Follow You | Draco Malfoy

Από stark-sarah

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Valencia Snape is introduced to Hogwarts in her fourth year with a certain purpose before her. She finds hers... Περισσότερα

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two

Chapter Ten

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Από stark-sarah

»»———— THE YULE BALL ————««

Saturday came before they knew it. She was standing in the crowds wearing a black sweatshirt tucked into black jeans with a black leather belt and a black coat. She had a pair of black combat boots on as her shoes. Her Cedric button was clipped onto her coat and she held a large sign that said his name. Around her stood Hermione, Ron, Neville, Luna, Seamus, Dean, Draco, Blaise, Pansy, Lolita, Theodore, Crabbe, Goyle, and Marcus. Fred and George were walking around trying to take bets from people on who would win this trial.

"Your attention, please!" Dumbledore began, applifying his voice with his wand. They all went mostly silent, then. "This is a great day for all of us! Each of the three tasks involves very considerable danger. Please keep your seats at all times. This will minimize any risks you may be exposed to. I'm sure we all wish our champions the greatest of luck!"

Everyone cheered at that. Cedric was going first, and when they heard the sounds of cannon, they all began chanting his name. "Diggory, Diggory, Diggory!"

When he first came out, he searched the crowd to find her. Somehow, out of everyone, he was able to spot her easily. He smiled instantly and felt a million times better. There were moments of nervousness that overwhelmed her as she watched, but he came out successful, collecting the Golden Egg without falling victim to the dragon. She cheered for him loudly when he was successful. The whole tournament was fascinating and exciting to watch. She truly did love Hogwarts.

"Three of our champions have now faced their dragons, and so each one of them will proceed to the next task! And now, our fourth and final contestant!" Harry walked out, then, upon hearing the cannon. People were cheering for him, but not as loudly as they did the other competitors. It made Val feel bad for him. They all went silent as he stood there, a clear look of fear on his face. He looked around and spotted the Golden Egg, glistening in the sunlight. It seemed easy enough to get to, but he knew he couldn't be fooled. He had the worst dragon of them all, the Horntail. As he went to make a break for the egg, it showed itself, narrowly missing him as it went to smash him with his tail. From then on, he seemed to be struggling quite a bit. No matter how you felt about Harry, everyone was distressed for him. Hermione reached over and grabbed Ron's hand nervously, to which he held it tightly in his own. Val couldn't help but wish she was holding Draco's hand. As she looked back at him, even he was chewing his nails nervously over Harry's safety.

He casted a charm to bring his broom to him, remembering what Moody had told him that day after the confrontation with Draco. He couldn't have his broom, but he had his wand. That didn't mean he couldn't cast his broom to him. The dragon seemed to have him cornered, but his broom showed up just on time. Everyone cheered happily for him when he jumped onto it. He flew around, avoiding the dragon. Then, suddenly, it broke free from it's chains. Everyone was alarmed, then. Harry tried to lose it as he flew away, and tried to draw it away from the people. Draco grabbed Val and pulled her back as the dragon flew over them, narrowly missing them with its spiked tail. Everyone began clapping excitedly, then. Val looked over at Draco as he watched the dragon fly away. He was still holding onto her shoulder tightly and protectively. "Thank you."

He looked back at her, realizing his hand was on her still. He pulled it away quickly and awkwardly before nodding. Everyone was silent as they waited to see what would happen. Harry finally lost the dragon by the castle and flew back to the stadium. When he appeared in their view, everyone began screaming with cheers, excited that he had made it. They also hoped he wouldn't bring the dragon back with him.

When they returned to the castle, Cedric immediately found Val. He pulled into a hug from behind, startling her. She turned around quickly, giggling when she saw it was him. He grinned at her. "Cedric! You did wonderfully!"

"Thanks. I couldn't have done it without you cheering me on in the stands, though. I heard you the whole time, you know." He told her. She just shook her head at him as she pulled him in for a proper hug. Draco walked past them quickly, not wanting to see it. It hurt too badly. He wished he could just get over her, but Lolita telling him over and over that she does have feelings for him prevented him from doing so.

"Oh, hush. You're a magnificent wizard, that's how." She told him. They stared at each other for a moment, the perfect time for a kiss preventing itself. Val could feel him leaning in, and she quickly tore herself away from him. "What's the clue?"

He followed after her, knowing she was avoiding kissing him. "I don't know. I can't open it without it screeching at me."

"Well, could you open it under water?" She suggested nonchalantly.

"You're brilliant, you are!" He exclaimed. "I've got to run!" She was surprised when he kissed her on the cheek suddenly, leaving her standing there with a red face as he ran off. Well, she just hoped it worked for him.

Later on, she joined Hermione, Ron, and Harry for lunch. Ron received a package from his mum. He opened it up, pulling out the dress robes. "Mum sent me a dress!"

"It matches your eyes." Harry joked. "Is there a bonnet?" He pulled out more of the outfit, holding it up to his chest. "Ah ha!"

"Ginny, these must be for you." Ron told her.

"I'm not wearing that." She shook her head. "It's ghastly."

Hermione, Val, and Harry laughed then. "What are you on about?"

"They're not for Ginny." Hermione giggled at his cluelessness. "They're for you. Dress robes."

"Dress robes? For what?" He furrowed his eyebrows together.

The lot of them sat in Transfiguration class the next day, where McGonagall explained what Ron was going to need the dress robes for. It was unusual as they sat on provided benches while Filch set up a Phonograph. "The Yule Ball has been an ongoing tradition of the Triwizard Tournament since its inception. On Christmas Eve night, we and our guests gather in the Great Hall for a night of well-mannered frivolity. As representatives of the host school, I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward. And I mean this literally, because the Yule Ball is, first and foremost, a dance." The girls were excited while the boys groaned. Val and Hermione were quiet. "Silence! Now, to dance is to let the body breathe. Inside every girl, a secret swan slumbers longing to burst forth and take flight!" McGonagall herself seemed pretty excited about this. "Inside every boy, a lordly lion prepared to prance. Mr. Weasley."

"Yes?" He mumbled out as she walked over to him.

"Will you join me, please?" She offered out her hand. He swallowed hard as he reluctantly followed her out onto the floor. Harry gave him a push as he watched amusedly. "Now, place your right hand on my waist."


"My waist." She repeated, and Fred whistled as he did. She was clearly embarrassing him for talking while she was. She also just enjoyed picking on him because she knew the Weasley boy well. "And extend your arm. Mr. Filch, if you please."

The music started, and she began to count along with it as she led him in the dance, teaching him and demonstrating to the others how it should be done. Ron looked absolutely miserable, and they couldn't help but laugh at him. Fred and George were never going to let him live this down.

"Now, everyone pair up! On your feet!" McGonagall ordered, and they stood awkwardly. Neville danced with Luna while Hermione took over with Ron. Harry danced with Cho, and Val just stood there. It would've been nice if Cedric were in the same class. She was a little annoyed they were taking time out of their learning to be taught a dance for a Yule Ball they'll only experience once. "Miss Snape, join Mr. Malfoy, please."

Val looked up from her hands at him as he stood across from her, twiddling with his thumbs like her. He had done the same. They met each other's eyes. Maybe dancing with him wouldn't be so bad. He clearly didn't want to dance with her, though. She wasn't sure if he even liked her at all at this point. They walked up to each other nervously. Draco put out his hand and she took it. He placed his hand on her waist, giving her a feeling in the pit of her stomach— a good one. He took the lead as the man should, traveling them around the dance floor. "You're a good dancer."

"Mum and Dad had me taught at a young age. Said it was important for me to learn, but I never thought it was." He replied.

"Draco?" She questioned, and he looked up from the floor at her eyes. "Do you hate me?"

"What?" He gave her an odd look. "No."

"Well, I just thought—"

"You think a lot of things." He couldn't help but crack a small smile at her. She wore a big smile, at that.

"I do, don't I."

"I suppose you're going to the ball with Diggory." He said more so than asked.

"He hasn't asked me yet."

"Probably too focused on the tournament to give you the attention you deserve."

"Draco!" She exclaimed, earning some glares from McGonagall.

"It's only the truth."

"Is it?"


"And what makes you think that?"

"Because if you were my girlfriend, I'd be with you every second of every day. In class, at lunch and dinner, in our dorm." He replied, and she felt her throat tighten up as her breathing was hitched. "But, I suppose Cedric is just perfect."

"It's not that." She shook her head quickly, looking down at the ground.

"Then what is it?" He raised his voice slightly.

"I like you so much that I don't want to get too attached, because you'll leave me some day. Like everyone else does." She admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. He blinked at her a few times, surprised that she opened up to him. And now, he knew Lolita was right, that she did have feelings for him. He coudln't help but find it hard to believe that she was attracted to someone like him.

"I'm not going to leave you, Val." He told her genuinely.

"You can't promise that."

"But I am."

"You hardly know me. What if you get to know me and you decide you don't even like me at all?" She shook her head.

"What... Val, why do you think like this?" He asked, giving her a look. Before she could say something, McGonagall spoke.

"Now, everyone switch!"

Later that day, Cedric rushed to catch up with her when he spotted her walking through the halls. "Did McGonagall teach you how to dance, too?"

She chuckled at him. "Yes. Are you a good dancer?"

"Quite the good dancer, if I do say so myself." He nodded. "I can show you at the dance, if you'd like?"

She glanced over at him, then. "Are you asking me to accompany you to the Yule Ball?"

"Well, when you put it that way..." He laughed. She smiled, then thought back to Draco. It would be easier this way.

"Yes, Ced. I'd like to attend the Yule Ball with you." She agreed. He cheered and grabbed her, spinning her around excitedly. She let out a giggle, it being hard to believe she was acting so girly. She was never like this before, but she was happy here with her newfound friends. Hogwarts was a magical place, and she loved it. She was genuinely glad she finally got to attend, despite how she originally felt.

Her father took her shopping for a dress, not pleased at the one she picked seeing as it was so revealing. He let her, nonetheless. He was just happy to see her so happy. She was finally letting people in, and he was beyond proud of her for it. This was all he ever wanted for her.

"So, who are you going to the Yule Ball with?" Lolita asked her one night.

"Cedric." She answered obviously. Lolita hummed at that. She figured Draco would've asked her before him.

"You must like him."

"Of course I do."

"But he isn't Draco."

"Sometimes I hate you." She rolled over, turning off the lights to go to bed. Lolita just laughed at that. She'd be attending with Theodore. Krum was taking Cho, Harry was taking Ginny, Neville was taking Luna, Ron was taking Hermione, Grabbe and Goyle were taking two twins in Slytherin, Fred and George were taking another set of twins in Gryffindor, Blaise was taking a girl from Ravenclaw that he met at the first party, and that left Draco and Pansy.

They sat in Professor Moody's classroom, Val talking amongst Ron, Harry, and Hermione as they waited for him to come in. She was sitting next to Hermione in a desk that was next to Ron and Harry. Just before the class started, Draco folded a piece of paper into the shape of a dove and enchanted it to fly over to Val as he blew it out of his hands. She caught it, then gave him a look. He winked at her. She unfolded it and read it.

Little dove,

Would you like to accompany me to the Yule Ball next week?


Before she could say anything, they were all surprised to see her father enter, using his wand to dramatically shut all the windows with a harsh thump as he did. She had him in class before, and she knew how he acted in front of her classmates. She didn't even react to the sound as everyone else did. He pulled down the projector screen, then turned towards the class. "Turn to page 394." Everyone sighed out, doing as they were told. Moody's class was typically very interactive, so they had no interest in doing bookwork when they were expecting their usual lesson.

"Excuse me, sir. Where's Professor Moody?" Harry asked him curiously.

"It's not really your concern, is it, Potter?" Snape shot at him. He definitely wasn't lying when he said none of Val's friends would receive special treatment at the beginning of the year. "Suffice it to say your professor finds himself incapable of teaching at the present time. Turn to page 394." He reiterated the last part with more force. He used his wand to turn on the projector, and also to turn Ron to the correct page seeing as he couldn't find it for some reason, despite them being numbered.

"Werewolves?" He asked quickly.

"But, sir," Hermione turned to face him in the back of the class. "We just learned about Red Caps and Hinkypunks. We're not meant to start Nocturnals for weeks."

"Quiet." He dismissed her. He walked back to the front of the classroom, again. "Now, which one of you can tell me the difference between an Animagus and a Werewolf?"

Val's hand shot up quickly. She wasn't afraid to speak out in his class.

"No one? How disappointing." His eyes glossed over her. She scoffed at him attempting not to give her special treatment. She glanced over at Draco as he chuckled slightly. She went on anyways.

"An Animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal. A Werewolf has no choice. With each full moon he transforms, he no longer remembers who he is. He'd kill his best friend if he crossed his path. Furthermore, the Werewolf only responds to the call of its own kind." Val explained, and Draco howled with a grin, making Crabbe laugh unnecessarily hard at him.

"Thank you, Miss Snape and Mr. Malfoy." He gave them a look as the class snickered. "That is the second time someone has speaken out of turn in my class. Miss Granger, are you incapable of restraining yourself or do you take pride in being an insufferable know-it-all?" Hermione looked down ashamedly and embarrasedly at her hands. "Five points from Gryffindor."


"Val!" He exclaimed scoldingly, and she quickly shut her mouth. "Fifteen points from Slytherin."

"Professor Snape," She rephrased, putting emphasis on it. "That's not fair—"

"I wouldn't keep talking if I were you." He pointed his finger at her, and she sighed out, leaning back in her seat. He really didn't want people to think he was giving her special treatment. "As an antidote to your ignorance, and on my desk by Monday morning, two rolls of parchment on the Werewolf, with particular emphasis on recognizing it." He demanded, and everyone in the class groaned out with annoyance on their faces.

"Sir, the Yule Ball's next week, and the Triwizard Tournament—" Harry tried to reason, and Snape got into his face as he leaned over his desk.

"Then I suggest you take extra care, Mr. Potter. Loss of limb will not excuse you. Page 394." He articulated his words intimidatingly, then stepped away. "The term Werewolf is a contraction of the Anglo-Saxon word were which means man and wolf. Werewolf, man-wolf. There are several ways to become a Werewolf. They include being given the power of shape-shifting, being bitten by a Werewolf..."

"You're father is insufferable, Val." Ron shook his head. Hermione didn't speak as they left the classroom. She was hurt by what Snape said and for some students whispering that they agreed with him.

"I think he just wants to make sure no one thinks he's giving me or my friends special treatment." She defended him, but there wasn't much she could say to make up for it. She wasn't happy about what he said to Hermione. That was hurtful.

"So, what do you say?" Draco joined her at her side. The others gave her a look as they walked off, leaving the two of them alone.

"I'm sorry, Draco," She began, and his face fell. "Cedric already asked me."

"What about what you said? I told you I—"

"I'm sorry." She repeated, cutting him off. He just let out a long sigh.

"I'll be expecting a dance, nonetheless." Was all he said before walking off. She didn't even think about how that left him with his date being Pansy. Draco was even surprised she obliged after everything.

Soon, the night of the Yule Ball approached. Many of the students had helped prepare and decorate. Lolita and Val spent a lot of time in their dorm, working to get ready. "Come on, Val! Just a little more!"

"I don't like wearing a lot of makeup." Val shook her head.

"But this is the Yule Ball! It's okay to get dressed up." She tried to convince her. Val just sighed and moved her hand away so that the girl could go to work. Lolita smiled pleasedly as she did, continuing on her makeup. She wore some light foundation seeing as she didn't need too much. Her eyeshadow was light brown with golden glitter. Her eyeliner was thin to compliment her eye shape. Lolita had put on enough mascara to make her eyelashes extremely long. Her eyebrows were filled in a little bit this time, as opposed to her normal. Her contour was a little darker, and her highlighter was a shinier gold. She wore sultry red lipstick to go with her dress, which was also red. Her hair was in large, luscious curls one side of it pinned back behind her ear with a gold hair beret. She wore a simple golden bracelet and short golden necklace to match, with all gold earrings. She finally put on her dress, which was, of course, a red satin dress with spaghetti straps allowing it to be backless and a v-neck neckline. It was pulled tight around her waist, shaping to her body perfectly and showing off her curves. It flowed down to the floor, considering this was a formal ball. It had a high slit over the left leg, showing off the simple leg jewelry she was wearing. Then, she placed on her black, open-toed heels and she was good to go. "All the boys are going to faint when they see you."

"As they will when they see you." Val replied, taking in her appearance, also. She was wearing a long, royal blue dress with a spaghetti strap cami neckline and open back. She also had a slit in her dress to show off her legs. She was wearing silver jewelry. Her bright blonde hair was curled, and her makeup looked stunning, even if she was wearing a lot more than what Val would personally like to wear. She pulled it off amazingly.

"I'm so glad we're friends!" She exclaimed, pulling Val in for a hug all at once. It surprised her, but she gladly returned it. She was glad, too. "Come on, let's not keep our dates waiting any longer."

She followed her out of their dormitory and into their Common Room.There were still a few others waiting on their dates, but most everyone had headed off to the ball already. Draco was one of the few left, waiting on Pansy to finish getting ready so they could go together, of course. He looked up when he saw her and Lolita walk out of their dormitory. He was blown away. She looked like some kind of princess. The dress fit her perfectly. He wasn't even surprised by how beautiful she could look anymore. She just was. He walked over to her, drawing her attention. He was wearing an all black suit. She assumed Pansy was wearing black, or something of the sort. It bothered her that they were going together, but she knew it was her own fault.

"You look... Well, I don't have any words." He told her unapologetically. She smiled, looking down at the floor as she blushed.

"You look very nice yourself." She returned.

"Diggory is lucky." He commented. She just dismissed him. "No, I'm serious. Don't forget about our dance."

"I won't." She promised, then hurried after Lolita. Cedric was waiting outside of their Common Room, leaned against the wall. He was wearing a simple black tux with a red tie to match her dress. His jaw practically dropped to the floor when he saw her.

"You look gorgeous." He told her.

"Thank you." She smiled.

"Shall we?" He asked, offering out his arm. She nodded and took it, resting her hand on it slightly once she wrapped her arm around it. They walked up to the Great Hall, where Professor McGonagall found them quickly.

"There you two are! Are you ready to dance?" She asked them urgently.

"Dance?" Val questioned. Already? Why was she in such a hurry?

"It's tradition that the three champions, in this case four, have the first dance." She nodded. Well, Val didn't know that. That would've been nice to know. She was used to everyone's eyes always being on her, anyways. That didn't scare her at all. She didn't care what they thought, she just wanted to have some fun tonight— especially at the after party. She came to find they were always having parties here, but she enjoyed them.

The two of them gathered with the others. "Oh, wow! Diggory, you're a lucky man!"

"Thanks, Ginny. I know." He grinned, his cheeks getting as red as her dress.

"All of you look lovely." Val told them as she looked between Fleur, Ginny, and Cho. "Your dates are very lucky."

"Well, sounds like it's time." Harry commented as the music sounded. They lined up at the doors to the Great Hall, which opened for them. Fleur and Roger Davies went first, then Krum and Cho, Val and Cedric, and Harry and Ginny. Everyone stood apart for them on either side of the room, clapping as they walked in. Draco was jealous seeing Val and Cedric walk out together. He wished it were him.

Val had spotted Hermione, Ron, Neville, Luna, Seamus, Dean, Lolita, Theodore, Crabbe, Goyle, and Blaise who had all complimented her on her appearance. She thanked them quickly as they walked in. "You have a lot of friends."

"I think you have more." She retorted to Cedric, making him chuckle. They stopped in the center of the room on the dance floor. Flitwick directed the orchestra. Cedric took her waist and held her hand in his other. The music began, and they danced. He grabbed her by her waist with both hands after a moment, swinging her around. She giggled, looking truly happy. Draco couldn't draw his eyes away from them no matter how bad he wanted to. He wanted to be the one making her laugh. He was going to get his dance, and he was going to show her a way better time. He was determined to.

Dumbledore and McGonagall stepped onto the dance floor, earning a chorus of claps. Hermione and Ron joined, then. After them came Neville and Luna. Karkaroff and one of the faculty from the castle danced, then. Hagrid offered his hand to Madame Maxime, who gladly joined him. Pansy gave Draco a look, and he reluctantly offered her his hand. As they danced, he was clearly just trying to make his way closer to Val. When he finally did, he stopped and tapped Cedric's shoulder. "May I cut in?"

"Sure." He nodded, joining hands with Pansy. Draco took Val confidently, and there was something about it that made it seem even better than it was with Cedric— who was a wonderful dancer.

"I meant it when I said you looked incredible tonight." He told her as they danced around. "You always do, though."

"Don't flatter me." She shook her head with a humble smile.

"I'm not." He said. "I always think you look incredible."

"You're nothing like this towards anyone else. Why is it me?" She asked.

"I don't know." He shrugged. "From the moment I met you, I just knew you were different. I like that. You aren't one of these girls out here who was just mindlessly following Viktor Krum around all the time. You focus on your studies. Your future is important to you, you have aspirations. You're going somewhere in life. And you're incredibly beautiful, inside and out. The name dove fits you, because you're like this shining golden light wherever you go. Anytime you enter a room, all eyes are on you. You hold yourself high, like a princess. You're confident and self-aware. You're extraordinary. There's not a word out there that could truly describe how astonishing you are."

"Draco," She muttered, not even knowing what to say to that. "I can't believe you think that of me."

"I do, and it's true." He paused. "The question is, how could a girl like you ever care for a guy like me?"

She was caught by surprise when he grabbed her waist and lifted her into the air, spinning her around. She let out a laugh, feeling on top of the world as he held her there. He put her back down, and she gave him a look although she was still smiling. She couldn't wipe the smile off her face. It reminded her of how Hermione and Ron get around each other, with that idiotic grin on their lips they can't wipe away. Because they just feel so much for each other. "What do you mean by that? There are such better choices out there. You could have anyone you want, why would you want to be with me?"

Draco couldn't help but let out a laugh at that, one he almost couldn't stop. She gave him an odd look, wondering what could be so funny. "I'm sorry, it's just... I've said the exact thing about you."

"You're absolutely ridiculous." She shook her head.

"As are you."

"Well, I suppose we can be ridiculous together." She told him, and he smiled at that.

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