His Warrior Queen: A Haikyuu...

By literalsugamama

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Haikyuu!! Fanfiction Tsukishima x OC Ogawa Nakano needed volleyball to live like a fish needs water. She'd b... More

Foreword by the Author
Chapter 1: She Was the Queen
Chapter 2: Enter Sandman
Chapter 3: Killer Queen
Chapter 4: She's Just a Girl
Chapter 5: What I Did for Love
Chapter 6: Kageyama: So Kiss Me
Chapter 8: I'm Still Standing
Chapter 9: Demons (TW)
Chapter 10: Obsession
Chapter 11: Just One Kiss
Chapter 12: Tsukishima: Only in My Dreams
Chapter 13: Boy, Could He Play Guitar
Chapter 14: Got Me on My Knees
Chapter 15: The Reason
Chapter 16: Tsukishima: A Momentary Lapse of Reason (TW)
Chapter 17: Nakano: The Warrior
Chapter 18: Learning to Fly
Chapter 19: Pressure
Chapter 20: Tsukishima: Ramble On
Chapter 21: Work it Out
Chapter 22: A Moment
Chapter 23: Frustration
Chapter 24: Ladies' Night
Chapter 25: I Think We're Alone Now
Chapter 26: Boys
Chapter 27: The Time of My Life
Chapter 28: Step by Step
Chapter 29: Don't Stand So Close to Me
Chapter 30: Lies, Lies, Lies
Chapter 31: We Are Family
Chapter 32: What You've Done to Me
Chapter 33: We've Only Just Begun
Chapter 34: Dare
Chapter 35: Drowned in Desire
Chapter 36: Love Bites
Chapter 37: Relax
Chapter 38: Weak (TW)
Chapter 39: I Love You
Chapter 40: Brave Face
Chapter 41: You Say It's Your Birthday
Chapter 42: You Wanna Dance
Chapter 43: I Am a Paleontologist
Chapter 44: Passion
Chapter 45: Break Your Walls
Chapter 46: Magic Carpet Ride
Chapter 47: It Was Only a Kiss
Chapter 48: Kuroo: Where Can I Find a Woman Like That
Chapter 49: I'm Coming Home
Chapter 50: I'm Drunk
Chapter 51: All I Ever Needed Was the Music
Chapter 52: Please Let Me Explain
Chapter 53: Nakano: Go Crazy (TW)
Chapter 54: I'm Ready (TW)
Chapter 55: You Did It
Chapter 56: Simply the Best
Chapter 57: A Celebration
Chapter 58: A Hero
Chapter 59: Touch Me
Chapter 60: The Most Beautiful Girl in the World (TW)
Chapter 61: A Kiss From a Rose
Chapter 62: Stars in Your Eyes
Chapter 63: The Rose
Chapter 64: Can't You Come Out to Play
Chapter 65: Let the Music Play
Chapter 66: A Little Drunk
Chapter 67: From Me to You
Chapter 68: Feed Me
Chapter 69: Steppin' Out
Chapter 70: De-lovely and Delicious
Chapter 71: Hinata: Jump
Chapter 72: Nakano: Save Me
Chapter 73: Tsukishima: Stay (TW)
Chapter 74: Tsukishima: Nowhere That I'd Rather Be
Chapter 75: Tsukishima: Never Meant to Cause You Sorrow or Pain
Chapter 76: Isn't it Romantic
Chapter 77: Lay Your Hands on Me
Chapter 78: You Can't Hide
Chapter 79: Get Back
Chapter 80: I Guess I'm Learning
Chapter 81: Goody Two Shoes
Chapter 82: I Won't Give Up
Chapter 83: Up to the Challenge
Chapter 84: Come Together
Chapter 85: Dance With Me
Chapter 86: In Your Eyes
Chapter 87: I Won't Do That
Chapter 88: Eye of the Storm
Chapter 89: Winter Wonderland
Chapter 90: Sleep Now (TW)
Chapter 91: New Year's Day
Chapter 92: Looks Like We Made It
Chapter 93: Rising Up
Chapter 94: Kuroo: This is It
Chapter 95: Bokuto: All Fired Up
Chapter 96: Tsukishima: I Wanna Know What You're Thinking
Chapter 97: Raise a Glass
Chapter 98: Don't Be Sad
Chapter 99: All I Wanna Do (TW)
Chapter 100: Feelings
Chapter 101: Home (TW)
Chapter 102: Take Me Home (TW)
Chapter 103: Try to Remember
Chapter 104: Kiss
Chapter 105: Nothing Else Matters
Chapter 106: Breakdown
Chapter 107: Special
Chapter 108: Kuroo: Same As It Ever Was
Chapter 109: Tsukishima: Two of Us
Chapter 110: Tsukishima: Where Your Destiny Lies (TW)
Chapter 111: You're My Best Friend
Chapter 112: Let's Get Down to It
Chapter 113: Yamaguchi: Welcome to My House
Chapter 114: Kuroo: I've Waited For You For So Long
Chapter 115: Kiyoko: Secrets
Chapter 116: Kageyama: I Know You Care

Chapter 7: Let's Get It Started

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By literalsugamama

"Tobio-chan, it's so nice to see you again.  Thank you for making sure Naka-chan got home safely."

"I'm happy to do it, Ogawa-san.  Nakano is a like a sister to me."  Kageyama smiled at Nakano.  The pair were seated at the dinner table, both working on their second helping of pork curry.  Nakano stuck her tongue out at Kageyama, and he snorted at her.

"Nakano!" Her mother laughed.  "Goodness, you two are like brother and sister." She got up and began to clean up from the evening meal.

"Thank you so much for having me to dinner," Kageyama said around a mouthful of food.

"Dude, that's so gross," Nakano said, her own mouth pretty full.  Her mother just laughed again.  "Wanna play some video games after this?"

"Sure.  I've been dying to kick your butt at MarioKart again."

"You're on."

Two hours later, Kageyama had indeed established himself as the undisputed MarioKart champion, at least between the two of them.  Nakano was about to challenge him one more time when both of their phones went off simultaneously.

"Group chat!"  they both said, opening the app.

Hey guys.  Coach Ukai asked me to pass along that we're moving up the start of practice tomorrow.  Be at the gym no later than 10am.  Interhighs are in a week so we're going to really be working it.  Respond so I know you know.

Pretty Setter
Got it!

NOT Baldy
Got it!

I'll be there.


Pretty Setter
Who changed my name this time?  

The group chat continued to ping with everyone checking in.  Kageyama checked the time.  "Oh man, it's already 10pm.  I'd better get going.  I've got a long walk home, and then I need to get some sleep if I'm going to get to the gym at 10am tomorrow and actually be good for anything."

"You wanna stay here?  I'm sure my mom would let you.  Amalie's at college, so you could use her room."

"You sure that would be okay?"

"Why not?"  Nakano opened her door and yelled for her mom. 

Forty minutes later, Kageyama was all settled in.  Nakano sat next to him on her sister's bed.  Amalie's room was much girlier than Nakano's, in shades of pink and purple, with posters of popular boy bands still lining the walls of the room as they did when Amalie was attending Karasuno.  Random stuffed animals were littered around the room as well.  The only piece of furniture completely cleaned out was Amalie's makeup table.  Nakano chuckled.

"You gonna be okay sleeping in the girl cave?"  she asked Kageyama.

Kageyama looked around.  "You and Amalie are pretty different."  He thought about Nakano's room, done in shades of blue and decorated with volleyball items and weights.  Her one 'girly' thing was her huge collection of stuffed pandas.  They covered one whole wall of her room, with the largest ones being down on the floor.  "I can't imagine you ever having boys plastered all over your walls, or setting yourself up a makeup table."

"Yeah, I've never really been the girly girl type.  I can't see the point of spending time putting makeup on when it's not gonna help.  Plus it'll just come off when I work out anyway."

"What do you mean, 'not gonna help'?"

"Makeup is supposed to make you look all beautiful and whatever, right?  Well, given the state of things, I don't think it will do any good.  No one's gonna look at my face when the braces are in front of them."

"What are you talking about?  Everyone looks at your face.  You're really pretty, Nakano.  Why do you think I worry about creeps like that guy Kuroo?"

"He wasn't so bad.  Just cheesy.  Besides, I bet he does that to every girl he sees.  I'm sure it had nothing to do with me."

Kageyama was getting a little upset.  What the hell, he thought, she's so good looking.  Why doesn't she know that?  "Hey, quit that.  The only reason I can't see you bothering with a makeup table is that you don't need one.  You're already beautiful.  So quit being down on yourself.  Did you see that Kuroo guy trying pick up lines on Kiyoko?  He went after you."

Nakano laughed.  "Noya and Tanaka would've killed him."

"Quit changing the subject.  You do know you're pretty, right?"

Nakano laughed again and hugged him.  "Get some sleep, Tobio."

He broke the hug and held her at arms length.  "Nope, not until you stop this.  Naka-chan, I worry about what's gonna happen when you finally decide to let yourself think about boyfriends again.  Because you're gonna have all kinds of guys lining up to try to date you.  And as your only brother, I'm going to be working overtime checking them all out, and making sure they are worthy of you.  Because I'm sure as hell not gonna let any of them hurt you."

"Tobio...are you serious about this?"  She searched his face and it did not seem like he was teasing.  He looked genuinely concerned.

"You're damn right I am.  I bet any one of the guys on the team would date you in a heartbeat, if you showed any interest in them.  I would have.  You're really beautiful, inside and out."  I've never been able to say these things to her before.  But she really needs to hear them.  I'm glad we worked everything out today, he thought.  I hope she believes me.

Nakano blushed a deep red.  She couldn't believe what Kageyama was saying.  Beautiful?  She grimaced internally.  He doesn't see what I really am.  How selfish I've been.  How much I've hurt the people around me.  I know he means well, she thought, but he doesn't know what's really happened in the past three years.  If he knew, he'd never call me beautiful.

"I don't know what to say, Tobio," she said, looking down at her hands in her lap.

"You don't believe me, do you?"  She didn't look up.  "It's okay," he said, hugging her again.  "I get it.  It's probably gonna take some time.  Well, we've got all the time you want.  I'm your best friend, and I'm never leaving you again.  So, little sis, we can keep having this conversation as often as you need it, until you believe me."  She chuckled as he called her 'little sis' again.

"I love you, big brother."

"Finally accepted the truth of it, hunh?"

"It's only fair for me to let you win sometimes."  He could hear the smirk on her face.  He pushed her over.

"Hey!  Who won every game of MarioKart today?"


Kageyama and Nakano continued to 'discuss' whether or not Nakano had let him win at MarioKart last night as they approached the volleyball gym at Karasuno.

"Face it, Tobio, you can't prove I didn't deliberately throw every game we played last night."

"You face it, Naka-chan, I know you are too competitive to do that for Two. Straight. Hours.  I beat you.  So just accept it."

"Accept what?"

"Accept that I am better than you."

She gave a him a look that made him shudder.  "A-at MarioKart," he hastily added.  She laughed and tossed an arm around his shoulders, carefully controlling her wheelchair with the other.  "And that," she said smiling, "is the only reason I'll let you have the honor of being the big brother."  He gently elbowed her off him and laughed.

Suddenly an orange blur came barreling past them.  "Noooottt ggoooonnnaaaa loooooosssse!" it shouted, the words seemingly stretched out from the Doppler effect of it speeding by.  Kageyama took off like a shot. "DUMBASS!!" he shouted as he sped after Hinata.  Nakano just laughed and shook her head.

"Ugh, I swear, they share one brain cell between them," came a familiar salty voice.  Nakano turned to see Tsukishima and Yamaguchi walking up behind her.

"Good morning, Yams, Tsukki!"  She called.

"Morning, Nakano!"  Yams replied with a wave.  Tsukishima just nodded.  Looks like she walked here with the King, he thought.  He furrowed his brow.  He lives on the other side of town from her...was that what yesterday was all about?  Did Kageyama make a move on her?  Are they dating now for real?  I'm pretty sure I saw her with her arm around his shoulders...maybe she just needed support?  But she's got her wheelchair, why would she...

"Everything okay, Tsukishima?"  Nakano asked.  He was startled to discover her walking next to him.  "You look a little...upset."

"What?  No.  Ugh, just exhausted already watching the King and the Shrimp acting like such total morons.  We've been called in for an extra long practice and they start off by wasting all their energy trying to be first to smack into the gym doors."

Nakano laughed as she spotted the two boys lying on the ground in front of the gym.  She stopped and stood over them, looking at their upside down faces as they both gasped for air.  "So...who won?" she asked.

"Tie," Kageyama breathed out, trying to calm his heart rate.  Shoyo looked like a fish out of water, sucking in as much air as he could with each breath.  Nakano laughed again.

"Oh my gosh, you are such idiots," Tsukishima said with a smirk.  Both boys sat up and glared at him.  

"Yes," Nakano said, ruffling both boys' hair with her hands, "but they are both adorable idiots." She walked up to the gym doors to unlock them as Noya and Tanaka arrived and beamed at the two first years sitting on the ground.

"The angel called you both adorable!  You've been blessed!" Nishinoya sang out.

"That's almost as amazing as being hit by Kiyoko!" Tanaka gushed.

Tsukishima stepped around the four and sighed.  "And our senpais are apparently also using that same brain cell..."  Yamaguchi just chuckled and followed the blonde into the gym.


It was a long, hard day of practice.  Coach Ukai kindly provided lunch for the team, but he made them work for it.  When he finally dismissed them after outlining the plans for the remaining week of training before the Interhigh Prelims, everyone was thoroughly exhausted, including Nakano and Kiyoko.  The boys all stayed in the gym to help clean up, however, as they could see both of their managers were pretty wiped out.

"So I suppose the King will be walking you home again today," Tsukishima said as Nakano walked past him, pushing the ball basket.  She looked at him quizzically.  "No," she said, "he lives the other way.  Besides, it's still light out, so it doesn't really matter anyway.  Why?  Are you and Yams not walking home today?"

A brief look of surprise crossed Tsukishima's face before he settled his features back to their usual bored look.  "No, I'll walk you home.  I just didn't want to have to walk with the King.  I don't have the energy to deal with his stupidity right now."

Nakano rolled her eyes.  "Well, you don't need to.  In fact, if you'd prefer to avoid my stupidity as well, I can leave you in peace today."

He clicked his tongue in annoyance.  "I said I'd walk you home."

"As you wish, m'lord..." she dropped him a mock curtsy when her legs wavered and she began to fall.  Tsukishima caught her quickly and steadied her.  

"Definitely walking you all the way to your door again.  What have I said about you overdoing it?"

She colored slightly.  "It was a long practice.  It was fun setting for you guys, though!"  Ukai had asked Nakano to run a spiking drill while he and Kiyoko prepared lunch. 

He rolled his eyes.  "Let's go get changed."

"Right," she replied.

Twenty minutes later, the team headed out from Karasuno.  In pairs or singles, they each peeled off, headed for their own homes, calling out goodbyes.  Finally, Tsukishima and Nakano waved goodbye to Yamaguchi and headed towards their own neighborhood.  It was a pleasant early evening, with the Sun headed down towards sunset.  The pair walked slowly, both rather exhausted.

"Are you sure you should be walking at this point?" the blonde asked.

Nakano smiled at him.  "I got this."

He rolled his eyes.  "You say that all the time, even when you clearly don't 'got this.'  Why don't you let me push you for awhile."

She turned away, facing forward.  "Because if I don't keep it up, I'll never get better.  I'm hoping to go on a run with you guys later this week.  If I can't handle walking home from practice, I certainly won't be able to convince Daichi to let me run with you."

What's so great about going for a run with us, he thought.  Why do you do this to yourself?  Tsukishima looked at the strawberry blonde girl in confusion.  It's only going to hurt you in the end.  And...I think maybe you've been hurt enough.  Dammit, what the hell is wrong with me?  Why do I care if she chooses to do stuff that is just gonna bring her more pain?  It's her damn choice.  His features became hard.  I should just quit worrying about it.  I'm going to stop at my own street and not even bother about getting her to her home.  She's right, it's daylight, and she's made it clear that she can handle it all herself just fine...

"Thanks for walking me home again, Tsukishima."  He looked up in surprise.  They were standing in front of Nakano's gate.  She chuckled.  "Guess we both kind of zoned out there, huh?"  

"Yeah," he said softly.  Nakano looked at his face.  He looks worn out, she thought.  "Hey, you got a couple minutes?" she asked.

"Uh...sure?"  He sounded kind of dazed.

She opened the gate and pointed down a small garden pathway.  "Follow that around to the back, you'll see a couple benches.  Have a seat and I'll come join you in a minute."


She smiled at him.  "You look kinda tired.  You went out of your way to walk me here, so the least I can do is offer you a chance to rest a couple minutes before you finish your walk.  Besides, the sunset is pretty, and our backyard faces that way.  It's nice out here, so let's enjoy it."  She opened her door.  "You like strawberry soda?"

"Yeah, sure."

"I'll bring a couple out then.  Go sit."

He walked along the path she'd indicated.  I spent that whole time irritated with myself and with her, he thought, because I don't understand her.  And she responds by worrying about the fact that I look a little tired.  And she thinks she's a selfish bitch?  He sat down on a bench and looked at the sunset-colored sky.  I don't think she knows what those words mean.  He sighed softly, watching the gently changing pinks, purples and oranges among the clouds.  And she's with Kageyama now?  I just really can't understand how that's possible.

"Here ya go," Nakano handed him a strawberry soda as she sat down on the bench beside him.  

"Thanks," he said, sipping on the drink.  It tasted good.  He looked around the yard a little.  "Is that a volleyball court over there?"

She laughed.  "Yep, my own personal training zone.  My dad had it put in for me when I started physical therapy."

"No wonder your volleyball skills are still so great."

She looked at him.  "Thanks, Tsukki."

"I guess you and Kageyama must use that court all the time."

"Kags?  Nope, he's never even been on that court."

"Really?  Well, I guess that will be changing in the future, right?"

She looked him full in the face.  "Tsukishima, what are you talking about?"

"Aren't you and the King finally officially dating now?  He insisted on walking you home yesterday, and then you both arrived together this morning.  I assumed he confessed to you.  The King and Queen of the Court, together at last."  He swallowed a big mouthful of the soda and stared off into the slowly darkening sky, not looking at Nakano.  He took her silence as confirmation of his assumptions.

Suddenly, Nakano exploded in laughter.  

"What the..." Tsukishima looked over at the girl to find her almost doubled over, tears running down her cheeks as she laughed and gasped for air.  He was completely perplexed.  He just sat there, staring, not having a clue what was happening.  She slowly got her breath back and clapped him on the shoulder.

"What...what is it with you and your concern over my love life?"  she gasped out.  She took a deep breath to steady herself and drank some of her soda. "Look, I told you before.  Kags and I have never dated.  Kags and I will not be dating in the future.  He's like the brother I never had.  I can't imagine dating him - ever."  She thought back to their adorably awkward kiss of the night before and started chuckling again.  "Honestly, Tsukishima, since it seems to concern you so much, I'm not really thinking about dating anyone right now.  But if I were, Kags would not be on the list of potential love interests.  Are we good on that point now?  Have I made it clear?  Me and Kageyama - not a thing."  She smiled at him, her blue eyes sparkling.

He couldn't help but let out a small smile at her amused face. "Got it.  It just seemed like...well...such a classic confession scenario."

She laughed again.  "Okay, I admit you're right about that."  She smirked at him.  "Maybe that's how you'll do it when you finally work up the courage, hmmm?  You seem to spend a lot of time worrying about whether or not I'm available.  Could it be that you want to confess to me yourself?"

He glared at her.  "Oh, don't you wish, Queen."

"I don't know..." she said, her eyes still sparkling as she looked around the yard, "we're sitting together, watching the sunset, sharing a soda...this also seems like a pretty classic set up..." She leaned over with her head turned up toward him and batted her eyelashes, giving him an over the top lovelorn look.  "Don't you have something you want to say to me, Tsukki?" she asked in a squeaky, sappy, intensely girly voice.

He tried hard to stay serious.  He really did.  But she was just too funny looking at that  moment.  His mouth quirked into a wry smile.  "Yes, I do."  She started making kissy motions with her lips. He sipped his soda one more time, then poured the rest of it on her lips.  The sticky sweet liquid ran over her face, into her hair and down her shirt as she spluttered and jumped up.  He laughed aloud.

"Oh really?  Take this!"  His eyes widened as she put her thumb over the opening of her soda and started to shake it.  He stood up, backing away.  "Nakano you wouldn't I still have to walk...AAAH!" he yelled as a spray of strawberry soda caught him in the face.  "You..." he reached over to the girl, trying to grab the soda.  She tried to run, laughing, but the braces slowed her movements.  She knew she was doomed.  He caught up to her easily and wrestled the bottle out of her grasp.  Fortunately for her, the rest of the soda had already spilled out in the process of the struggle.  He frowned.  

"Well that's unfair.  How am I supposed to get my revenge now?"  He looked at her and chuckled.

"Your revenge?  Which one of us has more soda on them?" She pointed at her stained tee shirt.

"Yeah, but you got my glasses.  Everything is all...smeary."

She laughed.  "All right.  Truce.  Come on inside and wash off your glasses before you head home.  I'm not having Daichi mad at me because you couldn't see and tripped over your own two feet trying to walk a block."


The midday bell sounded on another lovely Monday.  Students started leaving Class 1-4, most of them headed outside.  Tsukishima, Yamaguchi and Nakano headed for the rooftop, Nakano keeping her promise to only work out during lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Today, she would be joining the boys for a relaxing meal.

"You sure you don't mind going up to the roof?" Tsukishima asked, carrying Nakano's bento as she folded her wheelchair while they walked.

"I'm looking forward to it.  It's really nice out today, and if I'd had to spend another minute in that stuffy classroom, I'd have been sound asleep.  Fresh air and sunshine sounds ideal.  Don't worry, Tsukishima..."

"...she's got this." Tadashi finished for Nakano with a smile.

Nakano fixed the freckled boy with a mock glare.  "Don't you start getting sassy on me too, Yams.  I get all the sass I can handle from this one."  She jerked her thumb at Tsukishima.  

"Please," the tall blonde retorted, "look who's talking about sass."

The trio stepped out on to the roof, and made their way to a quiet and sunny spot to eat.  Nakano settled into place, draping her jacket over her legs.  Still hiding them I see, Tsukishima thought.  

"Are you calling me sassy?  Me?  I was not the one who started the great soda war."  Nakano complained to the blonde as she opened her bento.

"Excuse me?  You were making ridiculous kissy faces at me."  Tsukishima shot back.

"Kissy faces!?" Yamaguchi exclaimed, "When did all this happen?"  Tsukishima blushed ever so slightly.  Wow, Yamaguchi thought, Tsukki is blushing.  He didn't tell me anything at all about spending time with Nakano away from practice.  I can't believe this is happening...

"You mean he didn't regale you with the story of our battle in the backyard?"  Nakano laughed.

"No..." Yams looked at her with interest.  "Please, do tell me."  He glanced over at Tsukki, who was studiously eating his lunch.

Nakano told the whole story.  "...so then, he got the bottle from me, but all the rest of the soda had spilled out.  He had the nerve to complain that he couldn't get his revenge!"

"Well, I couldn't.  You deserved to be punished, spraying soda all over my glasses like that."  Tsukishima smirked at the girl.

"I deserved...dude!  You poured soda ON MY FACE!  It soaked into my hair...my shirt...my BRA!"  She chuckled as both boys colored as she yelled out about her undergarments.  "I had to shower after you left and put all of my clothes in the wash!  What did you have to do?  Wash your face?"

"So you admit that I got the better of you?" Tsukishima smirked at her again, leaning in towards her face.

She leaned fractionally closer to him.  "They sell soda in the vending machines by the gym.  Do not make me go buy one."

Tsukishima snorted.  "You'd never get there and back before lunch was over."  And then he mentally facepalmed.  Did I just say that?  I am such an ass!

Nakano's eyes flashed sharp for a moment, then she smirked.  "Then I guess I'd have to send my faithful friend Yamaguchi to get a soda for me."  She looked over to Yams, who was watching the two spar with a smile on his face.  "What do you say, Yams?  Wanna help me put this smart aleck in his place?"  She poked Tsukishima in the chest.

Tsukishima scoffed.  Yamaguchi laughed aloud.  "Sure, Nakano!"  "WHAT?" Tsukishima stared at his best friend as Tadashi stood up and trotted over to the door of the roof.  "Oh don't worry, Tsukki," Yams turned back with a devilish little smile, "I'll buy a soda for you, too."  He disappeared through the door.

Tsukishima and Nakano just looked at one another, confused.

Yamaguchi grinned from ear to ear as he made his way towards the vending machine.  This couldn't be going any better if I had deliberately planned it, he thought.  I am so glad Tsukki got Nakano to start joining us for lunch.  You're going to start coming out from behind those walls you've built Tsukki, whether you like it or not.


It was at Tuesday afternoon's practice that Daichi called for a run after their usual warm ups.  The boys groaned as always, but Nakano silently exulted.  She'd been waiting for the captain to call for a run, and today was finally the day.  She got up from stretching and started heading towards the door with the others.  

Daichi came over to her.  "Nakano?  Where are you going?"

"I'm going to run with you today, Cap.  I'm ready."

He looked at her.  "What are you talking about?"

"Five miles, right?  I can do it now.  Let me come along with you and show you."  He looked at her skeptically, and she leaned in towards him, whispering.  "Please don't tell the boys, but I've been doing six miles on my own to make sure I'd be ready when you called for a run.  I got this, Cap."

He fixed her with a stare that made her a little uncomfortable.  "And why don't you want me to tell the boys, Nakano?"

She rubbed the back of her neck.  "Well, some of them think I push myself too much."  Namely Tobio and Tsukki, she thought.  

"Really," Daichi said, leaning closer to her, "Were you somehow not aware that I am one of them?"  Nakano's eyes widened at his somewhat intimidating aura.

"Uh...please, Cap?  I...uh...I've trained hard for this..." Nakano wasn't sure if she was making her case or digging her own grave.

"Hey Captain, are we heading out?" Hinata called from the door of the gym.  He was bouncing up and down, ready to run.

"Yep," Daichi called, "But first, I have a request from Nakano.  She wants to join us on our run today."

"YEAH!" called Noya, Tanaka and Hinata.

"Absolutely not," said Kageyama and Tsukishima simultaneously, and then glared at each other.

Narita chuckled to Ennoshita and Kinoshita.  "Well, that was predictable."

Nakano threw Daichi an irritated look.  "Guys, I've been working on endurance.  I've successfully completed several six mile runs on my own..."  Nakano faltered when she caught Kageyama's wide eyed glare, "...and I think I'm ready to come along this time.  Please let me join you!"  Nakano bowed.

Noya and Tanaka burst into tears.  "Daichi!" they exclaimed, "Let her run with us!"

Daichi shook his head at the pair.  "We'll put it to a vote.  All those who think Nakano should join us..."  Noya, Tanaka, Hinata, Suga, Kinoshita, Asahi, Kiyoko and Nakano all raised their hands.  "All right, Nakano," he said with a sigh, "looks like you pulled a slim majority."

"YES!"  The girl smiled brightly at her supporters.

"However," Daichi continued, "here's how this will work.  Asahi and Suga, you'll be her running buddies.  If anything happens to her, it's your job to make sure she gets back safely."  Daichi's smile turned a bit...evil.  "And Tsukishima and Kageyama...if indeed Asahi and Suga have to help her back here...you'll be allowed to decide what her penalty should be."

Both boys turned a wicked grin on to Nakano.  "Oh heck no.  Not happening.  Asahi, Suga, I promise you, I got this.  Daichi, you really know how to motivate a girl.  Let's get it started, boys!" 

Daichi laughed and headed out the door at a jog, Nakano on his heels.  The rest of the team followed suit.  

Daichi set a brisk pace for the boys.  Nakano stayed towards the back of the pack, trying to take it a little easy on herself.  She really did not want to run the risk of paying whatever insane penalty Tsukishima and Kageyama were bound to try to impose on her should she falter.  Asahi and Suga stayed near her, and encouraged her.  She looked ahead to see Kageyama and Tsukishima actually talking with one another.  I'll be damned, she thought.  Daichi, I did not give you enough credit.  I bet you knew those two would so love the idea of devising some kind of hideous penalty for me to pay that they'd even work with each other in order to get to do it.  She chuckled.  Well played, Cap, well played. 

Yamaguchi dropped back to join her.  "Hey Nakano!  How are you doing?"

"Just fine, Yams!  Thanks!"

She flashed him a smile, and he looked down at his feet, blushing a little.  "I...I'm sorry I didn't vote for you..."

"Hey, don't be silly!  I know you guys worry about me, and I really appreciate that.  I can't be mad at you guys for caring, now can I?  Plus, I'd imagine you were a little worried about something like that happening..." She gestured up ahead with her chin, where Kageyama was calling Hinata a dumbass and whacking him on the head.  She laughed.  "Tsukishima probably wouldn't hit you, but dealing with him giving you the cold shoulder would be kinda tough on you, wouldn't it?"

Yamaguchi's eyes widened.  He really did hate it when Tsukki shut him out, and that was at least part of why he hadn't raised his hand in favor of Nakano.  He blushed a little.  "How do you know me so well after such a short time?"

It was her turn to color a little.  "I'm a pretty good observer, Yams.  You and Tsukishima have been friends a long time.  I can see the dynamic you've built up."  She smiled.  "Don't give it another thought, okay?  I'm just glad to be out here with you guys."

A little later in the run, Nishinoya dropped back to chat with Nakano as well.  "What's up, Noya-senpai?" she asked with a smile.

"I gotta ask...if you can run like this without your braces, why do you still need them at all?"

"Well, it's a question of endurance and training.  I'll make it through this run, but after it, I'm going to need to treat my legs, and I'll need to wear my braces for the rest of practice.  I could try going longer without them, but the chance of my legs giving out on me will go way up.  Also, you've seen how jumping kinda doesn't work well for me, right?  Well, my doctor has had me working on jogging for longer distances to get my legs used to impacts again.  I'm not at the point where I can spike or serve yet, though.  Those jumps are too intense - I can't land them.  But...soon, I hope."  

"Wow," Noya looked at her with sparkling eyes, "you're really amazing, Nakano.  I don't know how you do it!"

She blushed and stared down at her feet.  "It's nothing special, Noya-senpai. I'm not amazing... "

"Hey," Suga chimed in, "sure you are!  In the space of a couple of months, you've been able to get to the point where you can run with us!  I think that's pretty amazing indeed."

"Please Suga...I'm just trying to get back on the court.  You...you know that I'm not anywhere near as amazing as you."  She slowed her pace to put herself at the very back of the group, her cheeks red.

"Did I say something wrong?" Noya asked the silver-haired setter.

"No, I don't think so, Noya."

Asahi looked back at the girl.  "What did she mean Suga?  I mean, not that you're not amazing, but...do you know something about her we don't?"

Suga thought back to the night at the training camp.  "We talked once about...her approach to her recovery.  We're helping her with her physical recovery for sure," Suga said, lowering his voice and glancing back at the strawberry blonde girl, "but I think she's got some emotional recovering to do too.  That can be a lot harder."

Asahi looked sad, but then set his face in a determined grin.  "Well, then we'll just have to do our best to help her with that too."

Noya smiled.  "Yeah!'

Soon enough, Daichi led the team back to the gym.  "Get some water, and then get ready for serving and receiving drills.  Fifty of each!"  The groans from the boys were impressive.  Nakano was the last to enter the gym.  "Nice work, Nakano," Daichi said, "you avoided the penalty.  I'm sure it would have been awful, too."  He chuckled.

Nakano smiled a tired smile at her captain.  "Cap, I'm going to treat my legs and keep my braces on for the rest of the day.  I can still set if you need me to."

He placed a fatherly hand on her shoulder.  "Take it easy for the rest of today.  It's going to be a hard week on all of us, and I'm going to need everyone at their best.  Including our managers."

He wasn't wrong.


By the time Friday rolled around, everyone on the team was exhausted.  Afternoon practice had been short, with everyone being sent home to get a good night's rest before the start of the Interhigh Prelims.  Nakano had completed her night routine and was lounging in bed, checking out the group chat.

I'm so excited for tomorrow!  This is gonna be so amazing!

Hinata, don't stay up too late.  I want you well rested for tomorrow. 

And please don't eat too much in the morning.  I don't think Tanaka's pants can take it.

Nice one Yams!  I'm so sorry I missed that first bus ride...

Wait a minute...who changed my name to Dadchi?  What the heck is that even supposed to mean?

Nakano laughed.  Her phone chimed again, this time with a private message.

My Big Bro 🤗
Hey, little sis.

Queen Setter 🏐
Hey Tobio!  How's my big bro tonight?

My Big Bro 🤗
I don't wanna upset you but you know he's gonna be there, right?

Queen Setter 🏐
Yeah, I know.  He'd better stay the hell away from me.

My Big Bro 🤗
He hasn't changed.  If he sees you...

Queen Setter 🏐
Then I'll deal with him.

My Big Bro 🤗
You gonna be okay?  If we're in the middle of a game I may not be able to help.

Queen Setter 🏐
I got this.  I can take care of things myself.

My Big Bro 🤗
Promise me you'll be careful.

Queen Setter 🏐
Promise me you'll kick ass on the court.  😁

My Big Bro 🤗
Deal. 🤗

Queen Setter 🏐
Goodnight, Tobio-chan.  Sleep well okay?  Tomorrow we're gonna fly!  Love you big bro! 💕

My Big Bro 🤗
Back atcha little sis!  See ya tomorrow! 💕

Queen Setter 🏐

My Big Bro 🤗
Go to sleep you weirdo.

Nakano smiled and settled down to sleep.  She was nervous about tomorrow, and not just for her team.  She knew that whatever happened tomorrow, things were going to change.

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