Sign Of The Times // A.H

By Darling_Brook_Peach

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// THIRD BOOK TO UNSAID EMILY: First book not required to read, second is // After Jack and Y/N were kidnappe... More

Sign Of The Times
Chapter 1 - Be
Chapter 2 - Foreigner's God
Chapter 3 - Dinner and Diatribes
Chapter 4 - To Noise Making
Chapter 5 - In The Woods Somewhere
Chapter 6 - Take Me To Church
Chapter 7 - Twisted
Chapter 8 - Lost the Game
Chapter 9 - Quick Musical Doodles
Chapter 10 - Her Life
Chapter 11 - You?
Chapter 12 - Hurt People
Chapter 13 - Back of my Mind
Chapter 14 - Think I'm Crazy
Chapter 15 - Radio Song
Chapter 16 - We Will Be Alright
Chapter 18 - I Can't Relate
Chapter 19 - Your Mother Was Cheaper
Chapter 20 - I Feel Like I'm Drowning
Chapter 21 - Fire
Chapter 22 - You're so Cold
Chapter 23 - 44 Lies
Chapter 24 - Love is a Bitch
Chapter 25 - Warpath
Chapter 26 - Battlefield
Chapter 27 - Your Guilty Pleasure
Chapter 28 - Decode
Chapter 29 - Soldier
Chapter 30 - Highway to Hell
Chapter 31 - Not About Angels
Chapter 32 - Monster
Chapter 33 - Okay

Chapter 17 - Go Fuck Yourself

177 3 0
By Darling_Brook_Peach

Panic Attacks, hallucinations, blood

After that night JJ kept an eye on your the best she could while still working the case from the BAU, Aaron had called you one night and he said they ended up moving stations because the unsub fled the city and he was now about 2 hours away from you. 

"Call me if it ever happens again, okay?"

"Okay. I will, I promise. I'm sorry I have to put you guys through thi-"

"Don't you dare. You are 1000% fine Princess. Is it okay if I talk to Jack before he goes to bed?"

"Definitely, Jack!" You called the little boy into the room and handed him the phone. You got up and brushed your hair while watching him look at you, tell Aaron 'yes' then leave the room. You chuckled softly because he thought he was being sneaky and it was adorable.

Putting your hairbrush down where it lived, you hydrated your face and took a drink of water before finally coming out of the bathroom. Jack walked back in the room about the same time you did and he handed you the phone again, "go get in bed I'll be in there in a second Bub," the boy nodded and walked back to his room down the hall while you put the phone to your ear again. 

"Are you sure you don't need me to come home?" Aaron asked calmly.

"Yes, my love. I just..I'll be okay," you reassured him and there was a calm silence until he spoke up again.

"You should get some sleep, call me at any time if you need anything." With that, you hung up and set the phone down. You rubbed your eyes and sat there for a few minutes before remembering you needed to tuck Jack in before he fell asleep. Standing up, you stretched a little before leaving the room.

The carpet was soft but you knew half of it was dog fur, which you would need to vacuum before it caused Jack's allergies to fly. You walked into the room and felt the temperature shift from decent to warm the second you passed the threshold. You walked over to Jack, who was laying in bed, and tucked him in his blanket. You tickled his sides and he squirmed a little with a giggle before you kissed his forehead.

"Get some sleep, I'll be in my room if you need anything alright?" The boy nodded and you smiled, "goodnight, Jack, I love you." You walked toward the door and clicked off his light, his nightlight illuminating the room.

"Goodnight Mom, I love you too."

The word he addressed you as made you freeze in the doorway, your back still to him but you turned your neck and watched him close his eyes to fall asleep. The corners of your lips angled up ever so slightly as you shut the door a little to trap most of the heat and you went back to your room. 

You grabbed your phone from the bed and messaged Aaron the conversation you just had, still smiling a little. You didn't look at his response that was sent an hour later because you had fallen asleep.

The next day was going smoothly, Aaron said he'd most likely return home today, which both you and Jack were excited for. You handed Jack his sandwich you made him for lunch and you sat down on the couch, "aren't you gonna eat, Mom?"

You still didn't know how to feel about Mom, it was new, random. You didn't want to disrespect Haley even if she was dead but at the same time..she was dead and an ass. You also didn't know how Aaron would feel about it, if he would get mad. You didn't correct Jack or questioned him, he felt comfortable and he was old enough to choose his own addresses for people.

"No, I'm not hungry."

"You didn't eat yesterday either.."

"I did too! I ate dinner with you!"

"One meal a day isn't good for you."

It wasn't that you were starving yourself or anything, you just either couldn't find the motivation and time to eat, or you didn't want to put food in your body. You knew Jack would tattle when Aaron got home and he'd think you were back to your old habits. "I know it isn't, but as you get older sometimes you just don't wanna eat. I'm just no hungry." You gave Jack a small smile and got up to open the back door for Nala to come back inside.

"Nala!" You called for her and clicked your tongue, but she didn't come like she usually did. "Nala!" You yelled for her again and walked outside, looking around the yard and hearing barking. You walked past a tree and gasped when you saw her laying in a pool of her own blood. The sight caused you to almost gag but being a profiler you were used to those type of things. 

"What's wrong?" Jack popped up behind you and you screamed as he jump-scared you. You looked at him and noticed blood on his cheek and hands. "Should I call Dad? I think he's home."

"You should get inside, I don't want you to see this.."

"See what? Nala's fine, see?" Jack kneeled down and scratched the dying dogs ears, "she's just tired from chasing the squirrels."

"Jack go inside!" 

Aaron's POV:

I walked inside the house and heard Y/N yelling at Jack, which concerned me. I set my bag down and Jack walked inside with fear in his eyes, I took a napkin and wiped the ketchup from his cheek. "What's going on? Why is she yelling at you?" I didn't want to assume she was yelling at him in trouble, but with the evidence I had either someone was hurt or he was in trouble.

"Nala was laying in the back yard taking a nap and Mom-Y/N started freaking out," he explained, I looked at him curiously at the new name but figured now isn't the time to speak about it. I walked outside and noticed Y/N was leaning against the tree hiding her face and having a panic attack. I ran over to her and wrapped her up in my arms, which she's already established helps her the most.

She almost pulled back until she recognized who it was and wrapped her arms around me tightly. I rubbed her back and shushed her as she sobbed into my chest. "What happened, Y/N?"

"N-Nala she-" she looked at the dog who was now running around expecting us to play with her, "she..she was just laying in a pool of blood."

"You were seeing things again, Princess." I reminded her and hugged her again while her breathing returned to normal. I slouched down and swooped my right arm under her legs and lifted her up. She tensed a little at the surprise feeling but eased into me as I carried her inside the house. 

After the day went on, Y/N had taken a nap until dinner. While she slept, Jack had informed me she wasn't eating three meals nor two a day. Apparently she had been seeing things for a while and Jack was always told to hide in his room until JJ came home, to which I called JJ and we spoke of what all happened when I was gone. 

After a while, I came to the conclusion that she needed more professional help. So I sat her down and we talked about starting therapy, I told her I'd come to them if she'd feel more comfortable and we ended in an agreement that she would go for at least a while but she wanted me in the room. We sat on the couch in comfortable silence until she looked at me and took a deep breath.

"Do you remember Aria..?"

"I remember hearing of her and her case, yes." 

"She's an orphan..and for months I was her mother figure, and her and Jack got fairly close and-"

"You want to adopt her," I finished the sentence for Y/N and she looked at me with a small nod, I took a moment to think in my head. It wouldn't be a bad idea but I honestly wanted at least two kids with Y/N if not more, I don't know how open she would be to having more than Jack and Aria especially after her last trauma with a kid.

"You don't have to say yes I'm sure nice family will find her I just.." she trailed off and played with her fingers.

"I've always dreamed of having at least two or more kids with you, Y/N. I know we never talked about having our own kids but.." I trailed off and dragged her up to my lap, "whatever you decision is. After all, you would be carrying the child, it's your body, your choice." Y/N was quiet but she kissed be tenderly.

"I don't care if we have 10 kids, Aar. I want a family with you and only you. Always and Forever," she bit her bottom lip and kept her forehead on mine as she took my face in her hands. 

"Then let's do it. Let's adopt that sweet girl, get married, grow our family together." I smiled and she did too, her eyes dilating immensely as she looked into my eyes. "You're so gorgeous," I brushed her hair behind her ear and I could tell butterflies ran though her entire stomach. "I love you." I kissed her passionately.

"I love you more."


"Don't tell me what's impossible, I've cheated death a million times, nothing is impossible." She giggled and this time I had butterflies. I shook my head and just kissed her again.

♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣

Hey Lovelies,

Happy chapter ending!! It gets better...and worse from here but the next chapter will be smutty.

Don't forget to comment and vote and I'll see you in the next chapter!

~ Brook ❤

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