Follow You | Draco Malfoy

By stark-sarah

75.8K 1.1K 613

Valencia Snape is introduced to Hogwarts in her fourth year with a certain purpose before her. She finds hers... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two

Chapter Two

3.8K 70 29
By stark-sarah

»»———— HOGWARTS ————««

"Are you ready? Do you have everything?" Severus asked his daughter once more. She nodded exasperatedly, tired of him asking the same question. "Forgive me, I only want to make sure."

"I know." She gave him a small smile. He placed his hands on her shoulders and took her in before pulling her into a tight hug.

"I'm proud of you." He told her.

"Thank you." She said once he let go and she pulled away. He tucked a piece of hair behind her ear before sticking out his arm.

"Well, I suppose it's time to go, then." He offered, and she nodded in agreement. She took his arm, and they Apparated outside of a train station. King's Cross in London. She followed him quickly, wondering why she even had to ride the train there considering he was a professor and he was just going to Apparate to Hogwarts himself. She knew you weren't supposed to Apparate on school grounds, but all the professors always did it anyway. It all seemed kind of silly to her. "I want you to have the full experience." He explained, to which she just shook her head at him. Then walked across platform nine, then he stopped her. He pointed towards the brick wall in between. "Run into it."

"Well, okay..." She mumbled, gripping the trolley that held her trunk and other items. Her familiar, a black, fluffy cat named Hades, sat atop it all. She ran through it all at once, not nervous at all. She ended up on the other side, on a platform that read Nine-and-Three-Quarters. He followed after her, of course going to see his daughter off to Hogwarts for the first time, no matter how late it turned out to be. Every wizarding parent dreamed of and looked forward to this moment.

She took a glance around, seeing all the people. There were hundreds of parents saying goodbye to their children for the year. She was glad she wasn't going to have to do that considering her father would be there with her the entire time. She wouldn't have to miss him, or be completely left alone. She could always come to him when she needed him, which comforted her no matter how independent she was.

There were so many odd familiars, like rats and frogs amongst other things. Severus guided her along to the entrance of the Slytherin train car. "Look at me, Val." He told her, and she did so after wondrously gazing around once more. "Enjoy this. You'll never get this back, and you've been robbed of your first three years. You only have four left. Make the most of it. Promise me that."

"I promise." She mumbled, never seeing him this emotional before as far as she could remember.

"And listen," He paused, inhaling sharply. "I know when your mother left, that hurt you. Even if you don't remember it, even if all you know of her is a name. I know it hurts you still to this day. But you don't have to be scared. Not everyone is going to abandon you like she did. Not everyone is like her. I know it's easier said than done, but please promise me you'll try. That you'll try and get over that part of you that can't trust anyone. That you'll try and make friends here— good friends— that bring out the best in you and care about you and make you happy, Val. Truly happy. I want that for you more than anything. You must do that for me."

She just blinked at him, not wanting to face the truth that came out of his mouth. Maybe her fears were irrational. Maybe she should try and not push everyone away that's ever even so much as looked at her before. Maybe she should try. But, like he said, it's easier said than done. Especially considering it's all she's known for eighteen years. She doesn't have amazing social skills, she's never really made a friend before. Maybe she's overthinking it. It's not as if she truly cares what someone thinks about her anyways. If they like her for her, then so be it. Otherwise, she's not going to go out of her way to change herself in order to make someone like her. She found that gesture simply ridiculous. "I will."

"I'm not saying not to focus on your studies. Of course you should prioritize that over anything, as you do so well. I'm not worried about that. Just choose your actions wisely, but do what makes you happy." He reached out and squeezed her shoulder, and she nodded.

On the train, she continued to think about what he'd said while she stared out the large window at the amazing views. She was sitting by herself, but that didn't bother her. The one's who did sit around her were very curious about her. She was beautiful but silent and emotionless. She was mysterious, because she looked older but they'd never seen her before in their lives.

She hadn't seen Draco yet, and she couldn't wait to hear that conversation. Before she left his manor, he kept going on and on about how he could just ruin her. Because he had such an outstanding reputation at Hogwarts, that everyone listened to him. That she couldn't escape him because she'd be in the same house. And she continued to walk along, none of his words phasing her. Usually, he gained a reaction. One would get angry with him, fight back, threaten him also. Or, they'd be scared. Or, they wanted to be in his good graces because they knew of the influence he had in the wizarding world. Sometimes, that all made the girls even more attracted to him. But she was different. She wasn't like that all. She could care less what he said to her or what he thought about her. She wasn't in the least bit intimidated by him or impressed by him. And, as he thought about it, this could be fun. Pushing her, winning her over. He made it his personal goal this year to get her attention. He was going to have fun with it. He was going to be the one who won her over.

When they arrived at Hogwarts, Val wasn't entirely too impressed with the castle for more than a few minutes. Sure, it was gigantic and the campus covered tons of ground with lots of amazing places to go to and learn from. But, she would much rather be home than around all these people she had no interest in getting to know. But, then the words of her father entered her head once more. Those words called out to a part of her that was deeply suppressed beneath lots and lots of frigidness. For the first time in her life, she recognized that she was afraid. All her life, she'd been afraid. Terrified of being hurt again, terrified of being abandoned or alone. She was scared to let someone in knowing they could just leave her feeling empty and worthless at any point they pleased. People lied about whether or not they cared about you. She couldn't trust anyone. How was she supposed to let someone in? How was she supposed to ever trust someone enough to show them her true self?

She felt sick at her thoughts and disoriented. She tried to push them into the back of her head as she got off the train onto the platform and began following everyone else. A very tall, clearly half-giant man whom she recognized as Hagrid called for first years, but she wasn't a first year. She didn't want to be with the children. So, she just followed everyone else. She almost wished she'd ran into Draco, so that she would know what to do and he could help her out. She didn't like feeling so out of place and lost. She didn't like the emotions that were overtaking her. It was so much easier to be emotionless. Then, she wouldn't have to worry about anything. She wouldn't have to feel anything, because feelings are too much. Feelings hurt, and she didn't want to hurt. She only wanted to focus on becoming one of the most accomplished witches in the world.

They walked down a somewhat long path which was lined with beautiful and evergreen trees. They looked like Pine, with needles instead of leaves and a strong, dark wood that looked as if it was tall enough to reach the sky, which was now dark and lined with stars and constellations. It made her think back to that night with Draco last week.

"I don't recall ever seeing her before, do you?" Ron asked Harry as they trailed behind Val. They thought they knew everyone, but maybe they didn't. Maybe it was someone who had just changed their appearance a lot over the summer.

"No, she doesn't look familiar at all. Though, I can't see her face." Harry shook his head in reply. None of them were able to take their eyes off of her as curiosity filled their minds. She walked so eloquently, like she was royalty. They would be sure to remember seeing someone who put off such a confident aura like she did.

"She's definitely older, especially considering she's not with the first years." Hermione acknowledged, and they nodded in agreement. "Should we go talk to her?"

"And say what?" Ron scoffed, feeling somewhat inferior to the girl before even meeting her. She seemed very important with the way she presented herself. Not to mention, the way she dressed, which she was wearing a very sophistocated and presentable outfit. She wore a dark, royal-blue turtleneck with a plain, black skirt that rose a little too high for what Hermione would prefer to wear. On top of that, she wore some black, knee-high boots with a bit of a platform on them that made her decently tall and more intimidating.

"Well, we'll say hi and ask her if we've ever met before." Hermione shrugged simply, always being the one who's good at talking to people. Though, she was falling victim to the two boys' worry and began to become intimidated by her, also.

"And what if she takes offense to that and hexes us because we don't remember her?" Ron wore a scared look, and Hermione shook her head at how ridiculous he was being... Even if her hands slightly shook from a little bit of nervousness about the situation.

"She isn't going to hex us, Ronald. Don't be ridiculous." She said, then huffed as she forced herself to overcome with confidence. She walked over to her, and the two boys shared a glance before hurrying to follow after her. "Hi, I'm Hermione Granger. Have we met before?"

Val looked over at the girl who was now standing beside her. She had reddish-brown hair that was wavy and slightly messy. Her eyes were a dark brown, but when the moon reflected in them, they shined look pools of honey. She had a perfect and soft complexion, the look behind her eyes showing Val that she had good intentions. She gave off an aura that made her want to trust her automatically. She seemed good-hearted and genuine. Still, Val was hesitant. But, she attempted to be nice and give the girl a chance while stll being cautious. Besides, she was just making small talk. What's the worst that could happen? "Uh, no. I'm new here, but I'm starting in my fourth year. I'm Valencia, but you can just call me Val."

"Valencia..." Hermione whispered out. Well, that explained why they didn't recognize her. It was odd that she was starting in her fourth year. Hermione had never heard of anything like that before. She knew there was something clearly special about this girl, all considering. "Well, that's a lovely name! Where are you from?"

"London." She answered softly, staring down at the map her father had given her in her hands. Hermione could tell she clearly didn't know where she was going.

"Well, you can stick with my friends and I. We can show you around! Hogwarts is wonderful, you'll love it here!" She grinned at her. She was such an enthusiastic and optimistic person. She clearly had a wonderful and appealing personality. Val felt as if she didn't, considering she stuck to herself and was mainly emotionless all the time. Did she even know who she really was? All she ever knew was her house and her father. She didn't have any friends and the only settings she's been in to meet new people are when she's around her father's fellow professors. Then, all she could do was be reserved, polite, and mature. All she did was focus on studying. Had she ever really been able to find who she truly is? Did she even want to do that? Seeing Hermione before her made her want to have that. To have her bubbly and kind personality that everyone finds warm and comforting. Val was anything but that, she was cold and calculating.

"Thank you, that's very kind." Val nodded simply, forcing a small smile. Maybe she should try and be like her. Maybe she wouldn't have to worry about people leaving her, because she was sure no one ever abandoned someone like Hermione.

"Of course! We're friends now!" She returned, putting her hand on her shoulder for a moment. That word scared Val. She didn't want to get too attached. She didn't want them to have a friendship, and then have it just end. She realized now her father was more than right about how she felt, despite her never expressing it to him. She had issues, and that was going to make this all very challenging. "This is Ron Weasley, and Harry Potter."

"It's nice to meet you both." She glanced between the red-haired, blue-eyed boy and the dark-haired, blue-eyed boy. Harry Potter sounded familiar, and she wracked her brain for a moment as she thought about the name. They were staring at her, too, as if waiting for a reaction. Then, it hit her. "The Boy Who Lived."

"Yeah, that's me." Harry chuckled slightly, expecting that reaction. Sometimes, he wished he could just meet someone who had no idea who he was. Who didn't automatically pity him because of the fate his parents met, leaving him an orphan. Who didn't automatically feel sorry for him or off-put by him because he was the Chosen One to destroy Voldemort once and for all. But, that day would never come. He would always have a famous name everyone would recognize. But, he was thankful Val didn't say anymore about his situation. She knew it wasn't her place.

"Now it's time to ride the carriages the rest of the way to the castle." Hermione explained as they approached one waiting for them. It was pulled by an invisible force. They all climbed onto it, and two more people joined them. It was a boy and a girl. "Val, this is Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood."

"It's nice to meet you." Luna smiled brightly at her. She had icy-blonde hair and the most beautiful, crystal-like blue eyes. Her voice was soft and gentle, giving her the impression that the girl couldn't even be brought to hurt a fly. Her whole persona made her seem like she was trapped in a dreamy state.They all seemed like good people, and Val wondered if these were the people her father had in mind before when he was speaking of making good friends.

"Yes, pleased to meet you." Neville stuck his hand out to her. She gladly shook it. He had a thicker accent and there was a wavering unconfidence behind his voice. They all seemed so harmless. He had dark hair and these kind brown eyes that made you just want to embrace the boy. He was like an adorable stuffed bear you just wanted to squeeze. Both of their last names seemed familiar.

On the way to the castle, which was just a ten minute ride considering they were in a carriage, they made small talk. But, the topic itself wasn't small. They spoke about it as if it was almost no big deal. "So, I heard you all attended the Quidditch World Cup. Was it terrifying?"

Val wondered why it would've been considered terrifying, but her question was soon answered. "It wasn't scary at the moment, just when I looked back on it. What was truly horrifying was when Harry didn't reach the Port-Key with us and we thought we'd lost him. We went back for him, and Fudge tried to accuse us of casting the Dark Mark."

"Silly git, isn't he?" Ron shook his head as Hermione explained.

"The Dark Mark? As in, Voldemort?" Val asked quickly, having read books and been explained to her father about the dark wizard. Did he still have followers who were trying to wreak havoc on the wizarding world? They nodded in reply to her question, but gave her an odd look as she spoke his name easily without any fright behind her voice. That made her even more mysterious and a bit more intimidating. If she wasn't scared of He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named, then what was she scared of? Who was this girl and where did she come from? Not just anybody gets to attend Hogwarts starting in their fourth year.

"I saw a man," Harry began, looking away from her and facing Neville once more. "I think he was the one who did it, but I have no idea what his face looked like. It was too dark, and I was afraid he was coming for me so I hid."

"Well, I reckon we can never escape it. Something tells me this year will be full of surprises and terror, as well as the last few years." Neville shrugged, as if it was nothing.

"What do you mean?" Val asked, utterly confused. What was going on? There was more going on here than she ever anticipated. Maybe attending this school now was going to be more fascinating than what she originally thought.

"Have you been living under a rock?" Ron asked, and she wanted to nod her head because she basically had been. "Voldemort's returning. He's after Harry."

They were mostly silent the rest of the way back, and Val was lost in her thoughts. Voldemort was returning? Her father never told her that. Did he not want her to attend Hogwarts because he was afraid of her getting taken from him? She knew he had a fear of that, just like she did. Maybe he wanted her to be more prepared in case something happened. But, she felt that wasn't entirely it at all. She felt her purpose Lucius was speaking of so ominously that night had something to do with the return of Voldemort, and she didn't like the sound of that at all. She knew what Voldemort had done, what he was capable of. He was a terrible and vile being she wanted nothing to do with. She thought his time was over and done with, that she'd never have to experience his wrath like others have— like her father has. But, she was wrong. He was coming back, and she had some sort of important role in it all. Now, she was somewhat angry with her father for not telling her. She knew he used to be a Death Eater in the first Wizarding War. Most Slytherins were, but that wasn't going to be her. She may be a cold person, but she wasn't evil. She had a good heart deep down, and she would have no part in Voldemort's army of Death Eaters whether she's being set up for it or not.

"Do you know what house you're in?" Hermione asked her once they reached the castle. She shook her head 'no', but she had a feeling what it would be. "Well, the lot of us are Gryffindors, so let's hope you'll be the same!"

Of course they were. Val knew of the prejudice between Slytherins and any other house. They weren't going to like her when they found out she was a Slytherin, and that made her wish she was anything but. Then, her mind thought of how she didn't want to change herself for anyone. If they like her, then they like her for her. Even if it hurts that someone may not like her for herself, when she's grown to like them a little bit. She didn't care what people thought of her, no, not unless it was someone she thought well of. That's when it hurt.

As they walked along the stone covering of the entrance courtyard, they looked to their left when they heard a lot of commotion outside. Everyone began piling up at the stone, gazing out through the openings. Val just did the same, confused as to what was going on. There were carriages carried by Pegasuses through the sky, being led down onto a runway by Hagrid. In the Black Lake, a tiny little boat arose from the water as it quickly approached the shore, revealing to be attached to a very large ship with emblems on it that she wasn't sure what represented, but it looked familiar. "What's going on?"

"I'm not entirely sure." Harry answered, but he still had an amazed expression on his face. She couldn't help but be equally as amazed. She hadn't seen such a large scale demonstration of magic before. It was incredible, and it made her a little bit excited with each miraculous thing she saw to be attending this school.

As Val was just following the others through the halls, she felt someone gently grab her arm. She stopped, as did the others, and looked at the tall man which had a hold on her. It was Dumbledore. "Valencia, how pleasing it is to see you within the walls of my school finally. I'm sure you're wondering where you're supposed to be. Let's go to my office, and we'll sort you out so you can get settled in seamlessly."

She just nodded and gave the others a look to say bye. "We'll see you in the Great Hall for the beginning of the year feast!" Hermione waved to her before they walked off towards Gryffindor Tower to get dressed in their uniforms and robes for dinner.

She followed Dumbledore silently through the hall, making it a short ways down before standing before his office. He spoke a magic word, being Cockroach Clusters, which allowed them entrance. She followed him up around the spiral staircase, giving a look at the gargoyle statue that seemed to be eyeing her. When they entered his office, her father was standing there. "How was your journey, darling? Are you enjoying yourself thus far?"

"Mostly..." She mumbled, thinking about all the information he withheld from her. Dumbledore quickly changed the subject.

"Well, have a seat, my dear. We'll get you sorted into your house." He said, and she did so. He put the Sorting Hat on her head, and to their surprise, it didn't come off automatically yelling Slytherin!

"Ah, Valencia Snape. I was wondering when you would come along." The hat said, and she wore an odd look as she didn't expect it to make conversation with her. "I sense some conflict within you. You're very troubled, but it seems you're excited about the new friends you've made. They're good people, you should trust them."

"Are we here so you can sort me into my house, or so that you can give me life advice?" She asked, not wanting to hear from a hat that she assumed knew nothing about her. It chuckled, a booming laugh that hurt her ears and rattled her brain.

"There's that ever-so-fond Snape snark." He commented. "Fine, we'll get to it. But, this is challenging. I see two houses in you, equally. You're courageous, good-hearted, brave, determined, daring, and you have a lot of nerve. More nerve than I've ever seen in one person. But, you're also cunning. You're resourceful and ambitious. You have big plans for the future. You want to be a very accomplished, well-known witch. An Auror."

"Well, which is it, then?" She scoffed, wondering why this was taking so long. She just didn't want to hear its honest words anymore. She'd heard enough from everyone else. She didn't want a wake up call, she just wanted to be stuck in her comfortable, lonely life.

"Which do you want it to be? Gryffindor or Slytherin?"

"Gryffindor?" She asked with surprise. She could only ever imagine herself being considered a Slytherin or a Ravenclaw, maybe. But, as she thought about the attributes the hat listed off, maybe Gryffindor wasn't that far of a reach after all. If she were a Gryffindor, she could be with the new friends she made. But, she would risk her father being disappointed in her. He wouldn't be the head of her house. She didn't want either of those things. Besides, if she was a Slytherin, maybe it would push away all the people she just met. Maybe that's what she needed. "Slytherin."

"A wise choice, but you're picking it for all the wrong reasons."

"I want to be in Slytherin." She demanded more firmly, dismissing the hat's concern. She couldn't believe she was arguing with a hat right now, which seemed to know more about her than she realized about herself.

"Slytherin!" The hat exclaimed, and Dumbledore pulled it from her head as it released itself. She let out a frustrated and exhausted sigh, and Severus wondered what the hat had said to her. Nonetheless, he was proud of her. He was sure Slytherin wasn't an easy decision for the hat to make. He knew his daughter better than she knew.

"Congratulations, Miss Snape." Dumbledore smiled at her, presenting her with her uniforms and robes for the school year. She took them into her arms. "If you'll excuse me, I have to check in at the Great Hall and make sure everything's going smoothly for the beginning of the year feast. The two of you may take your time, and I will see you shortly."

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