She replied as the waterbender rolled on top of her.

Yeah hahshshshshsvfdjdj. Been doing exams like everyday this week, my last one is tomorrow so yay!! But yeah this was on my mind so as a reward for studying I'd work on this. (I do be incentivising myself) anyway, I am also happy to say, there will be a part three. I've already got a basis for it, so its happening. Also, you guys are the best. I love opening my phone every morning the hundred notifications from your likes and comments, you guys are just... 🙏. Anyway, have a good night, or day. See yall in a bit.

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