Starman | BTS 8th Member | *ੈ...

By happinessnoise

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Jang Jisung joined BTS in 2015 and caused trouble. More

⭑𝘑𝘢𝘯𝘨 𝘑𝘪𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘨
⭑𝘑𝘢𝘯𝘨 𝘑𝘪𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘨


11.9K 342 210
By happinessnoise

Jin was sick.

Therefore the whole dorm was at a standstill. Everyone who was headed to the studio was behind schedule, hoseok had been tasked with getting food, i was at his sickbed.

"Jin?" I whispered to him, slowly shaking him. I didn't want to startle him but he wasn't really moving.

"jin." i said, only slightly louder.

He shifted under his blanket, slowly coming to. His hair was a mess, standing in all different directions. Eyes half open and a frown.

"hoseoks went out to get some things, he'll probably take his time so i hope you aren't too hungry" i laughed lightly, helping him sit up.

He cracked a smile, but closed his eyes soon after.
I rested my head on his bed, in the quiet, i heard a slight movement, before i felt his hand stroking my hair.

"your hairs too long" he said, rolling on his side to get a better look.
I laughed into to bed.
"im serious, sometimes i can't see your face- it upsets me" i could hear him grinning.

I lifted my head up, but his hand still in my hair.
"maybe ill cut it, or maybe ill let it grow past my shoulder, i haven't decided"

"that's a no then" he laughed lightly being careful not to cough.

I simply smiled at him, he knew the answer.

Jin looked up at the clock "you need to go to the studio soon" 
I shook my head, not saying a world.
"no you need to go"
"nuh uh"

I frowned, sitting up in my hair.
"let me stay with you-"
He blinked at me.

"fine" i groaned, knowing i had lost.

I slowly backed away, dragging my feet.
"yoongi will kill you if you don't hurry up"
"im fine with that" i smiled.

I waved goodbye before closing the door.

Taehyung appeared at my shoulder. He was dressed in his red coat and grey hat, as always
"you ready?" he grinned.
I nodded.

I heard a snap behind me. Everyone looked around to see jungkook squeezing the life out of a water bottle.

I gritted my teeth. I wanted to ask if him what was up but i couldn't open my mouth to form the words. And taehyung had already dragged me out.

I didn't think he wanted me to speak.

I just squeezed his hand.

I couldn't see his face, his hair was covering his face.

I knew he was mad at jungkook.

I didn't want to say anything in case he snapped at me.

As he said a few days ago. He was doing it for me. I had privately brought he was immature, but i think it goes deeper than that.

And i didn't like or want to be held accountable for their disagreements.

Don't use me as an excuse because you aren't friends

Maybe if i just kept myself at a distance to begin with they would still be friend.
No offence to taehyung but he needs jungkook more than he needs me,

And if they're friends again i won't have to keep watching my back at night thinking jungkook is gonna kill me.

"Jisung?" taehyung pulled at my arm.

"Huh" i looked up

"We're almost there" he jumped up and down pointing to the building i nodded. We went up the stairs to the dance studio.

Everyone other than jungkook and jin was at home, jungkook was sulking for another hour i would like to think. Hoseok had clearly made his delivery, but looked as though he was in a bad mood.

Best to stay away from him then.

"Drink break" he grumbled going to a corner.

He sipped from his water botel with a sour expression. I decided to go to the toilet, im not used to drinking alot of water, and hoseok alway forces us to drink more.

After a piss break, i returned to the practice room, where everyone, expect a frightened looking namjoon in the corner, was angry.

I looked about hoping i wasn't keeping anyone waiting. Hoseoks bad mood had spread to Jimin and jungkook, who had just arrived, aggravating taehyung.

I spotted namjoon in the corner looking worried.

The maknae line was bickering and telling tales on each other.

"You're out of sync!" Jimin yelled at taehyung shocking him. "To you yes, because I'm doing it right" taehyung growled back.

I swallowed my drink sitting in the corner, reading all the nutritious facts about water seemed suddenly interesting. Hmm.. Alot of salt.

"At least my arms aren't flaying around, i may be doing it wrong, but doesn't mean it doesn't look good!"

"Shut up"

"No you"

"You're a-"

Their bickering was becoming louder and more into a heated argument, not giving valid criticism just insulting.

Taehyung shouting was scary, he had quite a deep voice so it reverberated around the room if he shouted.

I sighed crawling over to the door and opening it and then crawling out trying not to be seen, i slowly closed the door trying to be discrete.

I moved but my face collided with a pair of legs.

"Ow" i rubbed my nose, looking up to find out who i had bumped into.

"oh hello" i stood up, trying to seem natural.

"Are they still at it?"

I nodded.

"It's abit to loud" i sighed marvelling in the quiet, closing my eyes.

I heard yoongi chuckle. I heard the voices muffled through the door.

"Let's get a drink" yoongi said making eye contact with my very much full water bottle.

Ill need the toilet again at this rate.

I followed him anyway, feeling a few coins in my pocket to buy a cat chocolate bar.

While yoongi occupied the drinks machine, looking at all the options.

"You don't drink coffee do you?" He looked over to me cocking his head to one side.

"No" i said quietly counting my coins. I slipped them into the machine pressing the buttons.

I stuck my hand in to grab it as it fell from it's shelf. Hope it doesn't get stuck...

"Do you want one?" I jerked my head to the machine.
He looked at the chocolate and nodded. I pressed the button again.

I handed it to yoongi who was sitting at the lunch table quietly.
He looked at my hand.

"Since when did you start wearing a rings" his eyes followed my hands. Supprised, i looked down.

"i always have."
"not since I've known you."

"well i did loose some in moving here. You're observant." i snickered. He coloured a little.

"You have nice hands" he said but he smacked his hand over his mouth

"uh" he started but couldn't seem to continue out of shock. I laughed.

"You're funny" i chuckled taking a bit out of my chocolate.

Yoongi started laughing to, it gave me butterflies, a feeling of me knowing he didn't hate me as much.

My phone started ringing, it was hoseok.
I groaned, probably going to get told off.

"Hello" i said

"Jisung where are you?" He said panicked.
"with yoongi, why?"

"What, are you okay?" He voice become more startled and i heard a clatter in the background.

"Im fine" i protested. I heard him sigh.

"please talk to me, I've barely seen you all day-" i heard him whine on the other end

I was beyond confused and slightly annoyed.

"Hoseok i spoke to you this morning."

I heard him complain. "But now it's night-" he was cut off my a yell in the back

"oi I hope you're asking him to come to get us, not whining like dog!" I heard someone shout.

Hosoek groaned.

"Jisung did you lock the door?"

I furrowed my eyes, "what? No?"
Wish i had.

"Well the door won't open can you come and..." He trailed off. I sighed.

"Okay" i got up from my chair to go and free them from the room before they bit each other heads off.

Yoongi trailing after me.

"The door isn't locked" i said more to myself. I stopped taehyung with his face pressed against the glass.

"Tsk move" i flicked his nose through the door. He frowned moving backwards.

I was annoyed, the lack of authority here was driving me insane.

I didn't appreciate being forced out of the studio by the arguing.

"They need a talking to" i said through gritted teeth-rattling the door nob.

I soon realized that i needed force so i threw my weight against it.

It soon flung. The members were all on the floor, as if nothing had ever happened.

"Right" i said brushing myself off. I looked at each of them in turn.

"if you want to keep arguing, do that somewhere else, where i dont have to hear it"

I threw my water on the floor, it rolled to meet the others.

"if not ill just leave you to it.." I closed my eyes. I heard them all mumble in response.

"Thank you." I sighed taking the phone and put on music.

The rest of the practice continued in peace and no arguments. By the end of it they all seemed to be getting along fine.

We all walked back looking like some sad party. I walked with hoseok

I say walked but he trailed after me.

"Jisung" he groanedtugging my hood.

"What" i snapped.

"calm down" he nudged me. I tightened my jaw. Im not in the mood.

He beamed, his smile blinding.

I felt funny. I wanted to smile and be energetic, i wanted to be talking and laughing but i couldn't. i couldn't be bothered. I felt drained.

"Jisung!" Someone clapped me on my back making me flinch, a shock wave of pain travelled my back, i tried to ignore it the best i could, turning around to see jimin beaming in my face.

"You looked like you were in a different world" he giggled. I smiled, it was bland.

"You need to wake up a bit, you don't drink coffee do you?"

Why is everyone asking if i drink coffee?

I shook my head.

"Ahhhh makes sense" he was still super energetic for the time.

I took a sip of my water but i heard something. A laugh.

It was distant, in a nearby shop, it sounded so familiar...where?

I choked on mt water, It dripped down my top while i stood still. Rattled i looked around.

3 men were sitting around a table drinking it seemed outside a shop. Then i saw his face...

I first noticed his eyes. They were dark and it seemed no light could reflect off them.

Then the smile.

I knew that wasn't his natural smile. It was to forced.

"Ahhh jisung you spilt water on yourself" taehyung poked my arm, i coughed, getting rid of the extra water.

"Jisung?" He called to me. I dragged my eyes away from the man.

"Oh" i suddenly realized i was soaked.

"come here" he dragged me by my arm and handed me a jacked.

"Wha-" i started, holding the jacket in my hands. He sighed bringing it around me.

Everyone burst out laughing. "You look stupid" jimin giggled putting the hood over my head and pulling the strings.

"Thanks" i whined.

"Noooo he looks cute" taehyung dragged the hood down

"look at him" hoseok ran forward ruffling my hair.

Namjoon was laughing but suddenly stopped when he looked at the time.

"We need to get back jins at home and hes by himself, he's going to kill us" namjoon shuddered.

"You're right" yoongi muttered looking at his phone. We all started speed walking to the dorms which was in sight.

As we walked i couldn't help but think.


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