Follow You | Draco Malfoy

By stark-sarah

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Valencia Snape is introduced to Hogwarts in her fourth year with a certain purpose before her. She finds hers... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two

Chapter Twenty Eight

1K 10 9
By stark-sarah

»»———— AMORE MIO ————««

"Buongiorno, Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy!" The maid woke them up promptly. Draco and Val looked over at each other after stretching, wearing a smile. Their eyes adjusted to the bright sun rays that were allowed in. They could really get used to this. The savory and sweet scents of breakfast filled their noses as the maid set it up on their table on the balcony. "Have a wonderful day!"

"Grazie." Draco told her kindly as she walked out. He climbed out of bed, pulling on his boxers quickly before handing Val one of his button-up shirts and her underwear. She quickly put both of them on, then headed over to the table outside. She pulled her messy hair back out of her face and sat down in front of Draco. They both ate their food gladly, feeling hungry after the adventures they endured last night. After she finished eating, she sat there and enjoyed some more wine while she read a book. They both knew this was their third and final day here. It was sad, but they were hopefully going to make the most of it. Val was just trying to take it in and savor it for the moment. Draco walked over to her, pushing her hair to the side as he left sweet kisses to her neck. It made her smile. "Yeah, I think I could picture us living like this. It's such a beautiful image seeing you sitting here, with that amazing view, in just my shirt and underwear, reading one of my favorite books."

"Yeah, and I could get used to waking up like this." She sighed out contently. She took another glance around, something she'd been doing often. She didn't ever see herself getting tired of this place, even if she lived here for years. It was amazing.

"Good morning." Narcissa smiled at them as she walked in. Draco stood in front of Val, trying to hide the fact that she was wearing little to no clothes. But, Narcissa wasn't stupid. And she knew they werne't necessarily kids anymore. She could just take a glance around at the clothes scattered around the room to know what they'd done last night. "No need, Draco. Have a seat."

Val crossed her legs awkwardly and put her book down as Draco took a seat in front of her. "Good morning, Mrs. Malfoy."

"Good, indeed. Val, you're coming with me today. We're going shopping. Italian designers always make the best clothing. Besides, you'll need a dress for tonight." Narcissa grinned at them.

"What's tonight?" Draco asked. She thought they'd be a little more excited.

"Gianni has invited us to an esteemed dinner with... others, on his yacht tonight." She explained, and Draco just wore an irritated expression. "Look, I know it's not ideal, but be positive. It's going to be fun! Besides, we've talked about all the business we're going to talk. I promise."

"Alright." He nodded.

"And, don't worry, Val. Lucius and I are paying for the dress you pick out, or whatever else you might find that you want." She patted her shoulder.

"Oh, you're too generous." Val shook her head with a concerned face.

"It's the least we could do for you kids. Now, hurry up and get ready. We'll be leaving soon." She told her before walking off. Draco chuckled at her once Narcissa was out of the room.

"I think Mum always wanted a daughter."

"Evidently." She sighed, standing up from the table and going to find something to wear for the day. Draco continued to sit there, just watching her change. She was so beautiful. She wore a simple white t-shirt tucked in black, high-waisted shorts and sandals. She kissed Draco goodbye, then headed downstairs to where Narcissa was. Draco was going to be spending time with Lucius and Gianni, doing God knows what. Val didn't worry too hard about it as she and Narcissa set out on their day. They went to many stores, buying many things. Val even happened to come across a great Christmas gift for Draco. She bought that with her own money, though. Val felt bad that Narcissa and Lucius were spending so much on her, but anything she even picked up to examine, Narcissa insisted on buying it. So, she got a lot of clothes. Narcissa was a big help with helping her pick out a dress. It was a formal event, so it was a floor-length dress. Val assumed Draco was going to wear black like always, so she picked out a black dress. It was a fitted, one-shoulder cape-sleeve with black, lacy flowers along the neckline that traveled onto the shoulder and cape. It had a side slit, and fit her perfectly.

"Oh, my, that is such a stunning dress." Narcissa grinned at her. "I wish I could wear something like that, but unfortunately, I'm no longer as young as you. I don't have the same looks as I used to."

"Nonsense!" Val shook her head, pushing her to the other dress. She picked a few out for her to try on, stopping with a gorgeous, also black gown. It was a fitted, shimmery dress with a v neckline and a side slit.

"I couldn't possibly wear this." Narcissa chuckled, turning to see Val with her jaw dropped.

"That's the one, Mrs. Malfoy! Mr. Malfoy will stop in his tracks when he sees you!" She exclaimed.

"You think so?" She asked, looking at herself in the mirror once more. She did look good.

"I know so. This is the one. You're going to stun Mr. Malfoy! You'll turn everyone's heads!" She assured her. They purchased their dresses, got a late and small lunch, then headed back to the Morettis' house to get ready for the dinner. Val took a shower, curled her hair, did her makeup a little more than usual, then put her dress on. She wore some black heels. Both of the women had bought matching clutches to go with their dresses. They met outside of their rooms before they headed down to greet the boys and head to the yacht together. Narcissa went first, and Val chuckled at Lucius' expression as she peeked out. His jaw had dropped, and he was stunned. He hadn't seen his wife look so hot in a long time, not that he ever stopped seeing her beauty. That was the thing about Lucius and Narcissa. They didn't just get married because they were both Purebloods. They were actually in love. He took her hand and spun her around. Draco knew if his mother looked like that, then Val was going to look like...

As she walked down the steps slowly, her gaze only on Draco who's eyes sparkled upon seeing her, the only word he could muster was Goddess. "Merlin, you are..."

"What?" She asked gently as she stepped up to him.

"You're a Goddess." He shook his head in disbelief at her. She chuckled and waved her hand to dismiss him. He offered her a peony, as Lucius offered Narcissa a rose. Draco kissed Val passionately, and before long, they were on their way to the yacht. They got on, then set sail for the night. The Malfoys were seated at a special table. Narcissa and Lucius mingled, meeting the other Death Eaters and making friends. Val and Draco spoke to their children. She got to hear Draco speak a lot of Italian that night, fluently, which she found very hot. They served an amazing meal of Ravioli, Gnocchi, Carbonara, garlic bread, Bruschetta, Canollis. It was safe to say Val was pretty stuffed afterwards. It was an amazing night with a firework show over the water to end it. Draco kissed her passionately under the reflections of the beautiful colors.

Draco pushed her against the wall back in their room, kissing her hungrily as he did. She ran her hands through his hair, pushing it around every which way. She loved when he had messy hair. "Oh, Draco, you're stepping on my dress!"

"Sorry, sorry!" He exclaimed, pulling the long cape out from underneath his foot.

"Let me change first. This dress probably costs more than my life." She chuckled. She headed to the bathroom and stripped down, placing it back into the protective bag. She put on a black satin tank top and shorts, though she was sure it would be torn off of her too soon for it to matter. As she was doing so, she noticed the small bag containing the item she'd bought Draco. She came up with an idea as she pulled out her wand and spoke a spell. "Here, I got you something."

"You got me something?" He asked, taking the bag from her hand. He gave her a look before pulling the tissue out and grabbing the box inside. He pulled it open, revealing a minimalistic, black, wooden watch. "Wow, this is really nice."

She turned it over for him, revealing an engraving on the backside that read Amore Mio. He could reach it and know what it meant, of course. My love. "That's not all. It opens."

He opened it to reveal an enchanted moving memory of them dancing tonight as they stared lovingly into each other's eyes. It ended with a kiss. "Val, this is the most amazing gift I've ever received."

"Really? The best?" She smirked as she climbed onto his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Yes, the best." He nodded confidently. She smiled softly, placing a sweet kiss to his lips. "I love you."

"I love you." She returned, kissing him some more. "Less talking, please."

The next morning, their amazing time in Italy came to an end. They said goodbye to Gianni and Luca and thanked them graciously for hosting them, saying they'd gladly do the same when the time came. Now that she was coming back to reality, Val wondered what was so important that Lucius had to come all the way here to speak about with Gianni for three days. She wasn't complaining by any means, but that didn't make her any less curious. She also wondered what the two of them and Draco spent their time doing yesterday.

She and Draco laid in his bed, dreading the night's sleep because they knew they'd be returning to Hogwarts the next morning. This was the first time in his life he'd ever dreaded leaving home, the first time he'd ever genuinely wished Christmas break hadn't been so short, although it was two weeks. But those two weeks went by too quick, as they were filled with pure bliss. "Draco?"

He hummed in response, his eyes shut as he was almost asleep.

"Can I ask you something?"

"You just did." He mumbled out, and she hit his arm. He sat up quickly, looking at her with wide eyes. "What? I'm awake, okay?"

She chuckled slightly, but her face soon went serious. "What did you, Gianni, and your father do while Narcissa and I were out shopping?"

Draco thought back to what happened. He thought about how Gianni and Lucius had sat him down and genuinely spoke to him, preparing him for what was going to come at the Department of Ministry soon and happen in the coming summer. He was going to have to become a Death Eater, but they were going to try and stave it off so that he could be a kid for at least the rest of his fifth year. That talk was the first time he'd ever seen his father look the way he did. He was scared. He was remorseful. Draco knew now, with his whole heart, that his father regretted his decisions and wished Draco didn't have to do this because of him. They came to an understanding of each other. They talked normally. His father told him some tips about how to treat Val, how to actually be a man. And he didn't scold him, he was kind and really trying to help. He was being a father. Now, Draco was excited that he was going to finally get the opportunity to have a good relationship with his father. He could've never predicted what was to come, though... He didn't want Val to worry, so he lied. "We just talked about guy stuff, I don't know. It was kind of awkward, honestly. Why?"

"I don't know, I was just wondering." She shrugged, looking down.

"What's on your mind, little dove?" He asked.

"I just wonder what was so important to discuss that your father felt the need to stay in Italy for three days with Gianni. Maybe I'm thinking too much into it, but... I don't know, it just seems suspicious." She explained, and he nodded. She was too smart.

"I wouldn't worry about it. We had a good time, right? Let's just have a good time before things really do become serious. Okay?" He gave her a look, and she nodded. "Come here."

At platform nine-and-three-quarters, Val was excited to see the others once more. She and Draco were heading to drop off their trunks and familiars when she heard a familiar reddish-brown-haired girl calling her name. "Val!"

"Hermione!" Val exclaimed, taking in her tackle of a hug easily.

"That felt like the longest two weeks of my life!" She shook her head as she pulled away to look at her. "Christ, you look... tan!"

"Draco and his family took me to Italy for Christmas." She smiled, and they all gave her wide eyes.

"Italy? Wow!" Ron remarked.

"Yeah, something you couldn't afford, huh, Weasley?" Draco asked as he wrapped his arm around Val's shoulders. She wore an unfaltering smile, not even shifting her gaze as she hit Draco's side, making him groan out.

"How you love that git I'll never understand." Harry shook his head, shooting Draco a look. Draco returned it. He'd missed this, honestly. He didn't want things to get even more serious. He didn't want to really have Harry as an enemy. The truth is, Val was making him warm up to all the Gryffindorks.

"He takes her to Italy, that's why." George snickered.

"Or, maybe I'm just good in bed." Draco shrugged.

"Draco!" Val exclaimed, hitting him again. They all just chuckled as they headed onto the train. Val always sat in the Gryffindor cart with the others on the train, so she parted ways with Draco before the train took off.

"So? Tell us all about your Christmas with the Malfoys!" Hermione exclaimed, and they all looked at her intently. They were squashed in a compartment with the four of them, Ginny, Fred, George, Luna, Neville, Seamus, Dean, and Neville. There was a lot of lap sitting, but this wasn't permanent. They were just really eager to hear about her holiday.

"I always thought that Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy would be unbearable to be around." Ron shook his head.

"Well, I did, too, but I was wrong! Narcissa clearly always wished she had a daughter, and I think she's really excited I get to be that. And it's good for me, because I always wish I had a mum." She explained, and they all chuckled at that. It was okay, because Val was laughing, too. "Lucius was good by the end, too. Especially after we went to stay with his friend Gianni in Italy."

"So, Italy?" Ginny urged her.

"Oh, guys, it was beautiful. We stayed for three days, because Lucius obviously had to return to the Ministry before too long. But, it was breathtaking. It was so warm and it smelt so good. Plus, the house we stayed in was so amazing. It was built into the side of a mountain that overlooked the ocean. And he served amazing Italian food. Also, Draco can speak fluent Italian!"

"That's hot." Hermione nodded, and Ron gave her a look. "What? It is. I didn't say he was hot."

"Anyways," Val chuckled. "The first day, we went down to the beach and it was my first time seeing the beach and swimming! It was brilliant, I loved it! And every morning, Gianni's maids served this amazing breakfast and Draco and I ate it on our open balcony. One morning, he literally picked a fresh lemon off the tree next to us to put it in his tea without even moving from his seat. The next day we went to the beach again, and then that night we went to this secret club for wizards like us! They were so fascinated to know that Draco and I were from London and attended Hogwarts, with Harry Potter and under Albus Dumbledore! So, you're famous throughout the entire wizarding world, Harry!"

"I don't know if that's nice or not." He shook his head.

"Well, it's something." Ron patted his shoulder.

"On the third day, Narcissa took me shopping for this amazing dress. I'll have to get Draco to show you the enchanted memory in the watch I got him for Christmas when we get back to Hogwarts. But, guys, Narcissa bought me so many clothes. If I so much as looked at something, she bought it. I had, like, eight bags full of clothes after we were done. And I helped her pick out her dress so she could impress Lucius at the dinner. We had the biggest, most amazing dinner on the yacht and Draco and I kissed under fireworks over the water. It was all just so amazing." She reminisced over the memories fondly. She couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear as she explained it all. They were really glad to see her so happy. Val couldn't wait to tell it all to Lolita.

As soon as they were back up at the castle, Val was attacked and almost fell to the ground as Lolita enveloped her in a tight hug. "Val! Why didn't you write me back, you brat!"

"I'm sorry, I was quite busy." She chuckled, gladly returning the girl's long overdue hug. Lolita pulled away to eye her.

"Why are you so tan?"

"We went to Italy." Draco told her.

"Italy? Are you joking?!" Lolita exclaimed, making their eyes squeeze shut at the ear-piercing sound. Their blank expressions told her they weren't. "And you didn't even think to invite Theo and I? Your best friends?"

"It was... business for Dad. Sorry, Serpen." Draco apologized. "But, hey. Val wants to go back after we graduate. We'll all go then, yeah?"

"Hm, maybe if this business doesn't work out." She narrowed her eyes at him, knowing exactly what he was speaking of. She grabbed Val's hand and began dragging her off. "Come on, you're gonna tell me everything." They sat down in their dorm, and Val told Lolita all about Italy. She told her more details than the others, because Lolita was her best friend and she didn't have such virgin ears. "Merlin, he's a kinky man."

"I know." Val nodded quickly, chuckling.

"You like it, don't you?" She smirked at her, and Val nodded once more. "That's all wonderful, Val, and I'm really happy to see you so happy, but... What happened with Lucius' business?"

Val sighed and looked down at her hands for a moment as she thought. Lolita was her best friend, and she was going to need someone to confide in through this. Someone she trusted, and she trusted Lolita. "'Lita, before I get into this, I need to preface by saying that I have no choice in any of this. I don't have an out. And we both know I don't want to be a part of this, but I have no other choice. I also know that you want no part in it, either, but if I tell you anything, no matter what the circumstances, you can't tell anyone anything I tell you. But it's up to you whether or not you want that responsibility."

"Val, of course I do. You're my best friend, and you're going to need me if we're going to have any chance at fixing this. So, spill. I swear on Theo's life that I'll never breathe a word of it outside this room, okay?" She asked, and Val nodded. She swallowed hard before speaking.

"Voldemort isn't upset with my father. He doesn't know, none of them do. So, he's still his right hand man. Which means he was asking to meet me, and I had no choice in this whether or not I was with Draco. Well, he was demanding he meet Draco and I, so the Malfoys hosted a dinner for him and the other Death Eaters at their manor. My father was really angry that I was there, but even he knew this was unavoidable. The Dark Lord spoke about being perfectly prepared and cultivated to fulfill my purpose. Just as I suspected, this whole thing was Voldemort's doing. He's got something planned for me, but I don't know what. Either way, I'm going to be stuck because if I don't obey him, he's going to... he'll harm everyone I love and care about in the darkest of ways. And I can't do that. You know I can't, 'Lita. So I'm stuck, and that's really, really stressful. But, Voldemort said they were going to break the other Death Eaters out of Azkaban, like Draco's aunt Bellatrix Lestrange. Then, they were going to retrieve something from the Department of Mysteries, and finally... he was going to focus on getting Dumbledore out of the way. And he looked at me when he said that." She explained, and Lolita listened intently.

"What if he asks you to kill Dumbledore? You go to school here, he wouldn't expect it to be you. It would make sense." Lolita thought aloud.

"I can't do that, 'Lita. How am I supposed to do that?" She shook her head quickly.

"I don't know, but... I thought Snape was supposed to be on Dumbledore's side?" She asked.

"I reckon he doesn't have a choice now that Voldemort's back and doesn't think he did anything wrong. He has to protect us. There's no getting rid of the Dark Mark, he had to come back." She shrugged.

"Did you talk to him?"


"Val!" She scolded. "You have to go talk to your father right now! I know you're angry with him, and for good reason, but you have to! Now, now!"

"Okay, I'm going!" Val sighed as she pushed her out the door. She walked out of their Common Room and to her father's classroom, which was unoccupied besides him. He glanced up at her quickly from whatever he was working on. He was just silent as he watched her slowly walk towards him. She really hadn't thought about what she was going to say to him despite saying she needed to think about it before she approached him. What she did know was that she understood his motive, and she saw how much he loved and cared about her. And she missed her father, and she really needed his help. Because he was right, there were things going on that she didn't understand and she was too young to get through this all on her own. "The Malfoys took me on a trip to Italy, if you're wondering why I look more tan. It was amazing. I swam for the first time. I met Gianni Moretti."

"Gianni Moretti is a kind man." He nodded.

"Dad, I'm sor—"

"No, let me go first." He cut her off with a sigh. He stood from his seat and began to pace like he does. "I'm sorry that I put you through that, Valencia. I really am. You were right. Like you said, I know how it feels firsthand to be ridded of the love of your life. And I knew you and Draco were truly in love when I did it, yet I did it anyways. I thought the Dark Lord was angry with me, but he had no idea. So, there was no preventing him from getting his grasps on you. There never was. I was just scared. I was terrified of losing you, and in being paralyzed by fear like the Minister currently is, I did something terrible. I ridded you of your happiness, and for that, I am so sorry. I hope you can forgive me."

"Of course I can forgive you, Dad." She spoke instantly, not leaving him in any sort of anticipation. "I can tell your true, ultimate motive was good. So, I'm not mad. Besides, Draco and I get to be together no matter what and I'm happy. So, I'm not upset anymore. And I'm sorry about everything I said, about you not being capable of caring because you clearly are. And for saying I want you out of my life, because that's definitely not true. But I was serious when I said you had to stop meddling in my life, and controlling it. You at least need to be honest with me, about everything. I know I may still kind of be a kid, but I deserve to know because, trust me, I have matured significantly after everything that's happened over break. So, I'm asking you to tell me what's going on. Everything. I need to know."

"You're right, you need to know." He nodded. "Come, we must see Albus at once."

She followed him up to the Headmaster's office who graciously welcomed them in. "Severus, Valencia, what can I do for you?"

"Albus, it's time she knows." Severus told him, and Dumbledore nodded.

"Very well, then." She stepped over to his desk. "Have a seat, my dear." He told her, and she did so. He offered her his latest new candy obsession, but she politely declined. She tapped her leg avidly as nervousness overtook her. What was she about to find out? Did it have something to do with her purpose? He placed his hand gently on her knee to stop her, giving her a look. "No need to be nervous, dear. Not now, at least. I'm only giving you some clarification. For now, you must trust in me and trust that some things cannot come to light until it is time."

"Yes, Professor." She nodded.

"Your father has been a double agent for me since the end of the First Wizarding War. He crossed over, as you know, when the Potters were in danger. Since then, he has worked to help the side of the light. How do I trust him, you may ask? I know your father better than anyone in this world. Maybe, besides you. He was at the meeting, undercover, as always. That's why he was there. And while this demand of him may be exhausting, he continues to serve anyways because it's the right thing to do. Your father is outstanding in this role, which is why I believe you will be, too." He explained.

"Why do I need to be when he is?" She asked.

"You can never have too many double agents, Valencia." He replied, and she just nodded. "Your father will help you master the art of Occlumency to it's full capacity, not just at something sufficent enough to stop a mediocre wizard from reading your mind. I'm sure it'll take you no time to grasp the concept. Now, we know of what's to happen. You don't have to worry about warning anyone, sharing any information. Everything will play out as it should, I promise. As for your purpose," Her breathing hitched in her throat at the mention. "I shant say too much, but prepare for the fact that you're going to be asked to do something. And you're not going to like it. You're not going to want to do it, but it has to be this way. It has to be this way I've orchestrated. But, enough on that. It's time for you to be a kid and live out the rest of your fifth year at Hogwarts. Any questions, or has my tale quenched your curiosity?"

"I have no questions, not right now, Professor." She shook her head. He gave her a soft and comforting smile.

"Very well, Valencia. You shall be on your way, then." He paused, then stopped her as she got up from her seat. "Remember, you cannot speak of this to anyone. Including Mr. Malfoy. You must realize the vital importance of this, Valencia. If you are to share this with anyone, including him, you shall jeoprodize everyone's future."

"I understand, Professor." She nodded, swallowing hard. He smiled and let go of her arm as she followed her father out of the headmaster's office. Instead of being more enlightened, everything just became a lot harder.

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