Follow You | Draco Malfoy

By stark-sarah

75.6K 1K 612

Valencia Snape is introduced to Hogwarts in her fourth year with a certain purpose before her. She finds hers... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two

Chapter Eighteen

1.2K 16 12
By stark-sarah

»»———— INTERFERENCE ————««

After they made it up to the castle, Val parted ways with the others and headed to the Slytherin Common Room. She spoke the password and stepped in, taking a look around a smile found it's way onto her face. The familiar scents and green hues invaded her senses, and she loved it. She felt at home once more. But, her moment of taking it all back in ended quickly when she was tackled into a hug. "Valencia Snape, I've missed you so much!"

"I missed you, too, Lolita Serpen!" She exclaimed, and they shook each other as they hugged excitedly.

"Welcome back, Snape." Blaise smiled at her. She gave him a hug, too, to which he was a little shocked but gladly returned it. He had missed her, they all had. He was worried they got off on a bit of the wrong foot, but he was hoping to fix that this year. He was just a little foolish last year. Things were a lot more serious now.

"Yeah, it's good to see you, Val!"  Crabbe and Goyle approached her.

"How was your summer?" Theodore asked her. She smiled and hugged him, also.

"Wonderful, and I hope all of you had a nice one, too." She glanced amongst them. Marcus was standing with them, but he hadn't said anything. His mouth was full to the point where he couldn't if he wanted to. They glanced back to see the Head Boy and Head Girl, Andrew MacNair and Violet Prewett respectively, approaching them.

"Malfoy, there you are." Andrew said, grabbing him as he came in. He just wanted to go straight to his dormitory and not talk to any of them. At least, he couldn't look at Val again. It hurt him too much. But, it looked like he was going to have to this time. "Malfoy, Snape, Mulberry, and Loriss are the Prefects for Slytherin this year."

"Me?" Val asked, and he nodded.

"Yes, of course, you!" Violet nudged her. "You have outstanding grades, never get into trouble. You're a perfect fit to be a Prefect."

"Anyways, here are your badges to wear on your robes at all times, and... Congratulations!" Andrew smiled at them, handing them their badges. They took them and held them in their hands for a moment, avoiding each other's gaze.

"We'll see you all at the beginning of the year feast. Have a nice first day back." Violet paused. "Oh, and get ready for tonight!"

"I almost forgot about the beginning of the year party." Marcus muttered.

"Don't you think it feels a bit wrong?" Loltia asked them, and Draco found himself continuing to stand there and listen to them, despite not being obligated to. It was a habit. He was so used to just standing there and being with them. He was so used to being with Val, and he was used to his feelings for her. So, it almost felt natural and comforting to be standing next to her right now.

"Why do you say that?" Theodore rubbed her thumb with his own. They are adorable.

"I don't know, with everything that's going on." She sighed, looking down at the ground. "Cedric should be there."

"We'll honor his memory." Blaise offered. "No matter who you are or where you stand, Diggory was an outstanding wizard and a great person. So, we'll honor him."

"Thanks for saying that, Blaise." Val smiled at him. He just nodded back. She couldn't stand the fact that Draco was just standing next to her. She felt so uncomfortable, trying to resist the urge to look over at him. She was exhausted from trying so hard to show him she didn't care anymore. It was tiring because she did, and it was a lot to put that act on.

They all went to their dormitories and began getting dressed in their uniforms so they could head to dinner. "So, did you talk to Draco over the summer?"

"What?" Val glanced over at Lolita, taken aback by such an absurd questions. "No, of course not."

"I don't think you should give up on him." Lolita admitted, and Val finished tying her tie and gave her a look. "I'm just saying, like you said, it's not like him to up and end everything after all he said and did. I'm behind you on that completely. Me and the others have been trying to figure out what's going on with him, but we haven't had much luck. Draco's closed off completely, he'll hardly talk to any of us at all. And with You-Know-Who being back, with his father being a Death Eater... I know what's going to be expected of him and I don't want him to go down that path. None of us do. I'm just saying maybe you're the only person who can get through to him, and be there for him. God knows he needs it right now. He can't resist you for much longer, I know he cares about you. I know he does, and I'm never wrong. So, please trust me on this. Just think about it and see if you can try."

"He hurt me, 'Lita." Val shook her head. "It doesn't matter what he does or feels. He hurt me. None of that answers the question as to why he broke up with me. None of that gives him an excuse to do me the way he's done, to make me feel how I've felt."

"Okay, okay. Maybe not, you're right. But, we all do stupid things when we're going through stuff. You have to learn to forgive and forget and just be there for your friends when they have these hiccups. I know it's going to be hard for you, but please. He needs us. And you're the only person he'll listen to."

"I don't know what makes you so sure." She dismissed her, going back to putting on her uniform. She pulled on the familiar, itchy, gray and green sweater over her white undershirt and green and white tie.

"You can't lie on Veritaserum. You know that, Val. So, why are you still doubting my assumption?"

"Because it's an assumption." She replied.

"But I know. Believe me, Val." She gave her a serious look, and Val sighed out.

"This whole summer I've been trying to just get over him, to feel okay again, and I come back to this. To you giving me more false hope."

"It's not false and you know it isn't. You're just scared."

"I don't like that you know me so well." Val admitted, and Lolita cracked a smile. They both shared a light laugh at that. "I've missed you."

"I missed you, too..." She paused. "And I know Draco did, too. He needs you, Val."

"I can't make any promises."

"Just try and see what you can do. We'll keep trying, too." She assured her, and Val just nodded. If an opportunity presented itself, maybe she would. But right now, she had other ideas.

"Hermione says I should have a casual relationship with Fred." She said, and Lolita's eyes widened.

"Well, it's good to know Granger's brilliant mind never fails her."

"You think it's a good idea?" Val turned towards her. She'd put on her skirt and tights. She sat down on her bed to lace up her shoes.

"Oh, I think it's magnificent! If anything will pry Draco out of whatever he's going through, it'll be seeing you with Fred. Draco is a jealous person. We all know he's intimidated by other guys, other people. So, if he sees you with Fred, he's not going to be able to resist wanting to take back what's his." Lolita explained, nodding.

"You think that could work?"

"Absolutely. It's brilliant. You have to talk to Fred tonight. Don't worry, I'll make sure it happens." The blonde-haired girl winked at her. Val just smiled, having missed her immensely. They all met back up in the Common Room and headed to the Great Hall together for the beginning of the year feast. They sat silently as they watched the first years get sorted into their houses. After that, Dumbledore made his speech.

"Good evening, children. Now, we have two changes in staffing this year. We're pleased to welcome back Professor Grubbly-Plank, who'll be taking Care of Magical Creatures while Professor Hagrid is on temporary leave." He explained, and Val looked at the others.

"Why is Hagrid on temporary leave? My father never breathed a word of that to me. Does anyone know if he's alright?" She asked, and they all shrugged. None of them had ever been that fond of Hagrid as it is. She thought maybe she could ask Hermione later, but they were just as clueless as she was.

"We also wish to welcome our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Dolores Umbridge." He introduced her. He gestured to the woman on the end, next to her father, who was wearing all pink. She looked absolutely atrocious, and the way she was constantly smiling and just giggling... It irked her beyond belief. She wasn't going to enjoy that woman in the least, she could already tell that. "And I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing the professor good luck. Now, as usual, our caretaker, Mr. Filch, has asked me to remind you..." He was cut off when Professor Umbridge cleared her throat. Everyone was giving her an odd look, even Professor Trelawney, who was immensely odd herself. She stood from her seat and made her way over to Dumbledore's podium. He didn't move over for her, so she just stood in front of it and spoke. She still had that unbearably fake smile plastered on her face.

"Thank you, Headmaster, for those kind words of welcome. And how lovely to see all your bright, happy faces smiling up at me. I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends!" She gazed at them all, her hands clasped out in front of herself politely.

Val looked around at everyone. "I don't think I see one person in this room that is bright or happy when looking at her."

She looked over when Draco stifled a laugh. He almost choked on his food, grabbing his glass of water to take a drink. He wasn't able to resist himself when his eyes met hers. She saw it, then. The sorrow that lied behind his gray eyes. Lolita was right, like she always said she was. There was something going on with him, and she had a feeling it had something to do with his close relation to Voldemort. She could never be too sure with him, though.

"The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance. Although each headmaster has brought something new to this historic school," Umbridge looked over at Dumbledore, and he just smiled at her. "...progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected, and prune practices that ought to be prohibited."

She let out a giggle as she returned to her seat. Dumbledore, out of common courtesy, began clapping for her, leading the others to slowly and reluctantly do the same. "She seems dreadful."

"She's clearly only here so the Ministry can keep an eye on what's being said and taught at Hogwarts. It's not a secret that everyone knows the Ministry is refusing to believe Potter and Dumbledore that You-Know-Who is back, which leads everyone to refuse to believe them, also." Blaise told them all, and they nodded. Slytherins knew firsthand the truth, as most of their parents were a part of Voldemort's ranks, and they were expected to be the same.

"Fudge and the rest of the Ministry are a bunch of cowards." Val muttered, and they gave her a look as if she'd just spoken blasphemy. If anyone of great importance had just heard her say that, then she would be treated as if.

"Thank you, Professor Umbridge. That really was most illuminating." Dumbledore said, but you could tell it was forced. He went over the usual rules and changes made this year, and it seemed he was trying to be somewhat more strict.

"Can we even get away with having this party with her around? She has more authority than a professor, after all. I'm sure she has the Minister on some sort of speed dial. She could have us put in Azkaban!" Crabbe worried.

"These parties have been a tradition for so many years that there are enough safety precautions taken in order to ensure the professors can never catch us. We all know that." Blaise reassured him. He just nodded, but they were all a little on edge. They knew with her around and the Ministry interfereing at Hogwarts, they weren't going to have a usually magical year.

The Prefects and Heads led the first years to their Common Room, explaining to them the history of Hogwarts and their own house while also showing them around. It was warming to see their wondrous gazes and amazed expressions as they were introduced to Hogwarts for the first time. It made Val think back to last year, though she didn't allow herself to enjoy it all as much as they were. She was happy for them.

After an exhausting bit of babysitting, she headed back to her dormitory to begin getting ready for the party. They were having it in the Gryffindor Common Room this time around. There were already more safety measures taken to ensure they don't get in trouble, like painting passageways to right outside the entrance to the Common Room.

"What are you wearing tonight?" Val asked Lolita. She gave her a look, knowing she wasn't normally that interested in talking about fashion.

"Well, if you must know," She giggled, standing from her chair and walking over to a dress bag that hung on a hook in the stone wall. She unzipped it to reveal a shiny, sparkly, maroon long-sleeve dress with a cinched waist, a slit above the left leg, and a v neckline. "This is what I'm wearing."

"That is stunning, 'Lita." Val walked over to it, touching the material. It seemed to be itchy, but Loltia's motto was always pretty hurts.

"What are you wearing?" She asked after zipping it back up for now.

"I'm not sure. I was thinking about this black leather skirt with this black, cut-off tank top and my black knee-high boots." She held it out, and Lolita nodded quickly.

"My little girl is growing up." She faked a sniff, causing Val to laugh. She changed into it, then once Lolita was ready and they'd already had a bit to drink, they headed to the Gryffindor Common Room. They showed up fashionably late, as usual. The Head Boy and Girl hurried them in, being sure to make sure no one saw what they were up to.

"A whole new ten that I can lay down with. Sent the pic to me, told her that she looked astoundin'. Walked in and she cut the downwind. And she liked the way I'm well-rounded. Don't talk too much, if I'm honest with you, might be off too much. I banged one too much, I was off the liquor when I called you up."

Val took the drink in the red solo cup that was handed to her and drank it graciously. Lolita dragged her off to where all the others were gathered. Draco wasn't with them, though. He had considered skipping the party, but he didn't want to. He wanted to keep an eye on Val and make sure nothing happened to her. He was standing in the back corner of the room, where hopefully no one would spot him. He was on his third cup and was feeling pretty good, considering he hadn't drank all summer. It was nice, as the alcohol relieved a lot of the stress he was feeling. He knew he couldn't count on it all the time, though.

He had been looking around for Val, but he hadn't spotted her yet. He didn't expect her and Lolita to show up on time anyways. When they finally did, and he saw her, it made his heart hurt. She was so incredibly beautiful. Her outfit was so revealing, and it angered him to think about other guys looking at her the way he was. He couldn't stand the thought of her being with anyone else, or anyone touching her the way he wants to. He wasn't going to let that happen if he could help it. He may have broken up with her, but in his mind, she was still his. He never stopped loving her, no matter what he had to do. It's for the best.

As soon as Fred's eyes landed on Val, his breath left his lungs. She was stunning. The tight, short skirt she was wearing accentuated her curves and hugged her little waist. Her curvy hips protruded out clearly, perfectly showing off her slimthick figure. You could clearly see the contour of her chest as it peeked out of her small top. Her hair was curled perfectly, laying in luscious, silky curls. Her makeup was done sensually, her plump red lips and her dark-shaded eye makeup. He thought back to what George had told him, about making his move tonight. The girls said they'd talked to her about it, and she wasn't opposed to the idea. He was going to ask her tonight, and hopefully she'd agree. Because he absolutely couldn't get enough of her. He knew it was a long shot, but he also hoped that, with a casual relationship, she would end up falling for him and forget all about Malfoy. There was no hurt in trying, right?

"I cannot mention my homies in my song 'cause I know they be trappin' a lot. I can't keep takin' these pills, when I'm in the trenches, they say I be cappin' a lot."

"Here, Val." Seamus handed her a can when she approached.

"Oh, God." She shook her head.

"Why don't we all race?" Theodore suggested with a smirk.

"That sounds fun." Ginny nodded, and Harry gave her a look. "What? Just because I haven't shotgunned in front of you doesn't mean I'm not good at it."

"Well, alright, then." He chuckled at her. "I'm in."

"Alright, who all's participating so I know how many cans to prepare?" Seamus glanced at them all. Val, Harry, Ginny, Ron, Theodore, Luna, Fred, George, Blaise, Seamus, and Dean all stood on tables in front of them. The music was significantly quieter as everyone was watching the competition. Neville counted them down through the microphone, and when the song started, they all brought the cans up to their mouths and popped the tabs, rushing to beat each other. Everyone was cheering different names and laughing. It was such an interesting form of entertainment.

Val was surprised when she finished and looked over to see Seamus finishing right after her. He gave her a look, his face falling when he realized he'd been beat as the best shotgunner in the school. "And, we have a winner! Valencia Snape!"

Neville walked over and raised her hand. She just smiled and basked in all the students that chanted her name. After Seamus was Fred, then Ginny, Luna, George, Theodore, Blaise, Harry, Dean, and finally, Ron. None of them were too far behind the others. Fred and George walked over to Ron, placing their hands on his shoulders. "No shame in being the last one to finish, Ronnie."

"Just piss off." Ron rolled his eyes at them as he walked off.

"I think you did wonderfully!" Hermione exclaimed. He smiled instantly at her, taking her into his arms and kissing her passionately. She giggled at that.

"What do you all say to a game of Veritaserum or dare?" Blaise proposed.

"You're always wanting to start something, aren't you, Zabini?" Theodore teased him. He just gave him a sly smile. They began to head up to Harry and Ron's dorm. Lolita spotted Draco leaned against the wall. She walked over to him, and he wore an unpleasant face when he noticed her. She rolled her eyes at him.

"We're heading up to play some Veritaserum or dare. Care to join us?" She asked.

He shook his head. "No."

"Come on, Draco. I know you want to. Why are you pushing all of us away?" She asked him. He gave her a look.

"Don't act like you know me, Serpen."

"Last name bases now, are we?" She scoffed. "Maybe Val's right. Maybe you're too far gone."

"What?!" He asked quickly, standing up straight from his position. She stopped in her tracks as she went to walk off. He was concerned. He wanted to know if Val still wanted him, clearly. She knew she was right. She smiled smugly.

"Forget it, Malfoy. Anyways, if you wanna be our friend, you can come up to Harry and Ron's dormitory. Otherwise, I suppose you can stay here, sulking in the corner by yourself." She headed over to catch up with the others. He sighed and rolled his eyes as he just leaned back against the wall. If he was around her, he wouldn't be able to resist the urge to be with her. He just needed to stay away from her, to protect her. They played half a round of Veritaserum or dare, then moved onto Captain Wizard. They played a few rounds of that, it going by quickly now that they all knew the rules. Most of them were pretty drunk after that, but some of them were masters at the game. Like Fred, George, Ginny, and Luna.

"I better get 'Mione back to her dorm. She's liable to pass out right here." Ron spoke up finally. They all nodded and ended the game, standing from their places on the floor as they went to walk out. They parted ways, going to talk to other people, to dance, or to get more drinks. Val was getting another drink, of course. She was having a wonderful time just being with all her friends again. All of them and the drinking made her forget about all her problems. She didn't think about Draco and she didn't think about Cedric's death or the impending threat of Voldemort. None of them did. They were all just being kids, if only for a night.

"I said 'slide' and she slid in with a sidekick. All-white, sippin' red wine with a Tide Pen. Crossed up, Pike's Peak, yeah, I'm on some high shit. Ass fat, got a young motherfucker quite stiff."

"Val, you wanna dance?" Fred came up to her as she was standing at the drink table. She looked at him for a moment, wondering what she wanted to do. Did she want to ask him about that casual relationship? Right now, that seemed like a pretty good idea. She may be drunk, but that just meant that was how she truly felt. Like they said, she could learn what she liked and have someone there, and she could get over Draco. But did she want to get over Draco? She thought back to what Lolita said, about him struggling and just needing someone to be there for him. She shook herself out of her thoughts quickly as she looked up at Fred with a smile. She just wanted to have fun, she just wanted to feel good. For all they knew, this might be the last time. She didn't want to regret anything.

"Yeah, that sounds fun." She nodded. He took her hand and led her out onto the dance floor. They eased into dancing, and she laughed at his silly moves. He smiled upon seeing her smile. He just admired her as she let loose, letting the music overtake her. She moved so gracefully, but it was so hot at the same time. She had no idea what she did to all these men who laid eyes on her.

As Draco watched Fred and Val dance with a scowl clearly displayed on his face, Pansy walked up to him. They'd sat together on the train, but he didn't really say much to her. She looked different, her ridiculous bangs that didn't frame her face well at all, they were gone. Her hair was dark, long, and straight as it flowed down her back. She wore makeup that actually complimented her and made her prettier. It didn't matter, though. Draco still only had eyes for Val, and he only ever would. "Hey, Dray."

"Parkinson," He greeted her, and she just gave him a look. She wouldn't accept that she wasn't good enough for him. She was, and she was going to win him over like that. She'd changed her entire appearance, feeling more confident in her skin. Already, many guys had brought her drinks or offered to dance with her when before, they wouldn't even pay a glance in her direction. She was drunk and she felt good. This was her time.

"Come on, Draco. Let's not do this." She stepped over to him and placed her hand on his shoulder. He drew his gaze from Val and Fred to the girl, giving her an odd look. Why was she coming onto him like this? Didn't she know better? Hadn't she learned? Girls were stupid for him, that was sure.

"Do what?" He asked.

"I know you want me. Don't lie." She shook her head, and he just furrowed his eyebrows at her. "Think about it. It doesn't have to be serious. I can just give you some relief. You don't have to do anything, I'll do it all. Why won't you just give into me?"

A slow song came on, and Fred grabbed Val's waist firmly, in a way that made her stomach flip. It was good, though. It gave her a rush she was unfamiliar with and she liked it. She wanted more. It was almost enough to make her think she really could get over Draco. The way Fred grabbed her, like she was his. For some reason, she was into that, despite being so independent. Maybe this would be good, she really could learn what she liked in a comfortable, fun way.

"I feel the pins running down my legs. Your eyes are looking at me and I'm frozen. I like the way you're taking all control of me. I leave my thoughts behind and I'm open."

"Hey, Val?" Fred asked, his head next to her ear so she could hear him clearly.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"You know I really like hanging out with you..."

"I like hanging out with you, too, Fred." She nodded.

"I think... I really wanna kiss you." He whispered, and he felt her pause for a moment.


"Yeah, but I don't wanna scare you." He said, and she pulled away to look at him. As she did, she noticed a familiar blonde-haired boy behind him, standing in the back of the room. She hadn't seen him all night, assuming he hadn't even come. Now, her heart sank as she saw him and Pansy, ever so close as she had her hands rubbing on his shoulders, standing between his feet as he was against the wall. She couldn't tell if they were kissing or not, but it didn't matter. There was no saving him. He never cared about her. And now, she just wanted to feel something, anything.

"I really wanna kiss you, too." She whispered. He placed his hand on her face, caressing it softly. He gazed at her seductively as he towered over her before leaning down to connect their lips. It was a nice kiss, of course. Val tried to focus hard on it instead of the gray eyes that pervaded her thoughts. She over exaggerated it in her mind, trying to make it seem better and more amazing than it actually felt. His lips were soft and plump, and they moved in sync with hers perfectly. He deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue ever so slightly into her mouth. She closed the gap between them, pressing her body close to his. He placed his other hand on her ass, holding her closely. It just felt nice to feel her against him. It felt nice to finally be doing this with her, after a whole year of wanting to. He didn't even care if it turned into something at this point, he just really enjoyed the feeling. Neither of them had to get attached, but if they did, he wouldn't complain.

"Pansy, you've had too much to drink. Haven't you learned how to handle your liquor by now?" He scoffed, and she rolled her eyes at him as she stood up straight.

"I'm fine, Draco. I can stand, I'm not slurring my words. Sure, I've been drinking, but that doesn't matter. So have you." She gestured to his cup. That was his seventh one at this point. Draco wasn't a lightweight, but after seven cups, anyone would be pretty drunk. She stood between his feet, her face inches away from hers. She drug her hands down from his jawline to his fancy leather belt. He just watched her, not opposing it. The feeling was nice, of course. He hadn't had sex in a year, not being able to stomach the thought of it being anyone other than Val. Maybe he still couldn't, but it was nice for now. His mind wasn't exactly in the right place. He was drunk, and he would take anything he could get right now. As he watched her, his eyes gazed behind them. Val was making out with Fred. His heart sank into his stomach, suddenly feeling like he was going to be sick. He completely ignored how Pansy pressed her lips to his neck, leaving soft kisses in the places she knew he liked. He inhaled sharply when she did, but he still just watched Val. He was mad, and he wanted to relieve it. I can just give you some relief. You don't have to do anything, I'll do it all.

He grabbed her face and kissed her all at once, focusing anywhere other than the memories of Val he was so fond of that replayed in his head. He just wanted his feelings to dissipate, so he could feel okay. Sometimes he wished he never met her. He wouldn't have these feelings, he wouldn't feel so empty and comfortless if he'd never had her and then lost her. But he knew he was a lie. He always felt like that, considering his home life. She was just the only person who could feel that sense of emptiness.

"Baby, I wanna touch you. I wanna breathe into your will. See, I gotta hunt you. I gotta bring you to my hell. Baby, I wanna fuck you. I wanna feel you in my bones. Boy, I'm gonna love you. I'm gonna tear into your soul."

Fred's cold fingers found their way onto her waist once more. His fingertips forced their way between the waist of her skirt and her skin. It sent a chill down her spin. He disconnected their lips, resting his head on hers as he looked into her eyes. There was a darkness in both of theirs, a lust for life. "You gotta stop wearing stuff like this."

"Why?" She breathed out, having it been hitched in her throat before by the way he touched her.

"Because it gets me going pretty bad." He mumbled out. She bit her lip at that, and it only turned him on even more. He grabbed her harshly, pulling her back against him. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

"You're not." She shook her head quickly.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." She whispered. He liked what he was doing to her. She was like a putty in his hands. It was fun, because he knew she was a virgin. She'd never felt like this before. He wanted to show her the best time ever.

"Well, let me know if I do." He mumbled, his hand traveling up to her face again. He ran his thumb across her soft, luscious lips before connecting them once again. She felt his hands move slowly along her skin. Suddenly, his lips left hers and before she knew it, they were on her neck. She breathed in when he sucked on the skin. She never knew something could feel so good. She leaned her head back slightly, letting him know she liked it. Something caught her eye, though, and she looked over to see Pansy flirtatious pulling Draco off towards the exit. She knew what they were doing, she wasn't stupid. She pulled away from Fred and gave him a look.

"Should we go to your dorm?" She asked.

"That's up to you."

"Let's go." She nodded. He grabbed her hand and pulled her off. When they were inside, she stopped him before he could kiss her again. "I don't want to hurt you, Fred."

"You won't." He shook his head. "I know better than that, sweetheart. Friends with benefits. I help you, you help me. It's all good for everyone."

"I know you had a crush on me." She eyed him hesitantly.

"I won't get attached. And if I do, that's on me. You've told me how you felt, there's nothing you can do beyond that." He assured her. "If it's any consolation, it'd be a privilege to get my heart broken by you, Valencia Snape."

"I won't do that to you." She shook her head. "I care about you a lot."

"And I, you. But we're friends. Good friends. And nothing will get in the way of that, yeah?"

"Yeah." She nodded.

"Now, promise me you'll let me know if I do anything to make you uncomfortable." He demanded.

"I promise."

"Alright." He leaned back in slowly to kiss her again.

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