No Regrets || Lying Hero Deku...

By Jilly_Brownie

110K 5K 836

Izuku Midoriya is a quirkless teenager that wants to become a hero. A pathetic dream, right? That's exactly w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Part II
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Part III
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 11

1.1K 77 7
By Jilly_Brownie

Re-Destro slowly felt his eyes close as he fell to the ground...Exhausted?

Re-Destro tried to comprehend what just happened; one moment he was crushing a little wimp's hand, the other, he was falling to the ground, static in his eyes. He felt his head pound and his legs were aching terribly, and he could only hear ringing in his ears as he crushed to the ground, only to fall unconscious before reaching it.

The soldiers watched in shock as their leader fell down, no visible attack or blood on him. He simply...Dropped.

Suddenly, a shining streak of green light flew out from below Re-Destro's hand, and before anyone could realize what was going on, Midoriya...No, Kyōfu, was standing in front of one of the soldiers beside his comrades, a crazy smirk on his face as his eyes glinted with pride. He leaned in close to the soldier, and the soldier shivered under the gaze and fear, because everyone was thinking the same thing.

How is he so fast again?!

"So, is there any other leader here that I should know of?" Midoriya asked calmly as he leaned in even closer, causing the man to slightly lean backwards to get a little more distance.

"I...I am Koku Hanabata, also known as Trumpet."

Midoriya turned towards the man who was now walking towards him, a look of defeat and a slightly hint of fear in his eyes. He had black hair and what Midoriya saw as female eyes, similar to those he had when he was a child. His hair was messily sticking out, and Midoriya could immediately tell was the type to always gel his hair with how much his hair was resisting sticking out like that, most of them still sticking neatly to his head. His glasses were shattered, and he shakily sighed as he took them off, throwing them on the ground as he took one last step closer to Midoriya. Midoriya smiled at him before speaking,

"Great. Do you know what unofficial deal we made with Re-Destro?" Midoriya asked, straightening, letting the man he previously spoke to slowly step backwards. Midoriya didn't let him speak as he continued speaking,

"We come and meet him here, and he won't sell us to the heroes and will give us Giran back. Then, there seemed to be a slight change of plans," Midoriya said gloomily as he slowly walked up to Skeptic.

"They defeat us, or the heroes defeat us. Either way, we were supposed to fall into the hands of people we do not want to fall into. But, Re-Destor missed out on an important point, and I'll have to be the one to revise it with you right now." Midoriya pointed to the fallen Re-Destro,

Who's energy was sucked out of him and now zapping around Midoriya.

"Now that we won, you're going to gave to admit defeat." The man sighed shakily as he slowly nodded, before bowing down slightly.

"I believe it is as you say...Our supreme leader has picked a fight with you, and we were defeated. I too will sacrifice myself, as so will the others, for Destro's wish. The liberation army is yours to command..." The man bowed down lower as he gripped tightly at his suit.

Midoriya smirked as he looked down at the man, thinking of different ways to kill him along with Re-Destro, when a sudden thought made him hum in surprise and amusement.

"Mr. President here has money, right?"

Trumpet rose his head slightly in confusuon as he watched a childish smile slowly rise to the greenette's lips.


"That's great." Midoriya simply answered as he leaned forward, placing his pointer finger under Trumpet's chin and lifting it so that he could look him into his eyes from behind the broken lenses.

"We can use that."


"Aw man! There's literally no way to repair this mask! That damn bastard better have a good quality mask-maker, or whatever they're called."

The league rolled their eyes at their leader as he twisted a toothpick in his mouth while spinning the cracked and broken mask All for One gave him in his hand.

"It's kind of surprising you didn't drop it the second you got it, you klutz." Tomura teased as he picked up another sushi with his chopsticks.

"Shut up, hand-face. By the way, what happened to those souvenirs of yours?" Midoriya asked, gesturing at him in circular motions, as if pointing to all his body. Tomura only had one hand left, and it was set aside, kind of dirty and cracked.

"I didn't need them." Tomura simply stated after he swallowed his sushi. The league simply side-eyed him in confusion, and Tomura glanced at them before furrowing his brows and snapping at them,

"Why are all of you looking at me like that?!"

"That's literally so not like you." Midoriya stated, frowning.

"Exactly." Toga agreed, placing her foot on top of the other.

"I'm so proud of you, young Tomura Shigaraki...!" Kurogiri sniffed, and Midoriya held back a snort, respecting the mist man but finding it hilarious how he treated the previously 'young master'. Midoriya sighed as he remembered the way Tomura was so snappy and bossy at them when he was the leader, and even though he still was, Midoriya could tell there was a different tone to his actions; almost like it wasn't simply based of selfishness and lack of proper etiquette.

Midoriya smiled at the league as he put down his toothpick, setting it aside, before picking up the mask that he sat beside him and inspecting it again.

How did I end up with so many people not only following me, but supporting me...? By some random chance? The one in a million luck? All for One's want for entertainment? Either way...


The league turned towards Midoriya, and Midoriya continued to smile at the mask as he held it tightly in his hand.

"Huh?" Toga asked, rising her eyebrow as she fixed her new fur coat. The rest do the league looked equally confused, and Midoriya couldn't help but chuckle as he glanced at their expressions.

"I mean...For everything." The league continued to eye him suspiciously and he shook his head as he sighed and layed down on the couch, placing his head on the arm set and reaching his hand forward, letting him continue to inspect the mask.

"You're weird." Twice stated, and Midoriya was surprised that Twice's second personality didn't speak up as well. Maybe it was because they both had finally agreed on something for once...

Midoriya chuckled and closed his eyes as he put his hand down and relaxed in the couch, feeling at ease next to the people he trusted most...Even Tomura.

"I know." Midoriya answered.

"I know, and I love it."

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